Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 30: Nagoya

On Sunday, Kyoko asked Thael to take her to Nagoya so she could paint a picture. When they arrived she had Ariella hover over the ocean near a jetty. The ship was cloaked so no one could see them.

“Ariella? Could we move a little more toward the end of the pier?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Ariella slowly moved sideways, keeping the same distance from the pier as before. When she reached a spot that was in line with one of the corner edges: “Here, that’s it. This is the perfect spot.”

Thael looked out over the water. “Are you sure this is the place? We’re hovering over the ocean.”

“Yes. This is the place I must do it. I don’t have a choice.”

“Okay. Ariella…? Could you open the hatch for her so she can get a better view of the jetty?”

“Certainly, Your Highness.” The gull wing door opened to its full extent. Ariella rotated slightly so that the hatchway faced the pier. Kyoko set up a small easel, put a fresh canvas on it, and began to draw. Thael leaned back in the Captain’s chair.

“Do you want to listen to some music while you’re working, or do you want me to use the headphones?”

“Music would be fine.”

As she painted he was typing on his laptop. Music by Rag Fair was playing softly all around Ariella’s cabin.

“What are you working on, Thael?”

He stopped typing, “I’m writing the basic scenario and plot for the Special Ueto Aya and I are going to do together. I want to make sure it’s perfected before I show it to her. After all, this kind of variety show concert is unheard of. I want her to feel as confident about it as I am.”

“I have no doubt she’ll love it.”

“That’s a really nice thing to say, Princess, especially since you have never seen any of my writing before.”

“You had faith in my paintings having never seen one, and I have faith in you.”

“Thank you, Kyoko sama. That means a lot to me.”

Two hours later they ate their bento, three hours after that she announced that her picture was done. The music of Bump of Chicken was playing.

“May I see it?”

Kyoko turned the easel around for Thael. It was a beautiful picture of the jetty. There was an old man fishing off the side, and a little boy sitting with him doing the same.

“Wow. I feel like I’m there with my Grandfather enjoying the day. He’s telling me stories and myths about amazing sea creatures. Is this for your next showing?”

“No. It’s a present for a friend.”

“Well, I’m quite certain that, whoever it’s for, they will love this.”

“Thank you, my Prince. Now, shall we go ashore for something to eat? I’m hungry again.”

“Of course, I’m hungry too.”

Ariella flew to the mainland and landed near the shore. She remained cloaked. They walked around the town, hand in hand, looking at all the shops and stores. Kyoko had done a quick change from her paint covered clothes into something more suitable. Thael was wearing an Ikemen outfit.

As they passed a noodle shop: “Oh, Thael. This place smells delicious. Let’s eat here.”

“Okay.” He followed her into the shop. They sat at a table and both ordered Udon.

An hour later: Gochisosama. I think I over did it, Kyoko sama. I’m stuffed. I’m not sure I can even get up out of this seat.”

“Me too.”

When the waitress came over with their bill, “Is that the owner behind the bar there… the one making the orders?” Thael asked, as he handed her some money.

Hai. That is Goro san. The best noodle maker in all Aichi Prefecture.” “Well, we certainly agree with that, the Udon was delicious,” Kyoko commented.

“We must go over there and thank him for the terrific food,” Thael added.

Their waitress went to the cash register to ring up their bill.

They approached the bar. “Sumimasen, Goro san, my husband and I want to thank you for such a wonderful meal.”

Do itashimashitte. I am always happy when someone enjoys my noodles.” He bowed. Then he got a good look at his two customers. “Chotto… Are you two the Prince and Princess Thael?”

“Yes we are. I am Thael Kyoko and this handsome man here is my husband the crown Prince. We have been enjoying walking around your town. When we smelled the delicious aromas coming from your shop, we just had to stop and eat something.”

Thael nodded, “Yes, but you needn’t make a fuss over us. Today we’re just like any other customer that walks into your shop.”

Goro san bowed again. “I am honored that you liked my ordinary cooking. Thank you for saying such nice things about it.”

