Search for the Sunlight

Chapter 16

The earliest indication of the monster’s presence was an overwhelming sensation of pressure in the inner ear. Followed closely by a crushing down draught, the airborne giant swooped low and silent over the traveller’s heads. Harry instinctively dived to the ground for cover. The enormity of the beast, and the stealth with which it suddenly appeared, sent him into an involuntary state of shock. But fortunately, help was at hand.

As part of his wood police training, Sherlock had completed a course in the emergency treatment of battlefield stress and trauma, a common condition during times of conflict. Instantly recognising Harry’s symptoms, he took his heavy leather police gloves from a clip on his belt, drew his arm back and, slapped his trembling friend hard about the face. Basil and Herbert looked at one another in astonishment. At first the officer’s actions appeared harsh. But moments later, the benefit of this simple but effective method of resuscitation proved its worth when, shaking his head and blinking erratically, Harry arrived back in the real world.

He had barely come to his senses, when a second predator appeared through the fog.

This time the monster approached lower and much faster than the first. The resonant whine of its giant wings as they cut through the dense desert air, screamed out like a thousand wartime sirens. This was no place for Treewoods!

Aware of the immediate danger, Sherlock was already searching for a place to hide. He was looking east, when through a brief clearing in the fog, something in the distance caught his eye. In the poor light, it looked like a small mound, or perhaps just a pile of loose rocks and boulders. He wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it might offer basic shelter and allow them time to plan a means of escape, from the hungry Peckwoods that were gathering on mass overhead.

He called out to inform the others, but the loud drone of the predators wings, made it impossible for them to hear his instructions. Thinking quickly, he reached for his whistle and with a massive inhalation of dust and air, blew a long single note so loud and piercing that for a moment everything stopped.

“Look! Over there,” he hollered, pointing towards the dark shape on the horizon. “I think it might be a gully!”

This time, Basil and the brothers heard him clearly and looked up in the direction he was pointing. The Constable was right. There was something in the distance and with no other options open to them, they simply took to their heels and ran towards the unidentified mound.

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