Scandalous Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes Book 3)

Scandalous Park Avenue Prince: Chapter 22

“WELL, THAT WAS close.” Preston stepped off the elevator and onto the eighteenth floor, his eyes twinkling under the chandeliers in the hall as he turned around to make sure I was following him.

As if I’d be doing anything else.

It’d been all I could manage to keep my hands off him on the way up here, but not wanting to chance being caught by anyone else we knew, I’d shoved my hands in my pockets and forced myself to keep them there.

“It was, but luckily for us, Jacques didn’t ask too many questions.”

“Thank God. Although I’m surprised to hear you’re anemic with your enjoyment of meat.” He smirked, and I wanted to roll my eyes, because saying the first thing that came to mind hadn’t been the best idea.

Preston’s gaze traveled down over me as he walked backward, tracking my every step. His obvious desire was an aphrodisiac all on its own. But add in the attractive picture he made in his camel-colored topcoat over a black cashmere turtleneck and brown pintuck pants, and he was downright irresistible.

He looked sophisticated but with a casual edge. The black sneakers he wore pointed to his youth as much as his flawless face.

“What?” Preston asked when I brought my attention back up to his face, and whatever he saw there had a smile just this side of wicked curling his lips. “Are you checking me out?”

He knew damn well I was. He’d dressed to impress, and I was having a difficult time remembering my own name, knowing that I was going to have the next couple of nights to explore every inch of him without any chance of interruption.

But two could play at this game. He wanted to tease, did he? Well, it was time to remind him who he was playing with, and that I had years of experience when it came to foreplay.


Preston stopped by the door to our suite and leaned against it. “Then why don’t you come open the door and you can check out all of me.”

This bold side of Preston was one I was still trying to wrap my head around. For so long I’d viewed him as the quiet young man who was the levelheaded one out of his group of friends. Only to find out that saying be careful of the quiet ones rang true, because underneath that polished façade was a sexy mystery I couldn’t wait to solve.

Or in this case, undress.

I pulled the key card from my pocket and reached for the handle. “That’s quite the offer.”

“What can I say? I’m feeling generous, and you are paying for my stay here.”

I tapped my card on the pad then shoved open the door and said across the tease’s lips, “Then get your sweet ass inside so you can start paying up.”

Preston nipped at my lower lip then slipped inside the room, his cologne swirling around me and beckoning me to follow.

As the door shut behind us, locking out the rest of the world, my cock punched against the zipper of my pants.

Alone. At last. It felt as though I’d been waiting forever for this moment, which was crazy, since I hadn’t even thought of it until it was suggested to me. But ever since then, I’d been able to think of nothing else—and here we were, finally.

“This suite is nice.” Preston dropped his bag on the suitcase rack, and walked over to the window overlooking Fifth Avenue. “I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in this one.”

Of course he’d stayed here before. The Plaza was a staple as accommodation amongst our crowd, and Preston’s family was no different. Only the best for the elite of New York.

“I think so. It has enough space for business meetings without being overly ostentatious.”

Preston spun away from the window, a smile playing at his lips as he looked around the spacious living area that embraced the gilded, extravagant style of Louis XIV. It was elegant and luxurious, and there were two frosted sliding doors that separated it from the bedroom and large en suite.

“Yes, it’s very understated.”

There it was. That undercurrent of arrogance. That smart-ass quality that Preston let out when he was comfortable and not playing a part. And I loved it.

“Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there, Mr. Abernathy?”

“Not at all.” He crossed back to me and took my bag. “But you do know you’re rich, right?”

“Am I?” I chuckled as he dropped the bag on the rack beside his then smoothed his palms up over the lapels of my wool coat.

“Even the cheapest room in this hotel is ostentatious.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in flush against my front. “That might be true. But as rich as I might be, even I draw the line at spending thirty grand a night for a room.”

“Fair point.” Preston brushed his lips over mine. “But I’d make it worth every penny.”

Fuck me. I had no doubt he would. I’d probably shell out a million for a night with him. But I wasn’t ready to admit that, to him or myself. So I took advantage of having him here in my arms now, for a mere fraction of that price.

I crushed my lips down on top of his, spearing my tongue inside his mouth in a tempestuous kiss. His hands crept up behind my neck, and his fingers threaded into my hair and pulled me against him as I tightened my fingers at his waist.

The soft wool of his coat felt amazing under my hands, and if I didn’t have something planned for the two of us, I might’ve thought about getting naked and rubbing myself all over him. But I’d planned ahead. Once Preston agreed to come tonight, I’d called in a favor. A little something to help the both of us relax and unwind.

Preston rocked his hips, his erection long and thick as he rubbed it over mine. I groaned low in my throat. The exquisite feel of his hard body pressed up against mine was torture when you were covered by as many layers as us.

I raised my head, resting my forehead against his. “Will you do me a favor?”

Preston ran his hands down over my shoulders to rest on my chest. “Anything.”

“You really need to stop offering me that.”

“Why?” Preston dragged a hand down between us and palmed my cock. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

I cursed as Preston curled his fingers around me.

“You like that?” Preston kissed his way along my jaw. When had I lost control of this conversation? “That I’ll do anything you tell me to?”

God yes, I liked it. It was hot as fuck knowing that this man was mine to play with and explore…

I reached down and clamped a hand over his. “You know I do.”

“Then why would I ever stop offering?”

