Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 179

The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Novel {Book 2} Chapter 18 –


The doctor cleaned out the silver in my wound and put me on a drip to help my system expel the silver.

All the while I was undergoing treatment, I was thinking of Amelia.

I saw how her wolf had defended me and the fear she drove into one of the men that made him run


Thinking of it, I chuckled a few times and was grateful, but I wondered what they were doing in my

woods because those men had come intending to capture me.

That means someone told them I would be hunting in the woods.

It had to be one of the men Casper asked to see if the woods were clear. Or they might have told

someone that told another person, and word got out.

I remembered what Amelia told me about the gossip in my pack, and I knew I needed to address the

issue. Nonetheless, this was a serious matter. It was clear that someone or some people were after

me. Why now? After a year plus, why now and why me?

Casper entered where I was and was surprised to see me sitting.

“You gave us a scare there, Alpha,” Casper said, and I gave him a half smile.

“How did you know to come?” I asked him.

“Amelia linked Gabriel, and Gabriel linked all of us. He was on his way when he linked us. I have told

him to look elsewhere because he seems interested in the girl,” Casper said, and I nodded.

“She has been outside for an hour. I did not know if you were okay that she came in,” He said, referring

to Amelia, and I nodded it was okay. I actually wanted to see her and thank her.

“Let her in,” I said. Casper nodded and smiled.

“She was lucky she didn’t get hit by the arrows. They aren’t only laced with silver dust; the tips were

made of silver. I believe they planned on capturing one of you because the chain was only meant for

one person,” Casper said, but I already knew that. What I needed to know was the reason behind the


“Our woods had been safe all this while. Amelia is the newcomer in this pack. What if she pissed

someone off, and they came looking for her here?” Casper said, and I chuckled.

“Then how did they know she would be hunting in the woods with me? I do not remember telling

anyone that she would be hunting with me. Not even you, Beta. I just requested you ensure the forest

is clear,” I reminded him, and he nodded, looking stupid.

“Well, maybe they had eyes on her,” He said, and I shook my head a bit irritated because he seemed to

want to pin the attack on Amelia. After all, she was the newcomer in our pack.

“Or maybe they were after me, and I was lucky she was there with me,” I said the one thing he was

reluctant to say, and Casper was silent.

‘I want that man interrogated. He mustn’t die. I need to know what he and his friend were doing in my

woods,” I said, and Casper frowned.

“Friend?” He said, and I nodded.

“Yes, there were two of them,” I told Casper, and he was surprised.

“The other one ran away after Amelia’s wolf got his partner,” I said, and Casper frowned.

“I have been meaning to ask you something. How did the man get the chain around his neck? That

thing is pure silver.” He said I knew I had to lie to cover for Amelia.

“How do you think I got the arrow on my side?” I said, claiming I had done it before the arrow hit me.

He did not seem like he believed me, but he was quiet.

Casper left me alone, and Amelia entered my room. She was smiling at me. I could see she was

worried and only smiling to brighten my mood.

“Come here, Moonlight,” I said, and she rushed to hold me.

She was afraid for me. It felt good knowing someone cared.

She held her emotions well.

I kissed the top of her head, and she rested on my chest and sat on my lap.

“I have been asking to see you for a while, but they won’t let me in. How are you feeling now?” She

asked me. I held her tighter with my free arm.

“I am alright, Moonlight,” I said.

There was an awkward silence between us, and I decided to break it.

“Thank you for what you did out there. Your wolf has an amazing ability,” I said, and she got off my lap

and looked at me with disbelief.

“You do not think I am a freak?” she asked, and I chuckled and shook my head. She beamed at me,

and I saw her relax. Showing me her ability must have troubled her.

“I was worried you’d think I am a freak,” she said, and I shook my head.

“Your secret is safe with me,” I told her, and she smiled.

“Any idea who they might be?” She asked, and I shook my head.

“My Beta will handle it. Right now, I just want to finish this drip and go home. We are going to the north

tomorrow,” I said, and Max strolled in.

It was odd they would stop Amelia from entering without my permission and let Max in without my

permission. I did not need to guess why, but they should have applied the same protocol to Max. I was

going to address it later.

“How are you feeling?” Max asked, looking worried. I knew what he was thinking, and I shook my head.

“No one thinks it is you, Max. You need to relax,” I told my friend, and he shook his head.

“It is that douchebag. I suspect him. Maybe he wants to stop us from going to the north since you have

already said the King has taken an interest in the matter,” he said. His explanation was plausible, but

how did Alexie know I was in the woods?

“So how did he know to get me in the woods?” I asked, and Max shook his head.

“I can’t explain that. Maybe that was their way in, and they hit the jackpot when they saw Black there.

They might have been planning to break into your home…” he said, and I shook my head.

“You are giving them too much credit. Someone told them I was in the woods, and they waited,” I said,

and Amelia stood there silently.

“You must have gotten injured protecting Amelia,” Max said, feeling sorry for both of us and knowing

there was no way I could tell the truth without giving away Amelia’s secret made me realise it was best

to shut up.

My men came in after that, and Amelia decided to excuse us. She left before I could even speak. I

wanted her to stay, but I could not link her, thanks to the silver in my system.

