Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 248

The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Chapter 248

Let’s Go


“I want you to listen to me, Timothy, and do as I say. I will send aid to you now,” I said, and the man

was silent.

“I need you to evacuate your people and send them to Hill Valley, nearest you,” I said, and he


“Hill Valley, where that creep is?” he said, and I sighed.

“You have to trust me on this one. Alexei is not the enemy, and he would not take your pack. Inkabod is

the one that sacked Brent in the night, and I think they are coming to sack Brentwood to get a base

close to Mountain. Do as I say, and I will explain the rest to you later,” I said, and he was silent.

“Okay, I will trust you on this one, but you will find a good Alpha to take over Brentwood from me. I want

to retire, and Mirabel isn’t an Alpha breed,” He said, airing his problems.

I told him not to worry and hung up.

Usually, I would tell Timothy it wasn’t my business, but I needed him and his people out of that land

before Inkabod came for him.

“Amelia, I need you to get everyone in the living room of the packhouse. I am coming there now,” I

linked my mate.

“Leo, I am halfway away from the packhouse,” She complained, and I felt terrible.

“Never mind, I will go back,” She said, and I still felt terrible that I would put her through stress.

I told my parents what Inkabod was about to do, and my mother was happy.

“Let’s make some darts and load them up with Promethazine and midazolam. Shot that thing at them,

and capture the bastard. They will attack with an army of twenty-five to thirty. They never go above that

number. They are not as plenty as they seem hence why they operated in the shadows for a while. I

am sure the three Stepanovs here, the warriors, and our darts would nullify them.

They are also likely to pump silver into the air. They always do that to keep people like us in check. You

need oxygen masks for that. It will touch your skin and burn but won’t get into your system. The Nitric

acid sprays are needed too. Forget about your wolves. They won’t let them come out,” My mother said,

rushing through her words.

It seemed like my parents had a checklist of how to battle these things. I was glad to have them home.

The bungalow was too small to accommodate all of us, so I led my parents to the packhouse. I would

have loved Amelia to meet them away from everyone, but Inkabod’s coming attack on Brentwood had

put us on a clock.

We arrived at the packhouse, and my father commended me for building something grand and

beautiful. I led them to the living room, where everyone was waiting.

Amelia stood up and came to me the moment we entered.

I knew she was nervous because it had clicked that they were my folks. I looked like my father, and she

was very smart.

Amelia held onto my arm while my parents looked around to admire the place and the people that were

waiting in the living room.

Tamia was shocked to see my mother, and my mother went to hug her.

I felt weird because Amelia was right beside me.

My mother broke the hug with Tamia and came towards Amelia. She touched her cheek gently and

smiled at her.

“Hello, Amelia,” she said, and Amelia smiled.

“Amelia, meet my mother, Martha Albert, and that is my father, Richardo Albert, but my mother calls

him Richard,” I said officially, introducing my parents to Amelia.

“I wanted this to be private and just us, but something came up,” I linked to Amelia.

“It is okay; I hope I get time with them when all this is over,” She linked me back, and I was glad she

wasn’t difficult or emotional about it.

“You look so much like Louis,” My father said, and I figured he must have known her dad.

“Did you know him?” I asked my father, and he nodded.

“I helped him a lot when he had to move about. We lost contact when he fled to the West. Clay was a

child then, and Alexei was in the north with his mother,” My father said, and he did know them. It also

meant Alexei and Clay were not lying to me.

“Your father was a good man. He was peace-loving and easily content. To think he was the true heir

and he did not want any of it,” My father told her, and she smiled at him.

Amelia could not feel sentiment over a man she never knew. I was angry that Yuri robbed her of that

opportunity. He ruined many lives and still is ruining lives for his ambitions.

Everyone sat down, and Clay and Andrew walked in. I had forgotten entirely that they were with us.

The moment Andrew saw my father, he froze.

“Elder Albert?” he said, and my father looked at him sternly.

“You had some nerves trying to get my son to team up with that psycho,” My father said through gritted

teeth, and everyone was silent.

I noticed Sylvester, Marcel, and Theodore were observing the scene. I had to respect Sylvester for

allowing me to take charge even though he was King. It took a lot of patience, trust and humility for him

to do what he was doing, and I appreciated it.

Amelia instructed the Omegas to bring refreshments and said they could serve anything other than

spring rolls. Avery was grateful for it, and Susan laughed.

“What is going on, Leo?” Sylvester finally asked me.

“Inkabod will be visiting Brentwood tonight, just like Alexei had warned us,” I said and narrated all that

Timothy and I discussed on the phone.

“It means we do not need that bitch as bait,” Linda said, and I nodded.

“We can’t fight him and whatever army he takes to Brentwood. You needed to see them, Leo; they

were ruthless and deadly. We stood no chance,” Kyle said, reliving his ordeal, and I nodded.

“Yes, we can, and we will,” I said. I told them all my parents told me about fighting them.

Sylvester was elated by the time I finished speaking.

Marcel and Theodore looked pumped up and ready. Dominic and David were smiling with relief, and

Devin looked eager. I did not look at Vino, but I was sure he was happy too.

