Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 17: The In-Laws

“You’ve known her a long time?” Kyoko asked innocently. She was lying on her back with her head on Thael’s lap. The ship flew silently toward the purple planet.

“Yes. She served under me during the Xexwan uprising on Devron five.”

“Szechwan? You mean like the Chinese food?”

He laughed. “It does sound like that, doesn’t it?” He told her the spelling. “Anyway, that conflict lasted three weeks. It had been going on for months before we arrived.”

“They couldn’t find a rubber chicken then?”

He laughed, “I did finally discover their ‘rubber chicken’ and we were able to peacefully stop the angry citizens from starting a revolution. I’m hoping I can do the same for the Shnark.”

“So what was it? Stir fry noodles? Or maybe egg drop soup?” She laughed.

“Actually, we discovered that the uprising happened because the gentry of that planet got greedy and bought up all the seed and grains, leaving the farmers with nothing to grow and nothing to eat. So, I suppose it actually was about food after all.”

“Did the farmers call you in to help?”

“No. Actually, the Royals asked us to intervene.”

“You fought against the farmers?”

“No. When have I ever listened to only one side of a story? We managed to sneak into their camps and listen to what they were saying. When I got back to the palace I asked them why all the grain and seed were being bought by the rich landowners.”

“What did they say?”

“They had no idea what was going on.”

“Those liars! I can’t believe they would do that to their own people!”

“They didn’t.”

Kyoko gave him a funny look. “What?”

“It was a few Lords that decided to illegally speculate on the grain market in secret. They knew that if there was a shortage the price would rise. By creating a false shortage, the grain prices could be tripled. Then the Lords would sell the grain back at triple the profit. The farmers depend on the grains to not only feed their families, but grow the next year’s crops to pay the landowners their mortgage fee from the profits. If the price got so high that they couldn’t buy seed, they would have no crops to sell next harvest which would leave them with no money for the mortgage fees. Then the Lords could confiscate the land for nonpayment and make the farmers indentured servants; whereas, before the shortage, they were a free people.”

Kyoko made a noise with her tongue and teeth, “So the Lords’ crooked idea was to not only profit from grain sales, but to steal the land through foreclosure and thereby force the farmers to work solely for them without pay? That’s forced slavery!”

Sonatory, my princess, luckily I was able to convince the King to open his stores of seed and grain. We secretly sold it to the marketplace at a much lower price. In fact it was priced lower than the original grain sold for.”

“I get it. You did the same thing to the Lords as they did to the people, only in reverse.”

“Yes. Now, the buyers in the market could by the grain cheap, so they didn’t buy any more from the Lords. The next day, the Lords panicked and held an emergency meeting. Their leaders told them to hold firm, but the others could see their investment becoming a loss. One by one they deserted and started selling their goods. Unfortunately for them, they had to sell for less than they bought it.

“Since there was a sudden overabundance of grains and seeds, the price went even lower. The Lords who had remained faithful had a sudden change of heart and decided to start selling before all that grain and seed they bought became totally worthless. We began buying and replaced the King’s grain that we sold earlier for less than we sold it for. We refilled the royal stores and made a profit for the treasury. When Una and I learned who the Lords were that started it all we informed the King.

“In the end, the main conspirators lost all their property and money. They were banished to another side of the planet. The co-conspirators were forced to lower their fees on the mortgaged land to pay the people back for their part in it. They had already suffered from their bad investment, so they had to live more frugally from then on. I suppose that in a way you were right. It was because of noodles.”

She chuckled. “Did you two ever get together?”

“What two? Oh, Una and me? We tried dating, but discovered we’d rather be friends.”

Kyoko seemed to sigh in relief. “It’s good to have friends.”

“What brought that on?”

“Betsuni,” she moved her eyes to the instrument panel.

Thael leaned down and kissed her. “I think we should exit the ship, my love. We’ve been sitting here a long time and they must be wondering what’s taking so long.”

“We’re here?” She quickly sat up. “Why didn’t you tell us, Ariella?”

“Sumimasen, Your Highness, I was so interested in the story I forgot the time. We’ve only been sitting here twenty minutes.”

“Twenty…? What must they be thinking?”

Thael chuckled and said, “Open the doors, please, Ariella.”