Why indeed? The time for pretense was over. The time for worrying about who we were outside of this room was on hold. If I was being honest, it’d been over the night he showed up at my place and got himself off in my sitting room.

Here and now, we could just be Archer and Preston. Two men sexually attracted to each other. Two men who each wanted exactly what the other wanted.

“In that case…” I pulled his hand up to my mouth and kissed his palm. “I want you to go in that room, get undressed, and put on one of the robes.” Preston glanced over his shoulder to the bedroom, and I said by his ear, “I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise, huh?”

Preston’s mouth was too much of a temptation to resist, so I stole another quick kiss. “Mhmm. So, why don’t you go and slip into something a little more comfortable?”

“And you?” Preston dragged a finger down the center of my chest to the button of my pants.

“I’ll be right behind you.”

“Is that the surprise? Because I already guessed that’s where you’d be tonight. Or, at least, I hoped.”

So did my cock. But that wasn’t his surprise, and I wasn’t going to be rushed tonight. I wanted to give Preston a night he would never forget. I wanted him out of his mind with pleasure by the time I was done with him.

“Smart-ass. You take the en suite. I’ll take the room.”

Preston grabbed his bag and walked in ahead of me. “Don’t trust yourself around me?”

“Not even a little bit.”

He grinned and disappeared behind the door, and I glanced at the clock. We didn’t have much time. I’d set an appointment for six thirty, and after checking in, running into Jacques, and getting up here, that time was fast approaching. I set about getting changed, making sure to fold and hang whatever was needed, then grabbed one of the robes and slipped it on. I’d just finished tying it at my waist when the bathroom door opened and Preston stepped out.

In a matching white robe with gold-embroidered edges, he somehow looked even more handsome than he had when he’d entered the en suite fully dressed. He’d slipped on the plush slippers that matched, and as he came around the end of the bed, I met him halfway.

“Who knew a robe could look so sexy?” I hooked a finger in the knot at his waist and tugged him in.

“You’re one to talk.” He traced the strip of skin left visible at my neck, forming a perfect V. “Please tell me you’re as naked under your robe as I am under mine.”

I took his hand and drew it down under my belt. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”

Preston grinned and slipped his hand under the folds of the robe. When his fingers grazed the underside of my cock, I caught my breath.

Those teasing fingers trailed up to the head of my dick. “You’re very naked under here.”

I shoved my hips forward, letting him get a good feel of me, as I took his face between my hands. “I am, and if you keep doing that, not even my robe is going to cover me.”

“And that would be a problem because⁠—”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Preston’s hand froze.

“It would be a problem,” I told him, and reached down to gently remove his hand, “because we are about to have some company.”

Preston’s eyes narrowed. “Company?”

I chuckled at his put-out tone as I stepped away from him. “I’m going to try really hard not to be so pleased that you look quite upset by that idea.”

“I am. I thought we were going to…” He eyed my tented robe.

“Oh, we are. But I told you, I have a surprise for you.” I winked as I left the room to answer the door.

I pulled it open to see two well-built men in their thirties standing in the hall. Both had bronzed skin, one with hair black as night and the other blond as the sun. Each of them had a bag slung over one muscled arm and a portable massage table, and smiles lit their faces the second they saw me.

I stepped aside to usher them in, then shut the door and turned to see Preston was back in the living room by the window. The expression on his face was full of shock and…mortification?

My heart sped up as I thought that maybe I’d stepped wrong and somehow offended him with the idea of a couples massage. But then I noticed a deep red hue on his cheeks.

Now that was interesting. Very, very, interesting.

“Preston,” I said. “This is Raul and Johan. I thought we could unwind and relax a little.” When Preston just stood there, silent, I added, “They’re massage therapists.”

“Uh.” Preston swallowed, and when the blond—Raul—winked at him, he quickly grabbed my arm. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

He practically dragged me out of the living room and back into the bedroom, his eyes darting between me and the other room as though he were making sure no one followed.

“Are you okay?”

Preston began to play with the belt of his robe, and the nervous energy pouring off him made me wonder if he was worried about disrobing for a massage or⁠—

“I know Raul.” The words tumbled off his tongue like a confession. One he was feeling guilty about, and suddenly everything started to fall into place.

I also knew Raul. He was a fantastic therapist. Very discreet. One who came highly recommended in my particular social circles and was always able to leave a client…happy.

I’d always wondered who and how Preston had been able to take care of the physical side of his desires, since he was so deeply in the closet, and it seemed I’d just stumbled on the one who’d scratched his itch for him.

“I see.” I took Preston’s chin in hand and raised his face to mine. “And when you say you know Raul, I assume you mean more than just his massage skills.”

That red tinge on his cheeks turned scarlet, and something about this sexy little secret had my dick throbbing.

“Aren’t you full of surprises?”

Preston swiped his tongue along his lip. “I understand if you want to send him away.”

“Why would I want to do that?” I brushed my thumb over his plump lip. “I understand you had needs. I know that Raul signs an NDA. That’s why he’s here tonight. If you want him to go then I can⁠—”

“No.” Preston shook his head, his eyes darkening. “I don’t want that.”

“I don’t know if I should be jealous or excited by that answer.” Preston’s chest rose and fell as I leaned down and gave him a kiss. “Go get on his table.”




“Anything… Now go get on his table.”

“And what are you going to do?”

I straightened. “I’m going to enjoy Johan…and watch.”

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