Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 69: Ch.68/ Honeymoon Pt.two

Anupama's POV:-
It's one week since we have come here to Italy and by far I am enjoying my visit very much. We have already visited the famous
places of Italy like Colosseum, The Dumo Santa Maria Del Fiore, Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius, Leaning Tower Of Pisa, Amalfi
Coast, Cinque Terre. However, the places that I have liked the most are The Great Canal in Venice, Lake Combo, Vatican City
and Capri. I have taken a lot of pictures of the places we visited. Not only that, both Alessandro and I have taken pictures of
ourselves so that we can show them to our children and others in LA.
Alessandro was literally shocked when he saw me in bold dresses because it's completely out of my nature. However, he was
very supportive whenever I wanted to change my clothes because they were a little exposed than my liking.
Today I am very excited as we are going to visit the orphanage where Alessandro has grown up. Although it's government
property now but Alessandro has told me that we can go there without any problems as he is the biggest donator of that place.
I have bought a lot of goodies for the children of the orphanage because I want them to feel comfortable with me. Also, it's not
every day I get to meet the kids in there. You can say it as a motherly instinct because my heart goes out to the children in there
as they don't have someone to call their parents. Alessandro has told me that the orphanage is very well at taking care of the
children and provide them with the best in everything.
Finally, both of us finish getting ready and Alessandro asks the driver to take the things I have bought to the car. I check myself
in the mirror for the last time and tell Alessandro that I am ready to go. I am surprised when Alessandro has told me that he is
going to wear casual clothes because it's not every day I see him something else than a suit.
"You should wear casual clothes more often." I comment after we get inside the car.
"And why is that?" Alessandro asks taking off his glasses.
"Because you look like a normal person, not the billionaire everyone wants to work with." I reply making him laugh which makes
me laugh too.
"Then I will consider your advice amaro mio." He lets out before putting his hand around my shoulder pulling me towards him. I
snuggle closer to his warmth and relax. Soon the car stops and the driver informs us that we have arrived at the orphanage. So,
Alessandro and I get out of the car before making our way inside the gate of the orphanage where some people are waiting for
us. Alessandro introduces them as the caretakers of the orphanage and they are going to show us around.

We walk around the place while the caretakers point out things that I have asked them. Alessandro also shares his bits of
information about the orphanage with excitement which I find very cute. I am glad to see that my husband has lived a good life
here because the place is well maintained.
"Signore, Signora let's meet the kids. They are looking very eager to meet you both." One of the caretakers comments while we
look towards the way she is indicating. Indeed, there are at least 30 children or more are hiding behind the glass wall but still we
can see them very well. I smile at them before waving my hand in their direction asking them to come to us which they do
instantly. We sit down on the bench available there while the excited child sits on the play mattress.
"Do they speak English?" I ask the caretaker.
"They can understand the language but still don't know how to speak." The caretaker replies making me pout that I won't be able
to talk to them freely.
"Signore, lei e tua moglie?" A boy not more than ten years old asks Alessandro who looks at her with a smile.
"Si, e mia moglie." Alessandro replies making the children giggle loudly. I get curious to know what they are talking about. But
before I can ask anything one of the girls with pigtails walks near Alessandro and ask him to bend down to her level which he
"E molto carina." The baby girl says whispers but I can clearly hear what she is saying.
"Anche tu sei molto caring." Alessandro lets out before kissing the baby on her cheeks.
"That's unfair guys. I don't understand what you all saying." I let out with a huff but much to my surprise the children only laugh.
"He asked me if you are my wife." Alessandro says pointing to the boy from earlier.
"And I replied saying that you are my wife. Then this cutie here comments that you are very pretty. I told her that she is very
pretty too." Alessandro informs making me nod my head in understanding.
"Thank you for calling me pretty baby girl. Now, who wants to eat some yummy candies?" I ask and instantly the kids raise their
hand making me laugh.
"You guys wait here, I will get the things we have brought for you all." Alessandro says getting up from his place.

