See You Soon: A Dark Military Romance (Scarred Executioners Book 1)

See You Soon: Chapter 23

Ari falls asleep on my chest. This girl makes me feel like I’m not so bad after all. Her breathing has reached an even pace and I don’t want to wake her. Poor girl has been awake for so long with work, and the surgery on Rooker, and now I added to her exhaustion. A smile reaches my face as I stroke her soft black hair.

She’s finally mine and I think she’s right, I don’t think I’ll ever leave her alone again. I had thought about this moment since the day I met her. I admire her naked body on top of me and I know this body was designed just for me. She’s a forbidden canvas and I want to interpret every part of her body with my mouth. I went easy on her this time since it was her first but next time, I would really show her just the way I like to fuck.

I need to show her the cruel side of me that I keep hidden and I’m going to confess that to her. Not with my words though and I’ll do it when I have her trapped, next time.

I slowly slip out of bed, resting her face on my pillow. Her hair falls over her swollen pink lips and the urge to bite them again fills me. I’m staring at her, frozen, watching her breathe, completely captivated by her and I know I’m in trouble.

She’s not the only one that experienced a first time tonight. Because this was the first time I didn’t want to leave after sex, I wanted to stay and hold her in my arms. Something I’ve never done with any one because I always leave after.

To make her more comfortable, I grab a folded blanket from my closet. Seeing drops of blood where her waist used to be on the bed sheets, stops me. I’m not surprised she bled during her first time. My cock was too much for her but her sweet cunt took it so well.

I gently cover her with the blanket, dropping it on her beautiful tanned skin body. She lets out a soft groan as she cuddles in closer to the pillow. She’s in such a deep sleep.

She’s fucking perfect to me. I don’t deserve her.

I head towards the shower instead. I haven’t slept all night and it was early morning now but how could I? Besides finally exploring the beautiful depths of Ari, my mind is back to focusing on my job. I’m stressed out about the rescue mission that has yet to be successfully completed. I’m losing one of my most trusted men, Rooker. He’ll probably be sent home soon to recover with Noel and his daughters. It bothers me knowing he’ll be replaced. It’s the military, the mission will go on, with or without him. I walk closer to my bathroom, shutting off the bedroom lights.

Ari’s mine now. She always has been since the day I met her at El Devine. With one glance at her beautiful face, it was over. The life I had planned for myself… over. I’ve never wanted to commit to any woman before but something about Ari was different. She makes me feel like I’m not a villain, a killer, or a monster. Nothing has ever been able to replace my poisonous addiction. But… she did. She’s better than whiskey.

At the same time, she brings back demons from Paul’s death. Demons that made me feel guilty for living and not dying the same night as Paul.

I start the shower and the water falls down, steam starts to fill my bathroom. Watching the water fall down puts me in a trance and I go back to the worst day of my career. I clench my jaw, watching the water hit the floor of the tub. I know Ari’s going to want to know more about Paul’s death since Kane brought it up. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about the day my best friend died. Every day since then, I’ve questioned why he died and I didn’t. Not a day goes by that I don’t blame myself for it.

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