Selene Goddess of the Moon



After that incident, they still manage to pay me, even though I almost died in the hands of those bastards Singaporean!

It is almost one week passed and Selene never faces me again, I guess she must feel guilty about what she did to me, only Gust was the one to fix my payment.

It also came to my knowledge that Gust and Selene are cousins; she is also the owner of the mall where I work and speaking of mall dang! I need to hurry or else I will be late again, another deduction to my salary!

About the money I got from them, I need to put it in the bank and keep it there, I cannot let Justin know why or where did I get that amount.

I hurriedly go to the mall but after reminding Jan to fix breakfast for his brother, good thing I came early since there is no traffic yet.

I run fast towards the employee's locker room to fix myself, I need to get going since the mall released a 50-70% discount today, I need to get my quota for today and take advantage of this event, pretty sure there will be a lot of customers today.

"Yey! I am sure there will be a lot of people today!"

Karen said, my co-worker.

"Yeah, well I still need to sell 20k worth, I only have 80k this month, and this can't be! I will be doomed!"

I told Karen while we are both standing outside our shop and waiting for the customers.

While we are busy waiting and fixing stuff here, suddenly a commotion arises at the entrance and all the guards and employees have gathered around, we manage to take a peek at what is going on.

My eyes widened seeing Selene and Gust alighted from their expensive car, Gust is beside her and all the department heads are tailing them, even the guards guide them as they head their way to the elevator. "Hmmph, as if they are famous! Duh!"

I mumbled.

Since our shop is near the entrance, they will surely pass by us, and I will have a chance to take a good look at her, damn she's still gorgeous as always but I still hate her!

"Rich people who only know how to take advantage of small people!"

I whispered to myself but I'm stopped when Selene suddenly look at me while walking towards the elevator.

Damn! I suddenly sweat all over my face seeing her looking at me; did she hear what I just said? That is impossible! I am way far from them!

It is almost an hour passed, and I can't even get my quota yet, sigh...! How can I even get it?


I have received information that this coming Friday the announcement of the new chairman will be held, it will be done during the board members' meeting. "So, they are still not in favor of you being their new chairman huh?"

Gust said while drinking his milk tea.

"We all know that putting their shares and stocks in the auction is just an act to play safe"

I said still sitting on the couch drinking my bloody shake.

"Hey how about Martha? It seems David has a thing with Martha's life"

Gust said.

"Hmmm... David won't settle for less, they are on to something big and how big is Martha's family then?... hmm"

I said in my deep thought.

"She seems nice and simple to look at, I just don't know how did she get involve with them, poor thing, I like her, especially what she said about you"

Gust said with his annoying smile. I just gaze at him but did not say anything.

"Are you sure you don't want to ask me?"

Gust teasingly said.

"Hmmm maybe in time Gust, anyway how is the S. A. M Mall?"

I ask trying to change the topic.

"I launched an up to 70% sale, and the boards and department heads want to talk to you about something"

Gust explains.

"Hmmm... What are they up to this time... alright fix everything, let's go and meet them"

I said then prepare myself as well.

"Copy that, and oh, about Martha, she works there in the mall and I told her we're cousins so don't forget that"

Gust reminds me that we always used that, being cousins in the eyes of humans we met.



Gust and I arrive at S. A. M mall and everyone is surprised to see us, they are not even aware that I am the owner and CEO of the mall that will visit today.

"Sen over there, near the entrance is the shop where Martha works"

Gust whispered.

"I can sense her already so no need for the tip Gust"

I said.

Together with the guards and department heads, Gust and I enter the mall and everyone's eyes are buried on us.

"Hmmph! As if they are famous! Duh!"

"I guess Martha still hates you!"

Gusts whispered then smile.

"Rich people who only know how to take advantage of small people!"

I heard what Martha said, loud and clear to my ears and so I throw her a sudden gaze which I believe stunned her.

"The look on her face is priceless"

I whispered to Gust and smirked.

When we get to the conference room, all the department heads and boards are waiting.

And then the meeting starts.


I hope I could even get the 50% of my quota because even though they launched a sale today, it is not even helpful!

My thoughts are occupied by that when Ms Marlyn approaches me.

"Martha you need to be in boss Joey's office now!"

She said and so I quickly run to his office.

Boss joey is the head department of marketing, I am under his management.

I let out the air before knocking at his door.

"Boss? You're looking for me?"

I ask and then he seriously looks at me.

"Hmmm, I hate to say this but this will be your last work here, I am sorry, but your performance is very poor for the past month and even now, you can't still get your quota!"

He said that shocks me a lot, I mean the only job that I have is now kicking me out.

Damn! This can't be! This is the only source of income I have, how will I support Justin, Jan and the house, fuck this!

I am freaking out in my mind but in reality, I can't even say a word in front of him and just literally staring at the corner, then he suddenly moves from his sit and gets out of the office where I realize the need to explain myself so I followed him. While following him in the hallway, I keep begging him to keep my work here, I can't almost see the hallway since I am busy begging him until he enters a room and everyone is stunned by my loud voice still asking him to keep my work. So... it's a meeting for all of the department heads, damn this man! He aims to do this; he knows I would follow him so he manages to enter the meeting to embarrass me aside from this, what shocked me most is seeing Selene and Gust sitting near where I am standing!

