Severed Bonds

Chapter 21- Far From Safe

Ian Pov,

Things have died down a lot after Hannah told Rose off. That bitch finally got what was coming to her. I've never seen her so angry, but when I saw the video...I could understand her anger. Good thing the clan members weren't on the video, or we would've had another issue. Lately I feel unbalanced in a weird way. My thoughts are jumbled and my emotions are out of control. But I sleep through the whole night. Every sound irritates me, and everyone around me annoys the crap out of me. Days pass by like a breeze, I feel dazed all the time! I'm unable to pay attention to anything or understand anything. It's frustrating, but I have bigger issues. Like my father and his snitch. Thomas has always remained loyal to my father and has his full trust. To me Thomas is nothing but a big suckup. But my dad sees otherwise, he respects him more than me. Because, I apparently haven't earned his respect. If bowing down, and saying yes to everything you ask of me is how I get respect? I want no part of it, I'm not someone's errand boy! Since the day Hannah learned about clans she's looked at me different. She's disgusted by me. I always thought the worst would be when she's afraid. She can't even look at me without feeling disgusted. I don't blame her, I don't like the person I've become either. But I push that thought away, it doesn't matter. None of that will help me survive in the hell that I've been forced into. I have to go back to training. I rather be judged by the council, it's better that way. I can feel my legs shaking and nausea swarming through my body. Don't give in, don't give in, don't give in. I won't let him beat me! Not a second time! I can't afford to lose anymore, I don't have a lot of chances left to redeem my worth. I have to stay strong! No! I need to stay strong! Thump! Thump! Ah! My head, what the hell!

"Ian?" Thomas opens my bedroom door slowly. I acknowledge him. "You ready?" He looks at me with a cold stare. I get off my bed and walk past him.

"What are we waiting for?" I announce sarcastically. I walk behind him down the stairs. THUMP! THUMP! Ah! I hold my head for a bit. When I feel stable enough to continue down the stairs I pick up the pace to match Thomas's. My body starts to lean to one side, I catch myself with the rail.

"Ian? Are you alright?" He asks impatiently.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lean off the rail, and my head pounds harder. The pain is so excruciating I have to grit my teeth. Finally I make it down the stairs, I miss the last step. I watch as the world around me blurs and is filled with darkness.

Hannah Pov,

Pant,pant,pant where am I? It's so dark...I can't see a thing! All I remember was, getting ready for bed then...a sharp pinch on my neck! The rope is digging into my wrists the more I try to twist my hands free. Wait a minute, this is a dream. I just have to wait for myself to wake up, the door opens wide scratching against the floor. Light is let into the room from the entrance, I see two figures. One man and one woman. She shakes her head at the man.

"Is that really necessary? She's a human girl after all." She sighs. "Cut the ropes, so we won't waste them when we really need them." That's odd, it's usually two men in my dream? Now there's a woman. The man walks over to me, his knife shimmers in the light. My panting increases and my heart is drumming against my chest. He slides the knife through the ropes, and a wave of relief washes over me. Tears pool in my eyes.

"So? This is the human? She's quite pathetic." The man leans over to me and studies me.

"Ironic isn't? How something so pathetic can be so valuable." She sneers. The guy walks back to the doorway. The man laughs and takes one last glance at me.

"Will see you tomorrow human, night, night." No! The girl slams the door close and my world is in complete darkness. Again, I let out an awful scream and began sobbing. I just want this nightmare to end! Please wake up already! Ian pov,

I wake up laying on the couch, recalling what happened. Ali rushes to my side.

"Ian? Are you okay?"

"I..think so?" I sit up. Did I faint? Or..collapse! Thomas barges in. I bolt up when I see him, "Thomas, did Julian call?" I look at him waiting for an answer.

"Ian, they took Hannah." He says firmly. I stand there in shock for a minute, I pace back and forth cursing out loud. I look back at Thomas.

"Which clan?" I demand.

"We don't know yet." I cup my hands over my head out of frustration. "But the good news is you're alive, which means they're using her for ransom." Alive? How could I've been so foolish to think they wouldn't retaliate! If anything happens to her, I only have myself to blame!

"What do we do now?" I ask Thomas.

"We wait." You're fucking kidding me right?

"Ian." I turn to Ali. "Even though it's risky, we have no idea who took her. It's our only option." I take a deep breath.

"Once the clan comes clean and tells us that they have her, we'll set up a deal with them." Thomas adds. Fuck this! By the time I get to her she'll be cut up or worse! And so will I? The good thing is that they need her alive. So they'll do all they can to keep her alive. Half an hour goes by and we finally receive word that a clan has Hannah. Thomas reads the message out loud, "We have the human, and if you want her to remain breathing then do as we ask. If we feel that we're being tricked or you're not honest. Will slit her throat in a heartbeat, the deal will be discussed with one member of your clan. One member must come alone and only alone."

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