Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 34: Happy News

That evening, Thael and Kyoko were at their home near the mountains, having a quiet dinner. Hiro came in.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but there is a delivery from the Yamaguchi.”

“My two paintings, we’ll have to decide where to hang them.”

“I beg your pardon, your Highness, but there are three paintings.”

“Three? There must be a mistake. Bring them in so we can see what they are.”

They unwrapped the first two. They were the two Kyoko had specifically told them not to sell. When they unwrapped the third… “Nan des ka? This is the mother and child. It was sold. Why is it here?”

“It’s here because I bought it,” Thael confessed.

“You…? When did you…?”

“Remember opening night when I went back in to see Kodo sensei? I bought it then before anyone else could get it. I plan to hang it in my office at Niji studios.”

“I would have given it to you if I had known. Why did you buy it?”

“I bought it because it reminds me of my mother and how she used to hold me when I was a child. It gives me a warm feeling inside every time I look at it. I couldn’t expect you to just give it to me, so I paid Kodo sensei a fair price.”

Chotto… That painting sold for 1.5 million Yen.”

“Yes, and it is worth every penny. You deserve compensation for painting such a wonderful memory.”

She put her arms around him and hugged him. He held her close and rubbed her back with his right hand.

After a few minutes: “Let’s finish our meal.”

She looked up at her Angel-man, “Okay. Thank you for believing in me.” She kissed him.

They sat down at the table and finished their meal.

“Thael, you must be exhausted. You get so little sleep, now that you are training the Shnark.”

“Not really. The Guardian powers also make it less important to sleep. I can force myself to stay awake. Of course, if I went more than three weeks without sleep, that would be a problem. Fortunately, I’ve never had to test that theory.”

“Before you go tonight, I was hoping you could tuck me in? – Maybe tell me a story? – Maybe give me a massage? – or perhaps…?”

Before she could finish, he scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. He gently lay her down on the bed. He lay next to her and kissed her. They looked at each other’s eyes for a while.


“Yes, my Prince?”

“Is there something you want to tell me?”

“You know I have no secrets from you. Did I forget to tell you about something?”

He thought for a moment. “Actually, I’m not even sure you even know yet. It’s only been two weeks, so it’s possible you don’t know.”

She looked puzzled, “What do you mean?”

“Well…” He paused. He wasn’t sure how she was going to take it. “There’s another part of the bonding ritual that I wasn’t aware of until Una explained it.”

“Okay. What do I not know that I’m supposed to know?”

“Let me try to explain it this way: I was apologizing to Una for being so overly sensitive about her saying she didn’t want to be my sister. I told her that I have been feeling strange for about two weeks. I feel tired a lot. My emotions are making me unreasonably sensitive to harmless talk. I feel a bit queasy in the morning and I feel full, but at the same time I am hungry for the strangest things.”

Kyoko laughed. “Sounds like you’re pregnant.”

“Well, that’s just it. When a Taelon man bonds with the love of his life, they are inseparably linked…”

“Do you mean you are pregnant?” She giggled.

“No, my Angel, you are.”

Kyoko was shocked, “I beg your pardon?” She paused a second to think about it. “…No way.”

“Regardless, all the signs say you are.”

“Impossible. I would know if I was… How long did you say?”

“Almost two weeks. You don’t have any symptoms?”

“No. I think Una is pulling your leg.” She laughed again, “Baka.”

“I thought so too, so I checked – rather, I had Ariella look it up for me. She accessed the Taelon medical journals. They say that the Taelon husband knows shortly after conception. They develop the symptoms, but the females don’t usually know for four to six weeks.”

They looked at each other in silence.

“I hope I didn’t scare you. I don’t know if you’re ready for this step yet.”

Kyoko seemed deep in thought.

“Kyoko sama?” She didn’t respond, “Kyoko?”

He lay there looking at her face for what felt like a long time. She was expressionless. Then he saw the flicker of a tiny smile beginning at the corner of her mouth. Before long her whole face was quietly smiling. She put her bonding ring hand on her stomach. It immediately lit up and sang.

Thael ventured a question: “Are you all right, Kyoko sama?” She turned her face to his and looked into his eyes, “Are you?”

“Never happier,” He moved closer and kissed her.

