Scandalous Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes Book 3)

Scandalous Park Avenue Prince: Chapter 15

WHEN MY ALARM went off the next morning, I woke up to find I couldn’t move my left arm. It was completely numb, but I wasn’t going to complain, not when the source of why was still fast asleep up against me, his head on my bicep.

The alarm didn’t even wake him, evidence of the long hours we’d spent wrapped up in each other, and I reached as far as I could with my free hand to snooze the noise. The slight movement did have Preston stirring, and when he turned on his side, he slid one of his arms low across my stomach. A few more inches down and he would’ve felt how hard I’d woken up. I should’ve been completely satiated after last night, but looking at him now had hunger igniting inside me all over again.

His body was absolutely unreal. Had I looked that good at his age? All those long, lean muscles and a stamina that had knocked me on my ass. I was feeling it this morning, but it’d been worth it. And, truth be told, I could definitely be up for another round before work⁠—

That train of thought stopped in its tracks, because Preston wouldn’t be going to work this morning.

He’d be going to school.

A low laugh rumbled out of me involuntarily, because it was such a ridiculous thought that I couldn’t even believe it was the truth. The vibration of my chest made Preston’s eyes open. Those long, dark lashes flickered slowly as he woke up.

“Archer?” he mumbled, looking up at me.

I tried to stop laughing, really I did, but this whole situation was so crazy in the light of day that I couldn’t help myself.

He propped himself up on his elbow, a deep frown etched between his brows. “What’s so funny?”

With his weight off my left arm, it began to prickle and blood flowed back into it.

“Was I talking in my sleep or something?” he said, and then wiped at his mouth. “Drooling? What?”

I shook my head, my chuckles settling as I reached up to grip his chin and pull him down to me. Those full lips were still slightly swollen and utterly fucking delicious as I greeted him with a good-morning kiss that had my cock tenting the sheets. The kiss was slow, sensual, and so sexy that when he moaned into my mouth, I knew things would get out of hand real fast if I let them.

I drew back and dropped my hand. “Good morning.”

Hovering over me with the morning sun streaming across his bare chest, I didn’t think it was right for anyone to look so damn good. His hair fell over his forehead in a way it never did, but then, I’d had my hands in it for hours. Preston looked well used in the best way, and God I wished I’d woken up half an hour ago so I could start the morning off the way my dick so badly wanted to.

Though I certainly wasn’t the only horny one in the bed, because Preston’s wandering hand traced down my stomach to where the sheet covered my hips.

I halted him by grabbing his wrist.

“What?” he said, feigning innocence I knew by now he did not possess. “You said good morning. I figured I could make it great.”

I cursed, dropping my head back on my pillow. The offer was too tempting to say no to, and I would’ve given in in a heartbeat if my alarm hadn’t chosen that moment to go off again.

“Dammit.” I hit the button again as Preston raised a brow.

“Have somewhere you need to be?” He tried again to move his hand down past the sheet, but I held on to him tighter.

“As a matter of fact, we both do.” In one quick move, I had Preston on his back, straddling his thighs. I held him down, cuffing his wrists on the mattress with my hands, and then nipped at his mouth. “It’s not the weekend yet, which means I have to go to work. And you”—I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and released it with a pop—“have to go to school.”

That—that right there was why I’d been laughing, and when the words left my mouth again, I grinned. Preston narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, I see. You’re making fun of me.”

“Not at all, but I am concerned you might miss the bus.”

A mischievous spark entered his eyes. “Wow, okay. Well, be careful when you climb off me, old man. Wouldn’t want you to break a hip.”

My lips twitched as I tightened my thighs at his waist. “Old man, huh?”

“I mean, if you feel like proving me wrong, go for it. But I thought you had to go to work. Boring…”

The disaffected tone of his voice, plus the rolling of his eyes, made Preston come off as a petulant, spoiled brat—the complete opposite of what he truly was, but his little act made me want to roll him over and spank his ass.

I was tempted, so very tempted to skip my morning meeting, but…

“As much as I’d love to teach you a lesson, I’m going to leave that to your teachers this morning, since I have a meeting I need to get to.”

“A meeting? This early?” Preston glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “You do know you own the company, right? That gives you the power to pick a civilized time to schedule a meeting.”

I chuckled and brushed my lips over the top of his. “Something I might’ve done had I known I’d be waking up with you in my bed this morning.”

