Seeds of Sorrow (Immortal Realms Book 1)

Seeds of Sorrow: Chapter 12

Eden’s safety had been much on Draven’s mind since their visit to Primis. While he had already designated a harpy soldier and were-guard to accompany her into town and watch over her in the castle, he hadn’t forgotten the notion of giving Eden some hand-to-hand training. After all of her escapades since arriving at Castle Aasha, he couldn’t trust her not to find another mishap to tumble into.

The were-guard trained regularly. It was good for them to exhaust some energy if they had nothing to track and kill, and fighting each other not only kept them in ready shape, it burnt off the excess that would otherwise make them impossible to live with. Were-people in general seemed to possess more exuberance than the average being. Perhaps it had something to do with the energy required to shift between forms, but were-wolves especially could grate on one’s nerves.

It was better they train, and often. For all their sakes, but most importantly for Draven’s.

Glancing at the day moon outside, Draven called Loriah to his side. The revenant appeared before his desk with her head bowed respectfully as she curtsied. “Your Grace?”

“Please see to it that Eden is clothed in garments befitting exercise. I am of the mind to have her train with the were-guard today. Do this at once, as I will be collecting her momentarily.”

“Of course, sire.” Loriah bowed, then disappeared.

“Training, Your Majesty?” Seurat asked, coming closer to the desk as Draven stood.

“Yes, training. Would you go and let Captain Channon know she and I will be joining him shortly?”

Seurat nodded. “At once.” He turned on his heel and left the study in haste.

Gazing at his own garments, Draven moved across the hall to his private chambers that were used to dress and bathe. Stripping quickly out of his vest, shirt, and breeches, he pulled on a loose-fitting tunic, leaving the stays at the top unlaced. He then pulled on a pair of soft, broken-in leather trousers that would leave him more capable of moving freely than his everyday wear. Tugging on boots, Draven then left to retrieve Eden.

The goblins were in the hallway, excitedly chirping at him as he exited his chambers. Gruff launched himself at his ankle, sinking tiny claws into the leather and leg beneath so that he might hitch a ride.

“Damn it, tiny beast. Haven’t you legs for a reason?” Draven growled at him but did not shake him off.

Gruff began to happily squawk about how the lady down the hall no longer screamed at the sight of them.

“Did I not say she was a friend?” He finally stopped to extract Gruff from his trouser leg and left him hanging off a wall torch nearby. “Now, do try to behave.”

Making his way to Eden’s room, Draven rapped lightly on the door. When the door opened, it was to reveal a confused looking Eden. Her hair had been braided off to one side, and Loriah had dressed her in a pair of her own leather trousers and a white linen shirt with a corset vest over top. It was a sight that nearly made Draven take a step back as it ignited a flash of heat within him. Instead, he schooled his features and fought for aloofness.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, except that I’m not quite sure what it is I’m ready for.”

“Come with me. You’re going to learn to fight.” Draven stepped back and motioned into the hall beside him.

“Excuse me?” Eden asked as she stepped out of her room and fell into step with him, her confused look only growing.

“After your escapade in Primis, I’ve decided that you need to learn how to defend yourself.”

“But . . . I’ve never even held a toy sword before,” she stammered.

“That’s fine. Today you will begin to learn hand-to-hand combat. Swords won’t come until later, when you’re ready.”

“Wh-what?” Eden continued to walk beside him, but Draven could tell she was feeling a little stunned.

“You’re learning to defend yourself, Eden. I can’t trust you not to get yourself killed otherwise,” he responded curtly.

She fell silent as they made their way outside the castle and into the courtyard, where the were-guards were in the midst of training. Captain Channon stood off to the side watching them. Typically, he participated, but there was a pinched look to the captain’s brows that told Draven he was waiting for them to arrive and was wondering how to take this latest request from his sovereign.

“Your Majesty! My Lady.” Channon bowed his head as they arrived before him. “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. I am Captain Channon, captain of the Royal Wolf Guard.” He bowed formally to her before lifting his head and shooting her a mischievous look through the fall of his blond hair. “You may not remember me, as I’m wearing far more clothing now than the first time we met.”

“I remember you.” Eden cleared her throat.

Channon shot her an ear-splitting grin, which made Draven’s eyes narrow. “So happy to hear I made an impression.” When Draven grunted lowly, Channon straightened up. “I’ve been told you’re interested in training with our guards today, which I must say excites us all very much. Why don’t you fall into ranks with my men, my lady?”

“Oh, I don’t know—”

“Actually, I was thinking we could start with a demonstration for her, before we begin teaching her the moves. Lady Eden has never been trained in combat before,” Draven interrupted.

Before Channon could respond, Tulok slipped up beside them. “Might I make a suggestion?”

Draven nodded to the guard.

“Perhaps His Majesty would like to take on Captain Channon? It has been a while since we’ve all had a chance to witness our king in a lighthearted battle.”

Eden was peering up at him with wide eyes, and Draven decided that Channon could use a lesson for getting a tad too familiar with her. “I suppose I could be persuaded to do so.”

