Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 15: Sukeban (Juvenile Delinquent)

Monday morning, Kyoko was back in school. The Homeroom teacher introduced a new student to the class. She was tall for a Japanese girl and built like a linebacker.

When morning break came around, she approached Kyoko’s desk.

“I hear you think you’re tough.”

Kyoko sighed, kept reading her book, and ignored her.

“Hey!” She slammed her hands down on the desk. “I’m talking to you. Ignoring me just makes me angrier.”

Kyoko kept ignoring her. She turned a page and continued reading. A fist the size of a softball hit Kyoko on the side of the face. She didn’t react at all. The big girl was in pain. Her fist hurt as badly as if she had just punched a brick wall.

Kyoko pushed her chair back and stood up, “Are you okay, Sato chan?”

“You…” She punched again. Kyoko stepped aside and Ami’s left fist missed her entirely; however Kyoko’s right hand connected with her stomach. Ami chan immediately doubled over. Kyoko put her two hands together, palm to palm, fingers entwined. She brought them up as if serving volleyball, only this was Sato chan’s head. Ami chan went over backwards and lay flat on her back. Kyoko sat down again, pulled her chair to the desk, and continued reading her book.

The big girl’s friends, the regular school bullies, dragged her away. They managed to hold her up between them and take her to the restroom, where they dowsed her with water, and surveyed the damage. When she came to, they were finally able to stop the bloody nose.

“We told you not to mess with that one.”

She stood up, but got dizzy and fell to the floor on her butt.

At eleven-thirty the lunch bell rang. Sato chan had recovered enough to threaten Kyoko again. She walked over to her desk, leaned in to Kyoko’s face and said, “You’re dead. Meet me outside.”

Thael walked in. “Ohaio Gozaimasu, minna. O Kyoko sama, are you ready for lunch?”

Kyoko smiled at Ami chan, “Sorry Sato chan; another time perhaps? I have a lunch date right now.”

Ami turned around and suddenly realized who that man’s voice belonged to. She turned back to Kyoko,

“Paru? You know Paru?”

“Actually,” Thael said, “She’s my wife. What’s your name?”

“Sa – Sato Ami” She was taken aback by the word “wife”.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ami chan,” he bowed politely. “For a minute there I thought you might be picking a fight with my Princess, but I see I was wrong. Oh my… Your face looks badly bruised. You should go to the nurse and let her check you out. You could have a broken nose there. You let me know who bullied you, Ami chan, and I’ll take care of them.”

“Oh, no, it’s okay. I was just on my way to the nurse when you came in. Don’t worry; I would never pick a fight with your wife.”

Kyoko chuckled.

“That’s a good thing because the last person that did that still can’t walk very well to this day. She didn’t mean to hurt him that badly, but he got nasty because he didn’t want to lose the world Kung Fu championship to a fifteen year old girl. Even the judges said that a world champion shouldn’t have needed to cheat, so he deserved what he got.

“I think what made him angriest was that this petite, sweet girl beat him in twenty-eight seconds. No one is faster or deadlier than she is.

“It’s been nice meeting you, Ami chan,” He bowed again. Then he turned to Kyoko, “Let’s eat, my Princess, I’m really hungry today.” He nodded his head to Sato Ami, took Kyoko’s hand and they left the room leaving a very shocked Sato chan standing there with her mouth open.

Some of her gang came over.

“You okay, Senpai?

Ami chan blinked, “She’s married to Paru?” Her voice sounded a bit shaky.

“Yes, there is that.”

“Why didn’t someone tell me?”

“You didn’t give us a chance. Oh, and that other stuff he said about martial arts…?”

“What about it?”

“Next time you’re in the hall near the Principal’s office, look in the trophy case. The big trophies are all hers. Kendo, Karate, Kung Fu, Archery, and swords, she’s the reigning and undefeated champion in Japan… in some cases, the world. She started training as a small child. Her father taught her a lot. When her parents died she continued training on her own with some heavy duty masters.”

“You people should have told me this.”

“Again, we tried, but you insisted on just jumping in.”

“Do you know how big a fan I am of Paru? I have all his CDs, DVDs, concert stubs and paraphernalia. My room is full of posters. Now, I’ve lost my one real chance to know him better. Maybe even become a friend.”

“That’s not true, Sato Senpai. He comes here every day to have bento with her. He is always friendly to everyone.

Even us, and we used to call her names.”

Another spoke up: “That’s because no one can hurt her. When we found out about her skills, we stopped trying the physical stuff and just called her names, but when we found out about Paru, we called a truce. We are friendly and courteous, so Paru treats us like friends because we’re in her class.”


“Yes, really.”

“A truce sounds like a good idea.”

“Especially, since they are both on speaking terms with an Angel. Most of the time, he joins them for lunch on the roof.”

“No way, show me.”

They went to the roof. Thael and Kyoko were at the far end. There was a winged Guardian with them. They were laughing. Sato and her friends didn’t go any farther. They wanted no trouble from them. They went down the way they came.

