Shadowland (The Immortals #3)

Shadowland: Chapter 9

By the time I make it back to my room, Damen is waiting, sitting on the edge of my bed, cradling a small satin pouch in the palm of his gloved hand.

“How long was I gone?” I ask, plopping down beside him as I squint at my bedside clock and figure the math.

“There’s no time in Summerland,” he reminds me. “But on the earth plane, I’d say you were gone for a while. Did you learn anything?”

I think about the home movies I watched, Riley’s version of “The Bloom Family’s Funniest Videos,” then I shake my head and shrug. “Nothing useful. You?”

He smiles, handing over the silk pouch as he says, “Open and see.”

I pull on the drawstring, slip a finger inside, and retrieve a black silk cord bearing a cluster of colorful crystals held together by thin gold bands. Watching it catch and reflect the light as I dangle it before me, thinking it’s beautiful if not a bit odd.

“It’s an amulet,” he says, watching me carefully as I take in the individual stones, each of them bearing a different shape, size, and color. “They’ve been worn through the ages and are said to hold magical properties for healing, protection, prosperity, and balance. Though this particular one, being created solely for you, is heavy on the protection element since that’s what you need.”

I look at him, wondering how this could possibly help. Then I remember the crystals I used to make the antidote that saved him, and how it really could’ve worked—if Roman hadn’t tricked me into adding my blood to the mix.

“It’s completely unique, assembled and crafted with your own personal journey in mind. There’s not another one like it, not anywhere. I know it doesn’t solve our problem, but at least it’ll help.”

I squint at the bundle of rocks, unsure what to say. Just about to slip it over my head and give it a go, when he smiles and says, “Allow me.” Gathering my long hair and draping it over my shoulder as he reaches behind me and secures the small golden clasp, before tucking it under my tee where no one can see.

“Is it a secret?” I ask, expecting the crystals to feel cold and hard against my skin and surprised to find them quite warm and conforting instead.

He brushes my hair back over my shoulder, letting it fall just shy of my waist. “No, it’s not a secret. Though you probably shouldn’t flaunt it either. I have no idea just how far Roman’s advanced, so it’s better not to draw his attention to it.”

“He knows about the chakras,” I say, seeing the surprise in his gaze and choosing to omit the fact that he’s actually responsible for that. Having unwittingly revealed all kinds of secrets while under Roman’s spell. He feels badly enough already, so there’s no reason to make it any worse.

I tap my fingers against the amulet beneath my shirt, surprised by how solid it feels from the outside, compared to the inside, the part that rests on my skin. “But what about you? Don’t you need protection too?” Watching as he unearths a similar amulet from under his long-sleeved tee, smiling as he dangles it before me. “How come yours looks so different?” I ask, squinting at the cluster of sparkling stones.

“I told you, no two are alike. Just like no two people are alike. I’ve got my own issues to overcome.”

“You have issues?” I laugh, though seriously wondering what they could possibly be. He’s good at everything he does. And I mean every single thing.

He shakes his head and laughs, a wonderful sound I don’t get to hear nearly enough anymore. “Believe me, I’ve got my share,” he says, laughing again.

“And you’re sure these will keep us safe?” I press it against my chest, noticing how it feels like a part of me now.

“That’s the plan.” He shrugs, getting up from the bed and heading for the door as he adds, “But, Ever, please do us both a favor and try not to put it to the test, okay?”

“What about Roman?” I ask, taking in his long, lean form as he rests against the jamb. “Don’t you think we should come up with some kind of plan? Find a way to get him to give us what we need and be done with all this?”

Damen looks at me, gaze narrowed on mine. “There’s no plan, Ever. Engaging with Roman is exactly what he wants. We’re better off finding a solution on our own, without relying on him.”

“But how? Everything we’ve tried so far has been a total bust.” I shake my head. “And why should we run ourselves ragged, searching for answers, when Roman’s already admitted to having the antidote? He said all I have to do is pay the right price and he’ll hand it over—how hard can that be?”

“And you’re willing to pay his price?” Damen asks, voice steady and deep as his dark eyes sweep mine.

I avert my gaze, cheeks heating to a thousand degrees. “Of course not! Or at least not the price that you think!” I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them. “It’s just—” I shake my head, frustrated at having to plead my case. “It’s just that—”

“Ever, this is exactly what Roman wants.” His jaw tightens, his features harden, before meeting my gaze and softening again. “He wants to divide us, make us question each other, break us apart. He also wants us to go after him and start some kind of war. You’ve no reason to trust him, he’ll lie, manipulate, and make no mistake, it’s a very dangerous game that he plays. And while I promise to do everything in my power to protect you, you have to help me here too. You have to promise you’ll stay away from him, ignore all his taunts, and won’t rise to his bait. I’ll find a solution. Figure something out. Just please, look to me for the answers, not Roman, okay?”

I press my lips together and look away, wondering why I should promise any of that when the cure is right there for the taking. Besides, I’m the one who caused this situation. I’m the one who got us into this mess. So I should be the one to get us both out.

I switch my gaze back to his, an idea beginning to form—one that might work.

“So we’re clear about Roman?” He tilts his head and lifts his brow, unwilling to leave until I consent.

I nod, just barely, but still enough to convince him to head down the stairs so fast I can’t distinguish his form. The only hint of his having been here are the stones against my chest and the single red tulip he left on the bed.

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