Thael raised his hand, “Zenzen, Goro san.” He looked behind him. “You may uncloak now,” Six beautiful winged women appeared. “Ladies, I know this place is driving you crazy with its delicious smells, so I order you all to take a seat and eat. Don’t worry; we won’t sneak out on you.”

The girls sat down and a very surprised waitress took their orders.

Thael chuckled. “Goro san. I see you have pictures of various celebrities around the walls here. Some are signed. Did they eat here? Or are you just a big fan?”

“Most of them are pictures I got from just being a fan. A couple of them actually came here to eat.”

“Would it be asking too much if we take a picture with you? You could…”

“Honto? You would pose with me?”

Kyoko smiled. “Of course we would. It would be an honor for us to have our picture on your wall. Besides, I want one so I can have a fond memory of tonight. We’d like a picture with our waitress too.”

He thanked them profusely, “I have a camera, but it isn’t very good.”

“That’s Okay, Goro san, we have one that takes excellent pictures.”

He took Ariella’s avatar from his pocket. “Let’s take the picture outside in front of your sign.”

They went out and stood together. The avatar snapped a few photos and they came back into the restaurant.

Thael held the avatar in his hand, “Ariella?”

“Yes, Your Highness?”

Please print out eight by tens of the pictures you just took. Let me know when you’re done and I’ll send someone to get them from you.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Kyoko saw the waitress heading to the Guardian’s table with the bill.

She tugged his sleeve, “Thael?”

Nan desu ka?”

She nodded in the waitress’ direction.

He jumped off the bar stool, “Chotto, Reiko chan. I’m paying for that.” The girls protested, but Thael wouldn’t have it. “I invited you to eat, so it’s only fair I pay. Besides, you work unselfishly to guard my Princess and me. You have more than earned a bowl of Udon.”

“Absolutely,” Kyoko said. “After all, he did order you to eat, didn’t he?”

Thael shrugged his shoulders, “Order… Invite… Who’s keeping track anyway?”

The Imperial Guardians laughed. “We are,” they said together.

“You can’t tell a small fib and say that I invited you to dine?”

Azura spoke for the group, “You know that none of us can lie, Your Highness.”

He spoke in English: “Oh so? I bet there is a time when you can lie.”

Azura answered him in perfect English, “Impossible, Highness, like you, it isn’t in our power to lie.”

“Okay, how about a bet then?”

“She crossed her arms. What kind of bet?” Azura eyed him suspiciously.

“If I’m right, you owe me a Guinness. If I’m wrong, you name it and I’ll buy.”

“Okay. It’s on. When is it I’m allowed to lie?”

Thael continued to speak in English: “You are allowed to lie when you sleep at night…”

The other Guardians laughed. Kyoko gave him a stern look: “Baka!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me: “Baaaakaaaa. O baka sama. That’s you.”

The Guardians were all laughing now.

After the Imperial Guardians were finished with their meal, Thael had one of them go to the ship and get the photographs. Thael spread them out on the bar.

“Oh, Thael, they came out beautifully.”

“Let’s sign them for him… and this one is a duplicate that Goro san can sign so we have one as well.”


Thael and Kyoko turned to see who it was. Their waitress, Reiko, was standing there.

“Reiko chan,” Thael started, “Did we forget something?”

“No. I was just wondering… aren’t you Paru?”

He smiled at her, “Some of the time… It’s a bit complicated.”

“Don’t mind him, Reiko chan. My husband is Paru, but he is also Prince Thael – Crown Prince to the throne of planet Taelon, and Ambassador to Earth.

“I told you it was complicated. What can my wife and I do for you?”

“I thought it was you when I took your order, but I never expected a superstar to come in here to eat.”

“We must fix that, ne, Kyoko?”


“Ueto Aya and I are planning a special concert tour. One of our stops will be here in Nagoya. I’ll bring her here to taste Goro sensei’s delicious okazu. I hope you can join us.”

“Yes,” Kyoko added, “and we’ll get you tickets for the show too.”

