See You Soon: A Dark Military Romance (Scarred Executioners Book 1)

See You Soon: Chapter 44

The world’s buzzing and nothing matters anymore but the simplicity feeling I get when I’m drunk off whiskey. The guys wanted to go to a gentleman’s club after the bar but I refused.

I have a sweet tooth for my Cherry.

Rejecting Lopez’s invite to see naked women dance all over us, was new to me. Ari was already changing me. The only naked woman I’ll ever admire from now on will be her. I was still trying to let the news of her pregnancy sink in without distancing myself from her.

I’m really trying… in my own way.

I hadn’t eaten anything all day besides breakfast which made the alcohol hit harder. I didn’t want to talk when I got home, instead, I want to fill Ari with my cock and hear her scream. Her screams are like music to my ears and I want her to play me a fucking symphony.

I told Ari thirty minutes but every time I tried to leave Lopez and Kane would order us more shots. It’s now two in the morning and I feel like an ass for not getting back sooner.

An Uber takes me home as I’m too impaired to risk my career. I know for a fact I could make it home safely even though I was gone.

But I wouldn’t do anything that would risk losing my job. My career was still the number one priority in my life. Yet, Ari and the baby that she carries inside of her are changing that.

I should have known that she was pregnant when I first saw her. Her breasts have grown since the last time, and her friends slip up at the wedding. Still, I didn’t put two and two together. Now that it’s crossing my mind, her curvy body has widened hips.

I was too distracted to notice any minor details. I was thinking about breaking into her like I enjoy doing the entire time I was away from her. Her swollen breasts send me into a craze. I could take them into my mouth all day and night and it still wouldn’t be enough for me.

I pay the Uber driver at the gate to my ranch. He reverses off my property and I watch him leave. I turn back around and plug in the passcode, granting myself access.

It’s a ten-minute walk to my porch and it’s the perfect time to smoke before I walk into my house. My body buzzing, extremely inebriated. I went a little too far drowning myself in alcohol tonight. I keep pushing my limits farther and farther and my tolerance is too high. Nothing changes. No matter how much I drink.

A year since Paul’s passing is coming up and it’s triggering. The guilt came back in full force when I met Ari and there’s a part of me that hates her for it.

Another overwhelming fraction of myself that I hate, is the fact that I wasn’t able to resist her and it drives me insane. Everything would have stayed the same if I could have just stayed away from corrupting her innocence. Everything would have stayed simple.

Still, I’m sure I’m ready for the impending changes to happen but it doesn’t matter.

I was falling hard for Ari and our baby was on the way.

I watch the stars in the sky as I blow out smoke from my lungs.

How was I going to be a father to this child? I’m a fucked up person. My father was a horrible dad and I’ve already convinced myself, I’ll be the same… or worst.

I spot Ari’s Bronco parked in my driveway and my cock hardens. Such a good fucking girl.

I walk inside my house and it’s quiet. I kick off my shoes and head towards the stairs. My cock hardening for her sweet pussy.

I lighten my steps as I open the door to my bedroom, trying my hardest to keep quiet. I doubt she’s awake. She worked over ten hours today and I’m sure she’s exhausted.

In the morning, I’m going to ask her to take it easy on the number of hours she’s been working. I want to give her the option to stay home, stress-free as possible while she grows our baby.

She’s tucked underneath the sheets, the lamp illuminates her innocent cute face and my chest tightens from the feral need to rail into her.

Her short hair sprawls over hiding one side of her beautiful face. I take off my shirt throwing it into the corner of my room where my dirty laundry lays in the hamper. I shrug my shoulders back, making all the knots pop and my spine crack. I’m still in my pants as I walk towards her.

Just seeing her makes me go crazy. The drunken haze I’m in transforms me into a thirsty beast that needs to devour every part of her.

I’m going to wake her up with my cock.

I throw the blankets off of her aggressively, exposing her perfect body. She’s naked just like I asked her to be and I’m pleased. I hum with satisfaction when I see her captivating body. She’s laying on her side and I get closer.

She’s just too fucking perfect, I don’t deserve my little Angel but she’s mine. No matter what happens, she’s always going to be mine.

I lean forward placing one hand on each side of her, the bed sinking under my weight. She muffles something in her sleep before she comes into consciousness.

Her eyes slowly blink open and she smiles when she realizes I’m home.

‘Where were you? You smell like you just walked out of a bar.’ She groans.

I move her shoulder down gently, forcing her to lie on her back. She’s surprised by my touch, her eyes bulge and something takes possession of my body and I can’t help it.

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