Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 5: Homecoming

The phone rang. Kyoko picked it up, “Moshimoshi.”

O Kyoko sama?”

“Thael, I was hoping you’d call.”

“You know it’s me?”

Baka, of course I do. You are the only person on this planet that calls me Princess Kyoko.”

“Oh. I was wondering if you’d let me see you again. Our lunch today was a bit nerve wracking at the end. I was afraid you might be scared off.”

“If a snarling Shnark and a very large hairy giant didn’t scare me off, a bunch of drooling schoolgirls definitely couldn’t. Why don’t you come over? I’ll make us some dinner… and don’t pretend you don’t know where I live. I know you followed me the other night to protect me from harm.”

Honto? How?”

“I don’t really know, but ever since I met you I can sense your presence. Seems silly when I say it, but it’s true. That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

Iie, it only confirms that I found the right person to share my life with.”

“I knew that the first time I looked into your eyes. Hurry on over I need a kiss.”

“Your wish is my command, Hime sama,” he hung up.

Five minutes later the doorbell rang. When Kyoko opened the door, there was nobody there.

“I was sure I heard the bell…”

As she started to shut the door: “Kyoko sama?”

“Thael…? Where are you?”

“I’m right here… Oh… Sorry, I forgot to decloak.”

Thael faded into sight. He was wearing his Ikemen outfit. “It’s the only way I can travel quickly during the day without fans mobbing me or someone wondering what that bird-man is doing flying in the Tokyo sky.”

“Come in… Come in.” She shut the door behind him and headed toward the kitchenette.

Thael caught his foot on something and flipped over onto his back.

She stopped. Turned toward him again and saw him lying on the floor. She laughed.

“I’m glad someone is getting some pleasure from this. So, where’s my kiss?”

She sat down on his stomach, leaned down, and kissed him. He took her in his arms and held her closer.

When their lips parted she slid off onto her right side and cuddled up to him. He had his arm around her. Her head was on his shoulder. They stayed there a few minutes. Kyoko suddenly sat up.

Yuushoku!” (The dinner!)

She rushed into the kitchenette, checked all the pans and said in a relieved tone, “Yokata! Everything is fine. I’d be very disappointed if I had burned the first dinner I ever made you.”

“Me too… Not for me, but for you. You seem to have put a lot of effort into this.”

Betsuni, it’s just that… even though cooking is my hobby, I’m kind of proud of it.”

“Well, it certainly smells delicious.”

Ten minutes later they sat down at the table to eat. They put their hands together as if praying, bowed their heads and said, “Itadakimasu.”

He scooped some curry rice into his mouth with his chopsticks.

“Oishii! Kyoko sama, absolutely delicious. Are you sure this is just a hobby? I’ve not had better even in a five star restaurant.”

She laughed, “Arigato, my prince.”

Two and a half hours later, Kyoko came out of the bathroom wearing a towel on her head and another as big as a beach towel wrapped around her body.

The doorbell rang. She looked through the peep hole and made a squeaking noise. She rapidly opened the door and threw herself into the arms of the man standing in the hallway.

“Shinto! I’ve been so worried! You disappeared five years ago and I wasn’t sure you were still alive. You didn’t write or call. I’m so glad you’re alive. Yokata!”

The neighbors, hearing a commotion, were looking out their doors, to see what was going on.

“Can we get out of the hallway, please?” Shinto seemed embarrassed having the neighbors see him hugging a naked girl in a towel in the hallway.

“Yes. Yes. Come in. Come in.”

He put his bag down on the floor. She immediately leapt into his arms again. She was crying.

Yokata! I’m so glad you’re alive!” She hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, Kyoko chan, but I’ve been… Well… It’s complicated, but I am here now.” She kissed him on the cheek. Her towel immediately fell to the floor.

When Thael came out of the bathroom, he was wearing a towel around his waist. He saw a very naked Kyoko hugging a man in the living room, who looked embarrassed. Thael grabbed his dark glasses from the counter and said nonchalantly, “Kyoko? I can’t find the hair dryer.”

She turned her head, “It’s in the bedroom. I usually dry my hair there.”

“Oh. Okay.” He casually walked over to them, picked up her towel and wrapped it around Kyoko again. She took the top and folded it so it would stay on.

Arigato. I want you to meet my brother, Shinto.”

“That’s okay. I know who he is. He’s Lieutenant Watanabe Shinto. He’s been traveling the galaxy the last five years learning to be a guardian. That’s why he couldn’t contact you… and if he could have written, the stamps would really be worth something.”

Shinto shook his head, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Kyoko sama, look at his eyes.”

Sugoi! They’re green and shiny. They glow like yours, but I thought all guardians had violet eyes…”

“Like mine?” he said as he removed his dark glasses.

Shinto dropped to the floor on one knee, put his arm across his chest, bowed, and said, “Your Highness.”

“Only royalty have violet eyes. Everyone else has varied colors and all of them shine like that. Please stop kneeling, Shinto san. I can’t have my brother-in-law doing that. In private you don’t need to use honorifics either. Just call me Thael.”

“Kyoko chan… You’re married?” He asked as he got back on his feet.

“As good as… There are still some technicalities to work out and meeting the King and Queen of course. Thael, how come his eyes are like that? They weren’t before.”

“It happens when you receive guardian powers. Doesn’t matter what planet you’re from. Become a guardian and you get the pretty eyes.”

“They are pretty, especially yours. Say, should I graduate first or can we get married before that?”

“What? Oh…Any way you want it, my princess. However, you still need a coming of age party. Now that Shinto is here it will be even more special.”

Shinto looked at Thael a moment and asked, “You wouldn’t have anything to do with my sudden transfer to Earth force, would you?”

“You should never ask me a question that requires me to lie to you, brother-in-law, because I can’t do that. I found out about you last night. Kyoko has missed you so much. I merely nudged the situation by having you transferred here immediately. I hoped you’d look her up once you made planet fall.”

Kyoko threw her arms around Thael and kissed him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She was jumping up and down with excitement. When she kissed him again, her towel fell off. Thael held her in his arms. He looked at Shinto, sighed and said, “Your turn I think.”

Shinto laughed. He walked over, picked up the towel, and wrapped his sister in it. Thael kissed her again and said, “Maybe you should put something on?”

“What about you?” She said, as she rewrapped herself.

“Oh. I forgot.” He snapped his fingers for effect and his Ikemen clothing appeared again. His hair was dry and preened.

“I wish I could do that,” Kyoko said to the room.

“One day you will, Hime sama.”

“Honto? Saikou!” She quickly ran into the bedroom.

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