Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 176

The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Novel {Book 2} Chapter 15 –


I haven’t woken up feeling giddy in a long time. I did this morning, and I liked it.

Amelia was still asleep, and she looked peaceful.

I touched her hair gently, careful not to disturb her sleep.

I noticed the roots of her hair were platinum blonde, so I planned on talking to her about it later.

It looked like she dyed her hair brown. I wouldn’t put it past her. It was cute, and it made me chuckle.

I snuck out of bed and out of her room.

Stepping out, I saw Max on my couch, drinking coffee.

He looked at me and smiled, but the smile did not touch his eyes. He was still processing his loss, and I

knew it would take a while before he could recover from the pain.

“Good morning, Alpha. Glad to see you are finally letting up,” he said, and I smiled at him.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked him, and he rolled his eyes.

“Between my heartache and the sounds of your activity in that room, you could just imagine how well I

slept,” He said and chuckled.

I knew Amelia and I were a bit loud, but it was my house, so he had to manage.

“Goddess Leo, you did not spare that woman,” He said, and I told him to mind his business.

“I got the mail,” he told me, and I frowned at him.

“Sylvester approved the hearing of my case for this week. Thank you, Leo. I know you had to pull some

strings,” he said, sounding very grateful, and I nodded.

“Besides, we are going to the eastern alpha meeting this morning. I have called everyone,” I told him,

and he did not look too enthusiastic.

“Those Alphas are wimps. The guy will scare them into agreeing with his conduct. They wouldn’t want

him to come for their packs. As things are now, he can go for any pack, and there is no law stopping

him from doing it,” Max said, and I knew he was right.

It was also one of the reasons why I wanted to meet with Alexie. I needed to read him and decipher his

intentions in the east.

It isn’t every time a northern Alpha comes to the east, marries a woman, and takes over her family’s

pack by force.

He must have a goal, and I need to know what it was so we do not have issues in the future.

The alphas might think it is Max’s problem now, but I could see ahead, and it did not look good for us.

I went into my room to prepare for the day, so I could head to the meeting.

I opened my closet, and Tamia’s clothes were still in them. I hadn’t been able to give them away. I had

paced them in boxes and would have sent them to her, but I couldn’t.

The room still felt like it belonged to her, and I doubted the feeling would change anytime soon.

I showered and got dressed. By the time I came out, Max was already dressed.

” Shall we?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“No way will I go to that meeting on an empty stomach,” I said, moving towards the kitchen.

I wanted to make a sandwich for Amelia and myself.

“What are you doing,” Max asked me, and I shrugged.

“Making one of the sandwiches Amelia showed me,” I said, and he smiled.

“So she is your mate now?” Max asked, and I froze while cutting the bread. I wished he didn’t use that


“We aren’t there yet, Max. We are still getting to know each other. I want to be sure before I give what

we have a label. Let’s use the word girlfriend for now,” I said and sliced the bread. Max was silent, and I

looked at him.

“Do not make the same mistake twice trying to be careful,” He said, and I wondered what he meant by


I placed some sliced pieces in the toaster and looked at him.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked him, and he moved towards the kitchen to be closer to me.

“I mean, she is nothing like Amanda. At this rate, you might end up hurting her, Leo. Do not put her in

competition with your past.

Tamia is happy now. You deserve to be happy too. If you just want her as a girlfriend, then let her go

before both of you get burnt,” he said, and I was a bit annoyed that he would spoil my mood.

I wasn’t longing for Tamia anymore. I had let her go. I felt bad for breaking my promises and being

weak when I should have been strong. I was trying not to allow my emotions to control me this time.

“I am not going to rush things with Amelia. I will take my time and make sure she is right for her and for

me before I jump. I am sure she understands and can wait,” I said, and he stared at me a bit sad, then


“Well, I have no right to advise you. I messed up more than you did, and my life has remained fucked. I

would lie if I told you I did not think of Avery and how lucky Marcel is, but she deserves it. After all that I

put her through, she deserved it, Leo.

I was a fool. Michelle said things and connived with my men. I believed every word. I should have

trusted my wife. We had been through so much together, so I should have trusted her, but I believed a

total stranger over her.

The same men that made me believe Michelle ended up betraying me, and Michelle died eventually,

leaving me with nothing but painful memories.

There are times when I do not feel like pushing anymore,” he said and then looked at me.

“Honestly, Leo, what Alexie did might be for the best. I do not deserve to run a pack. However this

hearing goes, I will be fine if you absorb me into your pack along with my people too. I do not mind

answering to you, Leo.

Honestly, I do not mind it.

I am only doing this so they would know I cared, and I tried,” he confessed, and I was in shock.

I could not believe what Max had just told me.

” Let us hope for the best,” I said, and Max smiled. He had told me his truth, and his opinion on the

matter will not change.

I ended up making three sandwiches. One for me, one for Max and the last for Amelia when she wakes

up. I also left her a note, so she would know where I went.

