Savior of the Wolves

Chapter 26

Jess's POV

The last thing I remember was talking with Sophie. I remember being held as I could only imagine others felt when they were consoled by their sister. She just made me feel that way. I thought that was part of what hurt so badly. After that night, I could be losing so much that I never knew I wanted...or needed. Less than a day before, I thought I was anything but wanted and I only wanted to run as far away from there as possible. But fate brought me back there. Again. And now I wanted to stay. And fate might not let me.

I had fallen asleep. That was apparent by the sun now shining through the curtains.

I was on her bed and as I lifted my head, I saw her sitting at her desk, writing in a journal.

“Good, this should still be warm,” she said, handing me a plate of food like she’d done it a thousand times before.

Everything had developed so quickly. I loved her company and knew, beyond any doubt, that she loved mine as much.

How do you meet someone and in just a few days they change your life forever? I have spent my entire life, years upon years, without ever having found in anyone, aside from my mom, what I had found in this family here.

I sat up and began to eat as something caught my eyes. A pile of clothes and bags were sitting in one of the chairs. They weren’t there earlier.

She saw me looking. “Oh yeah, Mom had your stuff brought in here. Hey, do you mind staying in here with me? I thought it would be fun and dad loved the idea. Protect us both in one spot.”

She had a way of making danger sound like a common occurrence. Like it was a typical day. Nothing out of the ordinary.

“I mean, the detail has been protecting me for years. It just makes sense that we stick together. Especially now,” she smiled softly as though she hadn’t just implied our lives were in danger.

“How do you do that?” I scoffed.

“Do what?” She looked up from her journal...puzzled.

“Stay so calm,” I asked.

“Years of practice,” she huffed as she rolled her eyes.

I guess so.

I ate the food with no desire to do so. I forced down each bite, knowing that today may be the most difficult day of my life...just in front of what my father put me through.

I cringed at the thought, but I had to consider there was much worse out there. From what Sophie described, this scourge species was even worse than my father. I silently scolded myself. I had to quit calling him that.

He was not my father.

Sophie was dressed and ready when I awoke. She insisted that she was done and that I could take over her bathroom. “No hurry, but when you’re ready, we’ll go see Dad. The witches are here and are ready to talk with you.”

She had to have seen the fear engulf me. I most certainly felt it. “No. No. Sorry. They aren’t like waiting around for you. They are having meetings. So, whenever you’re ready, they will be ready to meet with you.”

She looked satisfied that the lack of color on my face didn’t accompany throwing up what I had just eaten and turned back to her journal.

I grabbed some clothes from the pile and was touched at how Emma had taken such care to pick out pretty things for me to wear. I had little to wear at my old house and having something new felt oddly comforting.

As the hot water ran down my head and body, I felt his hands softly touching me again. I had to fight back the tears that brought sudden pain behind my eyes. I had to open them to confirm he wasn’t actually there. I had never known a passion like that existed. And with the fear looming over me, I wanted to be near him. I wanted his hold. The way he ignited my skin. But if I couldn’t have that, I knew I could easily settle for the way he looked at he did last night.

He made me feel important. For the first time in years.

I suddenly longed for the simplest touch...the side of his hand touching mine. Even that thought made me need to turn the water to cold.

And I did. I had to do something.


Sophie looped her arm in mine like she’d been my best friend since childhood. But that was even better than that. I still had so much to learn about her...and I knew I already loved her. She was so genuine and kind. How could I not love her?

She whispered things about the witches as the detail trailed behind us at a distance. She was completely accustomed to this life. She moved as though no one was following her every move but never got far away from them...because she understood their purpose.

She held onto my arm as we walked the halls and began to open a door that belonged to a large set of double doors. With her hand on the door, she paused. “I may not know everything about what’s going on right now, and I know you’re scared...but I feel your strength. You can do this,” she said enthusiastically with a hug before opening the door in front of us.

We walked into a large conference room that had a gorgeous round table in the middle with a few empty chairs around it. Sophie led me around and took a seat as I sat beside her. The detail sat in couches and wide armchairs a little further into the room.

“Everyone, this is Jess,” Ethan started, and I felt myself blushing at being the center of attention.

I couldn’t help but look around the table and notice that Aiden and Josh were missing. Emma smiled sweetly at me as she caught my surveillance of the table.

Lexie smiled at me with an encouraging wink, “Have you met Odia yet?” she asked.

“No,” I said as my eyes drifted to Odia.

“Well, I hate to meet you under such complicated circumstances, but I hope you know that everyone here,” she pointed towards the occupants at the table, “wants to help.”

With all eyes on me, I nodded my head quickly a few times, still preoccupied with my disappointment that Aiden and Josh weren’t there.

“So let’s get started. There’s much to prepare for,” she said in her ruggedly aged voice. And she wasted no time getting straight to business.

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