I watched her walk away, and Max followed. I felt a bit possessive of her. I didn’t want her home alone

with Max, and the thought alone made me laugh at myself.

My men and I had a long discussion about the possibilities of why anyone would attack me in my

woods, and none made sense. The only option we had was to hope that the prisoner talked.

I wasn’t planning on postponing my trip to the north. I put Casper in charge of the investigation and

dismissed them.

When I was done receiving the drip, it was past midnight.

I returned to my house, and the whole place was dark.

I knew I should not trouble Amelia’s Sleep, but I went to her room against my better judgement.

She was sleeping peacefully under the covers, and I smiled. I admired her bravery out there. Knowing

she was uneducated and untrained, I commended her. Her instincts were good. I wished life had given

her more.

“Then we should give her more,” Black said, speaking of our relationship for the first time.

“Let us not rush things,” I told my wolf, and he was sad.

“Our men treated her as if she was nobody by refusing to let her into the infirmary to see us. Had it

been possible, she would have been seen as the suspect. They know you are seeing her, yet they do

not respect her,” Black complained.

“What are you driving at?” I asked my wolf.

“Is she a potential mate or our plaything?” he asked, and I cringed at his last words. I wondered why

my wolf would use that choice of words when he knew my intentions towards her were pure. I planned

on addressing my men’s conduct towards her.

“I am not speaking based on your intentions, Leo; I am speaking based on your actions and what

people may believe. You should have reprimanded Casper for denying her access to see us,” He said,

and he was annoyed. I agreed with him and planned on addressing the matter the next day.

Suddenly I did not feel worthy of lying beside her in her bed. I contemplated leaving her room and was

about to go when I heard her call my name in her sleep.

“Leo,” she said, and I knew she was dreaming. Dreaming of me.

I smiled, undressed but let my shorts on, and got under the sheets with her.

She unconsciously moved close to me and placed her head on my chest.

I gently wrapped my arms around her and caressed her back until sleep came for me too.

I woke up in the morning, and Amelia was still sleeping. I gently woke her up. It took a while before she

woke, but she soon did and gradually sat up.

“We need to get ready, Amelia. We have a plane to catch this afternoon,” I said.

I wanted to go in my private jet, but I decided we would fly commercial instead.

I did not want to waste money paying for a hangar in Lucland because I did not know how long we

would spend in the north because of Amelia.

I left her room and went to shower in mine.

I spent a while in the bathroom, thinking of many things, but soon I cast my worries aside and chose to

take the days as they came.

Deep down, I hoped that the people that attacked us in the woods and tried to capture me weren’t a big


I got dressed and took out my luggage to the living room.

To my surprise, Max and Amelia were making sandwiches and having fun doing it too. Max seemed

more alive than he did the day he came to my house.

I guess he had indeed moved on, and following his claims about Alexie was him doing his due

diligence and nothing more.

Max made Amelia laugh, and I saw her relax around him.

Black was a bit jealous, but I held it.

I was still going to move at my pace. I will not jump until I am sure. I joined them in the kitchen and saw

what they were making.

“sandwiches?” I asked, looking at the counter.

“Max said we should make club sandwiches,” she said, and even though I wanted a sub, I had no

choice but to accept what Max had suggested.

Amelia served the food, and we ate silently before Max broke the ice.

“So, have you decided where to stay when you go to the north? I know you usually stay at the Volkov

estate,” Max asked, and I nodded.

“I have booked a suite for us. It has two rooms. You can sleep in one, and Amelia and I will sleep in the

other,” I said, and he frowned at me.

“Why not go to the estate with Amelia while I stay in a room in the hotel? I am sure you two will have

more fun there,” He said, and I smiled at him.

“Yes, we will, except that I do not own the place, and I have to take permission before I take Amelia

there,” I explained.

A look in his eyes said he did not buy what I was saying, but he let it rest.

We finished breakfast, and I decided to leave Max to do the dishes alone as punishment for trying to

spoil breakfast.

We finally got to the airport and boarded the plane to Lucland.

Amelia was nervous, but I held her hand. I knew she had never been in an aeroplane before; this would

be her first time.

I ensured she had the window seat to look out and get the whole experience.

The flight was smooth, and we landed peacefully.

We were collecting our luggage when I got a call from Casper. I honestly did not want to answer it, but I

had to. I put Max in charge of the luggage and told Amelia to stay with him while I stepped away to

answer the phone.

“Alpha,” Casper said, and I answered.

“We found fresh camping sites in our woods,” He said, and I knew that wasn’t the urgent thing he

wanted to discuss with me.

“Alpha, they abandoned the place in a hurry. The disturbing part was that they had some tools and left

them behind. From their scent, they were about six people. Based on the tools, I believe they were


I think they were tracking someone or something. It is either that or they were scouting,” He said, and

beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I could not head back to Mountain now. Six trackers, tracking

or scouting in my woods was worrisome.

“They have left, Alpha, but I just wanted to tell you what is happening. I have put men to guard the

perimeter. I will keep you updated on our finds,” Casper added, letting me know it wasn’t as urgent as it

may sound. I hoped so.

I was confident that my men could handle six trackers, but I wanted to know what they were doing in

my woods.

“When the prisoner talks, let me know,” I said to Casper, and I hung up.

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