“Hmm.” Preston purred as he stretched beneath me. “And it’s such a nice, big, cozy bed. I could always wait for you here, naked and hard, until you’ve finished your meeting.”

Sweet Jesus.

I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it through the damn meeting if he did that. It was going to be hard enough to concentrate with the memory of what we’d done still fresh in my head. But to know he was back here waiting for me? No, there was no way I’d be able to focus.

“I don’t think so.” I released his wrists and climbed off him, and when I got to my feet and pressed an automatic hand to an old back injury, a low chuckle came from the bed.

“Ah, so it’s not a hip issue but the back.” He winked at me, the smart-ass little shit. “I’ll remember that next time and be sure to take it easy on you.”

I ran my eyes down over him, naked and flat on his back with the sheets thrown to the side, his thickened length resting heavy across his body.

“And I’ll remember your smart mouth and be sure not to.”

Preston wrapped his hand around himself and licked his lower lip. “Promise?”

“Fucking hell.” I rubbed my palm over my erection and shook my head. “You always seemed like such a polite young man⁠—”

He parted his legs and put his feet flat on my mattress. “Surprise.”

No shit. He was one surprise after another.

Single. Not in a relationship.

Gay. Not straight.

Naughty as fuck. Not a good boy at all.

But he was my boy for now, and there was no way he was going to come again until I did.

“You have exactly two minutes to get your sweet ass out of my bed, or you won’t see it again until⁠—”

Preston was up and off the mattress before I could even finish my sentence, and knowing how much he wanted a repeat did nothing to quench the lust coursing through me. Neither did the purple bruise I’d left low on his neck.

“That was quick.”

Preston’s lips quirked. “Lucky for me, I’m young and spritely.”

I took a step forward and wrapped my hand around his hard-on, then leaned in to say by his ear, “Lucky for me, don’t you mean?”

Preston groaned as I gave him a firm pull, then I let him go and moved away. If I didn’t get some distance between us, and soon, neither of us were going to leave this room.

As I walked to my closet to pick out my suit for the day, I spotted his pants on the floor. I reached down to pick them up, before turning to see him doing the same with the rest of his clothes.

Shit. They were crumpled to hell. There was no way he could go to school in them. Plus, they weren’t exactly school attire.

“If you’d like to use my shower, I could—” What? Give him a suit to wear? That wasn’t exactly Astor attire either. Unless you were one of the parents or teachers.

“No, I’m good. I smell like you. And that’s fucking hot.”

Yes, it was. As he pulled his underwear on, I had to bite back my disappointment, though the visual of him in nothing but those navy briefs was fantasy inspiring all on its own.

“I’m just going to head home for a change of clothes.”

“Won’t you be late?”

“Scotty is good at getting us places fast, and if worse comes to worst, I’m good at getting out of trouble when I need to.”

“Is that right?”

He shrugged, casual as you please as he pulled on his white dress shirt. “A while ago I was in trouble with you, and look at me now.”

Cocky shit.

I tossed him his pants, unable to stop my smirk. “Help yourself to something to eat. I’ll be down in a few.”


I ran my eyes over him and at the last moment decided, “No. You’re right. Smelling you on me is fucking hot.”

Preston groaned and bit into his lower lip. The craving in his eyes made me take a step back.

“Go downstairs, Preston.”

He pulled on his pants and rounded the bed. “Yes, sir.”

I watched him go, because who wouldn’t? Preston’s backside was as appealing as his front.

I took that image of him with me into the closet and got busy picking out a suit. Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I grabbed my watch and wallet from the bureau and headed downstairs.

The aromatic scent of ground coffee beans greeted me as I made my way into the kitchen. When I spotted two traveler’s mugs at the end of the counter, I smiled.

We seemed to be making a habit of this, morning coffee in my kitchen. Not that that was unusual. For years now Preston had made himself at home in this house with Serena. Hell, I’d eaten breakfast with him right here in this very space. What was unusual was that the last two times he’d been here was because he’d spent the night with me.

Me. A man. Not only that, a man twice his age who was friends with his parents, and president of the social club that all of his inner circle was a part of—including my daughter.

It was complicated as hell.

A secret that could ruin us both.

But there wasn’t one single part of me that regretted it.

“I don’t know what’s better. You in a suit or you naked.” Preston walked up beside me and smoothed a hand down my back. “Both make me hard as a rock.”

