Secrets & Shadows

Chapter Prologue

A figure walked softly in the dark reaches of The Myst, a hand outreached stroking the tall bluish grass idly. They gently hummed a tune as they walked further into the darkening land of wretched and horrible creatures deep inside a dark forest. The figure stopped and stood perfectly still, just off center, in a clearing within the wood.

Alien celestial bodies and constellations twinkled above them during the perpetual twilight of this plane. The air was calm and still. There were no creatures this deep into the forest, none that anyone saw while alive anyway.

The figure stood feet together, with palms facing out in front of them; and began to mutter in low tones, rhythmically. As they pushed their will and emotions into their words, a torrent of wind rose, blowing in every direction. The wind was strong. It whipped and wailed as a vortex of air swirled in front of the summoning figure, kicking up bluish grass, dirt and leaves of nearby trees.

As the vortex of air died down and the air became still once more, a dark amorphous form materialized in front of the Summoner, who had finished muttering their incantation and smiled wickedly. The summoner reached out with both their hands, as if to stroke the gaseous form affectionately, as if it were a beloved pet. “I have a new host for you,” the figure said. “This one is desperate and in great need.”

Twin points of light appeared in the middle of the summoned creature. They glowed brightly in a display of eagerness. It had not been awake for a few centuries, it was hungry. The summoner moved in close to the creature and whispered to it, the intended target. Its new vessel. Its new home.

“Now, go,” The summoner said, turning and pointing out of The Myst. The creature sped off through the trees, beyond the horizon and vanished. The summoner, pleased with themselves, looked up into the sky and smiled.

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