Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 28: Okaeri, Ami Chan

They had a delicious dinner that Thael’s cook prepared for them before they all went back to Kyoko’s apartment to meet the Queen of the Shnarks.

Kyoko and Leura prepared sashimi and fruit for the Queen. A knock on the balcony door and Ariana showed her in.

Thael and Kyoko bowed, “Good evening Your Majesty. Welcome to our home.”

Kip ran to his mother’s arms, “I missed you so much!” He nuzzled and purred.

“I missed you too my son,” she purred. She scratched behind his ears.

Kip looked up into his mother’s face. She gave a surprised look, “Oh… Your eyes… I forgot.”

“Golden eyes for a handsome Crown Prince,” Kyoko said. “He is now the youngest Guardian in the universe.”

“Yes,” Thael began, “and he’s ready for Saturday’s confrontation with the Vardak. He has full Guardian powers. He is stronger. He can call on the golden sword and shield. He also has special shields that will protect him from injury. Not even a proto weapon can pierce them.

“He’s been tested by the best warriors we have. His skills are well beyond any Vardak. He is ready to help you reclaim your throne and home world.”

Shinto and Una came in the balcony door. They bowed, “Your Majesty.”

“Well met, Captain Shinto and Commander Una,” she nodded to them.

Kip rushed over and hugged them both. They all went to the table to sit and make plans.

The Queen looked at Thael, “What happens after we free our home world? Will you take the Guardian powers away from him?”

“No, Your Majesty. Once given, no one can take them away from him. He will have them for the rest of his life. Whatever he decides to do with his life is his own choice.”

“Even if he turns against Taelon and Earth to become your enemy again…?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. However, I have no fear of him ever becoming an enemy again. He has a pure soul. I believe he will always be on the side of good.”

“Yes, his soul is pure. Even though I am biased as his mother, I believe that.”

It was late when she said her goodbyes and left.

In the morning, after breakfast, Kyoko flew off to school. When she touched down on the terrace near the front doors, her wings disappeared. Her Taelon uniform quickly changed to the school uniform all the girls there were required to wear. The other students waved to her. They had become used to her flying in and out. She went in and sat at her desk.

She was reading a Shakespearian sonnet to herself when a shadow fell over her desk. A voice said, “I hear you think you’re tough.”

Kyoko jumped up. “Ami-chan! Ami! You’re back! Okaeri!” She threw her arms around her and hugged her. Ami cha’s three gang members chuckled behind them. “Yokata! But how? When?”

“Yesterday; they had no choice. The tumor was gone and so many other people were cured too. They sent me home and asked me to check in with them in a few weeks to see if it’s permanent.”

“I’m so glad. Does this mean you can come to Taelon with us?”

“I wouldn’t miss it. So, how is Thael? He didn’t look so good when he left the hospital.”

“He’s fine. In fact he’ll be here for lunch. You must join us; in fact, you’re all welcome to join us. Do you need a ride Saturday? We can pick you up from home.”

“That’s all right, my home is a little hard to find. Could you pick me up in front of the school?”

“Of course, I think most of the girls will be meeting us here.”

“I have something for you.” Ami chan went to her desk and brought back a bag. Inside it were a variety of pastries.

“Oh, Ami, they smell delicious. Are these made by you?”

“Yes. I baked them special for you and Thael.”

At lunch they were all on the roof sampling Ami’s pastries.

Oishi,” Shinto said between mouthfuls. “These are every bit as good or better than I’ve bought from a professional patisserie.”

“Oh, yes,” Una remarked, “Ami chan, you really have a gift for this.”

They all shared the bento Shinto and Una had brought from the house near the mountain.

Later, as they packed up the bento boxes, Thael bowed to Ami. “I have to say we are very fortunate to have a friend who is such a talented chef. You will not have a problem achieving your dream. Thank you for sharing your remarkable and delicious creations with us.”

“You are all welcome. It was my pleasure making them just to hear your kind words. Thank you for that and for sharing your bento with me.”

The other girls thanked them also.

