Scream For Us (Order of the Unseen #1)

Scream For Us: Chapter 5

Music erupts from the speakers, vibrations flowing through the bodies in motion. . The flashing strobe lights and smoke creeping its way up from the floor create a seductive ambiance, the living room being the most crowded area of the party. Black and orange balloons blanket the ceiling, a giant hanging spider decoration draped over our heads.

The energy and atmosphere are intense, and everyone seems to be having the time of their lives. And for once, I’m finally living, and having the time of mine.

I’ve never been one to let loose. I’ve always lived my life in a bubble, keeping myself distanced from everyone. I guess it’s safe to say that has always been my coping skill.

That’s how I’ve learned to protect myself, since nobody else ever has. Yet, tonight, I’m finally letting go, embracing the endless possibilities.

Swaying my hips and dancing to the beat, I sing along to the lyrics. Stretching out my arms above my head, and moving to the rhythm, the Halloween punch and Jell-O shot from earlier begin to creep up on me.

The Monster Mash begins to play, and everyone feels the vibe. Allowing my eyes to scan the room, I finally spot my three protectors leaning against the wall. Their attention is set on me, and only me, as they silently observe my every move.

Grazing my hands over my body, I start at my chest, slowly trailing down my abdomen, hips, and thighs. Seductively staring in their direction, not having a single care in the world.

Jason and Michael’s backs are pressed to the wall, arms folded over their chest. Ghost’s posture stiffens, his arms dropping to the sides as his hands ball into tight fists.

Confusion strikes me until I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I take in the sight of a guy dressed in black pants and a white T-shirt smeared with fake blood.

He smiles, dancing his way closer to me. “Loving the costume,” he says over the music.

“Thanks,” I reply, swaying my hips to the beat. “I have no idea what I’m supposed to be, though—”

He unexpectedly grabs onto my waist, pulling me close. “You’re hot as hell.”

“Thanks,” I uneasily reply, pulling away.

He tightly grabs my wrist, bringing me back to him, and locks me in place. “Where you going?”

“You’re hurting me,” I stammer.

Ghost appears, stepping between us. “Get your fucking hands off her.”

“Or, what?”

He lifts his knife and spins it between his fingers. “Or I’ll gut you like a fish,” he coldly remarks.

My heart immediately sinks.

“Ghost,” I try to say, but there’s barely any sound to my voice.

Finally, he releases me, only to get right in Ghost’s face. “Let her decide who she wants,” he snaps back. “She’s not your bitch.”

Without warning, Ghost shoves him hard enough to send him flying backward. The moment his back collides with the wall, he lifts his hands above his head in defeat.

But it’s already too late.

Ghost grabs his wrist, pinning his arm to the wall. It takes me a moment to realize what has just happened before I’m able to snap back to reality. There’s a knife stuck through his palm. The blade is buried through his flesh, locking him in place, blood seeping down his arm from the gash.

There’s a high-pitched ringing in my ears. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head in disbelief. And then the ringing fades, and he’s suddenly screaming.

Screaming in agony and fear.

My stomach turns. Adrenaline pumps through me.

Ghost screams back, mocking him. “If you ever put your filthy hands on what’s mine again, I will hunt you down, and I will kill you. Slowly.”

He twists the knife, blood spurting out from around the incision of the blade, and there’s a bloodcurdling scream. Everyone in the room is shrieking, cowering, and staying out of the way as Ghost withdraws the knife from his flesh.

Dropping to his knees, he cradles his injured hand against his chest, hunched over in distress. Now his white T-shirt is stained with real blood.

How festive.

Ghost and Jason lead the way as we head toward the back door, while Michael walks beside me, glancing down at me occasionally to ensure I’m okay. All eyes are on us as we exit the party, taking our time cutting through the backyard and past everyone who’s gathered outside.

Michael pulls out his phone, turning on the flashlight the moment we enter the woods. Ten minutes of walking must pass until we finally reach the main road, and I come to realize we’re right near downtown Salem.

There’s a crowd of people walking in the middle of the street in every direction, all dressed in costumes, and the roads are blocked off with police vehicles, barriers, and orange cones. After taking a turn and walking down a side street, the back heels of my feet are blistered and throbbing.

Slowing my pace, I try to take my mind off the discomfort, although it’s useless. Kneeling, I untie my heels and pull them off, holding onto Michael’s arm to keep myself steady.