Channon grinned, but there was a twitch in his jaw as he swept his hair back out of his eyes. “Splendid!” Turning from them, Channon wrapped his arm around Tulok’s neck, hauling him in against himself as he growled threatening words into his ear and moved toward the middle of the group.

Draven watched the were-guards break apart, creating a clean space for the sparring match to take place. It had been a while since he had done something of this nature with his men. He supposed it would be good for morale as well.

“Watch what we do closely.”

“What?” Eden blinked, then looked up at him once again.

“While Captain Channon and I spar, watch how we interact with each other. The way our hands and feet move to both block and attack. Be mindful of our stances, how far apart our legs are, how our hands come up to protect our faces. It may seem like a lot, but the more you watch others, the more familiar you will be with the movements when you begin practicing them yourself.”

Draven turned from her then and moved into the center of the crowd, rolling his shoulders as he loosened his body for the inevitable impact of another body coming at him. Channon stepped up opposite him, shifting his head back and forth as his steel-gray eyes sized him up. His captain was a good fighter. He wouldn’t have obtained his rank if Draven weren’t fully confident in his abilities. However, he had no intention of letting him win this fight.

Moving up to Channon, Draven stuck his hands out in fists, and Channon tapped his own fists on top of Draven’s in acknowledgement of a friendly fight. The were-wolf then lost no time in swinging toward him with a surprise uppercut.

Draven just managed to dodge it, feeling the light graze of knuckles brush along his jaw. As he ducked, his hand came up to push Channon’s arm away, and he easily blocked the next blow from the captain’s left hand.

Growling, and eyes narrowing at the cheap shot, Draven threw a punch of his own, which Channon managed to block, though he stumbled back in the process. Having gained a little ground, Draven struck at him again. This time, however, he pressed on, sweeping out with his foot just shortly after.

Channon wasn’t expecting the foot and tripped in the process of ducking the fist. However, as he fell, he hit the ground in a roll and popped back up several feet away. Spinning to face him once more, Draven found himself following Channon in a slow circle as they eyed each other up.

Draven could be patient, though, and he was fully willing to let the wolf come to him. When he did, the guard’s eyes glowed, and he released a growl as he lunged. Prepared for it, Draven blocked his attack. Grabbing at the captain’s side and bicep, he lifted him off the ground to toss him over his shoulder.

In the process of being tossed, Channon grabbed ahold of Draven’s loose tunic and pulled him over along with him. Rolling on the ground, Draven pushed himself back onto his feet quickly, eyes narrowing on his captain once more. Swiftly, Draven grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it to the side. If Channon was going to use it to his advantage, Draven would be rid of it. Seeing this, Channon lifted a hand and waggled a finger at him.

“Worried, Your Majesty?”

“Denying you the ability to cheat.”

Channon shot a smug grin his way. “Is it cheating, sire, if I use all that I have to my advantage?”

Draven smirked deeply. “Mmm, I suppose not.” This time, it was Draven who lunged at Channon, and he used some of his preternatural speed to do so. The wolf yelped and leapt back, stumbling but keeping his balance. Channon managed to get a fist in, catching Draven on the jaw.

Shaking his head, Draven growled and swung at him. Channon blocked, but as the were-wolf swung at him in return, Draven brushed the fist away with a quick press of his wrist, then spun his hand and grasped his forearm, bending the arm back. Channon winced but turned on his heel to change the angle of his arm and pull free of the hold.

Draven didn’t give him a break. With a growl, his fangs popping from his gums in the excitement of the fight, he grabbed at Channon’s other arm. Pulling it, he kicked at the captain’s ankle, knocking him off balance and forcing Channon to tumble to the ground.

This time, as the were-wolf rolled over onto his back and jumped to his feet, Draven used his abilities to go invisible. Channon spun, sniffing at the air.

“Now, now, Your Majesty, who’s cheating?” Channon turned slowly in a circle, trying to catch a subtle shift in the air that might give his master away or a scent of him on the breeze.

Moving as silently as possible, Draven snuck up behind Channon. When the wolf was looking in the opposite direction, he lunged and wrapped his arm around his neck, pulling him swiftly in against his chest, where he locked his captain in place. Dropping the invisibility, he opened his mouth and pressed the tips of his fangs to the edge of Channon’s throat.

Draven felt Channon stiffen, and then he released a shaky laugh. “Cheater,” he rasped, tapping his arm to indicate he was submitting.

“I was merely demonstrating an important fact to the lady,” Draven stated, releasing him.

“And what fact was that, sire?” Channon asked, a shaky, nervous laugh leaving him. In the depths of his eyes, there was just a hint of latent fear.

“That your enemy will do anything to win, including cheat. So never hold back.” His eyes left Channon’s to search out Eden, who was looking at the both of them wide-eyed. Swiping the back of his hand across his forehead, Draven lifted a brow at her. “Now, would you like to begin learning the basics?”

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