Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 116: Run

"I should go back in. I'm not feeling well," Laura said.

"You should take a rest in one of the rooms," suggested Viscountess Andrea the turned to tell Serena, "We should head back in. We wouldn't want to catch a cold." Serena agreed with her and they all left the balcony.

"Will you be alright alone?" Serena worriedly asked as she closed the door. Laura wasn't feeling well but she still had the strength left to walk to the break room. "Don't worry I'll be fine," Laura assured as she made her way to the break room.

The break room just from its name is a room provided by the Emperor. This room is usually used for nobles who want to take a break or have a rest from the crowd. The break room isn't that far but it felt far because she had to pass tons of other rooms before getting to that one.

She didn't know if she was just hearing things but suddenly she heard footsteps from behind. When she turned her back her eyes became fierce as she saw the person. Laura didn't expect this person to follow her and not to mention he is someone who doesn't have an invitation. Coming here uninvited just to find her? Just what does he want from her?

"Louis Yltra, why are you here?" asked Laura as she slowly took a step back. While Louis suddenly laughed out loud like a lunatic as he brushed his greasy hair to the side. Still laughing he answered, "I'm here to see you of course? I'm here to retrieve my wife."

Those disgusting words are back and she felt unpleasant about it. Right now all she could think of is that If she were to run back all the way to where the people are she will be safe. But the problem is that she was already nearing the break room and perhaps there isn't anyone to ask help for anymore.

"I am not your wife," sternly answered Laura as she clenched her fist. If Louis isn't armed then there wouldn't be much of a trouble for her. She could remove her heels and run past through him to get help.

"She said if I marry you I would live happily," Louis muttered.

"Who is that she?" Laura asked and Louis' eyes widened when he realized that he said that out loud. He then changed the topic saying, "Laura, accept it. You do like me."

Laura had a feeling that she knew who that person is and it was none other than Tine. She probably brainwashed this man, deluding him into having the idea of Laura liking him. But another possibility is that Louis could have planted the idea on his own head.

"I don't- what are you saying?" Laura answered back in a stronger tone. Her answer made him angry. He clenched his fist and quickly walked towards Laura, trying to grab her arm. Not thinking twice, Laura removed her heels and threw it at Louis.

The heels that hit Louis prevented him from being able to grab Laura's hand as he felt pain in his stomach and his forehead. On the other hand, Laura was running down the hallway with all her might barefooted. Just when she thought her plan worked, Louis, who was able to recover after a few seconds, immediately chased after her. Laura made a mental note to thank Serena for designing the dress differently. If designed differently, the dress would be slowing her down as she runs.

Laura kept looking back and forth to see where he was but just as she turned back again, she was forcibly pulled down by Louis. She lost balance on her legs which made her drop onto the ground. A small groan escaped from her lips as she tried standing back up. But she fell before she even got to stand up as her foot got twisted from falling.

"You can't run away from me," Louis said as he approached her with a creepy grin attached to his face. Laura shot him a glare and was about to retort when she suddenly felt a sting on her left cheek. She touched her bruised face and looked up at the man who had slapped her then cursed at him.

"This is why I will never like you."

Louis laughed once more before pinning her hands onto the ground. Laura struggled from his grip but couldn't remove it and instead kicked him on the stomach making him release his grip off her.

"This is what you get bastard," Laura cursed.

She used all her strength to stand up but she winced as her foot became swollen and painful. But she didn't think much about it and continued running. Since her foot was swollen it made her harder to run away from him. When she turned to her side, she saw Louis looked like he was in so much pain as well, still laying on the ground.

Her breath steadily became faster and she felt her head spinning. She took a pause and turned to a corner to hide herself from Louis. Laura sat on the ground while panting hard. She closed her eyes as her vision started to spin and black dots started to appear.

'Someone help.' Those were the words she wanted to yell out loud but she couldn't. Once her breath returned to normal, she was planning to run back to the ballroom. However, she still couldn't stand back up because of the pain in her foot. She couldn't feel any strength on her legs and let out a soft laugh. This might be the end of her.

"Laura, I heard that," Louis called with a smirk. His footstep gradually grew louder each second and he was near the area where Laura was hiding. He called once more, "Laura, you can't hide from me. No matter what happens, I'll make sure that we will stay together forever and ever." She shivered to hear those words coming from him and was desperate for help.

Laura held her breath when she saw the shadow of Louis walking towards her. With how frightened she was at the moment, a tear dropped from her eye and she bit her lip to prevent her from letting a sound out. His footsteps were coming closer and closer until suddenly, his shoes were seen beside her. But because Laura was hiding in a blind spot he wasn't able to see her, not until he notices a part of her dress showing.

"So that's where you were hiding," Louis asked with a grin but it faded when he grabbed her by the hair. She winced and struggled to removed his hand off her hair but his strength was incomparable from hers.

"Release me now," Laura ordered as she felt her breath cutting short.

"Too bad. I don't want to," Louis answered as he laughed like a maniac and pulled her chin up so that she could look at him. She averted her eyes away from him while she tried to keep her tears at bay. Her mind was blank and she tried her hardest to avert her eyes away.

After she averted her eyes, Louis was angered and so he slapped her on the face once more, as the sound echoed down the hall. At this point, her left cheek was burning and swollen. She regretted averting her eyes but she didn't want to see his face at all. It was horrifying to see his face.

"Look at me," Louis ordered but Laura didn't listen and earned another slap on the face but this time it was on the right cheek.

Laura clicked her tongue then glared at Louis. The way Laura looked at him made him scared, making him unconsciously loosen his grip, allowing Laura to kick Louis on the stomach. Not making the same mistake again, Louis pulled Laura down onto the ground with him.

And just as Laura was on the verge of giving up, the sound of footsteps from the main hallway was echoing giving Laura a tinge of hope in her and proceeded to yell as loud as she can. But before she could let a sound out, her mouth was covered tightly with a hand, but she didn't give up there. She used that tiny bit of strength that she had left and used it to shake her head from side to side. Because of this action, Louis's grip loosened a bit and she used this opportunity to scream out loud, calling for help.

"This voice…Laura?"

The sound of footsteps suddenly became louder and louder, and suddenly the man came in sight, seeing Laura unconscious and a man holding her down onto the ground. It filled him with rage. His eyes then darted to her swollen cheek foot. This man dares to hurt someone he loves and not to mention it was someone special to him. This person doesn't deserve to live.

Erwin punched Louis on the face continuously, not thinking straight with his actions. The guards who witnessed the scene asked Erwin to stop but he wasn't listening not until her head a gasp from Laura. He then pushed the beat-up Louis to the side and lifted Laura's body in a sitting position.

"Laura?" His voice trembled as he held her hand. Hearing the familiar voice, Laura slightly opened her eyes thankful that there was someone to save her. The warmth she felt on her hand made her assured about the man and slowly, her eyes closed.

The silver-haired man couldn't forgive what Louis had done. He carried Laura into his arms and while glaring at Louis he ordered, "Send this man to prison. Do not kill him for I will be the one to deal with him."

That night, no one knew about this incident except for her close friends and family. Serena wanted to visit Laura but the fever wouldn't die down, and so she was not allowed to go in. She couldn't forgive herself for not going with Laura. If only she went with her then nothing like this would have happened.

Erwin looked at Laura from a distance and leaned his head on the cold window. He couldn't forgive Louis for doing this. He warned Laura about him but he didn't expect Louis to do something like this.contemporary romance

"Your Grace, this is what Lester sent me," Blaine said as he took a short glance at Laura.

"Thank you. We will punish him according to Laura's wishes."

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