Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 143

The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Chapter 143 –


I could not believe that Amanda was manipulating Vino too. Sitting on the plane with her made me sick,

and it wasn’t just me. Leo and Avery too.

She was indeed a snake. I could not believe the weak, innocent-looking bitch could pull off so many

stunts. I was going to enjoy getting information out of her.

Sylvester pulled me close to comfort me, but I was angrier than upset. I masked my emotions so he

would not feel his touch wasn’t enough.

Based on everyone’s countenance, it would have been nice if we did not have to fly in the same plane

with Amanda, the snake.

“I lost a lot of good soldiers,” Devin started, and I understood his anger. We lost a lot while they

schemed to cause a war.

“We almost went to war, and to think this bitch and her father were behind it all. Vino, too,” he said and

balled his fist in anger.

“There was so much I lost trying to secure my region and push back. All the while, I thought the

Volkovs were the problem, and I put my life on hold for it,” he said and looked at Amanda.

“You ruined many lives, and for what?” he asked her. I looked at Amanda, and she didn’t seem like she


“You know I do not care that you are pregnant. The only reason why you are alive is that his majesty

wills it. If not, Leo would have finished you in there, and if he did not have the heart to do it, I would

have obliged.” Devin said with so much anger that I felt his rage.

“I would have obliged, too,” Avery said, looking at Amanda.

“You might not have ruined my home. But your stunt in the east made my people lose their lives. How

do you live with yourself?” Avery asked Amanda, and she was tight-lipped.

Avery wanted to get up to beat her, but I stopped her.

“Let’s get to where we are going.” I linked my friend, and she hesitated and remained in her seat.

“Linda said this bitch was in this too deep than her father presented. But I felt she was being

manipulated. I stand corrected,” Avery said, and Marcel sighed.

“Maybe Ramsey lied to us,” Marcel said, and Sylvester shook his head.

“He didn’t. He told us what she told him. Amanda is a master manipulator. I saw it all when she was

talking to Vino. She will only tell you what she wants you to know. She is in complete control. I bet

Annika knew more than Ramsey,” Sylvester said, and I looked at Amanda.

“Annika is dead, you know. Your little cousin. She never had a life. No love, no child. You stole it all

from her, and for what? For this?” I said, and her facial expression did not falter. Her heart was cold. Of

course, Annika was alive, but I wanted to prepare her for questioning. I guess I had to try other things

that might affect her directly.

“I can’t wait for us to land so we can be done with this bitch,” Avery said, and we were all silent. We

had many questions.

“You do not want me to tell you the things that I know,” Amanda finally spoke, and I could not believe

the nerve this bitch had to speak the way she did with a smile on her face. We were still on the plane,

so we had to compose ourselves.

“And what would you like to tell us, Amy?” Leo finally said, and she looked in his direction and smiled.

“Stephanie Volkov killed her husband and his officers. Jenny told me, and she had proof. We are not

the first people to commit treason. At least we never attempted the Lord’s life. Stephanie did and

succeeded,” She said, and Marcel and Theodore looked at her, shocked. The bitch had just stirred up

trouble because Sylvester had not told his friends what we found out.

“I killed them because they attacked my territory, so stop lying,” Devin countered her.

“But you had help, Alpha Corrigan. You had help. The lady of the north sent you an anonymous letter

telling you their location and their aliases. Even if you deny it, we have a recording of her admitting to

Jenny Lawrence Babanin, and I suspect she was the one that killed my mentor,” she said. I did not

know how to handle the situation.

“It is in one of those journals, you know. Jenny always kept a journal,” She said, and I got up from my

seat and went to slap her.

“You have caused enough damage here; stop spewing lies,” I told her, and she laughed.

“You know the truth, Tamia; I can see it in your eyes,” She said, and I knew she was sick.

“Lady Volkov and her mate had a lot of issues, but she would never betray him,” Theodore said and

looked at me.

“Tie her mouth,” He said, and I obliged.

I took Avery’s scarf and tied her mouth with it, which kept her quiet. But I suspected the damage had

been done because Marcel was quiet.

I knew he would not speak to Sylvester about it until they were alone. It was time for Sylvester to come

clean to his friends about how everything went down. Or else Devin would continue to look like the


“How far gone is she?” I asked Leo, and he frowned at me.

“I think thirty-eight weeks,” he said, and I nodded.

“So she will be due any time soon,” I said, and he nodded.

“Guess no honeymoon for us then,” Avery said and sighed, but I had big plans for Amanda, and a

honeymoon was in my plan. Our wedding was in six days. It was more than enough time to get the

truth out of her.

I went to sit beside Sylvester, and he touched my hand gently.

“You have to come clean to Theodore and Marcel and tell them what happened. Marcel deserves to

know because whether you like it or not, what Amanda told them got to them even though Theodore

tried to mask it. I could see it,” I linked Sylvester, and he squeezed my hand.

“I will”, He linked me back.

The rest of the flight was peaceful, and Amanda even fell asleep. She seemed too relaxed for my liking.

I wondered what she was thinking, but I had to prepare myself to be surprised.

“Where will we put her?” I asked Sylvester.

“A private property on the estate. No one goes there, and nobody is authorised to enter the place. If her

sponsor has people in the estate, they would not know she is there,” He linked me, and I sighed with

relief because I did not want to be far from the estate.