The doors opened and they looked out. On the tarmac were six smaller ships that looked like Ariella, except that they were heavily armed. The six Imperial Winged Guardians assigned to the Prince and Princess stood next to their ships waiting. Leading into the palace there were fifty Palace Guardians standing at attention in two lines. Twenty-five on either side of the path that lead to the palace steps and entry way. When they stepped off the ship, the six Guardians from Earth saluted with their swords over their face. Kyoko and Thael bowed.

Thael showed Kyoko the tripod landing gear under the ship.

Then they walked between the palace Guardians. As they entered between the first two, all of the palace Guardians saluted the same way. The six Imperial Guardians followed behind.

“They don’t have any wings,” Kyoko whispered.

“These are palace Guardians. They only use wings when they have to fight. Our Imperial Guardians outrank them and always have their wings on. It’s a sign of rank. Notice, that these Guardians wear blue and violet and green, where ours wear black and red. Ours are the best, most proficient, and smartest Guardians of Taelon. They are the elite of the elite.”

“Not to mention beautiful. You didn’t, by any chance, ever…”

“Ever what…? What? No. They are warriors and don’t, uh… mix with the people they are assigned to. Love might cause them to make a fatal mistake when they need all the concentration they have for fighting.”

“You really can’t lie, can you?”

Thael burst out laughing.

They entered the palace and were greeted by a number of staff. The head of house was a Taelon woman who looked older than most of the others and had some weight around the middle.

She bowed and spoke in proper Taelonese, “Welcome home Your Highness’.” Thael threw his arms around her.

“Anya. Dear, sweet Anya. It’s so good to see you again. Princess Kyoko, this beautiful lady is Anya. She has been the head of this house for over eight hundred years. Everything you see and everything we eat is coordinated by her. She makes sure the palace is clean and comfortable for everyone who lives here.”

Kyoko bowed. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Anya. Please look after me.”

“Oh my, she’s not only beautiful, but polite. We’re going to get along famously,” She hugged Kyoko. “These people lined up here are the staff. Maids, servers, butlers, and cooks, everything that helps keep this household running smoothly, they do. Without their loyalty and devotion to their duties, this place would be in shambles. We couldn’t do without them.”

Kyoko bowed and greeted them in the same way she had greeted Anya.

Anya continued, “Your suite is ready, Your Highnesses. I’ve made sure you have everything you need while you’re here. They have even prepared a hot bath – Japanese style – for you both.” She clapped her hands. A man and a girl stepped forward.

“This girl is Leura. She is from Larr. That’s why she looks the way she does. She will be the Princess’ personal Lady in waiting from now on.” Leura curtseyed, “Your Highness.”

Leura is a silver fox. Her nose is shorter than our wild fox on Earth. Her eyes are bluish grey. She wears a Taelon maid’s outfit that is violet trimmed in white lace. Her uniform colors tell everyone she is from the house of Thael. In the back of the uniform is an opening that allows her bushy tail to escape the confinements of the garment. Her hands are paw-like, but her “fingers” are fully functional. Over the centuries the dewclaw has evolved into an opposable thumb making her front paws able to do the tasks required of a five-fingered maid. Her paw-like hands are covered in a soft silver-grey fur. Her nails still resemble the claws of her ancestors, but the fingers are no longer webbed together and are more like ours are.

Kyoko bowed her head, “It’s nice to meet you Leura. You’re one of the fox people Thael has told me about, aren’t you?

“Yes Your Highness,” she seemed nervous.

“You are very beautiful Leura. I know we’ll get along well.”

“This man is the Prince’s personal butler, Hiro. He came yesterday from Earth to serve you here.”

Thael said, “Hiro san… Good to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t been home lately, but you can understand why.”

“Yes, Your Highness, I do. O Kyoko sama,” he bowed. “I’m glad he has found the perfect Princess at last.” He bowed again.

Anya spoke: “Your Grandmother and Grandfather are expecting you for dinner at eight. You have three hours. We’ve out done ourselves in the kitchen creating you both a special feast. Leura, please show them to their room.”

They made their parting speeches and went upstairs. The servants had lain out robes and bath towels. Hiro and Leura walked into what looked like separate closets and disappeared after asking, “Will there be anything else…?”

“Why are they in the closet?”

Thael chuckled. “Those doors lead to their separate rooms. They stay close by in case we need them for anything. Depending on who we want, you just pull the bell next to the appropriate door.”