When their lips parted: “Are you sure, Thael? We didn’t really discuss children much. In fact, I don’t remember us having any discussion about them. Are you sure you aren’t angry with me?”

“How could I be angry about you having our child? We’re going to be a real family. Next to finding you, this is the happiest moment in my life. Why are you acting like it’s a bad thing; something I should be angry about?

Are you upset? Because I think it’s Saikou.

Thael continued, “When Una told me, I was surprised and doubtful, but the more I thought about it, the happier I got. Our child is a beautiful gift from you to me. It’s wonderful. I hope you don’t think it will be a burden to you. You can still paint. We can still fly together. The only difference in our lives will be the joy of having another person to love. Boy or girl, it won’t change the fact that we love each other. It’s proof of our love.”

“So, you aren’t angry with me?”

He hugged her, “Baka,” he said softly in her ear, “I love you with all my heart and soul. I know you love me the same way, and our child will be a welcome part of our love.”

He pulled back and looked into her eyes, “You can’t think this will turn me against you…” He raised his ring hand. The band was glowing and singing. “See? It’s singing our soul song. This is the vow I made to love you, unconditionally, until the day I die.”

He took her hand and put it on his heart. “This heart beats only for you my Princess. My mind always thinks of you. My soul is lonely when you aren’t near me. My love for you is real – not a dream. Our baby will be an example of how much we love each other – not a burden or interference in our lives.”

Kyoko’s eyes were wet with tears. She pulled him close and hugged him. “Yokata, I am so glad I fell in love with you, Thael. I was afraid you would be upset about it. After all, you’re a famous pop idol and a big star. I was afraid you would be upset with me for making your life more complicated.”

“Baka,” he said softly, “What’s complicated? Having a family or solving the Shnark problem? How about that rubber chicken thing? Not to mention the exploding gjib.”

Kyoko giggled. She was smiling when she pulled back to see his face. She kissed him. “I am so lucky you love me so much, Thael.”

“I’m the lucky one. You’re actually having our baby.” He grinned, “Such a gift of your pure love for me. Domo Arigato gozaimasu, Hime sama. Aishite i masu, O Kyoko sama.” He gently kissed her. They lay in each other’s arms with their eyes closed, just enjoying the moment.

Five minutes later they were sound asleep.

Una approached Shinto, “Where’s Thael? He’s pretty late.”

“He told me he was going to talk with Kyoko tonight. There’s no telling what her reaction will be, unless she already knows… After all they have only known each other a few weeks. They married, bonded for life, and now, a baby. That’s a lot to cope with especially since he is a Prince from another planet and a Guardian to boot.”

“Yes, things between them seem to have happened pretty fast.”

“I hope they’re all right.”

“Of course they are, Shinto. I have never seen two people so completely in love with each other. Now that they have bonded, there’s no doubt that they belong together. The stones can tell the difference between love and infatuation. They wouldn’t have been able to bond if they weren’t of the same heart.”

“Una…? What about us? Do you love me?”

She was taken aback by his sudden question. He looked serious, so she replied: “I have thought about it. I have had long conversations with my heart. You are definitely the only one I am in love with. You are the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with,” she kissed him.

When their lips parted she waited for a response to her confession. He seemed hesitant. He wanted to say something, but was afraid of what her reaction would be.

Finally: “I didn’t really need to ask you that. Your eyes are proof of your love for me. They’ve changed from blue to a green-blue. Mine have changed also. They were green, but now they match yours. We are already married according to Taelon Law and tradition.”

She smiled at him. “Yes, that’s true. Nothing can change that. That’s a good thing isn’t it?”

“I have something for you.”

“What is it?”

He pulled a box from his pocket and opened it. Inside there were two rings. They were dark purple in color – almost black.

Before he could speak she exclaimed, “Shinto! Are those joining rings?”

“Yes. I knew the moment I saw you on Guardian One, that I could never be happier with anyone, except you, as my wife. I knew we belonged together. So, I am asking you now, would you share the bonding ritual with me? Can you take that next step?”

Una stared at the rings. Her eyes became wet with tears. She looked up at Shinto’s confused face. “Una,” he began, “If you need time to think…”

He stopped talking because Una’s lips were on his in a bonding ritual of their own. When she pulled away: “Yes, Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!” Her voice had started softly and built to a loud “Yes.”