“I wouldn’t have believed this if I hadn’t seen it. If I can make friends with Kyoko chan, maybe one day I’ll get to eat with them.”

Thael swallowed the gyoza he had in his mouth, took a drink of tea and said, “Shinto, how are Lord Rocknash and his men doing?”

“They have become an indispensable part of our team, my Prince. They told me to give you their regards.”

Kyoko laughed. “Tell them they are invited to the formal wedding on Taelon. If they don’t come, I will be very disappointed.”

Shinto chuckled, “I can see his reaction to that. Aren’t you afraid he’ll squash you like a bug?”

Thael laughed, “I think he’s more afraid that she’ll stomp him flat.”

Kyoko laughed too. “No. He’s too kind hearted to stomp me. Besides, I know deep inside, he likes me. That reminds me…” She looked at Thael with serious eyes, “That sukeban Sato hit me with her fist square in the side of my face today and I didn’t feel a thing.”

“So that’s why Ami chan looks like that,” Thael commented.

Shinto laughed. “Oneechan, have you looked in the mirror lately? I mean, have you taken a good look.”

“What do you mean? Is there a bruise?” She rummaged through her purse, found her compact, and looked in the mirror. There wasn’t a bruise where Ami chan had hit her. “So? What’s wrong with my face?”

“Take a good look, Your Highness.”

“I still don’t…” She stopped in mid-sentence because there, in the mirror, two shiny violet eyes stared back at her. She moved her gaze to Thael, who seemed a bit nervous. “I thought we had to be married before this started happening.”

“Are you angry?” Thael seemed worried.

“Are you kidding? I’ve been looking forward to this since you first told me. I’m so happy.”

She grabbed Thael and hugged him close. “So, what is going on? What does this mean?”

“Let me explain how the magic of Taelon Royals and Guardian unions happen: First, there is the choosing.

“If she truly loves him, and he truly loves her, her eyes will slowly change to his eye color. In your case, to the Royal violet that is dominant. Guardians often mix the two eye colors to become a blend of the two.

“As this is going on, you also gain a natural shield – like the one that keeps me from any real harm. This shield is always there and it automatically strengthens when you sense danger. Your senses become keener as well. This happens because you are my princess.

“What she hit was your shield. Unfortunately she chose the face. That shield is like hitting solid steel. It’s a wonder she didn’t break her hand. Your body shield feels softer, but you still can’t take damage or feel a thing. It might even tickle.”


Shinto laughed, “It is at that. By the way, under Taelon law and tradition, because your eyes have turned color, you and Thael are legally married.”


“Yes, my love, but we should still register with the Japanese government as a courtesy since we are her citizens.” She hugged his arm tighter.

Thael continued: “There is more to the Taelon ritual of marriage. The second step is the bonding ceremony at the Shrine of the Singing Stones.”

Kyoko sat up a little, “The singing what?”

“Singing Stones.”

“Do they really sing?”

“A thousand years ago it’s said that they did. Now, it’s just a ritual signifying the joining of hearts, minds and souls. No one has heard them sing in a thousand years, and no one knows why they stopped.”

“Too bad, I’d really like to hear them sing.”

“In ancient times, as the legend goes, the singing stones had the power to join mind, heart, and soul of the two into one. In that instant they would know everything about each other. No secrets. Their love is so joined that no one can tear it apart and neither partner ever thinks of any other in the same way. Their love is bound to each other forever.”

“Is that true?”

“I don’t know. Legend says it’s true, but, as I said, the singing valley has been silent for over a thousand years.”

“That’s really sad. I already feel bound to you, but I wonder what that would be like…” She gazed off into the distance.

“Third: The formal marriage ceremony. It’s pretty much the same as here on Earth, except in our case, Royalty from all over the thirty-nine Galaxies will be there.”


“Yes, but when I say from all over the thirty-nine Galaxies it means a very diverse bunch of life forms. The Lizard men of Dràken, the Fairies that look kind of human, but they are very small and fly everywhere. That sounds great, but they can be annoying when they fly into your face to talk to you. Just keep the urge to swat to yourself.

“There are others of course, like the fox people of Larr. Many others look human, but with some minor differences. If the Shnark weren’t being so troublesome, they would be there too. There is also our friend Lord Bagneroth, Shinto, and my Grandparents, the King and Queen of Taelon.”

“That’s the scariest part. I hope your grandparents find me worthy.”

“My Princess, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Your eyes have turned. That makes us husband and wife. No one can change that. The rest is just ritual and introducing you to the galaxy’s residents, but you don’t have to worry. Everyone will fall in love with you just as I have. You are more than worthy of being the Princess of Taelon and one day my Queen. Ne, Shinto?”

“Yes. I say that not because you are my sister, but because you are worthy.”

“Thank you, Shinto. That means a lot to me,” she blushed a little.

“By the way, Oneechan, I saw your exhibit at the Yamaguchi. I have never been so moved just looking at paintings before. I’m so proud of my little sister. I was so impressed, I took some fellow Senshi with me the next time I went. They all felt the same way. That picture of Thael… absolutely amazing! Even though I couldn’t enter that one, the love radiating from the canvass was indescribable.”

