Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 182


Morning came, and it was time to head to the King's hall for the hearing. As much as I looked forward

to it, I wasn't enthusiastic about discussing Kyle and Linda's issue.

I knew it would be a mess, and Kyle was too stupid to see that it wouldn't favour him either way.

The truth was that the property and the money belonged to Linda, and there was no argument he

would put forward to help him win.

"Can we branch a convenience store in town so I can get hair dye?" Amelia said, stepping out of the

bathroom wearing a bathrobe and her hair tied in a towel.

I also noticed that she had worn her contacts and realised she had an issue with shocking people with

her stunning features. "We are back to this, aren't we?" I asked with a sigh, and she smiled at me.

"First impressions matter, Leo, and I did not want to shock anyone today," she said, pouting her lips,

and I sighed.

"You won't shock anyone, Moonlight. You need to embrace your features and accept that you are

beautiful in a unique way," I teased, and she giggled and returned to the bathroom. I hoped she went to

take off the contacts.

Not wanting Amelia to sit in the crowd, I immediately called Tamia. She answered on the first ring. From

the way she sounded, I knew they were already on their way. They lived farther from the King's hall, so

it was understandable that they would be on their way.

"Leo?" she said, and I greeted her.

"Is Kyle with you?" She asked me, and I grumbled.

"No, but I know he is in town somewhere," I replied, and she laughed.

"I hope he does the right things today. Sylvester will not allow the case to go any further, and Theo is

gearing up to take the things by force," She warned. I already knew my verdict on the matter. I just

hoped it would be satisfactory to all parties involved.

"I was hoping Amelia could sit with Avery and Linda. I do not want her sitting in the crowd. They can get

acquainted that way," I said, and she giggled.

"Are you sure nothing is going on between you two because you seem overprotective of Amelia to be a

charity case," she pointed, and I covered my eyes with my palm and sighed.

"Tamia..." I said, and she giggled.

"I see. I hope you uncomplicate things. Sure, she can sit with them. I will make arrangements for it

before I get there," She said, and I was glad.

I did not want people staring at Amelia in the crowd at the guest section.

Amelia returned to the room, and the contacts were gone. It made me smile. I planned to search for

where she kept them and make them disappear. She must embrace her features; getting rid of those

things was the best way out.

It didn't take long for Amelia to figure out what to wear. I was impressed with her fashion sense. She

wore lovely grey tailored pants and a cream silk blouse that screamed elegance. She looked like she

was going to do something formal. Amelia packed her hair in a ponytail, letting her face stand out. Her

make-up was mild and straightforward.

Her face looked perfect as if she had nothing on, but she did, and she looked gorgeous.

Looking at her, I remembered the first time I saw her and realised she had put in much effort.

I moved close to admire her, and she smiled at me.

"Am I looking presentable?" she asked, and even though she giggled, I could hear the nervousness in

her voice.

"You look stunning," I confessed, and she beamed at me.

Her platinum blonde roots were pronounced, and they looked great. I honestly wished she didn't dye

her hair, to begin with, but after all, she had told me covering her features was what she taught at the

orphanage. Instead of helping her embrace what made her different, they made her cover it up and

believe she had to look like everyone to be normal. She was perfectly normal with unique features.

I pulled her close and kissed her lips gently. I did not know what was stopping me from moving on with

her, but I was fighting it. I just wanted to be sure before I commit myself and profess my intentions.

She touched my cheek gently and searched my eyes, hopefully. I averted my guess to douche the

emotions we were both expressing, and she I knew my actions let her down because she walked away

to where her bag was.

I got ready, and we headed out.

Max was waiting for us at the entrance. The hotel provided a cab to take us to the King's hall.

The ride to the hall was silent, and there was press at the entrance when we arrived.

Sylvester and the lords were yet to arrive, and I wondered if Tamia had called ahead to prepare a place

for Amelia.

I held her hand and walked her through the crowd. While we moved, the reporters asked nosey

questions about her.

There was such noticeable silence, and I knew it was because of Amelia's looks. I squeezed her hand

gently so she would not be uncomfortable. I held on until we entered the hall.

Amelia moved closer to me while Max went to find a place to sit.

Kyle was there, too, and I did not bother to let my eyes linger in his direction.

"Councilman Leo," One of the kappas said when he approached me.

"The Queen has requested we sit you guest in the noble's loge." He said, and I smiled, glad that Tamia

had kept her promise and called ahead.

I watched as they took Amelia towards the stairs that led to the noble's lodge.

I was surprised to see Lady Stephanie Volkov already sitting there. She must have come separately.

Jake was beside her, and I did not need to guess the rest. Stephanie smiled at me, and I waved at her.

Hard times made unlikely bonds to form. The issue with Larry had somehow made me close friends

with the north, and I doubted our friendship would ever die.

I moved towards my seat on the council to wait for everyone to arrive.