All of them are staring at me, it's really embarrassing damn!

I said my apology and is about to get out when Selene open her mouth.

"Please bring me a cup of coffee"

Selene said that stopped me.

I looked at her to make sure that I am the one she is talking about, I even point to myself and Gust just nod at me while Selene gaze at me and gives me a death glare.

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It leaves me no choice but to quietly walk towards the door and do what she asks!

"Fuck you both! Damn it!"

I whispered to myself before leaving the room.

I am not her secretary duh! And it is not even part of my job description!


When Gust and I enter the conference room, the meeting starts, all the statuses and income that the mall gets from the start of the year up to the present are the subject of the meeting as well as the employees that are on the black list, which means they can no longer continue their employment here.

"What are the factors of this blacklist?"

I asked the heads.

"Those are the incompetent employees who can't get their targets"

The human resource department head said.

"Incompetent... hmmm.... give me a report about that list of incompetent employees, firing employees is a large scale, I hope all of you are aware of that"

I said with an authority.

I check the list and I am surprised to see Martha is one of them.

"To the department head, make sure that Martha Aguilar will be first on the list, effective today"

I said that shocks even Gust.

"Sen! What are you doing?"

Gust whispered but I just smirk at him and then turn my eyes to the other reports.

Two more department reports and the meeting will be over and all of us are seriously listening to the speaker when Martha's sudden appearance stunned everyone in here. Gust and I are also surprised to see her, and when Martha is slowly walking towards the door to get out I said something that surely stops her. "Please bring me a cup of coffee"

I said that and made Martha turn around to confirm if she is the one I am talking to.

She was surprised when Gust nods at her and I give her brow up and then walks out the door but whispered something that Gust and I heard. "Fuck the both of you!"

Martha whispered to herself which makes both of us burst laughing which we quickly control after it caught the people's attention.

"Oh it's nothing... please continue"

Gust said while still controlling his laugh.


I head my way to the pantry and make two cups of coffee to bring to the conference room.

When I get back to the room the meeting is already done so I decided not to get in when Gust told me that I should, I know it is Selene's idea again!

"Hey, we are waiting for you, come on in!"

He said with a smile, he is really charming in what he does unlike her evil cousin Selene!

As I enter the room, I put down the coffee at the table when Selene speaks.

"It suits you, want to be my secretary?"

Selene said while checking all the papers then look at me.

"No thanks, I still love my life! I rather work anywhere than put my life in danger near you!"

I seriously said and is about to walk out when she said something again.

"If you love your life then you should replace the position that you've just been fired from, my offer is not so bad"

She said looking at the papers, so rude!

I suddenly stopped and tries to look around when I noticed Gust is wearing headphones and just looking at his cell phone.

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

I don't know what is their plan or what kind of joke is this but I will never bite it again! Never!

"Nope, thanks for the offer but there is still more decent and safe work for me out there than being involved with you again!"

I sassily said then turn my back on them and head my way out but before I reach the door Selene suddenly stands up and speak.

"Martha, I'm sorry about what happened, honestly I did not see it coming, just accept my offer as my apology, I know you need a stable job and I am offering you one"

She said seriously and even stood up just for her sincere apologize

Her gesture really gets me, I mean she is right I really need a job; I can't be staying at home without even money to help Justin with everyday expenses.

"Well, okay sure, so when will I start and is there any job description that I can study first?"

I said without looking at her, well I kind of feel embarrassed with myself as I said earlier that I will never accept it but damn! I really need a job! I still need to support Jan's school!

"That is a smart decision, you will start tomorrow but no worries I won't expect some perfection yet but I will look forward to it, Gust will discuss the rest"

Selene said then head her way out of the room.

Gust and I left inside.

"Alright... so tomorrow you are already Selene's secretary, meaning you should always be beside her and still on call even if you are on your rest day or leave, I will give you her schedule, and you will have your key on her house, and for the specific function she will be the one to discuss you that"

Gust explains then head his way out of the room as well.

Honestly, I am not a hundred percent sure of what I just did... I am really terrified of her, her devilish look, damn! I guess I am in great trouble again!


We are now heading home when Gust remembered the scene between Martha and me.

"That is new, a Selene Alvuero Mondre apologize to a human"

Gust said.

I just give him a death glare and then turn my head to the window

"Thursday is a red sun"

I said.

"Then maybe you should spare yourself from going out"

Gust said remembering the time when I almost die due to the red sun.

There are 7 times in a year that the red sun comes out, for the human it's just an ordinary day, but for the vampire, it is harmful, when it is the red sun all our strength and abilities shut down and we become almost human but sometimes much weaker than a human, if something happens we cannot defend ourselves, although at exact midnight our vampirism resumes and as well as our ability and strengths.

"Maybe, sometimes rest is good though"

I said still staring outside.

"Well, I am just wondering, are you sure that Martha can do the work?"

Gust asks.

"She has something to do with the David that we can use to destroy them"

I said.

"Are you sure you're going to do this? Hire her to use her? I hope you don't regret it in time Sen"

Gust said.

"It's going to be a winning situation for her, and it's for the greater good, she's smart, and she'll understand"

I seriously said.

"I hope you're the right boss"

Gust replies then put on the headphone and close his eyes.

"Until I understand who you are Martha then we will start to have a good talk"

I said to myself then close my eyes.

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