
Chapter Sixth

Halston dragged me all over the sector. Which I didn't mind as much because she pointed out the important buildings as we passed them.

The part I didn't like however, was the actual shopping. We went into multiple clothing stores. In each one she made me try on a dozen different outfits, with a dozen pairs of shoes all while saying they all looked stunning and I must buy them.

When I told her I didn’t have any money she simply tilted her golden head back and let out a melody of laughter and handed the clerk a plastic card. I didn’t really know what I should and shouldn’t get, so whatever Hal threw into the pile, we bought. I felt more like a mannequin than an actual person.

After lunch, where I barely touched the blue dish that was served to me, we went décor shopping. This included another round of Hal gushing over items and insisting that I buy them. I just smiled and shrugged at everything, which she took to mean ‘I love it too’.

We didn’t carry anything out of any store, Hal said to just ship them to the house. I guess the clerks new which house she meant by that. On the way back I leaned my head against the tinted glass window of the car and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. And I should be. In that moment I realized I hadn’t slept in two days, I had been attacked, I had been transported from my home to this foreign place, and I had to run all over the largest sector in the country. It had been a hectic two days.

As soon as I felt myself drift off to sleep, I was suddenly awakened by Hal. “Come on, Emmary, we must go look at your new room. Dorien should have it all set up by now. She’s fabulous, and said she’d have a field day with the things we bought. You’re room is going to look absolutely darling.”

She hastily walked up the steps to the house through the door and up the stairs toward my room. She was all excitement and no brakes. She stopped in front of my door, “Do you want to open it, or should I?”

“If you really want to you can open it.”

She shook her head, “No no. I couldn’t. You open it, it’s your room.”

I smiled at Hal and turned the knob. As soon as I did, she rushed in. She gushed about how great the drapes matched the bedspread and how they both tied into the rug. “It’s marvelous. We did an excellent job.”

“You more than me.”

She threw the pillow back on the bed and squealed, “I almost forgot about all the clothes!” She opened the closet door to unveil rows and rows of clothing. Most of which I would probably never wear. “You have to let me borrow your clothes.”

I smiled, “Of course. They aren’t really mine. You bought them.”

Hal grinned, “and Father paid for them. Remember, you are now and forever more a Bly. What is ours is yours. Father’s money is now your money.” She gave me a tight hug, “You are now one of the most richest girls in the world. You are living in the lap of luxury until the day you die.”

One of the richest girls in the world? How rich was the Bly family? “Um, Hal?”

She pulled a dress out of the closet and held it up to her in the mirror. “Yeah?”

“What does your father do for a living?”

She hung the dress back up and picked up another and nonchalantly answered me, “He’s the Selector.”

My eyes bugged out of my head, “Your father is Lincoln Bly?” I figured they were related, but distantly. I had just thought that Vox’s father was a political figure or a judge, something important, but not Selector important.

Hal put the dress back and walked over, “Yeah, his great grandfather invented Selection. The position has just been handed down through the generations. Father’s in charge of making sure the right people get matched up. He deals with a lot of alleles and DNA and whatever else. Addeck was supposed to take over, but well that didn’t go the way Father planned.”

“What do you mean?”

Hal shrugged and admired a decorative golden lion on my new dresser, “Well, since Yale died, Addeck hasn’t been the same. He joined the guard and then got discharged. He’s just been a wreck.”

All this information was hitting me at once. “Wait what? Who’s Yale?”

“Addeck’s match. Her and Addeck fell in love, like real love, and then she died before the wedding. It was pretty tragic.”

Wow. I had no idea. I thought that he just hadn’t been matched. To know that he was, that he actually loved her, and that she died. “That’s awful.”

Hal just shrugged, “She didn't really fit in, she never came out of her room, and she would only speak to Addeck." She rolled her eyes. "I’d much rather have you as a sister than her.”

“Thanks, I guess.” I was a little worried about the fact that Hal couldn’t have cared less that this poor girl died before ever being married.

Hal smiled, “Don’t worry. The silver lining about her dying and Addeck going off the deep end is that now Vox will be named Selector. You are going to be the Selector’s wife. Isn’t that exciting?”

My head was spinning. What was happening right now? I could feel my breath getting shallower and shallower. I think I was having a panic attack. I had never had one before.

“Are you okay, Emmary?”

I nodded, my breathing settled. The attack came and went, but the panic was still there like a weight on my chest. “Yeah. Just fine.”

“You didn’t know that Vox was going to be the Selector, did you?” I shook my head. “Well, then I am so sorry for springing this on you. What a shock. I just thought you already knew.”

I shook my head, “It’s okay. I should have pieced it together. I just didn’t ever imagine.” I still couldn’t wrap my head around the idea. I had the realization that I currently didn’t have control over any part of my life at the moment. It was all just a whirlwind of change and shock and the bad kind of excitement.

The door to my room opened just then and Vox walked through. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw us. “Oh sorry. I thought you would still be out.” He was holding a bag with a hanger sticking out of it in one hand and a square package in another.

Hal looked from him to me, “I have to go see if Mother needs help with dinner.” Hal exited the room with a huge grin on her face.

