Savior of the Wolves

Chapter 24

Sophie’s POV continued

There was so much to tell her. So, I just started talking. I tried to explain everything I could think of. I explained the compound or the “res.” Who did what around here. When and how we shift. How we link, how we train and why. What strengths we have. How the hierarchy works within wolves. Our heightened senses and abilities. I knew it was too much, but I tried to leave nothing out. She looked dazed as she sunk back further into the chair.

I hesitated at first. It’s one thing to learn you are covered by magic and you may not be human. It’s another to learn just how many different species are truly out there. Knowing too much information can make the world seem quite scary to humans. Like we’re all dangerous. But that’s just not the case at all. I hesitated. I almost wanted to stop and leave the other species out for a while. But I had the feeling that Aiden specifically wanted my help with all of it. Because she and I were the same age. We had similar fears of changes that were coming.

“Did he explain why I’m hiding? Why you couldn’t see me at first?”

“Very little. Once I....made that sound...we kind of rushed here and well…” She shrugged as she didn’t know how to finish her sentence.

I knew it was for the best. For her safety. She might understand better why we have details around us now. Why we didn’t run around by ourselves.

Her face went white as I explained vampires and scourges. The vampire description held her interest, but as I expected, the scourge part left her uneasy. I didn’t have to sense this...I could see it on her face.

I didn’t want to scare her, but a little bit of fear can also keep you safer.

“So these things have been targeting female wolves?”

“So far it’s only female nobles, like me.”

I thought she had been pale before, until all the remaining color just left her face. I didn’t know what I had said that had her in such distress.

Her head dropped lower, and I could hear her heartbeat begin to race.

“Are you okay?” I asked quickly.

I saw her chest rise dramatically as she took a deep breath of air, “Yes,” she said without looking up.

“I know this is a lot. We’re the same age, I can help you...I will help you get through this,” I urged, getting up and sitting on the ottoman in front of her chair. “Tell me how I can help.”

I had been so worried about myself, my own safety for so long, that I almost forgot that other girls might be suffering a similar fate. And fate dropped one down...right in front of me.

“You’re a noble…,” she started and stopped.

“Yes,” I confirmed and urged her to continue.

“So that means that your brothers are too.”

“Yes,” I said more understandably. She was understanding the hierarchy around here.

“Your parents…” she said, more troubling. Fear growing even more.

“Yes, The Alpha and Luna,” I confirmed but she knew.

“Oh my god!” she mumbled into her own hands.

“What is it?” I asked, placing my hands on her knees, looking at her, trying to figure out why she was so terrified.

I didn’t think it could be possible, but her heartbeat climbed.

I was kneeling in front of her. My hands trying to offer some kind of solace, as if that were possible right now.

“Is it the magic around me? Why are they drawn to me? Why do you sense me?” she asked but was placing answers to her own questions within her mind.

“No! No! No!” she begged to herself.

As the fear broke her in two, right in front of me, I heard a whimper deep inside of her, and then I knew the torture that she was feeling, “Your wolf is calling out. Do you hear her?” I asked, more surprised than her.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she finally looked up at me, “I don’t hear anything...but it’s consuming me. Could magic be fooling me? Could it be that cruel?” she wept.

“Mom has been talking to the witches. They think “whatever is going on with you” has to be dealt with tonight?” I urgently told her.

She went pale almost immediately. “Why tonight?”

I kept thinking that there had to be a better way to explain our world. The magic, the transitioning, everything seemed so less complicated before I tried to explain it to Jess. She knew absolutely nothing. How could that be? Why didn’t her family tell her? Where are they?

As I stared at her, something more terrifying came into my mind. My brothers were sensing her more and more. The magic was becoming more unstable. If there is more to this and she is a noble...more wolves might already be on their way. What if the magic is lifted tonight and they all start coming for her? What if one of my brothers isn’t her mate? She could leave with a noble and we’d never see her again. The only other fem I’ve ever known would leave. But if the magic was working, as it was designed, and it’s tricking us, she might not be a noble and she might be a regular wolf. Would she stay? Would that hurt my brothers?

Then I felt as though I might go pale. I wondered if mom had thought about it. What if she is a noble...the magic lifts and nobles come...that could draw the scourges. It could draw the war right onto our reservation. Our home.

I forced my personal thoughts back down. I will keep them to myself just a little longer. I needed to talk to mom and dad. I tried to erase the panic before I spoke again.

“Dad and Odia can use the full moon tonight to unlock the magic around you. It’s unstable Jess. Mom planned on talking to you about it later today. She and the witches have a plan to help. I’ll be there too. You’re not alone anymore.” I finished the words as I scooted over to her and held her.

I selfishly felt my own grief. I didn’t know I would enjoy her company so much. I’ve never had someone my age that needed me before. She may be a few weeks older than me, but I felt like the big sister, and I liked it. I liked the girl talk in my bedroom. I liked that she had no idea how important I was. The Alpha’s daughter meant nothing to her. She just needed me. It felt nice to be needed after only being protected all my life.

She laid her head on my shoulder and cried. I rubbed her arm and let her.

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