Say You Swear

: Chapter 5

“Hey.” I nod at Mason as he sets the last ice chest down, officially completing our setup for tonight’s bonfire. “Anything else I should do before I go get cleaned up?”

“I think that’s it. Brady ran down to Nate’s to grab the cups, and then we’re good.” He glances over his shoulder. “Chase is starting the fire now.”

“Awesome. I’ll get Cam and we’ll head back out in a few.” I turn for the house.

“Ari, hold up.”

I shift, and he puts himself in front of me.

He’s already shaking his head. “You really took off without us? To Florida? Somewhere we’ve always talked about going.”

“You got to go stay on campus for training camp. We just wanted some fun too.”

“So why not come here, hang with Lolli and Nate? They were settled by then.”

“You mean why didn’t we come here, where Nate could keep an eye on us?”

“No.” He crosses his arms. “I mean, where someone who cares could protect you and keep assholes away from you.”

“So, this is about Trey.”

His eyes narrow. “That is not fair.”

“But is it?”

Mason shakes his head, blowing out a long breath. “Tell me about the guy.”

Staring at my brother a moment, I decide to push. “Why, Mase?

“Ari,” he grumbles.

“Don’t Ari me on this. Tell me why you want to know and I will.”

“This guy is going to be my teammate. Dudes talk in the locker room, Ari. A lot. If there’s something to be heard, I need a heads up, so I don’t rip someone’s head off, and ruin everything before it even starts.” He huffs, dropping his hands to his hips.

Is he serious?

“Are you serious?” I stare, slack jawed. Before he has a chance to respond, I put my hands out to stop him. “That’s what you’re worried about, truly? Or maybe you don’t know what’s bothering you because you’re too stubborn to consider it might be something else.”

“What do you want me to say, Ari, huh?” he shouts. “That I care about Cameron? Of course I do, you know that, but that’s not what this is about! I need to know if some asshole has something to say about my sister that I don’t want other people hearing, and you know what, yeah, I need to know if something went down with Cameron too.”

“For rumor purposes, right?”

“If it were something else, do you really think I’d be standing here right now and not locked inside that room with the girl to make damn sure when she came out, it was to come to me and only me?” His tone is strong, his eyes clear and locked with mine. “You know me better than this.” His gaze seems to soften, almost as if he’s apologizing in advance for what he says next. “If I wanted her, Arianna… she’d know it already.”

A small sting shoots through my chest at the thought of my friend. My brother might be aggressive and possessive and everything else that comes along with those two things, but he’s not a liar.

I nod, doing my best to keep the sorrow I feel from showing.

“Trey likes her, a lot from what I could tell. They had a little fling, but she told him she was emotionally unavailable for more, and when we left, that was it. They didn’t exchange numbers or share where the fall would take them. He wanted to but she said no. We left and she never thought she’d see him again, but now that he’s here…” I shrug. “Who knows.”

He gives a curt nod. “And you?”

I pull my lips in, shaking my head. “There’s no stories to be shared.”

“If this guy talks down on her, I will fuck him up,” my brother swears.

“I know.”

He won’t hesitate to stand up for the people he cares about, team be damned, but I don’t think he has to worry when it comes to Trey.

I’m going to let him figure that out on his own, though.

So, with that, I link my arm through his and drag him back to the house with me.

Bonfire, here we come.

The party is in full effect. Drinks are flowing, the fire is blazing, and everyone seems to be having a good time.

Linking my arm with Cam’s, she and I plop onto an open log the boys rolled over for seating. The second our asses are planted, Brady flies in behind us, holding two new beers over our shoulders.

“Aww, thank you, Brady.” Cam takes hers, but I shake my head.

“Not ready for one yet, Ari baby?” he slurs.

“Not quite, big guy.” I laugh, looking up at Mason and Chase as they approach.

“You girls good?” Mase finishes off his cup, taking the one Brady had offered me.

“Aside from your sister making me drink alone, yes.” Cameron grins.” Thankfully, Brady is keeping me well-hydrated,” she jokes, pulling back to kiss Bray’s cheek.

“Where’s mine, butterfly?” a rich voice calls from behind.

Cam whips her head over her shoulder and a big, beautiful smile lights up her face.

With a loud squeal, she runs and jumps on Trey, her arms and legs instantly weaving their way around him. He laughs, holding her tight as he whirls her in circles.