Thael signed one of the pictures and pushed it to toward Kyoko. She signed and held it out for Reiko, “This is for you.”

Reiko looked at the photo. It was a picture of her standing between the royal couple. Thael had written: Thank you, Reiko chan, your friends, and then the two signatures.

On Goro san’s picture they wrote, “Thank you for the delicious food, Your friends”, and their signatures.

After a little more conversation and thanks, they started to leave. The six Imperial Guardians cloaked again. As they walked out the door Thael bumped into someone who was trying to come in.

“Sumimasen, Gomenasai. I didn’t mean to…” Thael abruptly stopped talking. The man he bumped into was Shinto. He was coming in with Una. They were holding hands. They quickly let go.

“Small world isn’t it, Thael sama?” Shinto managed to say nervously.

“Yes, it is. If you haven’t eaten here before, you will be pleasantly surprised.”

“Yes,” Una began, “We’ve been here quite a few…” She trailed off.

Thael chuckled, “What do you think, Kyoko?”

She smiled, “I think my Oniisan is a very lucky man.”

“Me too… well, since they can’t lie and this seems to be making them uncomfortable, I think we’ll just continue on our date.” He looked at Kyoko. “What do you think my Princess?”

“I think we’ve wasted enough of what little time we have together tonight. Let’s go back to the pier and watch the moon rise and sun go down.”

“Now that, sounds like a fine way to start the evening. Nice seeing you two. We should have a night out together sometime. I promise we won’t ask any embarrassing questions. Ja, na?”

With that they turned and walked down the street.

Shinto wiped his forehead. “That was a bit scary. I thought he’d be upset having his Captain date his Commander. It’s totally against the rules.”

Una chuckled, “He trusts us, Shinto, and he knows that if you and I are meant for each other, then nothing can stop it or change it.”

“Do you think we’re meant for each other? Because I…” Shinto began.

Una interrupted him. “It’s okay if you don’t. I…”

Shinto put his finger against her lips to silence her. “I was going to say, that I have had that feeling ever since I first saw you on Guardian One orbiting Taelon. It’s probably stupid to say this, but, for me, it was love at first sight. I had this strong feeling we had been together in another life, and here we are together again. How foolish does that…”

He stopped talking because she was kissing him.

“It’s a beautiful night for a walk. Ne, Kyoko sama?”

She was holding onto his arm walking beside him when she suddenly said, “Oh! Look!” She let go of his arm and ran to a window display. The sign said:


Thael followed her to the window. There were necklaces, pendants, earrings, cuff links, rings, and other things.

“O Thael, that ear cuff looks just like Kip – without the wings, of course. Let’s go in.” “Certainly…”

They approached the counter. A man in his sixties came out of a back room. He bowed and welcomed them to his shop.

Kombawa,” She bowed. “Are you Imamoto san?”

“Yes, I am. Are you looking for something special?”

“In the window, there is a silver ear cuff that looks like a cat. The sign next to it says ‘Hand-made’. Does that mean that you make things on special order too?”

“Yes. I have had many people ask me to make them something from a drawing or magazine picture. I’m not always able to do it, but if you have an idea, I will listen.”

“Wonderful. What I had in mind was an ear cuff in the shape of a cat with wings.”

The jeweler looked puzzled, “Wings?”

Thael put his hand on her shoulder, “Why don’t you draw it for him and he can decide if he can do it or not.”

“Good idea, my Prince. Have you a piece of paper and a pencil?”

Hai, no problem.” He pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil from a desk drawer and laid them on the counter. As he watched her draw: “You are the people I saw on the Television news, aren’t you?”

Hai, Imamoto, san. I’m Thael Kyoko and he is Prince Thael Paru, but most people recognize him as just Paru the entertainer.”

He bowed. “Welcome to my little shop, Your Highnesses.”

“Here it is.” She passed the paper to the shopkeeper.

“Oh my, you have quite a talent for drawing, Your Highness. I don’t know if I can do it justice, but I will do my best. Do you want it in silver or gold?”