Shinto was speechless. He just stood there looking at her.

Baka, I was beginning to think you would never ask me.” She kissed him again.

“Would Friday be too soon? We’ll be on Taelon for the official royal wedding, so I thought we could do it then. It would be good to have Thael and Kyoko there.”

There was a short silence. Una was deep in thought. Shinto began to sweat. Finally Una spoke: “Yes. Friday would be fine.”

“That took you some time to think about. Do you have doubts?”

“No. I actually wanted to go right now, but after thinking about what you said, I would really like to have our friends there to witness it. It won’t be very easy to wait for so long, but I agree: Friday would be the best.”

Shinto put his lips on hers and his communicator buzzed. Una laughed. He raised his arm and tapped the answer switch.

“Shinto here,” He sounded annoyed. Una giggled again.

The small three dimensional image that appeared on his wrist was Thael.

“Sorry, Shinto. We fell asleep. We’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

“Not a problem. How did it go?”

“Like everything in our life goes. Your sister is an exceptional woman. I don’t know how I lived before I met her; I don’t know if I could keep on living if I were to lose her. I know that sounds corny…”

“Not at all, Thael” he looked at Una. “I know someone else that feels the same way about his wife.”

Honto? Well, we’ll see you shortly. Ja, na?” Thael’s three dimensional hologram disappeared.

“Seems you were right, Una.”

“Of course… So is Thael.”

Nan desu ka?”

“Your sister certainly is a most remarkable woman. Say… Do you think she would paint a picture of our joining?”

“Wouldn’t hurt to ask…”

In less than five minutes Thael and Kyoko entered the Shnark training area. They were greeted with salutes and waves. Thael was suddenly knocked to the floor by a Shnark that had attached himself to his torso.

“Uncle! It’s so good to see you.” He nuzzled Thael’s chest and face. Thael took it in stride, and scratched Kip’s head behind the ears.

Kyoko looked down at the two warriors. “Do you two need a private room?”

Shinto and Una laughed. Kip jumped up and hugged Kyoko.

“Kyoko sama! I’m so glad you’re here,” he nuzzled her, but suddenly stopped. He sniffed Kyoko’s neck and her hair.

Gomenasai!” He stepped back quickly and bowed.

“What’s wrong, Kip?” Kyoko sniffed her arm to see if she smelled bad.

“Nothing, Your Highness… does Uncle know?”

“Know what?”

“About your baby girl… Does he know?”

Kyoko was a bit shocked. “How do you know, Kip?”

“Your scent has changed.”

“My… What?” She sniffed her other arm.

“Your normal scent is one of love and friendship. I always feel good when I’m near you, but now it’s the love and warmth a mother has. It reminds me of my mother. I can also sense your baby’s presence. I am so happy for you and Uncle.”

“Thank you Kip. You, seem to be the first to know our little secret. We were waiting for the right time to announce it.”

“When she is born, I hope you can all come to Kehrru Hekkrru so I can meet her properly.”

Kyoko replied: “We have always said that our house is your house, Your Highness. You can come to visit us, you know. I’m not sure how long you would have to wait before she could go on such a long trip to Karu Sektu. You should come and stay a few weeks. Your mother is always welcome too.”


“Guardians don’t lie – remember? However, more importantly, friends don’t lie to each other either. That isn’t something that just goes away because you ended the war and have your home planet back.”

Thael put his hand on Kip’s shoulder, “Yes. I will make sure you and your mother get an announcement as soon as she is born. I’ll send you a Vid. You must come and see her. It would make us very happy.”

“It would make me happy too, Uncle”

Kyoko watched the training for a while, and finally flew home to get some sleep before the next morning’s exams.

The next afternoon Thael picked the girls up from school in a studio van. He drove them to the wardrobe building for their final fitting with Hana. Kyoko had the painting of the pier with her. Thael gave her a questioning look.

“I told you about this the other night while we were having tea in the gazebo.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right. I meant to ask you why you chose to paint that scene.”

“That pier is where Hana’s Grandfather used to take her fishing. She told me about it while she was fitting my wedding gown. Her Grandfather used to tell her stories while they waited for the fish to bite. He would also ask her things about her school, friends, and girlfriends. It’s one of her fondest remembrances of her childhood.”