“Oh. What does a personal Lady in waiting do?”

“Pretty much anything you want her to do, plus small things, like these towels. When we come back from dinner they will have laid out our bedclothes.”

“Oh, My! I totally forgot about dinner. I have nothing grand enough to wear to a palace dinner.”

Thael pulled open a closet door, “Here, my Princess.”

She went over and looked in. It was like a small bedroom. On one side were several drawers, a chair, and a large makeup mirror. On the other was a wardrobe rack. There were a dozen of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen; each with its own matching shoes and accessories.

“How beautiful! They’re gorgeous!” The lavender one seemed to speak to her. “I can’t wait to try them on. Let’s bathe so I can do a fashion show for you.”

“Now that, my love, is worth seeing. Race you to the shower.” He took off, carrying his towels and robe with him. She ran after.

After showering, they sat in the warm bath. Kyoko sat in front of him and leaned against his chest, “I really needed this.” She sighed.

“Me too,” he took a sponge and gently rubbed it on her shoulders. Then he kissed the right one, close to her neck. He kissed just under her ear and said softly, “So, what was all that curiosity about the women I know?”

Betsuni, just idle conversation…”

“Ah. Well, for the record, I have dated. I dated some of the stars I know, but it never got any farther than just that. We enjoyed each other’s company, but in love? No. Have I ever been more serious with anyone? Yes. Two or three, but in the end we knew it wasn’t going anywhere. What with the skirmishes and wars and uprisings, many times there wasn’t a lot of time to even meet someone. The women I did meet didn’t attract me at all. It’s not that they were ugly, there just wasn’t any magnetism. So I decided not to get involved with anyone until I found the right one. The one I’ll spend the rest of my life with, and that, my love, just happens to be you.”

She turned so she could look at his face.

Before she could say what was on her mind: “No, my Princess, I can’t lie. Your eyes wouldn’t have turned color if I didn’t feel the same way about you that you do about me. Now, I think we should get out of here and get dressed. Someone promised me a fashion show.”

As they got out of the tub, she grabbed him and kissed him. “Thank you for telling me that.” She kissed him again.

“Wow, two kisses. I should make up more stuff to tell you.”

“Baka!” She dried off and put on her robe.

The fashion show was short. Leura helped her change into the dresses. She modeled four dresses and finally came out wearing the lavender. She looked in the full length mirror and knew that was the one for the evening.

She sat down looking into the mirror over the makeup table, and sighed. There was a knock on the door. Leura opened it. A woman walked up behind Kyoko. She felt a presence and looked into the mirror.

“Hana! She jumped up and hugged her. What are you doing so far from home?”

“I couldn’t let you face the in-laws for the first time with hair like this, could I?” She put her fingers through Kyoko’s wet hair and held it up for emphasis. “Besides, why do you think your dresses all fit so well, shoes and all?”

“I thought so. You designed all those for me?”

“No, I designed them all for me, but you look sooo much better in them.”

They laughed. “Now let’s see what can be done with this,” she still had her fingers in Kyoko’s hair.

When she was done, Hana asked, “What do you think, Thael?”

“I think you are the most wonderful girl in the nine galaxies.” He took her in his arms and kissed her cheek, “You’ve done it again, Hana. You’ve taken the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and turned her into the Goddess she really is.”

“I couldn’t do that with too many women, Highness. Your Princess, however, I just enhanced her natural look and voila: Goddess.”

“What do you think, Leura?”

“Oh yes, your highness, she is truly a beautiful Princess.”

“A couple more finishing touches I think,” Thael opened a drawer and brought out a pendant containing a one-half inch beautifully cut and set violet stone. He put it around her neck and fastened the clasp. He also gave her matching earrings, “One more thing…”

He went to another drawer and took out a delicately crafted crown with diamonds and other jewels tastefully mounted on it. In the center there was a large half inch violet stone. He placed it on her head. “Now it is complete.”

“It’s beautiful, but Thael, what will the King and Queen think about me wearing a crown?”

“They said, and I quote, ‘A proper Princess married to the Crown Prince must have a crown.’ They gave this to me to give to you the last time I came to visit - the pendant and earrings too. Now, stand up and let us worship you, my Princess.”

She stared at her reflection. “My goodness, who is that beautiful Taelon Princess looking at me in my mirror?”

