Saviour of Souls

Chapter Prologue


Love and war have always been entangled.

People have warred for love, have died for love, and have survived to see it grow again in the face of war. Never in my court has someone gone to war for love. It is a concept as foreign to us as peace was to humans. For deceit, for lies, for power- Those are the reasons we went to war. We went to prevent others from gaining power, or to end bloodlines.

Never love.

For love, we did nothing. It was never cultivated in our court, never encouraged. Yes, it happened, but rarely did it come without another motive. Money, power, a chance to get on the throne, descendants. That is what my court loved. Not a person, not a personality or a soul. We did not choose our lovers based on how nice they were, or whether they attracted us. We chose them on how much power they could get us, how much money they could add to our troves.

But I am at the top of the ladder. I am richer than almost everybody else in our court.

So what would I love? I do not need to find someone with power or money. I am already an Heir to the throne by birthright, so what would I marry for?

Going to war for love is a stupid idea, but if I am to be honest…

It intrigues me…

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