Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 207

{Book 2} Chapter 46 – ~Leo~

The news about the takeover of Kyle’s pack left me speechless. Amelia and I returned to the house

while she went to the room; I informed Max of what I had heard. Max was in shock.

“Who will defy the King’s orders?” Max asked, knowing that Sylvester had put a temporary ban on

alphas taking over other people’s packs.

It was meant to be in place until we could prove that the two Alphas in question did not win through foul

play as their opponents had accused them.

“Someone or people that do not feel they answer to Sylvester,” I replied, and Max looked puzzled.

If what was said was true, we were in a deeper problem. If the attackers had no regard for the current

order, then everyone was fair game.

“It could also be that kyle had aggravated someone. You know how he is,” Max said, and it was a valid

point, but who would be so aggrieved to the point of risking getting in trouble with the king? I shook my

head, disagreeing with Max’s deduction.

“I doubt that is the case,” I told Max max.

Just then, Amelia walked out of the room wearing my t-shirt with short pants that I could bearly see

because the shirt covered it. She looked worried too.

“Leo is right. Max,” she said, which meant she was listening to our conversation.

And she headed to the fridge to get something to drink.

“I do not understand why he would come to this place after he had unfriended you,” Amelia said, and

though it was funny, none of us had the heart to laugh.

“I just hope he isn’t bringing his problems with him,” she added, and that was a valid point because

Kyle was very vindictive and felt entitled hence why he ended up having issues with Linda and Theo.

“Let’s see,” I said with a sigh and sat on the couch, waiting for Kyle.

I honestly did not want to deal with his problems, but I was worried because whatever happened to him

might spill to the rest of the region.

I had the urge to inform Sylvester, but I wanted to know precisely what happened before I spread the


Kyle arrived an hour later.

The knock was hysterical, which let me know it was him.

It was demanding and urgent.

Max stood up and went to open the door for Kyle.

I had deliberately locked my Always-opened door because I did not want people barging into my home


Kyle stepped in and was shirtless with shorts, which made me know that his wolf had brought him to

my pack.

Anything that would make Kyle run to my pack in wolf form was severe.

His eyes were red, and it looked like he had been crying.

He refused to walk towards the sitting area and stood by the door. Max shut the door behind him and

turned to face Kyle, who seemed he was contemplating what to say and do.

“So, what happened” I finally asked before Max could ask Kyle.

“They came in the night in multitudes. We did not have a fighting chance,” he said, looking at Max.

“Like what you said happened with this Alexie guy. I think that was what happened to us. They pumped

silver dust into the air. And we could not shift. We were busy trying to keep the poison from our lungs. It

would be best if you had been there to see for yourself that I am not exaggerating,” he said, tears

streaming down his face.

“They killed most of the pack members,” he said, weeping.

“I had done everything I could to keep my pack members. Everything, and they were loyal to the end,”

he said, and I needed him to calm down and tell me exactly what happened.

“Do you mind telling me what happened, Kyle?” I asked him, and he nodded quickly. Amelia brought

him a bottle of cold water to help him relax.

“I need something strong,” he said to her as if he was talking to my maid.

“Get it yourself, Kyle; I won’t let you speak to my Luna like that,” I warned him, and he looked stunned.

He looked at Amelia and then at me.

“It’s okay, Leo. I will get him a scotch. He needs it,” Amelia said with a smile.

She had genuine concern in her eyes, and Kyle’s behaviour did not get to her.

I was indeed blessed, but just because things rarely got to Amelia did not mean I would allow people to

disrespect her. Anyone that messes with her would hear from me.

Amelia brought him the scotch and gently led him to sit on the couch.

Then she went to her old room and brought out a damp towel. She draped the wet towel over his

shoulders, and I saw him relax.

Kyle looked at Amelia and smiled.

“Thank you, Luna,” he said, and I wondered how she knew that would calm him down.

“How did you know?” I linked her.

“I travelled mostly in wolf form with my clothes in my mouth. I always looked for lakes to dip in after I

shift back due to the heat Aurora generates after the long trip. Our wolves keep generating that heat

after we have shifted. It is the norm. But you wouldn’t know since you travel with vehicles,” she said,

teasing me with the last part, but we did not laugh. A smile was enough to show amusement; I nodded

with approval.

“I am sorry. I did not know it was official,” Kyle finally apologised, and he did it with so much sincerity

that I stopped being mad.

He drank his scotch, collected the cold water, and gulped it down. I guess his system was conflicted


“They came in the morning. There were no warnings or threats. It was like they wanted to surprise us,

and they did, Leo,” he said, talking to me as if we were still friends.

