Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 28: Celebration

Another day passed, and it was now the day of Laura's celebration. As soon as Laura woke up Mary, her maid forced her to dress up.

Laura, being Laura, didn't want to dress extravagantly and only wanted to wear something simple and presentable.

The party location was in the secret pergola, a place where she wouldn't be able to see Tine's face. Laura did not invite Tine to her birthday party because she didn't want Tine to interfere with their conversation. Especially when she had invited the duke over.

"Mary, I need not wear this."

"It's a must, Miss Laura."

"I don't want to." Laura declined kindly and Mary frowned and gave up.

Mary was just excited to dress Laura up and wanted her to become the star of the night. Thought Laura felt uncomfortable with the thought of bringing attention to herself. She preferred being simple since simplicity is the best.

Laura wore a white dress since she wanted to stay cool while they're in the pergola. Laura got a book as she waited for her friends' arrival. She couldn't believe the time was passing so fast. It was as if she had just entered the estate yesterday.

'Sixteen, huh?' Laura would be eighteen by now, but because of what happened, she's back to being sixteen.

Also, it was almost time for Tine to become engaged. But Laura noticed recently that things have not been going well between Tine and Prince Winston.

Was it because Tine couldn't find a way to blame Laura? Or does Prince Winston just not have any interest in her? It was weird how things had been changing drastically. As if it was never meant to happen in the beginning.

Lester entered the room and announced that Serena and Viscountess Andrea had arrived. Laura closed her book and was escorted to the secret pergola.

Serena walked down the carriage and was greeted by another maid. She then noticed another carriage pulling up and saw Viscountess Andrea getting off the carriage.

Serena greeted Viscountess Andrea and was mesmerized snd felt it was a dream meeting her. She knew that Laura's teacher was Viscountess Andrea, but still, she couldn't hide her excitement.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you, Viscountess Andrea."

"You must be Serena Smythe. Thank you for taking care of my student."

"No, in fact, I'm the one who's under her care."

"Shall we go?"

"Yes, we must not let the birthday celebrant wait."

Serena and Viscountess Andrea were both on their way to the pergola. But stopped when they suddenly encountered Tine.

When Tine saw Serena and Viscountess Andrea, she immediately greeted them both and welcomed them to the estate.

Tine expressed her sadness since she was not invited to Laura's party.

Serena acted cool and responded politely to her. She said that Laura only wanted to celebrate with her friends and stated that also didn't invite the count to her party.

Which makes it fair. Tine didn't like how Serena became so friendly with Laura, it was as if her sister was stealing her best friend. But the truth was, Serena and Tine weren't even friends to begin with.

Viscountess Andrea stayed quiet as she observed that the two and noticed that they weren't that close to each other. She was relieved that she chose Laura to become her student. Otherwise, she would've made the biggest mistake in her life and would miss a huge opportunity.

Viscountess Andrea was indeed very lucky to meet a smart girl like Laura. Viscountess Andrea didn't like the thick air that surrounded Serena and Tine. Her mouth formed a frown as she looked at Tine.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Laura must be waiting for us. Let's go, Miss Serena."

"Yes… I shall take my leave, Tine."

Serena and Viscountess Andrea then went ahead and passed by Tine, who looked pissed. She wondered why Laura gets everything she wants.

It wasn't fair at all. Tine thought about how lucky Laura was, enough to persuade Viscountess Andrea to be on her side. Not only that, having Viscountess Andrea by your side means the ladies in the society won't be able to criticize you.

'It's not fair. I have to do something about Laura soon. If not, things will be bad for me.'

Meanwhile, Laura sat on a chair and wondered where her guests were. The entrance to the secret pergola shouldn't take that long. Unless someone had interrupted them.

"Pssst... Laura!" Laura looked at her surroundings and searched for the source of the voice but saw no one.

"Down here!" She looked down and saw Re, waving his hands, asking for a lift. Her mouth morphed into a smile, and she carefully brought Re up to the table.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's your birthday right?" Laura patted Re's head and nodded. She couldn't believe that she is seeing Re again. She thought that the last time would be their last meeting.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Secret." Re grinned proudly and brought something out of his tiny bag. He brought out a stopwatch and signaled for Laura to take it.

"My master wanted to thank you for saving Do."

"Please tell her? Him? Thank you."

"Master is a girl."

"Is that so? Please thank her for me."

"I will." Re then waved goodbye as he walked back into the forest before any other people could see him.