I peek at the boys, each staring right at him, unsure of how to take this.

Setting her down, Trey lets out a deep breath.

“Damn, girl.” He steps back, but not so far he can’t keep his hand on hers and takes her in from head to toe. “You’re a real-life Malibu Barbie.” He smiles. “Never thought I’d see those eyes again.”

Cam blushes, glancing my way, and Trey follows.

“There she is!” He pulls me in for a tight hug. “How you doin’, girl?”

“I’m good, you?”

“Better now.” He looks to Cam, and then to the boys on my right, all three who have slipped a little closer. He nods, sticking his free hand out, the other still holding on to Cameron. “Trey.”

My brother’s chin lifts, and he slaps his hand into Trey’s. It takes him a moment, but his grin comes. “Mason Johnson.”

“Ah, okay.” He nods, cutting a quick look at Cameron, before settling on me. “Brother, right?”

“Twin.” I smile.

“And the man looking to fill the QB spot next year, right?” Trey nods. “I’ve seen some of your film, bro. Excited to hit the field with you.”

Mason’s shoulders go lax, and he smirks. “Yes, sir. These are my boys, Brady Lancaster and Chase Harper.”

“Watched both y’alls’ film, too.” Trey laughs, shaking their hands. “We’re gonna make shark bait out of these teams this year.”

“Hell yeah.” Mason brings his drink to his lips, secretly throwing me a look that can only be taken as ‘so far so good.’ “I could use a refill. Trey, you want a drink?”

“Hell yeah.” Trey drops his hand from Cameron’s, who gently pushes him to follow the boys.

And off they go.

Cam and I sit back nervously, eavesdropping as Trey tells the boys a little bit about his trip to Tampa and how he met the two of us. The last thing either of us ever expected was for these boys to be in the same place.

Cam, the poor thing will have no nails left by the end of tonight the way she’s biting at them now.

She was immediately attracted to Trey when we met him in Tampa, understandably so. He’s tall, almost as tall as Brady, with short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Not to mention we met him on the beach where his muscular body was on full display, all day long, for her to continue to drool over. His skin glows like roasted caramel, and he has a large tattoo that covers half his back and upper arms. He’s definitely pretty to look at, but that’s not his only appeal. From what we saw, he’s also a great guy who loves his family and is loyal to his friends, things we value just the same. Most importantly, though, he treats Cameron the way she deserves.

I can’t believe he’s here.

I turn to Cam, and she smiles, knocking her shoulder into mine. Together, we look toward the beach house, smiling at the hanging lights my dad added last time we were here.

“I love this place.”

“I can’t believe it’s ours.” Cam laughs. “We can legit come here whenever we want now.”

I chuckle. “Right? Good luck getting us home for school holidays now.”

“Yeah, they didn’t think that one through.”

“Butterfly!” Trey shouts as the music switches, his grin wide. “Mind coming over here?”

Cam giggles, looking to me.

“Go.” I shove her away, and I lean back on my hands.

I let out a long, wistful sigh, smiling at my friends.

Straight ahead, Chase and Brady are playing a game of flip cup with a group of girls, while Parker and Nate start tossing the football around. Mason stands near the heat of the fire, chatting with Lolli and Payton.

He grins, reaching up to tug on Payton’s ponytail, and I shake my head, laughing at the way she entertains his playfulness.

A gust of wind rolls through, so I wrap my arms around myself to keep warm, and not a moment later, a familiar voice meets my ears.


I look over my shoulder, smiling at the lone walker making his way over.

“You made it.”

He tips his head teasingly. “You were waiting for me, huh?”

I turn toward the fire when it crackles as an excuse to avert my gaze, jumping a little when the bend of his knuckle brushes against my hand, effectively regaining my attention.

“I was only playing.” His voice is soft, but then his mouth curves to one side. “No way am I that lucky.”

“Sit down, Romeo.” I tug my lips to one side, unable to hold back a smile because he totally knows what he’s doing.

A sinful chuckle escapes him and he drops beside me.

“Romeo, huh? I like it.”

I don’t have to look at him to know his mouth is curved; it’s clear in his flirty tone.

“Really, though, sorry I’m late. It took me longer to pack than I would have liked.”

“Well, as you can see” —I gesture to the small crowd around us— “the party survived without you.”

He grins. Leaning forward, he rests his forearms on his thighs. “So, what are we looking at?”

