Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 280

115 Hearing


I could see that Leo had reached his limits during breakfast. Yuri had pushed him the most. Whereas

everything happened to Devin suddenly and in the dark, away from the mess, Leo had experienced

Yuri blow by blow and had to deal with the mess.

This was extreme.

The responsibility to get everyone back from captivity rested on Leo's shoulders as head alpha of the

East, which was why he was overwhelmed.

Leo had the entire East to secure and loyalty to protect. He had to hide us in the East.

He fought for Brentwood. Housed and provided for the Alphas and Pack members that lost their homes

to the terrorists.

He had to bring us back safely. He almost lost his life last night and was with Devin all through.

I could just imagine how he felt. All that had happened to him was enough to mentally take him off the


It wasn't even his cross to bear, which made it all unfair.

Yuri did this to keep Leo occupied and leave me vulnerable. I had to commend Leo for his strength. He

had been exceptional through it all.

Leo and Devin were caught in a battle they had no business with and were hit the most. I was

determined to turn the tables at the hearing. I was determined to restore order.

After receiving the shots, we dressed up and boarded the large helicopter to take us to the King's hall.

It was a military helicopter, so there would be no comfort, but that was the least of our problems.

Eliminating the threat was all we cared about. Peace and comfort could come after.

Joan called me on my way out after I had explicitly told her not to call my phone. I refused to answer.

We boarded the helicopter, and I realised she was bugging Marcel too. I asked him to answer her and

put her on speaker before the helicopter lifted.

"What is it, Joan?" Marcel asked, sounding short.

"Everyone is here; where are you?" she asked.

"Is it noon?" Marcel asked, and she was silent.

"I am beginning to suspect you have ulterior motives. You have bugged me too much today. I hope you

know I am married," He said, and everyone chuckled.

"I beg your pardon," Joan said, sounding offended.

"You heard me. I know our fathers did not take their bonds seriously and flirted with you and your

friends, but we aren't like them. Get your daughter a single man and stop trying to climb the social

ladder. See you in the hearing," he said and hung up. Everyone started laughing. There was no way

Joan would know we were on to her with how Marcel had spoken to her.

"It's plausible," David said, laughing.

It was amusing, but I did not miss that Leo and Devin weren't laughing.

They had been stretched thing and even though I was King. They bore the burden most.

I stopped laughing out of respect and linked the others to do the same.

"I am sure we will get all of them back," I told Leo, and he nodded.

His eyes were distant. Beta's were always closest to the Alpha. Casper was his best friend. I didn't

expect him to take it lightly.

The rest of the ride was silent. When we were about to get there. We ran a checklist making sure

everyone was set and ready. The women had their darts, and everyone had on their vests. As for our

heads, we just had to hope they wouldn't shoot.

Once the helicopter landed on the pad, we hurried into the building. While Erik, Nelson and Andrew

remained hidden. They were to await my order to let them into the hall. We did not want the people in

the hall to figure out the plan.

Everyone went to take their respective seats, and Devin announced that the meeting was to start.

One of the councilmen, Gideon, was the first to address us. He greeted everyone respectfully and

cleared his throat to begin.

"With all due respect. We would like to know why his majesty called for an impromptu meeting over the

alleged cheating of Alpha Alexei Kuznetsov in the East and Alpha Clay Newton in the South. This

meeting would have been discussed at the end of the month during a hearing as usual," He said, and

Devin shut him up. He did not seem to be in a pleasant mood with the council. I noticed Pamela was

taken aback by his outburst.

"I bet you will also argue that the thievery and terrorism going on in the east and south is not an

emergency, and we should wait until the end of the month to address the matter," Devin asked him, and

Sean decided to interject.

"That is a problem for you and Alpha Leo. Alpha Christian and I have problems too, and we did not call

for a council meeting to address the matter. This can be seen as an abuse of power and association. I

do not understand why we should all be here," Sean said respectfully.

"I do not see Alpha Christain complaining, Sean, so keep your opinion to yourself until you are asked a

question," Leo said with rage. It was clear the news he got this morning had affected his mood greatly.

From waking up grateful to be alive to finding out that his best friend and Beta had been Kidnapped

along with some of the Loyal leaders of the East was enough to push him.

"Why is this building heavily guarded?" Joan asked.

"With all that has been happening in the south and east, we couldn't be too careful," Vino said from his


"With all due respect. Besides being a Volkov, you do not have an office on this council, so you are not

to speak," Pamela said, and I already planned to fix that point today.

"Have you all finished arguing?" I asked, and everyone was silent.

"We do not plan to take much of your time," I said.

"I called everyone here to right a wrong committed several years ago. I am doing this because I want

peace and do not support cheating and manipulation." I said and looked at the camera, knowing the

hearing was being televised.

"Gregory Volkov went back on his promise to Adrain Stepanov and refused to rotate the Lordship

between the two families after they fought to reinstate the Lordship. He altered the agreement and

naming requirements he was sure the Stepanovs would not meet." I said I could feel the uneasiness of

the council and crowd as I spoke, but it was necessary.

"Due to this, a dispute transpired between my grandfather Dimitri Volkov and Adrik Stepanov, who was

supposed to be the rightful heir of the Lordship at that time. He wasn't only cheated but was also

wrongfully accused of treason, of which Dimitri ordered the Stepanov Family and Clan be eliminated

and forgotten," I said and sighed.

"This order was carried out, and Adrik and his family were murdered along with hundreds of

Stepanovs. Their names were removed from history, and it was prohibited to speak about them," I said

and stood up.

"I just learned of this from the stories my mother told me and the living descendants of the Stepanovs

that managed to escape. Grandchildren of Adrik Stepanov and his relatives. Being a man that abhors

injustices and loves peace, I have chosen to right this wrong today," I said.