“I think we can take drowsy wolves,” Sylvester said, and I nodded.

It was great news, but the down part of the mission was that we would be restricted for part of it until

the silver had dissipated because of the masks and the fact that we won’t have access to our wolves.

But having Clay, Andrew and Amelia on our side would be to our advantage.

I did not want to drag Amelia into this, but at this point, it was necessary. I decided to withhold the

information about my lineage until we were more settled.

“What would we do after we have caught Inkabod?” Andrew asked, and I looked at him.

“We would go for Yuri,” I replied, and David laughed at how I said it. Everyone knew I had misgivings

about Andrew.

“What about Erik?” He asked, and my father sighed.

“I know why you hate the guy so much, Andrew, but he isn’t the enemy,” My father said, and Andrew

was mad.

“Yuri locked you up, but Erik killed my father. He executed him for treason, all because my father

believed Yuri was right about leaving the Volkovs and dividing the kingdom for a balance,” he said, and

everyone was silent.

It was apparent that Andrew had inner demons to deal with. There was little or nothing we could do to

help with that.

“Your father committed treason, Andrew. I was there. He tried to Kill Erik.” My father said, and Andrew

shook his head.

“Ever wondered why Yuri never went after Erik?” My father asked him, and he could not reply.

“because Yuri was the one that sent Mikhail to eliminate Erik. Yuri claimed Mikhail acted alone, but we

all knew it was a lie. I was there, Andrew and it is sad that your father did not tell you his crimes. I can

tell you what both parties are guilty of, and your father was just as horrible as Yuri,” My father said, and

Andrew seemed a bit confused.

I felt he was high risk. I needed to find a way to drop him, but he knew too much to be left alone.

Sylvester cleared his throat, finally deciding to speak after everything. The atmosphere went cold, and

we were forced to silence. I guess this was why he was referred to as the dark Alpha. He was


“We will do this, Leo’s way. I might be King, but this is his turf, and he has inside information privilege. I

will offer Alexei and Clay lordship as should be and restore the Stepanov bloodline, but I will not divide

my kingdom. Anyone who wants to divide the kingdom is my enemy, including you, Andrew, so you will

have to tell me what side you are on,” Sylvester said with his command.

The women were very uncomfortable. Vino, Kyle, Max, Dominic, Theodore, Marcel, Devin, and Andrew

were affected by his command. Only David, my father and me were stable.

Sylvester had been calm and quiet since they arrived. He had allowed me to run things and plan, but I

guess he was finally taking over.

The aura around him stated it, and it would only be a fool that would go against Sylvester.

He wasn’t referred to as the Dark Alpha for nothing.

He wasn’t feared for no reason.

He could be nice, but he was ruthless.

“Leo, gather your men and all that we need. We are going to Brentwood, and we are going to capture

Inkabod. He might be immune to silver, but we will improvise. This whole Stepanov cult thing has to

end. My grandfather might have wronged them, but they have caused more damage and thus are not

owed retribution. What drives them is greed.” He said and then looked at Andrew.

“I do not care what your sentiments are. But if you know you aren’t on our side, you better run because

if you work against us, I will hunt you down and kill you. Do not let your Stepanov ability fool you; I do

not need my wolf to put you down,” He said, and we were all silent.

I was yet to see Sylvester on the battlefield with those things, but I knew he would hold his ground. Our

fight at the Lucland hospital showed his strength. He wasn’t to be messed with at all. He might not have

the concentrated genes, but he trained all his life, making him a deadly opponent in a fight.

“I won’t work against you, your majesty. I swear on my life,” Andrew said, baring his neck to show


Now that it was settled, it was time to visit Brentwood.

I called Alexei and pleaded with him to accommodate the Brentwood pack members.

My mother, Amelia, Tamia, Claudia, Susan and Linda worked with the omegas to prepare the darts.

Masks and goggles were made available, and even though I knew we would look ridiculous, it would

serve the purpose.

We also got tanks of Nitric Acid to spray into the air once they Spray the silver dust.

Nitric acid would eat and dissolve the silver making the air breathable and giving us access to our


There would be people on stand-by to spray the acid into the air every time they spray silver. My

parents were indeed geniuses. I guess joining the cult paid off after all.

With the hope that all this would work, I selected fifty warriors from my pack and armed them.

Sylvester insisted on coming with us, so we could not leave anyone behind. Marcel, Theodore, David,

Dominic, Vino, Max, Kyle, Andrew, Clay and Devin were all thrilled and eager for the fight.

This was the first time we would test our might against them, so we needed to get it right. This fight

would determine whether we had a chance or not.

Casper had prepared a getaway car for Sylvester and Tamia. No matter what happens, we must

ensure the King does not fall.

Amelia would fight with the men while Tamia, Linda, Avery, Nicole and Susan would use the darts from

afar. Katya, Claudia and Avery would remain in the packhouse because Katya and Claudia weren’t

trained fighters, and Avery was pregnant; we didn’t want to risk their lives.

We set out to Brentwood in the afternoon, so we will position ourselves and wait for Inkabod to come. It

was time to test our theories.

We were risking a lot by having Sylvester with us, but I felt good about this.

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