William brought a van to get us at the airport hangar.

We arrived at the estate and went to the hidden property. It was a bungalow with five rooms. After we

got to the estate and secured Amanda in one of the rooms, leaving William to watch her, we went home

to freshen up.

“I guess we will have to wait until she is due before we can question her,” Marcel said on our way to

Sylvester’s wing, and I shook my head.

“Leave Amanda for Avery, Linda and me. Once we get the name of the bastard out of her, we will give

it to you and then you can go for the person,” I said. I had so much planned for that bitch.

“You will torture her while she is pregnant?” Theodore asked me, sounding amused.

“Like I said, Amanda is my business,” I said, and Marcel disagreed.

“It’s too personal for you and Leo; maybe someone else should do it,” He said, and Sylvester growled.

“Tamia can do whatever she likes,” He warned Marcel, and we stopped walking.

“Do not forget she will be queen. We might be friends but do not disrespect her like that again.

Questioning her is disrespectful. Thanks to her advice, I got a lot of information. Allow her to handle the

situation,” Sylvester told Marcel, and Marcel growled at him.

“What advice, Sylvester? It seems you two have been doing things and leaving us out of it,” He said to

Sylvester, and Sylvester frowned at him, wondering where it was coming from, but I knew it had

everything to do with the things Amanda said on the plane.

“I know crazy rambles when I hear one, but Amanda wasn’t lying about your mother helping Devin kill

our fathers. I could see it in her eyes, and you two know it. It didn’t sound like anything until she talked

about the journals. I remembered Tamia going upstairs with a journal that day at the mansion in

Lucland. She never brought it back. I remember it,” he said, and I knew the damage had been done.

Sylvester should have listened to me and told them the truth.

“It seems she has been hiding a lot,” Marcel added, and Avery tried to stop him.

“No, Ave,” Marcel said, sounding a bit hurt.

“We are supposed to be brothers. I am not against your relationship with Tamia, but you seem to

secretly run things together and leave us behind. It is almost as if we are only told what she feels is

okay for us to know,” He said, blaming me for his friend’s secrecy.

It was easy for them to point at me. I was the new person in the mix.

“Do not blame Tamia for anything. No one is keeping things from you,” Sylvester said, and Marcel

shook his head.

“Then give me the journal she kept. Prove to me that Amanda was rambling nonsense and your mother

did not help Devin to murder our fathers,” he said with misty eyes. There was silence because he

looked betrayed.

“Let us not do this in the hallway; let’s discuss this in my office. While our mates handle other

business.” Sylvester said, and Marcel shook his head.

“Tamia is very much a part of this; It would be wrong for her not to be there. You have never been

secretive with us until she came along,” Theodore said, and I knew they disliked me now.

” It hurts that you will think that badly of me,” I said, looking at them.

“I have never done anything to hurt or destroy your friendship. Amanda speaks, and you believe, and

suddenly, I am the enemy. Did it ever occur to you that we kept certain things from you two for the sake

of peace? Maybe we needed to investigate and be clear before sharing, so emotions don’t run high and

we hurt the ones we love?” I asked, and Theodore chuckled.

“So you admit it. At least I have to commend you for your honesty, Tamia. You do not owe us an

explanation. Sylvester, here is the one that owes us an explanation. He is the one we answer to,” He


“Very well then, I will be silent,” I said, and Marcel shook his head.

“No one is telling you to be silent, Tamia, we just want to know what really went down, and if what

Amanda said is true, it is wrong for Sylvester to hide his mother away. She helped turn our mothers into

widows. She should stand trial if that happened,” Marcel said, and my heart broke for him because the

truth would hurt him.

“Devin clearly stated he had no business with any letter,” Avery said, getting short with Marcel, and I

held her a hand to calm her down.

“No, Tamia, how can Amanda say something and Marcel and Theodore would attack you and

Sylvester?” She asked, and Marcel shook his head.

“It wasn’t based on what Amanda said. What she said triggered a memory, which seemed plausible,

and Tamia has just admitted to doing it.” Marcel explained, and I knew Sylvester was getting short. He

began to walk very fast, and I followed him, trying to keep up; Avery, Marcel and Theodore followed

him too. I did not know where he was going until we got to our wing and he entered his office.

I could feel Knight’s anger, and I knew Sylvester wasn’t happy with how his friends attacked us.

“Whatever we did not tell you was to protect you,” Sylvester growled at Marcel,

“You want to lock my mother up for what? She should have to answer to what crime, Marcel? For

writing a letter? Since when was that a crime?” Sylvester asked him.

“If it led to deaths, it is a crime, Sylvester. You might not like your father, but we loved ours,” Marcel

argued, and Sylvester laughed.

“That is great, but we dug into the matter and kept it quiet because of the repercussions,” Sylvester

said, and Theodore interrupted him. They had clearly forgotten he was the King now, but I knew he

would excuse their behaviour.

“You’re King Sylvester. You should be fair, even where your mother is concerned,” Theodore said, and

Sylvester laughed.

“You actually think that this has anything to do with my mother,” He said to his friends smiling.

“Well, I will tell you what happened, and I hope you will be willing to judge the culprits then,” he said

and sat on his chair, ready to tell them what Devin had told me.

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