We left the house and headed for the town hall.

We arrived there and found most of the eastern Alphas waiting. Max and I entered the hall, and there

was silence.

My noble status and relationship with the royals gave me more recognition and respect. No one wanted

to mess with me.

I looked around and then went to sit at the table reserved for me.

The moment I sat, everyone made themselves comfortable.

Max found a place to sit.

Kyle was also there, staring at me scornfully, but I did not care. I looked at all the alphas present until

my eyes settled on who I believed to be, Alexie.

The man had the legendary northern Dark hair. The hair was full, and so was his beard. His eyes were

grey but nothing like Amelia’s. They looked perfectly regular.

It was a weird eye colour for a northerner.

So I figured Alexie must have western or eastern genes.

He was bulky and handsome.

I could see why Alia would lose her head over the guy, and his aura screamed of danger. Sizing him

up, I knew I could take him, but I would not do anything that would lead to that.

“You all are welcome to the meeting,” I said, and they thanked me for the invitation.

“I will not waste our time and go straight to the point. The King is already interested in this matter. Still, I

wanted to see if we could solve it among ourselves to avoid taking it to the north. It would be a shame if

we cannot solve matters among ourselves,” I said, and most of the Alphas agreed. Kyle was silent, and

I did not care.

“I am sure you all have heard what happened at Hill Valley pack,” I said, and everyone was silent.

“Alpha Alexei Kuznetsov married Alia Blanch and challenged Alpha Max for his pack yesterday

morning. He won the challenge and took over the pack forcing Alpha Max to leave,” I explained, and

people began to murmur.

“I know nothing is illegal about what I have just said, but that isn’t the issue,” I said, and they were


“Alpha Max made some serious allegations concerning that fight, and I am here to verify those

allegations,” I said and looked at Alexie.

“Did you have access to your wolf during the battle?” I asked him, and He stood up and bowed his


“Alpha Albert, it is quite unfortunate that we are meeting like this. I would have loved for it to be under

different circumstances. You know my name, of course, and I am from the north. My mother, however,

is from the east. She belongs to the Richmonds in Hayland. Her name was Teressa Richmond.

My features make me seem like a foreigner in these parts, but I am very much one of you. I wanted to

say that first before I proceed to answer your question. Then I would like to explain myself after,” He

said, and I nodded. There was no point stopping him from speaking.

“I had access to my wolf, and I fought him partially shifted,” He confessed and sighed.

“I know Alpha Max hates me. He has proven that from the onset, and he would make it seem as if I

was after his pack all along. He has insinuated it. He said I am a member of an Unknown cult. He also

claimed I married Alia to earn the right to challenge him. Now that I have explained my heritage, you

would know that I did not need to marry Alia to challenge him.

As for his pack members, whom he claimed I bought and stole, I would like to state that they have been

complaining about his conduct for a while.

He has been negligent towards his alpha duties for personal reasons, perhaps.

I did not challenge Alpha Max because I wanted his pack; I challenged him because he had vowed not

to let me settle in his pack with my wife. Alia did not want to leave Hill Valley, so I had no choice but to

challenge him so we could both remain in hill Valley,” He explained, and after all, he said, it seemed


I looked at Max, and he had nothing to say.

I knew he had given up already, but that did not mean he shouldn’t defend himself. There were limits to

what I could do under such circumstances, and he knew it.

“Very well, we will talk about the challenge,” I said, and Alexie nodded.

“Max told me he could not access his wolf while fighting you. He said he got the silver effect whenever

he was near you,” I said, and people murmured.

Alexie did not say anything; he just stared.

“Did you have silver on you when you fought him?” I asked him, and he shook his head.

“But you were partially shifted?” I asked, and he nodded.

People looked at me as if what I was saying was completely stupid, but I had seen someone hold on to

her wolf while wearing silver, so I knew it was possible.

Amelia’s ability was a secret I intended to keep, but it forced me to see this case differently than I would

have had I not seen Amelia’s abilities.

I knew some people could overcome the silver effect.

“If you were partially shifted, then it was only logical that Max would partially shift or fully shift. This

brings us to the fact that he had no access to his wolf,” I said, and I could see people were torn.

“This is ridiculous, alpha. How can I access my wolf if I had silver on?” He asked me, and I smiled at


“Will you agree to a rematch in full wolf form with both of you fully shifted before it begins?” I asked him,

and one of the alphas there objected nicely.

“Councilman, we know Alpha Max is dear to you, but a loss is a loss. I do not think we should drag this

issue. If alpha Max wants a rematch, he should return in six months, per the law. For now, the pack

belongs to Alexei Kuznetsov,” He said, and I kept my eyes trained on Alexie.

Even though what Alpha Timothy had said was true, I could not shake the feeling that Alexie would not

want a rematch because Max was telling the truth.

I could not shake it off.

There was something in his eyes that screamed he cheated. I had gotten what I wanted.

How I would handle the matter was completely up to me.

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