“Only my Prince can go there, Shin, because he alone has my love. That’s why we’re keeping it. It will hang in our home, no matter where we live. The Sunset picture as well. It has special meaning to us.”

“Well,” Shinto continued, “I thought you’d like to know that the gallery is crowded most of the time. It’s a rare time that it is empty. Some well-known critic reviewed your showing and raved about it. Did the Curator tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“All your paintings were sold in less than one day. He said he’s going to keep them hung two more weeks so people can enjoy them. When the exhibit closes they will all go to their new owners. Your two favorites were not sold, of course, however, Someone paid three-million and a half yen ($43,710 USD) for the ‘Mother with Child’ painting.”

“Honto? Oh, my goodness.”

“The others are fetching between ¥1,800,000 ($22,614) to ¥3,000,000 each ($37,712 USD).

Kyoko felt faint, “E… Each? Oh, my, I never expected…” She leaned against Thael for support.

“Everyone that saw them wanted to own one. They kept offering higher and higher prices for them and that’s how it turned out. One lady went as high as ¥11,250,00 ($100,000)

“The curator said he would be glad to negotiate your price for doing special pictures for private parties. He also wants another showing when you have enough pictures ready. He’ll still only expect the normal twenty percent fees.

“Oh, and I have the review right here. I thought you should see it.” He pulled a scrap of newsprint from his pocket and gave it to her. “By the way, your part of the sales is over ¥100,000,000. That’s a little under nine-hundred thousand American dollars.”

This time she did faint.

After she revived and she seemed recovered, Shinto flew off into the sky.

Thael held her gently. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yes, but it all seems like a dream.”

He helped her back to the classroom. “You sure you don’t need the nurse?”

“No. I’ll be fine. It’s just that those numbers were a bit staggering.”

He smiled at her. The bell rang. He kissed her hand and said, “See you after.”

She nodded and he left. She stood dazed in the doorway.

He came back. “I almost forgot your review.” He handed it to her, kissed her cheek, turned and left.

She sat at her desk and read her review. The second bell rang and Miss Takeda came in. The classroom leader, Yamada chan, said, “Rise!” The other class members rose from their desks. “Bow!” They bowed. “Konichiwa, Sensei,” they all said in unison. Miss Takeda answered, “Good Afternoon.”

Yamada chan said, “Sit!” They sat down. Kyoko hadn’t heard a thing so she was still sitting at her desk staring at the revue.

Kyoko looked at her review for the fourth time. She couldn’t believe all the good things he said about her paintings. She stared at the article. Miss Takeda seemed to suddenly appear next to her desk.

“Watanabe chan, what are you so distracted with that you don’t answer when I call your name?”

Sumimasen, Sensei, I’ll put it away.”

Miss Takeda grabbed it before she could hide it. “You are one of the top students in my class. Let’s see what could make you so distracted.”

She read it.

“I went to this showing. I have never had such an experience in my life, but why do you have this review?” It was then she saw Kyoko’s notebook. Watanabe Kyoko printed on it. Her jaw dropped.

“You… You are that Watanabe Kyoko? You painted all those wonderful pictures?”

“Yes, Sensei.”

“What an honor to actually know the painter, herself. Your paintings are so amazing. Each one seemed to draw me into it. I could feel the wind and hear the sounds as if I were standing there. I have never experienced such a thing in my life. It was truly a magical experience.

“Your paintings were sold for well over one hundred million yen. I so much wanted to own one, but they were all spoken for by the time I saw your collection. Will you be doing another showing there?”

“Yes, sensei. Kodo Sensei said he wanted to have more paintings to show.”

“You must tell me when that happens. I absolutely have to see it. I want to have one of your pictures for my home.”

“Yes, Sensei, I will tell you.”

She gave her back the review. “Okay, class. This is English Literature. Please open your Shakespeare sonnet book to page one-hundred thirty-one. We’ll begin reading it out loud in English. Fukada chan, let’s start with you.” “One of the girls said to another, “Did Sensei say 100 million?”

The other nodded. They looked at Kyoko with new found respect.

That night Thael was waiting for her to get home. She dragged in.

“Something wrong, my Princess?

“My English Literature teacher saw that article. She’s a fan of my paintings.”

“That’s good isn’t it?”

She dropped on the couch near Thael and leaned against him, her head tilted to his shoulder. He put his arm around her.

“Yes, but now that they know I am worth more than a hundred million yen, they all want to borrow money.”

“How did you handle that?”

“I just told them that Kodo Sensei is holding my money until after I graduate.”

She lay down with her head in his lap.

“Well, that isn’t a lie. You did ask him to hold it for you.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I got take-out, so you don’t have to worry about making food tonight.”

“But I love making dinner for you.”

“I know. I just figured today was going to be pretty rough on you and that you’d be tired, so…”

He didn’t finish his sentence. She was fast asleep on his lap.

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