I mirror his position, tipping my head toward Cam and Trey.

Noah smiles instantly. “You should have seen his face when I told him you guys were here today.”

“I can imagine.” Warmth fills my chest for my friend, but unease is still present.

“She looks happy to see him.”

My eyes move his way, studying his profile, taking in the sharp edges of his jaw, the firmness of his shoulders. After a moment, he meets my gaze.

“How much did he tell you?”

He tries his best to shrug it off as if he knows nothing, but I’ve got a feeling…

“Oh my god, he told you everything?” I gape, lifting one knee onto the log as I turn toward him.

Noah lifts his hands in front of him, playing innocent, but I snatch them out of the air.

“Oooh, no you don’t. Spill it, Mr. Riley.” I laugh.

His chuckle is low, his eyes falling to where my hands are still locked onto his. I quickly pull back, but he’s faster, grabbing and flipping my wrist so my knuckles are pointed at the sand.

“All right, I’ll tell you.” Noah begins drawing shapes into my palm, his featherlike touch bringing goose bumps to the surface.

He feels them, because he suppresses a grin, and doesn’t bother to look up as he speaks. “Trey told me he met two fun, free-spirited girls who were out experiencing life on their own for the first time. He told me no matter how hard he tried not to, he fell for one of them overnight, even though he knew she was in love with someone else.” He lifts his gaze to mine. “He told me about her best friend. How amazing and kind and beautiful she was.”

“He did not say beautiful.”

“You’re right, he said sexy, but I was trying to be a gentleman,” he admits, and we both laugh. Noah flicks his gaze to our hands, swiftly bringing it right back. “He told me he knew I would adore this best friend, and he’s not in the habit of being wrong.” He winks at me, his eyes roaming my face as it goes up in flames, but then Noah faces forward. “He missed an important piece, though.”

“And what’s that?” I didn’t intend to whisper.

Dropping his chin the smallest bit, he motions for me to follow his line of sight.

Hesitantly, I break my eyes away, peering out over the flames in search of his intended target.

I find it instantly.

Or should I say, I find him.

Chase stands on the other side of the fire, staring this way, but he looks off the second he realizes I’ve caught him. A hint of embarrassment washes over me, and I turn to Noah, who is far too perceptive for a stranger.

“Is it that obvious?” I mumble meekly.

“Is it supposed to be a secret?”

A heavy exhale escapes me, and I shake my head. “No, not really, but sometimes it feels like he really has no idea.” It’s not some girlish crush. It’s got roots, grown deep beneath the surface. It’s real.

“Trust me,” Noah assures quietly. “He knows.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because he’s been staring this way since the second I sat down.”

While my muscles lock up, I shake my head, denying what he’s trying to say. “It’s not what it might seem. They’re always watching, especially when the male species is within twenty yards.”

“It’s only him, Ari, and you’re the only person he’s looking at.” Noah lifts my hand, kissing the inside of my wrist, and when he pulls back the slightest bit, his eyes hold mine. His mouth opens, blowing a warm breath over the damp spot, and a tickle makes its way up my arm.

“Trust me, it’s not about me, it’s about you.”

“Exactly.” His eyes flick to mine and with cautious movements, as if I might withdraw, he reaches up, pushing my hair behind my ear. “Nothing, and I mean nothing, forces a man to face his feelings for a woman… than the interest of another man.”

“Interest, you say?”

Noah’s chuckle is instant, and I bite at the inside of my lip to keep from smiling. “You’re a handful, aren’t you?”

I pop a shoulder. “I try.”

Noah’s arm falls to his lap, and I tug my sleeves over my hands. “I bet you do.”

He stares a moment, his chest expanding with a full breath, and when his head jerks to the side once more, my brows pull in confusion, but I peek the way he’s pointed.

Sure enough, Chase is watching. Only this time, when I make it known I’ve seen him, he doesn’t look away, but I do.

I face Noah, searching for something to say, but words seem to evade me.

A moment passes, a low exhale slipping past his lips as he slowly pushes to his feet, and I find myself rising with him.

“I should go.” He nods.

“You don’t have to go,” flies from me before I can stop it, and I scramble to make sense of what I’m truly saying. “I mean, you haven’t even said hi to your friends yet.”

“Yeah. I really do. Besides, I saw the person I came to see.” He winks.

