Severed Bonds

Chapter 18- Rondeavou

“Hey Violet can you pick me up at Morty's?"

"Yeah, we'll be there." We'll?

"Oh, who else is with you?" Please don't say Rose, please don't say Rose!

"Oh, my brother." Phew, "Allright, we'll meet you there Han." She hangs up the call. I guess she's driving. I just need to get my head cleared away from my house away from my father. I walk over to Morty's and sit inside. I just can't be at home right now, it feels like I'm suffocating. I just want some space. Violet calls me again and walks inside to find me. I smile at her and follow her to the car. When I slide in, I see a tall guy in the driver's seat, he looks up at me in the rearview mirror.

"So, you must be Hannah?" He asks. "I heard a lot about you." Violet shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah, and you must be the brother." I laugh. He laughs with me.

"I'm Johnny." He smiles at me. I smile back. By the depth in his voice I could tell he's a lot older than me and Violet. He sounds like a college kid. When we get off the car, I take a good look at Johnny. He looks like he's twenty something, he even carries himself like he's older. Johnny turns to face me when were at the door. "Come on in." He's not bad looking either, I would say he's cute. But he's violet's brother, that's where I draw the line.

"Violet, Jhonny, dinner is ready!" Violet's mother steps out, her body shifts as she catches my glance, "Oh, who's this? "Your girlfriend Johnny? She looks kinda young." I turn beet red.

"NO mom this is my friend Hannah." Violet rolls her eyes Johnny is holding back his laughter.

"Hannah, Oh, Hannah! Well a pleasure to meet you Violet talks a lot about you!" She embraces me in a hug. So her family knows about me? I hope it's all good stuff. "Well, are you hungry? I made pasta." She points to the table. She smiles sweetly at me, I'm gobbling up the pasta she made. It tastes so good! I put my fork down and wipe my face with my napkin. I notice I'm the only one gobbling up the pasta. "I guess it's safe to say you were hungry." I smile uneasily. She twists her fork into a cluster of noodles. "So, you must be a good friend of Violet's Hannah."

"Oh, well we don't know each other that long to be considered as good friends." Good friend, is putting me on a pedestal that I'm not sure I deserve.

"Eh, I don't know you helped my sister all through high school hell I can respect that about you." Wow! Respect from a college kid! I can't help but give him a cheesy smile.

"LANGUAGE!" Her mother yells firmly.

"Yeah, Johnny" I giggle. After dinner, me and Violet hang out in her room.

"Oh Violet, do you have any pj's I can borrow?"

"Yeah, I can go look." She fumbles through her dresser. "Didn't you pack?"

"Oh, well no. I just got so excited, that I forgot to pack." She lets out a laugh.

""Well my mom seems to like you." She says pulling out some pjs from her drawers.

"Oh, well your brother seems nice." I sit in the bed and cross my legs rocking myself.

"Yeah, he's pretty chill. He's going to be going to college soon." She hands me some pjs.

"Wait he's seventeen!" I hold the pjs in my hand staring up at her.

"No, he has a late birthday so he's eighteen." She walks back to her dresser.

"He looks like he's already in college!"

"Yeah, that's what most people think." She laughs softly,"Do you feel comfortable with me changing in front of you?"

"Oh yeah I don't mind." Whew I can't stand girls who find it weird we're all girls it doesn't matter! Finally dressed , we decided to put on a movie. She sets up her laptop and presses play with the mouse. We watch it silently, then Violet starts to chat.

"Damn he's hot! If I were that girl I would've made a move already." We giggle. "Speaking of hot guys..." She trails off.

"What?" I shrug. She glares at me.

"Do YOU have a hot guy in your life?" A bigger smile widens on my face. I'm blushing!

"Oh! spill!" She attacks me with one of her pillows. I sit up and crawl to the edge of the bed.

"Ahh!... Why?" I flinch back while giggling,

"BECAUSE IT'S GIRL CODE DUH!" She throws another at me, okay now that actually hurts!

"Hahahah, okay, okay!"

"NOW SPILL!" She holds up another pillow. I tell her about Noah, and his confession and Lacey. I don't give away her name though, I feel like it would be wrong. "Wow." She says abruptly.

"That's more love drama that I will ever get."

"Really? You've never had a crush on a guy or girl that you couldn't pursue?"

"Nope." She shrugs. I sigh and flop on her bed.

"You're lucky then, it's mentally exhausting."

"So just to clarify something." She scoots close to me. "He confessed to you when he found out you were moving?" I sigh and nod my head. "Wow...forgive me for saying this but...what an asshole!" Huh?

"What do you mean?"

"He decides to tell you then? Why couldn't he confess to you before?"

"Well...cause..." I 've never thought of it that way? "You're right! What an ass! Then he tried to blame me for it!" I yawn!

"Tired already huh?" She jokes. I've never seen Violet this confident.

"Just a little." I could feel another yawn coming. She leans over and clicks off the light. I go to sleep soundly beside her. Knowing that I have someone by my side to comfort me when I experience those awful dreams. It's morning, I stretch out my legs and sit up. Violet is still sleeping. I wonder what time it is right now? Maybe nine or eight, I click on the home button and I already have five missed calls all from dad. I pull up one of the voice mails,

"Hannah please come home, it's late I don't care if you're mad at me just come home. If you come home now l won't ground you. Just come home so I at least know you're safe."

"Was that your father?" Violet sits up.

"Uh..." She rubs her eyes, and gives me a gentle smile.

"Hey, I don't mind you not telling me but by the looks of it you should probably head home so he's not worried sick or file a missing person report." Eek she's right...

"Yeah." I sigh.

"So are you going to tell me why you ran off?" She tilts her head.


"Just saying since you chose to come here after all."

"Um-" Someone knocks on the door.

"Good morning girls." Me and Violet get off the bed. Violet opens the door.

"So are we going to take her back?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," she nods.

"What! I didn't have breakfast yet!" I protest. Violet walks over to me.

"Trust me you'll thank me for doing this but you still owe me an explanation." She whispers. Johnny looks at us impatiently. Violet closes the door and tells Johnny to wait for us downstairs. I get dressed in the same clothes I had yesterday and head downstairs, wave goodbye and thank them for letting me spend the night.

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