“The screams of my people woke me up from sleep. It was still dark. I shifted and exited my house. The

moment I stepped out, I breathed the silver and shifted back to my human form. I looked around and

saw weird-looking, partially shifted wolves. Some with white eyes like Luna’s eyes, while others with

blue eyes. It was weird, Leo. I had never seen anything like it before. There was no fighting them, so I

shouted that people should leave and run away. They let some people escape while they murdered

others,” he cried.

“They killed the helpless pack members, Leo; they had no mercy. The less privileged that I settled on

Linda’s lands were the first to get hit. When they were done, they told us to leave Brent and that they

would kill anyone they found on the land onward. They did not stay in Brent, they left, but most of the

people were dead already.” he said and looked at me.

“They killed and displaced people, then left the land bare. There is no one there.” He said, and I

wondered why anyone would clear a pack and not occupy the place.

“This is very strange,” Max said, and Kyle nodded.

“At least Alexie stated why he took over Hill Valley and is currently there as the alpha. He also did not

pump silver into the air. This people’s modus operandi is different, Leo,” Max deduced, and I already

figured that out.

“It is similar to the people that attacked us in the forest in the north,” Amelia said, and I nodded.

I wondered if this was another sect different from Alexie or if Alexie might just be whom he says he is

and not have anything to do with these people, but I could not shake off Alexie’s silver effect on Max.

“I guess I must speak with Alexie to understand the situation. Or eliminate him as a suspect in the least

because he tried to take over Brentwood, and Brent is close to Brentwood and Hill Valley,” I said, and

Kyle looked at me with expectation in his eyes.

“Is that all you will do?” he asked, and I nodded.

“Yes, Kyle. I have to start from somewhere, and that is where I choose to start from,” I told him, and he

shook his head.

“You have to get the land back, Leo,” he said, and I frowned at him.

“Linda will be mad, Leo. I do not want her to be mad,” he said, and I almost; laughed.

The man was genuinely afraid of his ex-wife.

“It is one thing holding on to her land because of the people on it; losing it to strangers is something

else, Leo. Theodore will kill me. Please, Leo. Even if it is Linda’s portion while the rest of my pack

settles in Mountain, it will be kind,” he said, and my eyes widened. I exclaimed before he could take it


“What!” I said, and Kyle shook a bit, then composed himself.

“You can’t bring your people here,” I said, already knowing how congested we were.

“Please, Leo, they have nowhere to go; they are just over a hundred. I have told the rest to seek

asylum with Alpha Corrigan. He did not answer my call. I guess he is still mad at me for something I

did. But I am sure you can talk to him because two hundred people are on their way there,” he said,

and I felt my eyes widen as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. It was Kyle being Kyle again.

“You did what?” I asked, and he was silent.

“It is your duty, Leo. You are head…” he said, and I interrupted him.

“What I have told you I will do is what is my duty. What you are asking for is a favour,” I corrected him,

and he shook his head.

“You took Max and his people in, no question asked,” he argued, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Really, Kyle?” I said, and he nodded.

The guy had forgotten what he said to me the last time he came to my settlement.

“Max is my friend,” I said, and he looked confused.

I hated to be the one to rub it in, but Kyle seemed to have something wrong with his brain, so I decided

to explain.

“The last time you came to this pack. You insulted my mate, then insulted me and told me we could

never be friends. You said you would never come to me for anything again, and I shouldn’t count on

you either,” I said, and shame washed through his face.

He knew he had fucked up with those words. He bowed his head.

“You know I did not mean those things, Leo. I was only angry that it seemed you were siding with

Linda. You have always been my friend…” he said and paused. Then looked at Amelia.

“I am sorry. I apologise for the things I must have said out of anger,” he said, and that was the first time

I would see Kyle genuinely apologise for something. I wasn’t going to get him off the hook quickly.

“I will think about it, but I cannot house a hundred-plus people. I have to reach out to the north to find

homes for them until we solve the mystery of the silver people.

Meanwhile, I will call Devin to discuss your plight. I hope you did not do something unforgivable to him.

We all know Devin isn’t as forgiving as I am.” I said, and Max laughed.

“In the meantime, try not to piss off more people,” I said, and Kyle nodded like a child.

He was desperate and worried. He didn’t want his pack back; he feared Theodore and Linda the most.

I took out my phone to explain what had happened to Kyle to Theodore before springing into action. I

planned to call Devin and plead for the Brent pack members that were on their way to him.

I also planned to call Alexie to schedule a meeting and discuss this with him. I knew he wasn’t part of

these people; I could feel it, but there was a connection somewhere, and I wanted to start with him.

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