“Don’t forget that tomorrow is the day you ladies have an appointment with Hana so she can make your dresses for the ceremony. Also, we leave Friday next at five. You get to spend two nights in a real palace, and meet my grandparents, the King and Queen of Taelon. We’ll bring you home on Sunday after you’ve all rested from the reception.”

“Yes,” Kyoko added, “Larrian and Taelon maids will be there to help you with your hair and makeup before the ceremony. We brought two people for you to meet yesterday. There will be more like them and other diverse people too. We’ll introduce you and you will see that looks don’t always tell the whole story about people.”

The bell rang and they left the roof to go to class. Thael kissed Kyoko outside the door and followed her into the classroom. After Takeda Sensei had entered and the normal formality of greeting was done: “Sumimasen, sensei,” Thael began, “I wanted to make sure you remembered about the fitting this Saturday morning.”

“How could I forget? I’m looking forward to the visit to Taelon and being Kyoko sama’s Matron of honor. I couldn’t possibly miss that.”

Yokata, I am so glad. I have a small favor to ask as well… Could Leura sit in on your class again today? She really enjoyed being here the last time.”

“Of course, she kept up with us as if she had been here all semester. We’d be happy to have her with us again. Ne, Minna?

The girls all agreed. Leura came in the door and bowed, “Thank you sensei. Thank you all.”

Thael thanked them too. As he waved goodbye: “Ja na?” He left.

Saturday morning a minivan pulled in to the Niji studios lot and parked near a large building.

“We’re here ladies,” Thael said. “Kyoko sama, they are all yours. Tell Hana hello for me. I have some business at the office, so just call me when you’re done.”

Kyoko kissed him and left the van.

About two hours later, Thael got the call.

After they were all back in the van: “So, how was your visit with Hana, ladies?”

They all made complimentary comments.

“Anyone hungry? How about a breakfast snack – my treat?”

Everyone agreed. “There’s a place not too far down the road that I sometimes frequent in the afternoon,” Thael said.

A short time later the van pulled into a parking lot of a small strip mall. He stopped in front of a shop with a sign that read:

Miki’s Pastries and Confections

As they entered they were greeted by a woman in her fifties.

“Thael, what’s all this?”

After the explanations: “It’s good to see you and especially Kyoko sama. You’re much more beautiful than his descriptions of you. Frankly, you are about all he talks about. I’m so glad to finally meet you.” She bowed.

The girls and Takeda sensei had ordered their pastries and were already eating at their tables.

“I saw that news report on you two. I always knew there was something special about you Thael, from the first time you came into my shop. You must show me your singing rings.”

Kyoko put her hand out; Thael stood behind her and placed his hand on hers with the rings touching. The rings began to sing their duet.

Sugoi! How beautiful. It’s so much better hearing them in person. The television sound doesn’t do them justice.”

“Miki, I want you to meet a special friend of ours. Sato Ami, this is my longtime friend Miki. She is a certified French and English pastry chef. Miki, this is Ami chan. She is a friend and one of the best natural pastry chefs I have ever met. She has invented some pastries of her own and just wait until you taste them.”

“Pleased to meet you Ami chan. Thael called me and raved about your ability. When he raves about someone’s baking that much I have to meet them and taste their creations. So, come with me. I will show you where the kitchen is. You have to make me something.”


About an hour later, Miki looked at Thael. She had a half-eaten pastry in her hand. She nodded her head as she chewed and swallowed.

“This is absolutely amazing. Ami chan you must come and work with me after graduation. I can show you some things and you can teach me. I know we could sell these easily, how about it?”


“Yes. I want you to be my assistant pastry chef.

“I know next weekend is the wedding ceremony and you have one more week of school. So, how about the Saturday after that? Come in around eight a.m. and help me finish preparing the pastries for the day. We can discuss hours and all that. I’d also like to feature this terrific creation of yours.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much. It’s a dream of mine to become a real pastry chef. I won’t let you down, sensei.”

“If you can stay today, I’d really like to taste some of your other creations.”

They left a very happy Ami chan there and took the others home.

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