Thael put his head down near her cheek and said, “That, my Lady is my wife. Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Thael Kyoko.”

She smiled. She stood up and hugged her Prince. She pushed herself away suddenly. She still had her hands on his shoulders. “Chotto, did you say Thael Kyoko? You’ve been saying that a lot lately.”

“Yes, Thael is my last name. We usually call each other by our last names in the Guardian corps.”

“So, what is your first name?”

“You won’t believe me. Do you really want to know?”

“Yes. You can’t lie, so why wouldn’t I believe you?”

“It’s Paru,” he said chuckling.

There was a short pause. Then she started laughing. “I should have figured that out when I first learned about your truth imperative. You couldn’t possibly make up a false name. Baka, ne?” She laughed again. Then she pulled him back into her arms and hugged him for a while.

“Hana?” Thael began, “You’ve done it again. We are even further in your debt. If it’s within our power, we will give you anything you ask for: Except our children, of course.”

“Or Thael,” Kyoko said smiling.

“I wouldn’t dream of asking you to give him to me, Your Highness If I have ever seen two people who belong together, it’s you two.”

Thael spoke up: “Then what? Name it and it’s yours.”

“She’s wearing my dress isn’t she? She’s agreed to let me make her wedding ensemble, I couldn’t ask for more.”

“You don’t mind me wearing your designs?”

“Mind…? I may have originally designed them for me, but you do them more justice than I ever could. I want to design your entire wardrobe. When I see you wearing one of my creations I feel fulfilled. I enjoy making them, but like a fine work of art, it needs to be hung in a prominent place. My dresses need to be worn by you – and only you.”

“Oh, Hana,” Kyoko hugged her, “I couldn’t think of wearing anyone else’s creations but yours.”

Hana’s eyes filled with water. “Shouldn’t you two be going? You can’t be late for dinner, even if you are royalty.”

They laughed, “Yes, you’re right.”

Leura bowed as they began to go. Kyoko stopped in front of her, “Thank you Leura. Thank you for helping me.” Kyoko bowed and curtseyed. Thael thanked her too. Then Thael and his Princess left the room for dinner.

Anya had been right. They really did go overboard with the dinner. It was delicious. The Queen fell in love with Kyoko immediately and after a while they were conversing with each other as if they were longtime friends. Kyoko had forgotten she was talking to the Queen.

The King felt the same way. Kyoko was immediately accepted as family.

After dinner the King took Thael into his study.

“Paru, she is perfect. You’ve found the perfect Princess. She’s lovely, polite, personable, and delightful. That painting she gave us… She is a living paint artist, isn’t she?”

“Yes, Granddad. I’m glad you like her art.”

“Like it? Your Grandmother and I love that picture. We’re hanging it in a prominent place. She has a rare talent… That reminds me, I have something for you both.” He opened a drawer, took out a small box and handed it to Thael. When he opened the box he found two rings. They were very dark purple. So dark they were almost black. He started to touch one and the King grabbed the box and shut the lid.

“Not yet. The smaller one is for your Princess. Only she can wear it. You can only touch it when you place it on her finger. The large one is for you. Only you can wear it. She can only touch it when she places it on your finger. These rings have never been touched by a living soul. That’s why it is so important that only you two touch them until the bonding ceremony is complete.”

“They’re beautiful. Are they made from singing crystals?”

“Yes. You must follow my instructions exactly. Okay?”

“Certainly, Grandfather.”

“Go to the Shrine of the Singing Stones tonight. Climb the stairs around the center rising. At the top there is a bench carved into the stone. It’s there you must start the bonding ritual. Here are the words you must say to each other as you put the rings on.”

He handed Thael a piece of parchment.

“Next, follow the instructions written on the plaque affixed to the pedestal in front of the bench. Once you put the bonding rings on and say the ritual oath, you must never take them off again as long as you live. Understand?”

“Yes, Grandfather.”

“These rings have been in the family for over a thousand years. You are the first couple who are worthy to wear them. As soon as I heard you were bringing Hope to our planet, I knew this was right.”

“Hope? What hope?”

The King laughed. “Don’t you realize what Kiiocho means in Taelonese? It means ‘hope’.”

“It never occurred to me. I’m so used to saying her Japanese name.”

The King laughed again. One last thing: You must finish the bonding ritual no matter what happens. Okay?”

“We will. I promise.”

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