Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 267

104 Pre-Meeting


I waited for Alexei to arrive so we could attend the meeting together. The fact that the alphas did not

complain about the sudden meeting meant they knew something was wrong.

It was odd of me to suddenly call a meeting impromptu.

Knowing that Alpha Gordon would be there made me want to cringe. I knew I would have to arrest him

right away for arson. So I instructed Max and Kyle to accompany me too. They might no longer own

packs, but they were eastern Alphas.

Alexei did not arrive until seven in the evening.

Erik had listened to my father and gone to seek him. Hill Valley wasn't far from Hayland, so the trip was

quick and easy. Timothy looked worried when I received them at the door of the pack house. He felt

something was wrong.

"Leo, Leo," He said, walking towards me, and I saw Alexei shake his head with boredom.

"Leo, you can't trust this man; he is mad," Timothy said, pointing at Erik, and I looked at Erik, who was

laughing at Timothy. Seeing Timothy now, I knew it was true when they said he reported everything to


"What did you do?" I asked Erik, and he shrugged.

"He told me age is an interesting topic, and he would like to run research on me. He tried to take

samples off me,’ Timothy complained, and I looked at Alexei, who confirmed what he said.

I could not scold Erik for it, so I just told him to apologise to Timothy for giving him a scare.

"I wouldn't have done that if he wasn't going on about my appearance. It gets to me, you know," Erik

said, and I could understand his angle, but I wouldn't blame Timothy; the guy looked weird. Especially

with the two eye colour that I was now uncomfortable asking him about after hearing questions about

his looks got to him. I guess that would remain an unanswered question.

Alexei walked upto me, and we extended handshakes.

"The whole gang, right?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Did the alphas make a fuss?’ he asked, and I shook my head.

"I guess they knew,’ I said, and he nodded.

"What will we do about Gordon?" he asked, having the same concern as me.

"Arrest him quietly tonight. He just won't show up in Hayland. By the time they figure it out, we would

have put everything in place in the north the day after tomorrow. Kyle and Max will secure Hayland

tomorrow just to be safe. It might create a slight issue, but there is no other way. If I speak to the alphas

tonight, he will convey our meeting to Yuri, and we can't have that,’ I said, and Alexei nodded. We

walked into the pack house.

"Have you secured Alia?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"The pack members have moved to the bunkers. Max didn't have many pack members left, to begin

with. The men above ground were the people I brought with me," He said, and I knew that part already.

"By the way, Clay told me how you cheated," I said, and he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck

where the device was embedded.

"Stealing is a crime, you know. I bet the mad scientist does not know you have it,’ I said, and he shook

his head, smiling.

"Anyway, it served its purpose," I said, and he agreed.

"I must confess that I was shocked to see Erik in Hill Valley. Who would have thought he would end up

being our ally? After listening to him, I realised he was misunderstood. Andrew exaggerated things,

claimed he wanted to have Amelia reproduce with his son and so on. The man just wanted a blood

sample from Amelia and the rest of us. He has taken mine, by the way, and I am sure he will ask Clay

and Amelia for theirs," Alexei said, laughing.

"He took mine too," I told Alexei, and he frowned at me. I knew why he would frown because there was

nothing spectacular about me as a person.

"Well, according to him, I am the first Alpha with Stepanov genes,’ I said, and he gasped.

"Don't worry; we aren't related. Apparently, my ancestor, Patrick Volkov, mated with a woman from the

Stepanov clan. Alberts are products of both of them," I said, and he widened his eyes with shock.

"Patrick is Sylvester's ancestor," he said, and I nodded.

"So you are related to Sylvester," he concluded, covering his mouth with his eyes almost bulging out.

"You are closer to him than the Orlovs, Sidorovs and Balyeavs," he said, and I nodded.

I did not know how to feel about it, but I must say I felt good that my lineage was known to me. I knew

where I came from, and my silver healing abilities were finally explained.

"Interesting,’ he said, and I nodded.

"So, is Andrew still on our team?" he asked me. He was worried. I figured he didn't trust Andrew either;

they did not trust their cousin anymore. All three of them; Amelia, Clay and Alexei. It was amazing to

see how they could switch quickly. It doesn't take much to lose favour with the three of them. However,

they might not have grown up together, but their behaviours were alike.

"He tried to use us to get revenge for his father. My father and Susan's father clarified the issue. Yuri

sent Mikhail to eliminate Erik, but Erik got lucky. That was what happened, and that was why Yuri could

not cry foul. Makhail's hands were dirty, and he believed in Yuri's actions. Meanwhile, Erik is just a

scientist that wants to be free." I said, and Alexei nodded.

"I could see that. He was desperate enough to try to change his eye colour with science. That is why

he has two eye colours. He performed an experimental surgery on one and left the other because he

was scared he might go blind," Alexei said, explaining the two eye colours. Though having two eye

colours wasn't impossible, seeing it on a Stepanov was just odd. They all had grey moon cloured eyes.

It has a uniform look.

"Did you ask him about it?" I asked Alexei, and he shook his head.

"Timothy did. He answered Timothy’s question and took out a large syringe to ask for his blood," Alexei

said, and I laughed.

We both laughed.

Sylvester, Marcel, Theodore, Devin and David approached us in the Foyer, and I re-introduced them

again. Alexei was very respectful and treated Sylvester and the Lords with the utmost respect.

"You will soon be joining us in the north,’ David said, and Alexei nodded.

"Alia and I plan to move there," he said, smiling, and they frowned at him.

"What about your pack?" Marcel asked, and he shrugged.

"I only took over the pack to slow down the takeovers. Now that we will deal with the problem, there is

no point holding on to the pack. I want a quiet life; running a pack isn't easy, and my wife is already

exhausted," He said, and we all laughed.

the officeless lordship title. There was just so much I could do at once.

"Well, in that case, you will be most welcome. A property will be secured for you in Lucland to your

liking, or you can just stay in the Stepanaov estate. It will need a lot of renovations which we can

arrange," Sylvester said, and Alexei nodded and smiled.

"I look forward to it." He said, and Sylvester looked at me.

"Shouldn't you be off to your meeting? It should start by nine," he said, reminding us of our

engagement with the eastern Alphas.

"Kyle and Max must follow me because we must arrest Gordon tonight. I would not want to risk the

douchebag conveying the proceeds of our meeting to Yuri. The bastard should not know that we are

ready and prepared." I said, and Theodore nodded.

"I am sure Gordon would have told him about the meeting. If he doesn't hear any news from Gordon,

he might hold his horses and stay put," Theodore said, and it was a plausible outcome. I hoped for it

because whether they had nitric acid or not, it would still result in a blood bath. It was a war we had no

business being caught up in, but here we were, right in the middle of it, taking all the hits the players

were throwing.

Alexi and I left the lords in Foyer. Alexei went to settle in to prepare for the meeting while I went to

dress up for the meeting.

I linked one of the kappas to take Timothy to the hospital so he could spend time with his grandaughter

while she recovered.

It was important he remained by her side. As for Erik, Nelson and the two nurses they came with, they

had each been given a room, except for the nurses who have to share space with the Omegas for just

one night before we leave for the north tomorrow

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