Chapter 382
Chapter 382: Well done, miss! Guys like him deserve to be taught a lesson.
Yeah, scum like that dont deserve any mercy.
That was amazing! The way you handled him was so cool.
I wish I could be that awesome.
Despite the admiration thrown her way, Allison remained aloof, her demeanor so icy that it kept others from getting too close.
Soon after, the race organizers began announcing the draw results.
Allison casually checked her slip.
It was Group B.
But those standing nearby gasped in shock and looked at her with a mix of pity and concern.
Youve got bad luck, lady.
Youve drawn Turbo, the racing legend.
He always wins.
Allison raised an eyebrow.
Although she was no stranger to car racing and had competed abroad, she hadnt been involved in the local scene since her return to Ontd...