Severed Ties: A Dark Stalker Romance (Tainted Love Book 1)

Severed Ties: Chapter 49

Being with Tommy feels surprisingly…normal. Which is absurd, given his occupation and complete disregard for human life. But he’s different when we’re alone.

I roll my eyes internally as I walk through the lobby of the Frost Industries building. Sleek, clean lines and modern accents surround me. Walls of glass and shiny white tiles beneath my feet always drag me back to the first day my heels clicked across this space, effectively changing my life forever. But it feels different now. Like being with Tommy has changed me somehow in such a short space of time. It’s not a completely ridiculous thought because ever since yesterday morning, when I woke up in his arms, I feel lighter than I have in…ever.

But every woman who has ever dated a toxic man has said to themselves that they’re different with them, and I shouldn’t be stupid enough to buy into that narrative, even if it feels as natural as breathing.

My skin pricks with the feel of being watched, and I cast my gaze around the crowded lobby. It’s not unlike the feelings I’ve had for the last few months, knowing someone’s out there but never being able to catch them. But there’s something different today, and it makes my stomach lurch uncomfortably. Tommy made no secret of the fact he was going to be watching me, but surely I would be able to tell it’s him.

I shove the thought out of my head as I swipe through the gates and make my way to the elevators. I’m letting my imagination run wild. I know Tommy is there, so of course my mind is telling me someone is watching.

I reach the top floor and head straight to Wynter’s office, which I should probably start thinking of as my own, even if it’s only for a short time. Six months, to be exact.

I shake my head and smile to myself when I remember how that conversation went down. Wynter had been determined to be back at work in four weeks, with Everett demanding she take at least a year off work. They compromised on six months, but I suspect Wynter will be sticking her nose back in within the week. She’s a type A personality, and although she trusts Snow and me implicitly, she has trouble letting go.

I’ve barely put my bag down when someone clears their throat behind me, and I turn to find Storm and Snow Saint James standing in my doorway. Storm looks every bit the CEO he is, wearing a tailored suit that fits his frame as if it were sewn straight on his body. His gray eyes are kinder than they were when I first met him. His fiancée has changed his outlook on life and has made him infinitely easier to work with in the last couple of months.

Snow’s fitted floral dress contours her curves, her body as close to perfection as I could ever imagine. Her icy-blue eyes are so similar to her sisters, and her blonde hair falls in soft waves down her back.

“May we come in?” She smiles brightly.

“Of course,” I say quickly and take a seat behind the desk.

They move into the room with a confidence I can never imagine having, but then again, they were made for this. Their whole life led to where they are right now. Mine has been a series of rocky roads and stumbles that found me in a seat I have no right occupying. But Wynter believes I can do this role, and her faith in me is humbling.

They take a seat across from me. Snow crosses one toned leg over the other gracefully while Storm leans back in his seat, his body free of tension.

“We just wanted to come and see how you’re feeling on your first day.” Snow grins. “I know it’s a couple of weeks earlier than expected.”

“I’m feeling good.” I nod and place my shaky hands in my lap. “How’s Wynter doing? Have you met the baby?”

Storm’s eyes brighten at the mention of his niece, and I swear my own ovaries explode at the sight. Who would have thought big, bad Storm Saint James would have a soft spot for a small child?

“She’s beautiful,” he answers immediately, not giving Snow a chance. “And so tiny. Wynter has taken to motherhood like she does everything else. Like she’s been doing it her whole life, and Everett”—he shakes his head—“that man is never sleeping another night in his life. He’s so stressed.”

I giggle, the memory of how he’s fussed over his fiancée for the last eight months giving me a perfect insight into the new father’s actions.

“I’m so glad everything went well. Friday night was…stressful.”

It’s the understatement of the century, and not just because I had to referee the two of them as Wynter tried to keep working through contractions, and Everett looked like he was on the verge of picking her up and carrying her to the hospital.

“We’re very grateful you were here with them. You should go visit them! Wynter said she’d love to see you but hasn’t been able to reach you.” Her brows pull together and Storm gives me a knowing look.

I take a deep breath and release it slowly. “I’ve had some personal things come up, and Tommy has taken my phone away for safety reasons. I still have my work phone though.”