The door closed, Vox cleared his throat.“Yeah, I don’t know where she is going. Mother doesn’t cook.”

I smiled at his comment. With that grin plastered on her face I knew she was probably still on the other side of the door listening.

“Hi, Emmary.”

I smiled, “Hi, Vox.”

He cleared his throat. “Uh, your room looks nice.”

I looked around my new room again, “Yeah, Hal picked everything out.”

Vox nodded, “Yeah she’s quite the decorator. I told her she should look into doing it for a living.”

“I think that would be an excellent use of her talents.” I looked at the things he was holding.

He noticed the direction of my stare, “Oh, right. I was supposed to just leave these for you, but I guess since you’re hear I can give them to you right now.” He handed me the bag first. “I picked up your dress.”

I zipped open the bag to reveal my blue dress Teyland gave me. A wave of relief washed over me. I felt a tear well up in my eye and blinked it away. “Thank you, Vox. Really you don’t know how much this means to me.”

He gave me a half smile, “It wasn’t any trouble. I’ll just hang it up.” He opened the closet and found it stuffed with my newly acquired clothes. “Or maybe not.” He chuckled and walked over to the bed, “I’ll just set it here and you can find a place to hang it later.” He laid it across the bed. “It’s a really pretty dress. Your mother was a great seamstress.”

I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears, “Yes she was.”

“This is also for you.” He had closed the space between us and handed me the other package. “Uh, you can just ignore the card in there since I’m already standing here and uh, it’d be awkward for you to read the card. Um, I thought you wouldn’t be here because um, I thought that you’d, um, still be out with Hal, so I thought I’d make a card, but since I’m standing here I can just uh, tell you what it says. You don’t have to read it.” He gave me a nervous smile.

I would have stopped him sooner, but to me it was funny the way he kept babbling on about nothing. I looked up from the package at him. He was biting his lower lip in anticipation. I smiled.


I shook my head, “Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you.”

He mirrored my smile, “You haven’t even opened it yet.”

“I know, but it was still very nice of you.”

Vox gestured to the book, “Well go on and open it.” There was a certain glint in his tawny eyes. I could tell he was excited for me to open it.

I looked back down at the pacakage and ripped open the wrapping. A card fell out and Vox immediately stooped to pick It up. I smiled and looked down at the present. It was a book.

“Uh, I brought you this, because I won’t be able to get the chance to take you to the library, so I thought this would keep you occupied until I can. It’s, uh, The Count of Monte Carlo, it’s one of my favorites.”

I smiled as I ran my hand over the cover. “Thank you, Vox.”

He was full on grinning now, “You haven’t read it yet?”

I shook my head and looked up at him, “No, what’s it about.”

“Well, I don’t want to give to much away, but it’s set during the French Revolution, you remember that from history right?” I nodded and he continued, “Well this poor sailor gets framed and arrested for conspiring with Napoleon Bonaparte and well he escapes and decides to get his revenge on all the people that put him there.”

“Sounds interesting.” I flipped through the pages. “I didn’t know you liked to read.”

Vox shrugged his shoulders, “It’s something to do I guess. If you like this one I might have a few others that you’d like to read too.”

I matched his grin, “I would like that very much. Thank you.”

“Well, dinner should be ready soon, so I will let you get ready. Uh, I’ll see you down there.”

I smiled at him as he walked out the door. I couldn’t believe that Vox had given me a book. That he had gone and gotten my dress from that stylist. I remembered what he had said last night. He wanted to make me happy. I looked down at the book once again. Well, this was a good start. I started to think of what life would be like, just lounging around a mansion much like this one with a book propped in my lap. That life wouldn’t be so bad. I set the book on my dresser and went downstairs for dinner.

That night I had Hal show me how to work the bathroom. I took the nice hot shower that I had wanted yesterday. It was relaxing and for those ten minutes it was almost like my world hadn’t changed. But eventually I had to get out and face reality. I got dressed in the new sleepwear that Hal had picked out for me. It was a comfortable tank top with matching shorts set. I tucked myself into bed with my new book.

There was a thumping sound against my window that made me jump out of the fantasy world my book had created and back into my bedroom. The clock read just a little after midnight. I looked over at the window. Nothing was there, but I couldn’t help but replay the events from last night. I suddenly didn’t feel safe in a room by myself. I climbed out of bed and walked down the hall.

Vox’s door stood ajar. I pushed it open slightly to reveal a darkened bedroom. I could hear his light snoring as I got closer. I tapped him on the arm and he jumped awake.

“Emmary?” He rubbed his eyes.


“What’s wrong?”

I shook my head, “Nothing, I just, I can’t sleep. Would you mind if stayed in here?”

He sat up, “Yeah, sure.” He grabbed the pillow he was resting on.

“Oh, I um, I didn’t mean-,”

“You mean, you don’t mind-,”

I shook my head, “No, I don’t care.”

“Okay, I’ll uh, I’ll stay then.” He set his pillow back down as I walked around to the other side of the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay on my side of the bed.”

I climbed in and laid down with my back to him. “Thanks, Vox.”

“It’s okay.” He then started to laugh.