“Uh-huh, sure,” I mock myself, my lips curving to one side.

Noah remains perfectly still, staring at me for a long moment, and his hand lifts, as if he wants to reach out and touch me, but he doesn’t.

My skin prickles regardless.

“It was really nice to meet you, Arianna Johnson,” he whispers, and then he turns and walks away.

I stand there, my gaze glued to his back, and just before his silhouette disappears into the night, I jerk forward, calling out his name.

Noah spins, eyeing me curiously.

“I’m… glad you suck at catching.”

A loud laugh leaves him, the sound sending a strange vibration through my body. “Me too.” He beams, pausing in place as a small, covert smile pulls at his lips. “Bye, Juliet.”

“Juliet?” I question.

His grin grows impossibly bright. “If I’m Romeo, then you’ve got to be Juliet!”

“You know that was a tragic love story, right?” I shout, smiling all the same.

“Epic.” He turns, walking backward. “It was an epic love story!” He waves, and after a second’s hesitation, turns around. Noah Riley disappears into the darkness, and I stand there watching him go.


Pushing the sleeves of my hoodie up, I move toward the keg, my body and head facing forward, but my eyes on her.

Or maybe they’re on him.

Why does he keep trying to touch her? I swear, every time I look over, he’s got his hands an inch away from her.

Where the fuck is Mason?

Why isn’t he jumping on this fucker like he always does?

Like he would me.

The dick runs his fingers along the length of her hair and my skin heats.

Liquid splashes over me and I jolt, looking down to find my cup crushed in my palm, the contents overflowing onto my damn shoes.

“Fuck.” I jump back, flinging my hand to rid it of the cheap beer.

Brady scoffs somewhere nearby and I whip my head around to find him sitting on a boulder not three feet away, his eyes on me. He pulls his cup to his lips, glancing toward Arianna and back. Leisurely, he climbs to his feet, fills a cup, and holds it out with a firm frown. “Her hands are empty.”

The inquisition in his tone has my pulse jumping, and my eyes dart away with guilt.

But why?

What do I have to feel guilty for?

I’m just keeping an eye on her, and that’s because I care.

I’ve always cared. Shit, I care as much as him, as much as Mason.


My muscles clench and I look back to the brown-haired girl at the edge of the party.

With my mind spinning like this, I shouldn’t make my way to her, I really fucking shouldn’t, but I do, and before she’s even spotted me, I’m speaking.

“You two seemed comfortable.”

Her eyes flash to mine, confusion bringing creases to their corners.

Confusion I feel just the same because that’s not why I came over here.

That’s not what I meant to say.

“We just met,” she hesitantly defends.

“Didn’t seem like it.”

She blanches and all I can think is what the fuck is wrong with me?

Slowly, Arianna tips her head. “Okay…” She drags out. “I’m not really sure what to say to that so… if there’s something you want to say… you can.”

Her tone is gentle and curious, and I find myself swallowing.

“No, no, uh…” I clear my throat, backtracking, torn by the irritation burning through me and refusing to think on the reason for it. “I’m sorry, it’s just I hear you were out of town, hanging with this Trey dude, and then Noah shows up, gets one look at you and—” I cut myself off, my mouth clamping shut as I look to her.

She slips closer. “And… what?”

My chest lifts and falls with a full breath and I frown. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

Her eyes fall, and I tip my head, catching the small curve of her lips she tries to veil.

Why’s that make her smile?

Is it him?

Is it me?

Why the fuck does it matter?

“He might as well have asked you out right there in front of us all.”

“He didn’t.”

“That’s not the point.”

“Then what is?”

“The fact that he wanted to.” I frown. “You know that, right? That he wanted to?”

Arianna steps forward, grabs the drink I brought over from my hand. As she goes to step past, her gaze lifts to mine, and with a hidden smile, she whispers, “I know… that he’s gone.”

“Do you wish he weren’t?”

Her lips part and I tense, rushing to speak before she can.

“Don’t answer that.”

“What if I want to?” she rasps, peeking up beneath her full lashes.



I glare and she grins.

A low giggle follows, and she steps past me. “I’m going to check on Cam.”

She smiles at the sand, and I’m about ready to bury myself beneath it.

I don’t know what in the fuck is wrong with me right now, but it better be right by tomorrow.

If not, who the hell knows what’ll happen.

I sure as fuck don’t.

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