Say You Will Be Mine

Chapter 12 You Are Such a Bitch

Matilda opened her eyes quickly and looked at the door.

Who was it...

Was it to save her?

What greeted her eyes was the familiar figure of Samuel.

He stared at Matilda with a grim, malign expression.

"Matilda, I've only been away for a few days, and you're so lustful that you want to seduce a doctor from a hospital?" He was standing in the doorway, staring coldly at the dishevelled woman pressed on the sofa with downcast eyes.

Matilda widened her eyes in shock, so in his eyes, it looked like she was seducing a man?

Seeing this, the male doctor quickly turned away from Matilda and smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't know this lady had a boyfriend. She told me she was single and she kept hitting on me, which is why I was obsessed..."

Matilda looked straight at Samuel and said in a hoarse and weak voice. "Samuel, do you really think that I am seducing him instead of him bullying me?!"

Samuel smiled coldly in a mocking manner, staring at Matilda. He said word by word, "If it is true that he is forcing you, why didn't you struggle? I was at the door and didn't hear you call for help! Matilda, you are a bitch!"

Just like at the beginning, she cheated on him and gave birth to a child with Aaron!

This woman was a real liar!

Matilda's heart was painful and astringent. She raised a smile.

"Yeah, I'm a bitch! Let me go then, don't let me give you a child, lest dirty your family blood!" She said clearly. Because of the weakness, this sentence was said slowly and lightly, as if she did not care. Samuel's hanging hands at the moment clenched into fist.

Was she so reluctant to have sex with him?

She could give birth child to Aaron, why he could not give birth to him?

Samuel approached with two steps. His expression and breath were cold.

The male doctor was frightened and his back shook. He said, "You have a talk, I won't disturb you." With that, he quickly slipped out.

In the Ward only left the untidy Matilda on the sofa, as well as Samuel who was cold.

"You want to go?" Samuel stood by the sofa and looked at Matilda coldly from his commanding position. "Do you want to go abroad to find Aaron and your wild child?"

Matilda pinched her palm and frowned tightly, "Samuel, I forbid you to say my child is wild!"

Samuel bent over and pinched her jaw, aggravated his voice and continued, "She is a wild child! Matilda, when you had sex with Aaron, did we break up? You cheated on me and got pregnant! The child that gave birth to is a wild one. She's a bitch just like you!"

Matilda slapped in Samuel's face, making the man's handsome face slant.

"Samuel, I forbid you to scold my daughter!" Even though she was hurting all over, Matilda repeated.

Samuel turned his eyes, which were cold and terrible, as if he wanted to swallow Matilda alive.

He pinched her chin more and more tightly, making fingerprints on her fair skin.

"Matilda, you protect well the child you have with Aaron! If you love her so much, I'll make it plain to you." Samuel stared into her eyes and said, "If you don't obediently give birth to a child for me, I'll catch your daughter and throw her into the sea to drown!"

Matilda's heart tumbled. There was panic in her eyes. In the next moment, she calmed down, "No, you cannot find her......"

Aaron hid Rebecca very well. Samuel could not find her!

Samuel curled his lips, as cold as the devil in hell.

"What do you think I've been doing these days?" He raised Matilda's pale face, forcing her to face him closely, "I went abroad and had found your daughter."0000

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