I linked Marcel to have all the Stepanovs on the floor.

Nelson, Andrew, and Erik were ushered in first and made to stand in the Centre. Alexei, Clay and

Amelia joined them. They had no dye or contacts on. The innocent people on the council and the

observers were shocked at their features. I noticed Pamela's shock and figured she wasn't a part of

Yuri's team.

"As you can see, their features, those of my grandparents' age, can easily recognise the Stepanovs.

Due to the injustice against them, they were forced to scatter about, hiding in the shadows and trying to

survive. A royal bloodline was belittled and destroyed due to greed and malice.

Today I will fix the error and hope the Stepanovs will find it in their hearts to forgive the Volkovs and join

forces with us as we did in the past without ulterior motives to build a better future," I said.

"To correct this wrong. I am appointing Alexei Kuznetsov, first son of Luis Ivanov, grandson of Adrik

Stepanov, as Lord and protector of the West. As head of the Stepanov family, his office will rank

second in command and thus placed above Lord Marcel Sidorov. I hope this position corrects the

injustice committed against Adrik Stepanov and Luis Ivanov," I said, and people began to murmur.

Even Alexei did not expect to get that position, but it was his right as the heir of the Stepanov clan.

"Your family's Estate would be renovated and delivered to you. In return, you are to return the Hill

Valley pack to the rightful Alpha, Maxwell Blanch," I said, and he smiled and bowed his head with relief.

"Clay Newton, son of Luis Ivanov, grandson of Adrik Stepanov. I now grant you Lordship in assistance

capacity to your older brother. To Serve under him as Lord, but you will not be above Marcel Sidorov

but be above Theodore Orlov respectfully as it is meant to be based on lineage and Heirachy. You are

also to return the southern pack to its rightful Alpha," I said, and he bowed and thanked me.

"Amelia Westwood, Head Luna of the East, daughter of Luis Ivanov, granddaughter of Adrik Stepanov,

I at this moment appoint your mate, Leonardo Albert, as Lord and protector of the East, an office he is

to hold and pass on to his son as the rightful heir of the position. Although this office would be inactive

in the time of you and your mate, you are free to make decisions that would improve the East and help

forge a better future for its people," I said, and she thanked me gently.

They went to their seats, leaving Nelson, Andrew, and Erik still standing.

"Behold The new members of the people's council. Councilman Erik Stepanov, Nelson Stepanov and

Andrew Stepanov. The three of you will represent your families and clan on the council as the Sidorovs,

Orlovs, and Balyeaves have represented the Volkovs on the council for many years. Please take your

seats," I said, and Nelson was beaming.

I did not mean to place Andrew and Nelson on the council, but it was necessary for there to be a


I called Vino to the Centre.

"As a Volkov and Lawrence, I reappoint you onto the council to represent The Lawrence Family. I give

you the honourary Lordship title in an inactive capacity by name only," I said, and he looked genuinely

surprised. I could see he wasn't expecting it but had dealt with his demons and proven himself worthy.

The hall was silent, and no one spoke a word.

Knowing we could not waste any more time, I decided to skip to the next matter.

"It has come to my attention that just as Larry worked against me and the peace of our world, some

people missed our radar and have stubbornly continued in this fashion," I said, and the enforcers and

kappas strolled in decked in full protective gear, ready to make arrests. I noticed Joan become very

disturbed, but Leah was calm. Could it be possible that Joan was alone in this?

"There is a Stepanov terrorist that has wiped out many lives. Being immune to silver, he and his group

have used silver dust to wipe out settlements and terrorise people. He plans to divide our world by

force in the name of Justice. It pains me that some of the people who swore to protect lives and govern

the affairs of the people have helped him by playing a massive part in all of this. Because of the

viciousness of their crimes, I have been forced to move quickly without remorse," I said and signalled

Bryce to make the arrests.

"Joan Clayman, Leah Clayman, Sean Garret, You are under arrest for conniving with Yuri Stepanov to

usurp power from the sitting Mornach," Leo said and banged the gavel.

"This is ridiculous! What proof do you have?" Joan asked.

"Plenty. I am sure you recognise Erik Stepanov because he recognises you, " Devin said, and I could

hear his anger.

"Whether you confess or not, there is enough evidence to put all of you away," Devin said, and Leah

began to cry.

"What is happening? Mother," Leah said, and Joan looked at Pamela.

"Won't you vouch for me, Pam?" She asked her friend.

I wondered if Rivers was in on it, but I doubted it since her name was not mentioned.

"If truly what they say is true, then I can't vouch for you, Joan. It is extreme. I mean, I like to party and

hunt for rich noblemen, but this is just absurd. You are on your own on this one," Pamela said,

distancing herself from Joan.

"I am appointing Erik Stepanov as head leader of the North, and henceforth, all Stepanovs are free to

move about. The West would be their home, and anywhere they choose to live. They will not be

persecuted as long as they do not commit crimes. I promise the Stepanov Clan would not be

marginalised or deprived of their fundamental rights. I promise this as their King and as their brother," I

said, ending it all.

"We deserve a fair trial," Sean said, finally speaking.

"Unfortunately, this isn't a democracy," Leo told him.

"I remembered warning a lot of you fools not to side with that monster several years ago. Now, where is

Yuri to help you? It will help you to forget about him coming to your aid because he is a selfish

bastard," Erik said.

"After all King Sylvester did for you, Sean, you still had the heart to betray him. You were not qualified

for that position, but he gave it to you as a form of gratitude, and you used his gift to stab him in the

back. I hope all of you think of your treachery while you undergo severe torture because, unlike Larry

and the others, we do not plan to be lenient," Devin said, and Leah fainted.

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