He reached over me, “Do you have night vision or something?” I realized I was still holding the book he had given me. “No books in bed.” Vox grabbed the book out of my arms and set it on the night stand beside him.

I pouted, “Not fair.”

“My bed, my rules.”

I grinned. “Good night, Vox.”

“Good night, Emmary.”

I listened for his breathing to get slower and slower. Eventually it turned into a soft snore. His snoring was rhythmic and calming. I shut my eyes and soon sleep overtook me as well.

When I woke up the next morning I felt like I had been asleep for ages. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and sat up. My legs were tangled in the sheets, but no one else was in the room with me. The clock sat on top of my book and read 10:30. I had slept longer than I anticipated and had no clue where Vox had gone.

I grabbed my book and headed back to my room. When I opened the door, Hal was shuffling through the closet. “Honestly, Emmary, what was the point in decorating this whole room when you’re not even going to sleep in it.”

I blushed slightly. Nothing happened last night.

Hal looked at the expression on my face, “Relax. I’m only joking with you. You and Vox are matched, its like you’re already married without the official documentation. Who cares if you are fooling around?”

“We aren’t fooling around.”

“Sure you aren’t.” She gave me a wink and then returned her attention to the closet. “The best part of having a sister is sharing closets. Now what should I wear today?”

I laughed and set my book down on the nightstand. “I think that one blue one you tried on at the store looked great on you.”

Hal frowned, “I don’t quite remember that one.” She moved dresses around the rack and pulled something out. Teyland’s dress. “This one is gorgeous. Did you buy it when I wasn’t looking?”

I shook my head, “No, that’s what I wore on my dart here.”

“Oh. Well, it is simply darling. I’ll have to borrow it some other time.” She returned it to its place. I was not going to let Hal wear that dress. She could have anything in that closet, except for that dress. It meant too much to me. “Anyways, I was thinking the red one with all the beading. I have to look spectacular for tonight.”

I frowned, “What is tonight?”

Hal rolled her eyes, “The Selection Ball, silly. I told you about it. Everyone is going to be there. Everyone gets dressed up and all the matches get shown off. It’s my favorite time of the year.” She pulled out the red dress she had mention and held it up to her. “This is the one I was talking about.”

I nodded, “That looks great.”

“Good, because I’m taking it.” She closed the closet door. “Now the car will be around to pick you up at 4 to take you to Janks so he can do your hair and make-up. He also has your dress, I personally picked it for you, and I must say it’s going to look fabulous on you. I can’t wait.”

After Hal left, I put on one of the blue sundresses Hal had bought yesterday and a pair of flats. After my long slumber, my appetite had returned. I headed downstairs to see if breakfast was still out. It wasn’t. I frowned and found my way into the strange metal kitchen. A few workers were buzzing around, preparing for lunch, I assumed. “Can I help you, Dear?”

I smiled at the woman, “Is there anything left from breakfast?”

She shook her head, “No, it’s been taken out already.”

“Oh, well, is there an apple or anything I can eat to tide me over until lunch?”

“There should be some in the refrigerator.”

I frowned and looked around the kitchen, which metal object was that? At home the kitchens looked nothing likes this one. Every appliance looked identical, with the same square metal facing.

I looked at the lady and pointed toward something. She sighed and shook her head, “That’s the dishwasher.” I nodded and pointed to something else, “The beverage cooler.” She rolled her eyes and pointed. “That over there.”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you.”

I opened the door and found an apple rolling around in a clear drawer at the bottom. I rinsed it off in the sink and bit down. I wandered around the house with my book in one hand and an apple in the other. I found a set of glass doors that lead outside. I followed a stoned path to a garden area full of hedges and rose bushes. I sat down on the first bench I saw next to a huge tree. The whole garden was beautiful. I took a few more bites of my apple before diving into my book. Vox was right, I already loved it.

I didn’t know how much time had passed while I sat there. Soon I started to hear voices coming from behind me. I looked around and on the other side of the tree stood Hal and Addeck, who looked angry. Their conversation became clearer as they approached.“I don’t understand.”

Hal huffed, obviously infuriated at her brother. “I told you that I’m keeping it.”

“You can’t, Halston, it’s against the law.”

“I don’t care about the law, Addeck. It’s mine, I’m keeping it.”

“You are so stupid. People are going to notice eventually. What do you think is going to happen when they find out?”

“I don’t care.”

“You mean you haven’t thought that far ahead, have you?”

Hal screamed, “It’s none of your business!” Birds flew out of the tree beside me. Both Hal and Addeck looked over to see me staring at them. “Oh no. Emmary.” Hal rushed over to me while Addeck stalked off back toward the house. “How much of that did you hear?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I hear that you’re keeping something against the law and your brother seems upset about it. But that’s it, I swear.”

Relief washed over her. “Thank the Lord. I’m sorry. But, please don’t say anything to anyone. I mean it. If word gets out, about anything.” She searched for the right way to phrase it, “I would be ruined, the Bly name would be ruined. Please, just don’t say anything. Not even to Vox.”

I nodded, “I promise. I won’t say a word.”

Hal hugged me, “Thank you, Emmary.”

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