Laura looked at the watch and thought it looked old, but pretty enough for to be a decoration. Suddenly, Serena called Laura's name out loud as soon as she saw her, making Laura smile with excitement.

Laura happily welcomed them and asked them to take their seats. Serena told Laura that they were both late because they had bumped into Tine. She continued explaining and said that she had a feeling that Tine was kind of jealous that Laura only invited the both of them.

Hearing this, Laura suddenly realized that there was a problem. She totally forgot to tell Serena and Viscountess Andrea that the duke was coming. Laura wondered if they were going to get angry at her for not telling them. contemporary romance

And so she stayed quiet thinking of how to tell them, but she didn't realize that it was too late until she heard until a guy's voice calling out her name.

Serena opened her mouth and gasped when she saw Erwin. She wondered who that man was because he was very handsome.

Erwin walked towards Laura and on his handheld a bouquet of pink roses. Laura was speechless and blushed when he kneeled onto one knee. He held Laura's hand and kissed her finger.

Erwin gave a sly smile as he enjoyed seeing Laura's face burn up. He thought she was cute and wanted to tease her more. But for now, he shouldn't do it in front of an audience.

"I'm sorry for being late."

"N-no it's alright." Laura touched her cheeks and avoided eye contact. She knew that he was teasing her, and she didn't like this side of him.

Viscountess Andrea who seemed shocked stayed quiet and observed Erwin. She thought he wasn't just any stranger because of his hair.

Erwin noticed Viscountess Andrea looking at him. He felt like Viscountess Andrea had a clue about who he was and signaled her to keep quiet about it.

Serena on the other side was stunned with his visual. She noticed Erwin looked like someone, but she couldn't recall who that person was. Laura offered Erwin to sit beside her and was quite happy to see him here.

The only thing she was worried about was Tine seeing him. She hoped Tine didn't come uninvited.

"I forgot I still have another present for you."

"What?" Erwin took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. Laura's eyes sparkled as she saw the beautiful ruby bracelet he had bought for her.

Serena looked at Viscountess Andrea and was in awe. She couldn't believe Erwin had bought Laura such expensive jewelry. 'Is it a sign of a new romance?' She thought.

Laura touched the ruby and was shocked. She did not expect him to buy her such an expensive gift. She felt troubled and wondered if she could really keep such an expensive bracelet.

Erwin watched Laura's reaction and laughed softly as her expression kept changing. He thought it would look good on Laura, and indeed he was not wrong.

"I want to see you wear it."


"If you don't mind." Laura hesitated, but she was left with no choice but to wear it. After all, Erwin had personally asked her to wear it.

Laura struggled to wear the bracelet not until Erwin came to help her. His face went closer to hers and she held her breath.

'His face is too close.'

Erwin moved back to his seat after helping Laura wear the bracelet on. He looked at the bracelet and he was not wrong. It really fitted her well.

"Thank you... for the gift."

"Anytime Milady." Laura looked in a different direction and felt embarrassed. She didn't know how to face him anymore. What is this feeling? She wondered.

To distract herself from thinking about such things, she called Mary with a bell and asked her to bring some refreshments. Serena did not know who Erwin was, and so she asked for his name. Erwin gave his name out but made sure not to mention his last name.

Who knows how she would react if he had said his last name. Time passed by quickly, and the sun was about to set. It was also time for them to go back home.

Laura had a good day, she had fun and didn't have anyone to anger her. She wished things would stay peaceful, but knew that it would never happen. Laura almost forgot the real reason why she had invited Erwin, and it was to speak with him privately.

And so when Serena and Viscountess Andrea left, she had asked Erwin to stay a while longer. They both sat in silence and Laura thought that it was also the right time to return his blazer back. She called Mary and asked her to bring the blazer down.

"Is there a reason why you had asked me to stay?"

Erwin crossed his arms together and placed his elbows on the table. He quietly waited for Laura to speak, but she was in deep thought and just kept quiet.

"Are you going on a journey soon?" He nodded his head and asked himself how she knew. Only Blaine and his soldiers knew about it. He also knew that his soldiers wouldn't spread such things.

Laura clenched her dress and was desperate for him not to go. She thought, what if he really dies? "Don't go." Erwin blinked twice before responding. His interest in her grew higher, and he was expecting a good answer from her.

"Why?" Laura bit her lips and was scared. She had thoughts like what if he ends up dying? What if she'll never see him again?

"Because you will die."

"A guy like me?"

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