"I was thinking you wouldn't show up this time, and I would have to head to the council again," Devin

said when I sat down. It made me laugh a bit.

"Sorry about last time," I apologized, and he laughed.

"I did not need to guess that the person you walked in here with is the reason you missed the last

hearing," He said, referring to Amelia, and I shook my head.

'Actually, I did not want to be a part of Kyle's hearing," I confessed, and he laughed.

"That is one stupid and stubborn man. You weren't here, Leo, but I must tell you, I commend Theodore

for maintaining his cool through it. He said a lot of stupid and ignorant things. I think Theodore might

take Brent soon at the rate Kyle is going," Devin said, confirming my fears, and I sighed.

"We have a lot of issues in the east. I would not want any pack to go through a hostile takeover. Max

just lost his pack. My men found trackers in my woods yesterday. I think something weird is going on in

the east," I confessed, and he exclaimed.

"I thought I was the only one having issues, Leo. Two packs have been taken over in the south. They

were taken over legally with an Alpha challenge. While one of them bowed out, the other Alpha, Macoy,

fought to the death." he said, and I frowned at him.

It was weird news to hear; no one ever challenged anyone for their packs anymore, so for this to

happen now around the same time was weird.

"That is odd," I said, and he nodded.

"The weird part is the Alpha Donald of Peachwood claims the man that challenged him cheated with

silver, so I forwarded the hearing to the council. Sylvester chose yours over mine, so I guess the

outcome of yours will determine when mine will be heard," He said, and I was in shock that we were

having similar issues.

"Where is this new Alpha from?" I asked just to be sure.

"Clay Newton is from Hayland in the east. He has brown hair and weird-looking eyes. Greyish blue of

some sort. I have never seen the colour before. He is also polite but has a sly feel. Donald wants to

challenge the right of Clay to challenge him in the south, but Clay claims his mother is from the south

and his father is the one from Hayland. His story checks out, but the issue of the silver effect fight is

also a problem." Devin explained to me, and I was just as confused as he was.

"We must look into this matter because these things are happening simultaneously. Being vigilant is

paramount," Devin said, and I nodded and thought of something to say to change the topic.

I did not want to think of the implications of what was happening. I enjoyed the relaxation moment and

did not want to start solving a mystery or fighting foes.

"Have you and Susan picked a date yet?" I asked him, knowing they were looking forward to the next

blue moon ceremony. The moment I mentioned her name, his facial expression changed. I did not

need to be told that something had gone wrong with them. It was written on his face.

"I broke up with her last month," he confessed, and I frowned at him.

"You do not know what it feels like having to live in the shadow of another man, Leo. I feel like I am in

competition with Sylvester where she is concerned. She is either too careful or unwilling. It has been a

rollercoaster ride, and I am done. She is still hung up on the guy, and he has moved on. He has two

children now with Tamia, and it is all rainbows and rays of sunshine for them. Still, Susan keeps the

dark and rainy clouds of her past looming over me that I had to bow out," he said, and I felt terrible, not

because of him but because I believed I might be doing something similar to Amelia. I could

understand Susan because I was somewhat in that situation too. It is hard to let go of great love from

the past.

"Give her time, Devin. She will come around," I said, and he chuckled.

"I am over it," He lied, and I sighed, allowing him to have the last word. He said those words more to

convince himself than me.

I looked up at the lodge Amelia was sitting in, and she looked pretty uncomfortable there. Stephanie

was staring at her and frowning, and I thought I had made a mistake bringing her to the King's hall.

Maybe I should have allowed her to wear her contacts. Stephanie was speaking to Amelia, and her

questions seemed uncomfortable. I tried to listen, but the voices in the hall covered the sound of

Stephanie's voice, and I knew I would have to use mind link.

"Is everything alright there, Moonlight?" I linked Amelia, and she looked in my direction and smiled. I

returned the smile, and Stephanie looked in my direction.

"She is asking me questions about my family and my eyes," Amelia linked back, and I knew she must

be uncomfortable. "Hello, Leo," Stephanie linked me. I smiled at her, and she returned the smile.

"Glad you came for this one; Kyle has been a pain," She said, and I nodded. She returned her gaze to

Amelia and touched her hand affectionately. Amelia smiled at her, and I relaxed. It was clear they were


Sylvester and Tamia finally arrived, and everyone stood up to pay their respect. They walked straight to

the stairs that led to their lodge while the lords went to the stairs that led to their lodge.

I noticed that Vino wasn't among them; this was the fourth month since I had seen him. I wondered if

he was okay. Although he wasn't a lord, he usually sat with his half-brothers, but he had been away

from the scene for four months now. I would find out when I get to the estate.

Everyone paid their respect, and Kyle's case was mentioned as the first case to be discussed and

resolved. Sylvester was clear he would not allow the case to spill into another hearing. I saw

Theodore's approval and was glad I had come up with a solution.

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