“What do you think, Thael?”

“If it were for me, I would prefer white gold, but you should choose for yourself.”

“White gold, if you can, please; my husband is right. I think he would look much better sculpted in white gold. I must give you some money so you can buy the materials to make the mold and of course buy the gold.” “Not necessary. I…”

“Oh, no, I won’t have you sacrifice a sale just because I am a Princess. I am honored that you would be so kind as to make it for me as a gift, but I insist you let me pay for it. The silver cuff in the window was three thousand yen ($38.52 USD), but you are making this special for me. It will take a long time to make and there is more white gold because of the wings.”

She took her wallet out of her purse, “Imamoto sensei? Having seen how beautiful your work is, I know my cuff will be just the way I want it, so, is this enough to cover all your trouble and expense?”

She put a fifty thousand yen ($642 USD) note on the counter.

“Your Highness. This is too much, I can’t…”

“Good. Please think nothing of it. This is what I think your skill is worth to me. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished cuff. Here is our private number. You can call any time. Let me know when I can see it and take it home.”

He bowed and profusely thanked her. They said their goodbyes and left.

Thael and Kyoko were sitting on the pier she painted, with their legs dangling over the side.

Kyoko was speaking: “The sun is setting over the mountains and over to the left the moon is rising from the sea. What an extraordinary sight. It’s so beautiful and romantic.”

She snuggled close to Thael. He leaned over and kissed her. They sat silently watching the sun’s rays fade away and the full moon gently lighting the night sky.

“It’s so beautiful, Thael. I’m so glad we came here today,” Kyoko smiled.

He bent down and kissed her. Two minutes later: “So am I, Himesama.

They watched the sun fade behind the mountains and the Japanese full moon rise from the sea. Kyoko stared at the moon.

“Oh, look! Usagi is there, making rice cakes. I wonder what they taste like.”

“Heavenly, I should think.”

Kyoko chuckled. “Hai, that is exactly what they would taste like.”

She looked up into her Angel-man’s face. She reached up with her right hand and pulled him close to her face. “But not as Heavenly as this…” She kissed him. When their lips parted she said, “Ai ishite, Thael sama. The night I met you I knew we were meant to be together. I was so happy when I found out that you weren’t just a dream that I had imagined and yet, since then, I feel like I’m living in a dream… a great and wonderful dream.”

She kissed him again before he could respond to her words. They stayed there holding hands, her head on his lap. Their rings were singing happily.


“Yes, my love?”

“The other day you seemed upset about materializing the Golden sword and shield. I hope you didn’t think that anyone expects you to join the Guardian force and have to fight,” He studied her face.

“Thael, I have no qualms about fighting if I am forced into it. You know I am trained in many forms of defense including swords and bows. I’m just not able to accept the reality of having to kill. Don’t misunderstand, I know many ways to kill, I just don’t want to do it. I can’t do it. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you.”

“It warms my heart to know you feel that way, Kyoko. I also abhor killing. Unfortunately, I have been in many situations where I had no choice. I can’t promise it will never happen to you in your life with me, but I will do my best to keep you from having to do such a thing.”

They sat in silence.

Thael looked out over the Ocean. The moon was rising gently. “I love you, Kyoko sama, you know that, don’t you? Don’t I tell you often enough?”


“No? But I tell you practically all the time.”

“Change ‘practically’ to ‘all the time’, and it might be enough.”

“You’re kidding.”

She smiled, “Yes, I am. There isn’t a moment that goes by that you don’t show me how much you love me. Anyone can say, ‘I love you’, but don’t express it in actions. You, on the other hand, show me constantly that I am loved by you. I can feel it emanating from you even now. I only hope you can see and feel how much I love you.”

He showed her his glowing, singing ring. “Every day, every hour, every minute, and every breath I breathe. I am the luckiest man in the universe to have someone I can love so deeply and who loves me so much in return.”

Thael kissed her again. They stayed there on the pier enjoying each other’s company.

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