Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 120: The Secret Is Out

When things are going according to her plans, it somehow fails at the last moment. It always happens to her all because of that orphan. Why do things always go right for her? Can't she just die and let her do whatever she wants. The luxurious lifestyle she wished to live right in front of her eyes the moment she saw Laura. 

"Lady Tine, you are summoned by the Crowned Prince."

Crowned Prince? What does he want from someone like her? Tine gasped and her eyes widened as she realized what it is about. For sure it was about Louis since Laura is safe within the Ferguson estate.

But Tine couldn't accept the coming of her end. She needed to run away or else she will be killed. It's a good thing that she prepared for this. She smirked at the guard who raised his brow out of confusion and suddenly he sees a black cloud around Tine's hands. 

"Goodbye," Tine said and vanished along with the dark cloud. 

The guards who witnessed the black magic used by Tine went into a panic. They immediately rushed back to the palace to report it to Prince Elijah who didn't look shocked at all. Just like he had thought she can also teleport but probably not on a huge scale.

But because Tine revealed one of her powers there is a risk she would try entering the palace. Prince Elijah sent orders to add more palace guards and to be cautious of their surroundings. With Tine being able to manipulate people, he or the Emperor might be in danger.

The news about Tine disappearing reached the ears of Count Harrison who was in disbelief. Even if he knew nothing about Tine having black magic he was forced to be brought into detention and will be interviewed. 

That doesn't mean Laura would be able to escape this. She too will undergo detention and interview. At first, Erwin opposed to the idea of Prince Elijah but he reminded him the people might suspect her as an ally of Tine. 

"It's alright. I don't mind doing it. It's better not to be suspected by the people," agreed Laura as she walked into another room where the general commander was in charge of asking questions. Erwin clenched his fist as he watched Laura enter the room. He then apologized to Prince Elijah who said not to mind about it.

The news was brought to the ears of the people about the secret that the royal family had been hiding for years. There were mix feelings among the people as some didn't care as Prince Elijah was a good leader. While the others were angered and asked him to step down from his position.

If this is not going to be fixed, the people might start arguing with one another, bringing the town into chaos. But that isn't the worse case. The worse case is those nobles who detest the royal family or the anti-royals. They are nobles who disagrees with the way the royal family works.

"What are you talking about? If His Highness didn't eliminate the black organization group. For sure there are kids who would still be suffering!"

"How can a ruler rule without mana? Not also that but they lied to us for how many years!"

"They have their reasons! But I do not care if our future Emperor does not have mana. It doesn't matter."

"What did you say? This is why this Empire will fall!"


The people started to argue with one another. At first, they used their mouths but later on, they started to throw harsh words and eventually, things at each other. Prince Elijah had no choice but to bring down soldiers to dissolve the fights and if they do not still listen, they will need to use force. 

Back in the room where Laura is being questioned the General Commander nodded his head. While another man wrote every single word she said.

"Thank you for cooperating, you may now leave," The General Commander bowed his head and followed his back. 

"Thank you for your hard work," Laura smiled as she left the room. As she opened the door Count Harrison rushed towards her and tightened his grip on her shoulder. She winced while the Count looked horrified. He looked as if he was about to lose his mind, looking at Laura he asked, "Where is Tine? Do you knew where she is?"

Laura shook her head and pitied Count Harrison. Just hours ago he heard about the news about his daughter and now she is missing. He couldn't accept it and continued to grip onto Laura's shoulder not until he felt a hand on his shoulder.contemporary romance

"Count Harrison, you are hurting her," Erwin said to Count Harrison who released his grip off her shoulder then fell onto his knees. 

While looking at Prince Winston he was begging to find Tine but he received cold glares from the Prince. Prince Winston didn't understand why the Count wanted him to find Tine if she was a threat to them right now. Count Harrison knows what Tine had done not just to Laura but to the royal family. 

Another person entered the scene leaving Laura speechless. This isn't a dream and she knew, but why is she still alive? Laura reached her hands out but before she could Erwin held her hand and gave her a smile. Telling her to wait and listen.

"It has been a while, Count Harrison," She bowed then looked at Laura.

"Helga…why are you here? Didn't I send you away?" Count Harrison panicked as she walked towards her. But the first thing she did was slap the Count on the face leaving him speechless. He touched the burning part of his face then looked at Helga.

"I am here as a victim of Tine and also a witness to an attempted murder."

It was real, Helga was still alive. Laura looked at Erwin in disbelief while he slightly pulled her back. He then spoke, "Thank you for coming here, Miss Helga." Helga nodded her head and continued to put on a straight face.

"I wonder what your late wife will say to you after seeing you in this kind of state. Didn't she teach you to face the reality?" Helga harshly said as she walked towards the side of Laura then continued, "Your daughter is not an angel. She is a demon."

Laura wanted to speak up for Count Harrison but she wasn't in the position to do so. She then remembered something. She almost forgot that Helga was the maid of the late Countess and a friend of the Count. The three basically grew up with each other and to see Helga speak up it was very inspiring.

"Helga, why? Why didn't I notice it earlier? I am ashamed of myself. Not only did I hurt a friend and a daughter, but also the royal family," Count Harrison lowered his head as he was still on his knees.

"Be ashamed of yourself. I have no intentions of helping you. I will fulfill my duties as a rightful citizen of this Empire. I will not let this Empire fall because of one person. I too need to take my revenge," said Helga as she looked at Laura once more. 

Laura could feel it. The revenge she has been waiting for is finally coming to an end. Once they catch Tine then it will really be the end. Just thinking about it, shivers crawled behind her back. 'Don't get ahead of yourself' Laura told herself and kept her face straight.

"Count Harrison, you and your servants will be placed under house arrest and as for Laura she will be staying in the Ferguson estate," said Prince Winston as he called a few soldiers to escort him back to his estate. 

Count Harrison nodded his head and quietly followed the soldiers. As he walked away he kept his head low, feeling ashamed of himself. He couldn't bring his anger out since he was tired from all the worries. He told himself that it wasn't Laura's fault but his. He didn't know the true personality of Tine.

"Miss Helga, we will provide you a room in the palace. As for you two, you may now go back home and take your rest," said Prince Winston as he massaged his temples. Erwin placed a hand on Laura's shoulder but she was looking at Prince Winston with a worried expression.

"Your Highness, if you need to take a break please do so. Also, I'm sure if you clear the misunderstanding between the two of you. She would be pleased about it," Laura said to him who slightly smiled then nodded his head.

But deep down in him, there was a bit of doubt. He didn't know if she was still waiting for her or if another man has already captured her heart. That's because at the party, he saw Serena dancing with another man and she looked like she was having fun. But if it's to clear the misunderstanding and become friends like before then he should see her soon.

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