Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 3: Shnark and Bagneroth!

It looked like a large cat with wings, except its face was hideous and skull-like. It landed on the street. When it hissed, its teeth were sharp and looked deadly. It had feathery wings, like a Gryphon. It also had arms with paw-like hands that had razor sharp retractable claws; the kind that tear and rend without a lot of effort. Its dewclaws acted as an opposable thumb and could be used to help grasp things. Its back feet were larger, also paw-like with larger sharp claws. It was about 5 feet tall and stood upright like a human. On one arm it wore a shield. In its right hand, it held a bronze colored sword.

Its armor and battle gear looked like an ancient Roman Centurion’s outfit. The only thing missing was the Mohawk-like helmet.

She saw her angel-man leave his chair and run into the street. His beautiful golden-tipped white wings seemed to appear out of nowhere. The Shnark flew straight at him, front feet first. A golden shield appeared on the angel’s left arm, and in his right, a glowing golden sword. He held up his shield and caught the Shnark’s shield full force, deflecting it. The Shnark ricocheted into the building the angel had smashed into earlier obliterating the image he had left there.

The angel man spun around and rose into the air about eight feet. He faced the Shnark who was even angrier now than when it first attacked. It stood up on its two hind feet.

“Thael,” it yelled. “This is the end for you.” Its voice sounded like an angry growling hiss.

“I’m impressed. You actually learned Japanese so you could say that lame thing to me?”

“Very funny, Taelon,” it hissed. “We’ll see who laughs last.”

Aigoo, you’re killing me with these clichés. Oh. Gomenasai, ’Aigoo’ is Korean. I won’t bother to translate. You won’t be around to appreciate it anyway.”

“We shall see…”

With that the Shnark angrily shot forward with incredible speed. Its sword glinted in the street light. It raised its sword just short of Thael and swung full force. Thael raised his shield and caught the blow. The Shnark’s forward momentum came to a halt when it collided with Thael. It struck again. Sparks flew off the metal to metal contact. Thael returned blow for blow. Sparks flew everywhere as their swords connected with shields, and sword against sword.

Kyoko no longer felt the urge to run into the night screaming. She watched her Angel man fighting that monster. Even though she wasn’t a fan of violence, she was starting to have strong feelings for this strange, wonderful person.

Thael swung his sword at just the right angle to cut the Shnark’s sword in two. Unfortunately for the Shnark, it also cut through its armor going deep into its torso. It screamed, but it turned into a gurgle half way through. It was drowning in its own blood.

Like a duck shot out of the sky by a hunter, it fell to the ground on its back with a crunching sound.

Thael landed. His sword and shield vanished along with his wings. He rushed over and knelt next to the dying Shnark. He raised its head.

“Why? Why are the Shnark attacking Earth? You know the Guardians are here protecting it. Do ishite?”

The Shnark gurgled a little. “This planet isn’t part of the United Worlds. Why are you here?”

“I was born here. My father was an American – Mother pure Taelon. This is my home world and I will protect it with my life - United Worlds or None.”

It gurgled again. “That explains it. We thought Earth had some kind of riches, minerals or gems.” He coughed up blood.

“There are riches here, Shnark – and before you ask – I’m talking about the diverse forms of life - Especially the people. You won’t understand this, but there is nothing more valuable than that. Sure, the Earth people know how to hate, I should know because I live among them, but more importantly, they know how to love.”

“You are wrong Thael – before our leaders got greedy and decided to expand beyond our home world, I remember having that.” It coughed, spat blood, and continued, “I not only underestimated your strength; I had no idea your spirit was one with the maker. Dying by your hand is an honor.” It raised the stub of its sword to the front to its face in salute, and suddenly became motionless. The hilt and stub of a blade fell to the cement with a dull metallic thud. Thael gently laid its head on the sidewalk.

Thael had tears in his eyes. Kyoko pressed the green button turning it red. She rushed over to her Angel-man and saw his wet eyes.

“Why are you so sad? You won, didn’t you?”

“I just killed a sentient being. What did I win?” He said with sadness.

Kyoko drew him to her and held him in silence.

A few moments later: “It looks so hideous. How can you feel sorry…?”

Thael grabbed the back of the Shnark’s skull and pulled. It wasn’t the Shnark’s real face, it was a helmet. Underneath the skull-like helm, its head and face looked just like an Earth cat. Its tongue was slightly sticking out between its teeth. There was a trickle of blood leaking from the side of its mouth.

“It’s a cat! Poor thing…” Kyoko’s eyes filled with water. She took its head into her arms and hugged it, and gently petted. She wiped the blood from its mouth with the bandanna it had worn around its neck.

“You see? But it gave me no choice. I really hate all this useless slaughter.”

Kyoko was silently crying, cradling the dead Shnark. She rocked gently back and forth.

A low gruff voice shouted, “Taelonite!” The windows on the coffee shop rattled.

Thael stood up and looked around. Kyoko stared at the thing standing in the road. It stood over twenty feet tall. Built like a bull; huge chest and arms. The axe in its hands was Larger than Thael. When she looked at its face she realized it wasn’t a monster after all. He was a giant man. His red, bushy beard blocked most of his features, but he was definitely a man.

“I came here to kill you, Thael,” his Japanese was fair, but with a strange accent. He held his battle axe in his right hand. His left supported the axe just under the place the axe handle met the large axe head.