Preston had clearly combed wet fingers through his hair in an effort to get it more presentable. He’d tucked his shirt into his pants, and while it was still wrinkled, he looked much more put together than he had leaving my bedroom.

“You’re good for my ego.”

“And you’re good for my dick.” He stepped into my side and rocked his erection up against me. “See. It likes you. A lot.”

My eyes dropped to his lips, and the horny little flirt licked them.

“Don’t start that again.”

“Start what?”

I chuckled and reached for the mug. “You know exactly what. I’ve got to go.”

Preston held up his palms. “I’m not stopping you.”

No, he wasn’t, but my willpower was quickly fading. The fact I was even thinking about calling up and canceling my meeting was a testament to his power over me—something I was starting to suspect he knew.

“You’re fucking trouble.”

Preston waggled his brows. “Tell me you don’t like it.”

I opened my mouth about to tell him I liked it too damn much when my doorbell chimed loudly through the house.

Preston scoffed. “Saved by the bell?”

“One thing I can say about Benoit—he has impeccable timing.”

“Your meeting’s here?”

The slight panic on Preston’s face had my lips twitching. Not so bold now, are we? “No, we’re heading across town to meet a new client.”

“Oh, okay. So should I wait until you’re gone before⁠—”

I reached for his chin. “Only if you want to. But Benoit knows.”

“He does?”

“I needed someone to confess my”—I brushed my lips over his—“desires to.”

“Oh fuck.” Preston sighed and melted into me. “I wanna hear them.”

I nipped at his lower lip then let him go. “I’m sure you do. But right now, you need to get going, and so do I.”

The doorbell chimed again as a text lit up my phone on the counter.

“What is it with impatient people ringing my doorbell this week?”

Preston shrugged, but smiled playfully as he took a sip of his coffee and we headed out of the kitchen. When we reached the foyer, I took Preston’s coat from the rack and tossed it to him.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stand here again without getting a hard-on.”

I chuckled as I shrugged into mine. “Then maybe put your coat on after we leave. The last thing I need is Benoit eyeing what’s mine.”

I unlocked and opened the door to greet my friend.

“Good morning, Benny. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Benoit turned on my porch, his Burberry winter cape flowing around his body with extra flair as his eyes narrowed on me.

“Well, it’s about ti—” Benoit’s words stopped forming as his eyes shifted past my shoulder to Preston. Then his knowing gaze came back to mine and his glossy lips slid into a sly smirk. “Good morning, indeed.”

I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I stepped aside and held the door open for Preston.

“Benoit, you remember Preston.”

Preston stepped up beside me, and Benoit’s eyes roved down over him. He never could resist a beautiful man.

“Do I ever. Morning, mon cher.”

“Morning. It’s nice to see you again.”

“Not nearly as nice as it is to see you.”

“Okay, that’s enough of that.” I stepped out onto the porch and grabbed my friend’s elbow.

“What? It is nice to see him.” Benoit batted his lashes at me. “Bet he’s even nicer to wake up to.”

“Benny,” I warned, but even I could tell it was halfhearted as Benoit turned back to a grinning Preston.

“He’s so grumpy. Did I interrupt you two, or did his back⁠—”

“Have a good day, Preston,” I said, and practically dragged Benoit down the stairs to where a car was waiting for us.

“Yes, have a good day, Preston,” Benoit called out as Preston’s laughter followed us, and I shoved my friend in the arm.

“Are you insane?” I said. The driver pulled open the door for Benoit as I marched around to my side and glared at him over the roof.

“No, mon ami. I’m jealous as hell. So get your ass in the car—I want all the dirty details, and don’t act like there aren’t any. That boy is lucky he has any clothes to wear home today. Animal.”

Benoit’s laughter floated into the cool morning air as he ducked into the car. My eyes drifted back up to my porch to see Preston standing there staring down at me with his phone in hand.

A second later, a text came through.


Have a good day, Mr. Carrington. Just know that me and my mouth could’ve made it GREAT 😉

My dick jerked as I imagined exactly what he’d written and⁠—

Shit, if anyone ever saw that, and who it was from… I needed to change his name in my phone, pronto.

The cocky fuck winked as he shrugged into his coat. Preston Abernathy was the kind of trouble I’d always made sure to avoid, so why was it that I could no longer seem to stay away?

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