“I think you picked exactly the right thing to paint for her. I know she’ll love it.”

“I hope so.”

“Of course she will. I wasn’t lucky enough to have a memory like that, and I love the painting. I’m sure she’ll love it even more.”

Arigato, Thael,” she hugged him.

He bent down and gave her a short kiss goodbye. “I’ll be at my studio office. Just call me when you’re done.”

“Itekimasu!” she said as she stepped down from the van.

As she turned to go through the door, carrying Hana’s present, Thael said, “Itterashai, watashi no Hime sama

Hana cried happy tears when she saw the painting. After all the girls had been fitted, they begged Kyoko to show them her wedding dress. When she came out of the dressing room, the girls all gasped at once. For a few moments, they couldn’t make a sound. Then Ami chan began clapping. They all joined in and praised Hana’s creation.

It was eight o’clock when they had dropped almost all of the girls off at their homes.

“Well, Ami chan, you’re the last one. How do we get to your place?”

“It’s okay; just drop me off in front of the school. It’s close by.”

“Are you sure?” Thael asked. “It’s kind of late…”

Zenzen, I always walk the neighborhood about this time.”

“Okay, but it’s no trouble to take you to your door…”

“That’s okay. In fact you can let me off here. My place is just down the block.”

She stepped out of the van. “Thank you both for today. I’m really excited about our trip Friday.”

She hesitated for a moment.

Kyoko noticed that Ami chan was trying to say something that was awkward for her. “What is it Ami? Is something wrong?”

“No, Kyoko sama, I… Thael…?”

He opened his door and came around the van, “Hai…?”

“I have to tell you something. I lied to you when we first met. At that time, I was a real punk. When you walked in that day, I was angry that Kyoko sama got the best of me earlier, so I really was trying to pick a fight with her. Since then she’s become one of my best friends… and you… I never would have dreamed that a superstar like you would treat me with the respect and caring you have for me. Especially after what I said and did to Kyoko sama. I’m sure she didn’t tell you about it, but I think you should know…”

“No need. Even though Kyoko didn’t really say much about it, I knew what was going on. Her Imperial Guardians told me everything. Kyoko told me not to make a fuss, so I stayed out of it. If she could forgive you, then I certainly could; Good thing too, because I would have missed out on your delicious pastries.”

Kyoko hugged her. “Why don’t you spend the night with us near the mountains? We always have room for one more.”

Honto? Thael wouldn’t mind?”

“I was about to say the same thing.”

“But my parents…”

“You don’t need to pretend about that anymore either. We know you live in a half-way house. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Ami looked surprised.

“Yes,” Kyoko began, “and we don’t judge people by what their past looks like either. We’re friends and nothing will change that. Nothing else matters.”

Ami hugged Kyoko tighter. Her eyes filled with water.

Thael began to speak: “I have to apologize to you, Ami chan. I noticed your ankle bracelet the first time I met you. I talked to your parole office and told them we would be helping you. That’s why they agreed to let you come to the ceremony this weekend. At first, I just wanted to set you on the straight path again, but as we got to know you better we realized you were already doing that yourself.

“Then we became friends, and here we are. You can call Myuki san and tell her where you’ll be tonight. I’ve already given them the coordinates of our mountainside home, so they won’t send out the sirens for you.”

“You knew? All this time you knew, but you still made friends with me?”

“Of course, everybody makes mistakes, but more importantly, those that are trying hard to make up for them, deserve to be forgiven. Ever since you gave up being a punk and became our friend, you’ve more than made up for whatever you may have done in the past. Besides, we can’t have the world’s best pastry chef locked up in a cage, can we?”

Ami laughed.

Kyoko stepped back and took hold of Ami chan’s shoulders. “So, how about it? You want to have a sleep over?”

Ami jumped back in the van. “I just need to stop at the home for some pajamas.”

“Not a problem.” Thael helped Kyoko get back in the van, went to the other side, got in himself, and turned the key. The motor hummed. Thael turned around in his seat, “Say, Ami. Have you ever wondered what a Shnark cave looks like?”


“We need to say goodbye to our friends. They are going home to retake their planet from their most hated enemy, the Vardak.”


After stopping at Ami’s place, they visited the Shnark and said their farewells.

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