Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 62: Lower Underground Market

"This is a map of the underground market," Zeke said, flattening the map.

The area of the underground didn't seem that big. It was just because of the fog that made it look big. But thanks to the map, they're able to imagine the land area of the underground market.

The location Angelo said to be the dangerous part of the underground market was the pub. Yes, the pub isn't any regular drinking store. Rather a place to get information.

However, getting information inside the pub was a huge risk as they have one weird rule. If you want information, you need to fight for it. Challenge the person you want to get information from, and if you win, you will get the reward you want.

The people who hold information in the underground market are called the revealers. Zeke wasn't a revealer, but he knew something that they didn't, as he was a former member of the organization.

It was an advantage, but the problem was to find a revealer—a revealer who could share real information, not fake ones. The world of the underground market is complicated, and trust is hard to obtain.

Zeke knew someone who was a revealer, but he didn't know where she was. If only he knew, then he would have brought them to her. 

"It leaves us no choice but to go to the pub," Angelo sighed.

"Why are you sighing? Aren't I the one who is supposed to do so?" Zeke furrowed his brow.

"I'm the one protecting them, not you," Angelo argued.

"It's the same banana, I'm helping them and so protecting them is also part of my job," Zeke exclaimed.

"Do whatever you want," Angelo grumbled.

"This is where we are currently," Zeke said, pointing his fingers down the map, and he continued, "We need to walk to town to where the pub is. Yes, this place has a town, and just to tell you it isn't as nice as what you guys expect it to be."

"We are aware of that, and I don't mind about it. It's more like I'm used to it," Laura assured.

"Used to it?" Zeke muttered.

"It's almost night, and we need to prepare to leave," Angelo said.

Erwin took a glance at Laura, who looked serious as she scanned through the map. He didn't want Laura to go as it was dangerous. But he couldn't bring himself to say no as things between them were going to get much more awkward.

The four of them stepped out of the shack, cautious of their surroundings. At night it is where things get dangerous. But at night, it is also where the people are most active. 

Zeke held a lamp and asked them to follow him. He also reminded them to be aware of traps. If not, one of them would get wounded.

After how many steps they reached the town. From afar, the people by the road were laughing, shouting, and talking. But as soon as their eyes averted towards the four, the air surrounding them changed.

Some people, mostly men, furrowed their brows as they looked at Laura, who looked suspicious as she was wearing a black cloak. Zeke stepped forward, and his facial expression changed.

"It's been a while, my fellow friends. I'm here to bring recruits as ordered from the High Master. I can guarantee that they're skilled people," Zeke ended with a bow.

The crowd continued to stay quiet, not until a man shouted out words that confused both Laura and Erwin. Angelo whispered into Laura's ear, saying it's their way to welcome recruits.

Zeke asked Laura and Erwin to follow him while Angelo stayed behind the two, just in case something happens to them. 

As they walked to their destination, Angelo felt nostalgic. It sure has been a while since he has been in the underground market town. As he thought more profoundly about it, he rarely gave himself time to rest.

The crowd continued back to what they were doing, but Erwin felt someone watching them. Erwin whispered into Angelo's ear, saying, "There's someone following us. Get rid of that person immediately."

Angelo nodded his head and parted ways. At the same time, Erwin continued to stay cautious but at the same time didn't want Laura to notice it. But being witty and quick, Laura knew something was not right when she saw Angelo parting ways.

Laura continued to follow Zeke, acting like everything is alright. But the truth was her hands were trembling. However, it wasn't evident as she was hiding it under the cloak.

The trio arrived at their destination, and it wasn't that far away from the town's entrance. Just from outside, you could hear the people singing along with the music. But what was stored in the pub was much more profound than you can imagine.

Zeke pushed the door, and the bell chimed, and many sets of eyes were at them again. The feeling of people having eyes at you was very uncomfortable. But this is what Laura had expected as they were new to the town.

"Wait here," Zeke said as he walked to the bar side.

"Where did Angelo go?" Laura asked, not meeting Erwin's eyes.

"He wanted to meet a friend," Erwin lied.

"Liar…" Laura muttered, pulling her hood forward.

Laura felt her chest tightening and didn't understand why Erwin would lie to her. There was nothing to hide when they were a team. Yet Erwin felt so distant as if he didn't want anything to do with her,

Zeke walked back to Laura and Erwin, asking them both to follow. Behind the pub, there lead a staircase going down to another room. Right on top of was where the pub is, and below was a place to meet revealers.

Those who only knew the password to the lower pub were allowed to enter. One of the few who knew was Zeke. 

There was a reason why Zeke knew almost everything about the underground market. First of all, he grew up there. Second, Zeke used to be one of the leaders who ruled the market. And lastly, he was a dangerous man that no one dared to touch.

"Watch your steps," Zeke reminded, looking at Laura, who nodded her head.

Laura's foot touched the ground, and her eyes widen as she sees something unexpected. Where were they? It didn't seem like they were in the same place earlier.

"Welcome to the real underground market," Zeke welcomed, watching Laura and Erwin's reactions.

The upper underground market looked worn-out, shady, and fragmented. At the same time, everything in the lower underground market looked new. 

Laura guessed that this place was only accessible to nobles who fully supported the underground market. With how the lower market looked like, it seemed they were earning a good amount of money each day.

They were lucky to have access to the lower market. It's thanks to Zeke's connections that they were able to come down here. But Laura wondered, 'where exactly are they going?'

Laura and the two boys kept walking the long hallway as if it would never end. Thoughts flew to her head like 'how many nobles are involved with this corrupted place?' Indeed, it wasn't a small amount, but for sure, they are against the current monarchy.

Zeke stopped walking and turned his back and said, "If something happens to me, I want you to run, and if I don't make it alive, go to this place. For sure, she'll be there. That's if she's still alive."

"Don't say should learn how to cherish your own life," Laura retorted.

"Listen now, the reason why I brought you guys to this place is to expose him, and things don't always go right in this place. Noble or not, not once they have gotten out unwounded," Zeke snapped. 

"I don't care about that," Laura retorted and said, "Wounded or not, we're getting out here together, alive."

Zeke clenched his fist and gave Laura a reassuring smile. When Zeke meant wounded, he wasn't joking. There was a low chance of survival. And barely anyone did survive, and it sacred him.

"Let's enter, shall we?" Zeke asked, holding the knob of the door.contemporary romance

Once the trio entered the room, the door behind them was locked immediately by two buffed men. Looking around the place, it was clean and neat, but the floor wasn't. There was a hint of blood spots, and the room smelled rustic.

In the middle of the room, a man wearing a black suit stood behind his back, and as he turned around, he cracked his fingers one by one before he spoke.

Chills ran down the trio's back as they watched the man walking closer to them. Laura felt her heart beating and tried to calm down. But no matter how hard she was trying, she couldn't seem to calm down.

The man was giving a tense heavy aura. It was similar to the first time she had met the emperor. Just what kind of person is he? For sure, he wasn't normal and was dangerous.

The man snapped his fingers, and the two men who stood by the door walked beside the man. The man smirked behind the mask and said, "Welcome to the lower market, how can I help you?"

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