Secret Obsession: A Dark Hockey Romance (Hockey Gods)

Secret Obsession: Chapter 62

Free and clear. Somehow. Miraculously.

I rush back to the hockey house, my heart soaring. I feel lighter than I have in the past few weeks. Like once the police agreed that his death wasn’t my fault, exactly, my mind and body caught up, too.

My parents and sister are coming tonight. They’re staying at a local hotel, and then they’re going to meet me at the arena.

It’s the first night of the playoffs. Go figure.

Spring break passed in a blur. My parents did not come out to Crown Point, something to do with work or whatever. But Indie came to visit me for a weekend. That was fun, and she flirted with Finch whenever she saw him.

Did it leave the poor guy stammering and blushing?


It was fucking funny.

“Miles?” I call, stepping inside. I bypass the living room and head for the stairs, trotting up to our room. I push the door open and step inside, looking around.


Back in the hall, I spot the closed bathroom door.

I grin. I open it silently, spotting familiar gray sweatpants on the floor outside the shower. The water is running, the curtain closed, and I creep toward it.

Miles is either going to not be surprised at all, or he’s going to jump a foot.

Hopefully he won’t deck me.

I slowly grasp the edge of the curtains.

“Gotcha!” I whip it open.

Finch screams.

He’s naked. Wet. Fuck.

I scream back, louder, and cover my eyes, then spin around for good measure.

Not what I wanted to see.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I rush out of the bathroom and smack right into Miles. “Oh my God. I didn’t see anything. Promise.”

He grasps my upper arms and peers around me. Finch has yanked the shower curtain closed, although the door is still open. Miles slams it, his gaze dropping from my eyes to my lips.

“Do you like seeing my teammates naked?”

My jaw drops. “What? NO!”

His brow rises. And then his lips curl into a smirk, and I smack his chest.

“Oh, that’s a punishable offense.” He grips the back of my neck and reels me in. His kiss takes my breath away.

“They’re closing the case,” I blurt out when he withdraws.

Although he doesn’t go far, instead moving to pepper kisses down the side of my neck.

He straightens at my words.

And then I’m in his arms, and he carries me into his room. He kicks the door shut and tosses me on the bed.

“My, my,” he whispers, shucking his shirt and dropping his pants in record time. “Why are you still wearing clothes, wild girl?”

I let out an exhale and practically tear my shirt off, too. I undo my bra clasp and pull the straps off my arms. But too slow, because he’s suddenly on me. He yanks my leggings down, removing my shoes and socks, and then his mouth is between my legs.

“Oh,” I moan at the first touch. “Fuck.”

He swipes his finger through my center. “You’re so wet, baby. Is this for me or because you saw Finch naked?”

I swat at him again. He catches my hand and pins it to the bed next to my leg, his fingers intertwining with mine. He winks and lowers again, licking me. He ends up keeping my other hand hostage, too, just under my ass. Where his thumb can reach my ass cheek and swipe it lightly, causing tingles to shoot under my skin.

And then he’s pulling back and flipping me onto my stomach, yanking my hips up.

He bites my ass cheek.

I let out a screech, but he just chuckles and captures my wrists again, this time holding them both in one hand at the small of my back.

Holy fuck.

I squeeze my eyes shut, ignoring my thundering heart. He’s got me in a position to do whatever he wants—and damn if I don’t want him to do exactly that.

Control and me have never been friends.

So when he palms my other cheek, kneading it, I know the strike is coming.

“Tell me why I’m punishing you,” he says softly. “And look at me when you speak, baby. I like to see the torture in those gorgeous blue eyes.”

I blink them open and turn my head, staring over my shoulder at him. He’s between my legs, his cock hard and pointing at me, but it’s his mouth that hovers close to my ass that has me tensing. Teeth, palm. Options, options.

“Because I walked in on Finch.”



“One,” I say without thinking, my face heating.

He slides a finger into my cunt, and I groan. I roll my head down, my forehead and nose pressing into the mattress. My muscles automatically clench at him.

He’s not even holding my wrists anymore.

He doesn’t have to.


“Two.” I make an unholy noise when one finger inside me becomes two, thrusting and curling, pressing on my G-spot.



Three fingers.

I shudder. And then his other hand is spreading my cheeks, and my body goes hot. He licks my asshole. Just a little flick, but I clench around his fingers. And he snickers. Snickers.

Then he continues.

My mind blips out. He’s eating my ass and finger-fucking me, and I can’t think straight. I draw my hands up, gripping the blankets, until I can’t take it anymore. The orgasm comes out of nowhere, blowing me over. Every muscle tenses; my vision goes white.

When I come back to planet Earth, he’s spread my legs farther apart and is already inside me. His weight on my back presses me to the mattress, and he trails kisses across my shoulder. To the curve of my neck. His gentle kisses are at odds with the way his hips piston forward, slamming his dick into me.

I lift my hips back to meet him, groaning again. I push up, wanting to face him, but he bites my earlobe and forces me into stillness.

His hands slide under me and palm my breasts. There’s no part of me that he isn’t touching, and my body sings for it.

He really has officially fucked with my head.

“I need your lips,” I plead. “I want to face you.”

Miles pulls out, rising off me. “Your wish is my command.”

I bite my lip as he flops to the bed beside me, then picks me up and drapes me over him. I swing my leg over, and his hand guides his cock back inside me. I lower myself, taking him inch by inch. His piercings really do just make the sex eighteen times better, and my eyes roll back.

His hands explore my body, from my thighs and hips up my sides to my breasts, my back. Even higher, until he tangles my hair in his fingers. I sink fully onto him and go still, my mouth gaping. This angle is different. Deeper. I grind down on him, and the pressure sends sparks exploding in front of my eyes.

He sits up suddenly, catching me and forcing us chest to chest.

“Ride my cock like a good little slut,” he says with a smirk. “But tell me you love me while you do it.”

I frown. “You can’t have both.”

“Yes, I can. I have you, don’t I? You do both quite well.”

I lift myself and slide back down, and we both exhale. I loop my arms around his neck and lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

“Miles Whiteshaw,” I start. “I think I may love you more than anyone I’ve ever known.”

“You think?”

I put my mouth to his ear, my movements so fucking slow, it’s going to drive both of us crazy. “I do,” I whisper.


I pull back. As far as he lets me. “That’s all you’re going to say?”

“No. I’ve been saying a whole hell of a lot to my future wife since we first met.”

I narrow my eyes. “Like what.”

“Like the fact that I fell in love with you ages ago.” He rolls his eyes. “We talked about this. I told you I fell in love—”

Shock flickers through me.

“You didn’t say with me.” I gape at him. I should’ve known this. I should’ve realized, right? I stop and focus on his expression. “I thought you were unavailable. Unattainable. Already in love with another girl—”

“You,” he interrupts.

I scoff. And then I’m hurt.

And then… mortified.

“It’s okay,” he says, his arms cinching tighter around me. “I’ve got you now, and I’m never letting go. All right?”

I nod.

He flips us suddenly, my back hitting the mattress, all without him losing his throbbing erection inside me. He leans up and hooks one of my legs by the back of my knee, slinging it over his shoulder.

“Now I’m going to fuck the love of my life,” he murmurs. “And I’m going to come inside you. Maybe twice. Just because. And you’re going to match me, orgasm for orgasm.”

“Don’t wear yourself out before the game,” I reply, trying not to squirm.

His expression turns cocky.

And damn, that’s hot.

His fingers land on my clit, and he makes good on his promise.




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