Thael looked down and shook his head slowly. “Wonderful,” he said under his breath.

Kyoko jumped up, she grabbed the dead Shnark’s sword, and stepped in between them. She glared at the giant. The giant raised an eyebrow and backed up a little, not sure what to make of this tiny human glaring at him.

“Uh…, that was originally why I came here, but I see I was mistaken. I thought you Taelons were in league with the Shnark, but you killed one. That doesn’t make you their friend under any circumstance.”

“Not hardly, why would we befriend and sanction their murderous actions? We are the Guardians. We protect the United Worlds.”

“Well, that’s the thing. We Bagneroth are a part of the United Worlds, but the Great Counsel turned us down when we told them what was happening on our home world and asked for help.”

Thael stepped forward quickly, “What’s happening on Bagneroth Prime?”

“The Shnark have invaded with a vengeance. They are committing mass Genocide on my people using protoweaponry.”

“Why haven’t I been told about this?”

“Maybe because you are too busy here protecting this planet… I don’t know.”

The big man shrugged his huge shoulders.

Thael tapped a device on his right wrist. A three dimensional hologram of a guardian about six inches tall appeared on the device. It seemed to be standing on his wrist.

“Your Highness,” he bowed.

“Sergeant… This Bagneroth tells me his planet is under attack by the Shnark. Why aren’t the Guardians protecting Bagneroth Prime?”

“Even though they are part of the United Worlds, The Council…”

“I don’t want to hear excuses! I’m ordering the battle fleet to go there immediately and drive those invaders off the planet.”


“But, nothing! Am I not the commander in chief?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Then see to it. If they aren’t mobilized in ten minutes I’ll have your head! Understand? Warn them that the Shnark are using proto-weapons.”

“The council banned those weapons. I hardly think…” The sergeant began.

“That’s your problem, sergeant, you don’t think. Just follow my orders.”

“Yes, Your Highness. It shall be done.”

Thael bowed very low to the Bagneroth. “I know it’s not worth anything, after what has happened, but I apologize for my people’s rudeness and lack of compassion.”

He got down on his knees. “As my apology, you may do with me as you wish.” He bowed, touching his forehead on the top of his hands, his palms flat on the ground.

Kyoko put herself between the Giant and Thael again. She gave the giant a defiant look. A low rumbling sound came from the giant. He was chuckling.

“Rise, Prince. The stories I’ve heard about you aren’t exaggerated. You are truly a man of honor. You have my allegiance and respect. If you ever need our help, we will be there for you. Besides, I think your woman there would tear me to pieces if I tried hurting you.”

Thael sat up and looked at Kyoko’s expression. He chuckled. “You may be right.” He stood up and bowed to the giant. “You honor me, Sire. Have you a ship so you can join the battle? If not, one of mine can take you.”

“Yes, I have a ship, but your battle fleet can handle the invasion of my planet without my help. There are more Shnark here. My men and I will help you eliminate them if you’ll allow it.”

They had moved so quietly, Kyoko hadn’t noticed three other giants had appeared behind their leader.

“You are welcome, warriors. Just be sure you aren’t seen in daylight. The people here aren’t ready to meet honest to god giants yet.”

“Understood… My name is Lord Rocknash. We are at your service, Your Highness.”

He knelt on one knee and bowed his head. His men followed suit.

“Raise your head Lord Rocknash – you need never bow to me.”

He put out his empty sword hand. The giant reached out for it. Rocknash’s huge hand took most of Thael’s forearm, but the gesture was as binding as it would be had they been both the same size.

As silently as they had come, they left.

“For large people, they move as quiet as mice,” Kyoko noted.

“Next council meeting, I’m going to make them regret not helping Bagneroth Prime.”

“What about Earth? I don’t remember anything about being part of your United Worlds.”

“That’s a bit more complicated. Earth isn’t ready to accept the special diversity of people in the Universe. They have enough trouble accepting each other. How would they react to Lord Rocknash do you think?”

“I see your point.”

“Would you mind sitting with me a little longer, Hime sama?”

“Not at all, I must say that I’m going to be very disappointed when I wake up after this wonderful dream.” They talked for another hour or so. Finally, Kyoko stood up.

“I wish I could continue this, but I need to get some rest. I have school tomorrow. I need to change dreams to something less exciting.”

“Okay. What time is your lunch hour? How about I come to your school today and bring you a nice bento?

She chuckled. “Okay. We eat at 11:30. Maybe I’ll fall asleep and dream about having lunch with you then.” She told him the name of her school and what room she was in.

“One thing…” Thael began.


“This whole business with the wings and Guardians and aliens has to be kept a secret from everyone, yakusoku?” He raised his pinkie

She held up her pinkie. “Yakusoku.”

He took her pinkie and linked it with his. They touched thumbs.

“I’ll see you for lunch then.”

She laughed again. “Sure. Like anyone would believe me anyway. I don’t even believe it.” She started to leave.

“Oh. Sumimasen!”

Kyoko turned back and looked at her Angel man. “Nani…?”

“In all this excitement I forgot to ask you your name.”

“It’s Watanabe Kyoko, but I would rather you just called me Kyoko.”

She turned and walked away.

O Kyoko sama,” he said to himself, “A beautiful name for a beautiful princess.”

He spread his wings and gently launched himself into the air. He circled around and followed Kyoko home in case another Shnark got itself the bright idea of harming her. After she went in he gently flew away.

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