“You good?” Jason asks.

Nodding slightly, I hold onto my heels and continue to follow behind them. “I’m fine,” I say, sharp pebbles from the concrete jabbing the soles of my feet. I wince.

“Give me them,” Jason says, taking my heels.

Ghost stands in front of me, blocking my path as I come to a stop. Before I can even make sense of it, he lifts me from the ground and scoops me into his arms as if I weigh nothing.

“You don’t need to carry me,” I rush out, taken back. “I can walk. Really.”

“I want you against me,” he breathes.

“You keep protecting me. Why?”

“I see right through you.”

Frowning, I shake my head. “What does that even mean?”

“It’s all you’ve ever wanted. To be protected. Safe,” he sharply states, cutting across the front lawn of a house. “We will keep you safe, little Quinn.”

My heart hammers, and my stomach flutters. Butterflies.

“As crazy as this is, that was really sweet,” I murmur.

The four of us make our way up the front steps, crossing the porch and coming to a halt as we reach the front door.

“I didn’t come to your rescue because I’m your knight in shining armor.” He places me onto my feet, before taking my face between his gloved hands. “I’m the villain, and I want you all to myself.”

The front door creaks open, darkness welcoming us.

My heart accelerates, drumming wildly. Goosebumps rise on my skin.

Dropping his arms to his sides, he steps back. Jason and Michael enter the home, and are swallowed by the darkness, leaving the door wide open behind them.

Ghost slowly pulls down the hood of his costume, grips the bottom of his mask, and pulls it over his head. And finally, after all night, he’s unmasked.

The dim porch light is bright enough to bring out his striking blue eyes, surrounded by thick, dark lashes, highlighting his disheveled, black hair. He wets his plump lips with the tip of his tongue before they curl into a devious smirk. His sharp, chiseled jawline clenches tight, as my gaze travels down to the tattoos covering his neck. Ghost is more handsome than I ever could have fathomed, which only seems to make this harder.

And he looks so familiar, yet I can’t seem to place him.

Swallowing hard, I anxiously blink up at him. “I’ve seen you before,” I accuse.

His face hardens. “Have you?”


Cocking his head to the side, he sadistically grins. “Are you sure?” he challenges.

“I didn’t think you were ever going to take your mask off.”

“I didn’t plan on it,” he confesses, dropping his gaze to my lips. “But then how could I do this?”

Within seconds, he’s pulling me closer, and pressing his mouth against mine. He kisses me hard, aggressively holding me against him. My body dissolves against his, sparks flying. The tip of his tongue traces the seam of my lips, begging for entrance, and I eagerly grant it.

Our tongues brush together, impatiently, and he takes full control. Moving me backward, he pins me to the wall beside the front door, grazing his hands over every curve of my body. Catching his groan in my mouth, my breathing quickens, and the brisk, autumn air sends a shiver down my spine.

Ghost caresses my bare arms, warming me with the friction from his gloves. He leans into me, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I moan in utter satisfaction, reaching up to lock my arms around his neck. Breathing in his heady cologne, an ache settles between my legs, before he bends down and lifts me effortlessly from the ground.

“Fuck,” he breathes, returning his now raw, red lips to mine.

Running my fingers through his slick hair, I melt into him, pushing my lower half against the large bulge in his pants. I’ve never been kissed like this in my life.

Drawing back his head, he rests his forehead against mine, and stares straight into my soul. “I plan on fucking you both violently, and passionately, all night long,” he coldly warns, eyes narrowed. “I’m giving you ten seconds to leave.”

“What?” I nearly whisper.

Placing me back onto my bare feet, he moves away, his demeanor drastically changing. “If you’re not gone in ten seconds, then your decision has been made.”

“The night isn’t over.”

“Ten,” he begins.

“We had a deal,” I press.


“I asked you to bring my darkest fantasies to life.”

“Eight,” he tests.

“I want this,” I admit, more to myself than to him.


“I want you.”

“Six,” he sharply exhales. “Five. Four.”

“I’m not changing my mind,” I boldly tell him.


“Two,” I taunt.

Suddenly, he becomes silent. Allowing me a final moment to change my mind. To run. Although, I don’t move an inch.

And his eyes narrow. “One.”

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