Storm chuckles quietly while Snow looks between us with confusion.

“I thought it was weird when he called yesterday,” she muses. “I just thought…actually, I don’t know what I thought. Elijah was being a dick, and I was distracted.”

“Isn’t he always?” Storm asks.

She shrugs. “Fair point.”

I’ve always found it intriguing how the Saint James siblings interact because my sisters and I were never like this. Although, that probably had a lot to do with how we were raised and the fear our father instilled in us.

I take a deep breath and steel myself for the words that are about to come from my lips. I have no right to ask what I’m about to ask of one of the most powerful men in the country, but something about this weekend has reminded me of the woman who escaped a life of hell, and I’m intent on not falling back into another one.

“Did you know Tommy was following me?”

“Tommy’s been following her? How is this the first I’m hearing of it? Why would he be following her?” Snow’s questions pepper her brother like he has all the answers in the world.

“The same reason Elijah followed you for a decade, I suspect.” His answer is simple, but Snow leans back in her seat as understanding falls over her.

“Oh babe, you’re fucked.” She half laughs. She doesn’t mean it as a bad thing. How can she when she and Elijah are some of the happiest married people I’ve ever met? But he’s also completely irrational about her safety, just like Tommy is with mine.

Storm shakes his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I want you to know, Clara, that if at any point Tommy does something to hurt you in any way, you can come to me, and I will take care of it. You’ve been a part of our family for some time now, and I want you to know you can always come to us for help.”

His words are unexpected, but they settle some of the uncertainty I’ve been feeling.

“I don’t think Tommy will intentionally hurt you, he’s far too obsessed for that, but he’s not…” He considers his words for a moment. “He’s not used to human interaction. He’s been with us for many years, and while I’ve seen him interested in women before, it has never been to the extent it is with you. Everett has been keeping an eye on the situation for a while, and Tommy’s actions have only ever been to keep you safe.”

It’s not that I ever thought his intentions were sinister, but for some reason, Storm’s words settle some of the anxiety that has pooled in my belly since I found those security cameras.

“Tommy has mentioned that there are some things going on in your personal life,” Snow starts. “I want you to know that he has the full Frost Industries resources behind him to keep you safe. If you need time off or to work from home for a while, please don’t hesitate to do that. Your job and your position in the company are safe.”

“On that, I would like to discuss your intentions once Wynter is back from maternity leave. I know it’s six months away, but I would like to start moving some things around for when she’s back,” Storm says.

“Oh, I thought I would just go back to being her assistant.”

Storm shakes his head, that smile getting larger. “No, Clara. We’ve wanted more for you since your first day. We were just giving you time to realize you were capable of it. As soon as you agreed to fill in as CFO, we started considering how we could make a high-level position available for you.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I whisper.

Snow grins, her hands tangled in her lap from excitement. “You’ve worked so hard for our company, Clara. Don’t think because you’ve hidden behind the role of PA for the last few years that we don’t know how much you do that is well outside your wheelhouse.”

Storm nods his agreement, and I’m speechless. I’ve always gone above and beyond, but I’ve done it quietly because I’ve never wanted them to think I’m just trying to get ahead. But I guess they’ve seen it. “We’re still finalizing some things with HR, but if you’re open to it, we’ll keep the ball rolling.”

“What would the position be?” I ask, hating how much my voice shakes.

“You would take this role, and Wynter would move into the chief operating officer role,” Snow tells me.

“What about Bill?”

“He’s retiring. He hasn’t made the announcement yet, but he informed me before Christmas of his intentions and we started putting things in place,” Storm says.

I’m completely speechless. So fucking speechless. I never thought I’d be anything more than a personal assistant, despite my degree. But things have changed since Russo and his cousins barged in here looking for Wynter, and for the first time in my life, I allow the possibility of success to wash over me. I’m not the weak little girl my father made me feel like my entire childhood. I got out. I ran. I put myself through college. I got myself a job with the most highly respected tech company in the country. And I’ve proven my worth to the point the CEO is sitting across from me, offering me a job I’m not only capable of but currently acting in.

Ever get the sense your life is falling apart just so better things can fall together? Because if the events of the last week are anything to go by, maybe that’s what’s happening to me.

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