In the meantime, the children start showing me their drawings and their school books while talking to each other, of course with
the help of caretaker who translates the words to help us understand. Suddenly, I hear a shrill cry of a baby making me stop
talking with the kids. I stand up from the bench and ask the caretaker about the crying baby.
"He is a newborn baby who has just arrived here two weeks ago from the nearby hospital as his mother has abandoned him
there." The caretaker informs making my heart clench for the newborn. I feel a hand on my shoulder so I turn around and notice
that Alessandro is standing there with a worried look.
"What's wrong tesoro? Why are you crying?" He asks before wiping the fallen tears from my cheek.
"Alessandro I want to meet the baby." I say making him give me a confused look.
"What baby you are talking about? All the kids are here." He lets out pointing at the kids who are now busy opening the presents
we have gotten for them.
"I am not talking about them, I am talking about the crying baby. Please let go and see him." I reply before pulling him with me
towards the way where the crying sound is coming. We stop in front of a door and I open the door to find that a caretaker is
trying to calm the baby but the baby is not stopping at all. I walk near the lady before asking her to give me the baby which she
does. I look at the baby in my arms and notice that he is turning his face towards my chest while crying. I quickly understand
what he wants so I sit down on the chair in front of the baby crib before asking the lady to leave the room for some time. She
must have understand what I am going to do because she leaves the room without any further questions.
I unstrap the top part of my dress before starting to feed the hungry baby. The baby starts sucking the breast milk in a hurry as if
someone will take his food away from him. I can feel Alessandro's eyes on me and I also know that he has a lot of questions
about what I am doing. But right now this baby in my arms is my first priority.
After feeding the baby I strap my dress back and put the now sleeping baby back in his crib. I kiss him on his forehead before
covering his little body with a blanket. I turn around and face Alessandro who has unknown emotions written all over his face.
"I am not going to ask you why you feed the baby or how do you know that the baby was hungry. Because you are a mother so
you know about kids more than me. But what I want to know is what do you want to do next." He says looking intensely into my
eyes. I know it will be futile to lie to him so I decide to tell him the truth.
"I want to be fair with you. I want to take him home with us. I want us to adopt him and raise him as our son." I reply making him
sigh before he wraps his arms around me pulling me for a hug.

"I am the most blessed man on this whole planet because I have you as my wife. You are literally a goddess yourself Cara and I
can not be more proud to call you the mother of our children." He comments while kissing the top of my head.
"So, are we taking him home with us?" I ask looking hopefully at him.
"Of course, we are taking our son with us." He replies with a big smile which makes me smile too.
Alessandro's POV:-
After confirming with the authority about the adoption of the newborn baby Anhuphama and I get to know that the baby is a
premature baby and his expenses are very high to maintain. But we assure them that we are fully capable of taking care of him
and we will be taking him with us to LA where he will get the best medical care he needs.
We spend some more time with the kids and also with soon to be our son before heading out of the orphanage to go back to our
beach house. I have made some plan for my beautiful wife who has gained more respect in my heart today by her act of
tenderness towards the kids.
"We have so many things to buy for our son. I think we should order everything online so when we go back to LA, he will have
everything for him to use." Anhuphama says when we enter our bedroom.
"Cara you can buy anything you want but before doing that we need to take him back with us. Remember he still doesn't have
any name so first we are going to choose a name for him. In fact, why don't you select his name because I have already selected
Ian's name." I suggest getting a nod from her.
"Yes, that's right. Our son needs a name but currently, I don't have the perfect name for him in my mind." She replies with a pout
so I wrap my arms around her hip before kissing her on the lips which turns her pout in a smile.
"We have one more week before we can take him back with us. So, you have lots of time to think about a perfect name for our
perfect boy." I answer after pulling away from the kiss.
"Okay." She replies before excusing herself to go inside the washroom to get fresh. In the meantime, I make some phone calls to
prepare for the surprise I have thought about.
After that I decide to join my wife because it good to save water. When I get inside the washroom I notice that she is washing her
hair while water slides down her naked back making her look sexy as hell. I can not wait any longer to see the way she is

unknowingly teasing me with her so I take off my clothes leaving me completely naked before going near her. I wrap my hands
around her stomach making her gasp in surprise and turn around before her eyes widen when she notices that I am naked.
"Wh-a-t are y-ou do-ing?" She asks with a stutter.
"I am just trying to relax." I reply while running my hand over the curve of her body making her squirm.
"This is n-ot ho-w you sh-o-uld relax." She retorts trying to look unbotherd but I can see through her act. So, without further any
talking I lift her in my arms while she wraps her legs around my waist and hands around my neck for support. I don't let her say
anything anymore because I am getting impatient to devour the sweet body of hers.
After two hours of lovemaking, I clean both of us before laying her down on the bed for a quick nap. Because later at night I have
a surprise prepare for her.
Now it's 1 pm and we need to leave by 2 pm to reach the surprise. So, I wake up Anhuphama and asks her to get ready. I have
already selected both of our clothes so it doesn't take her very long to get ready. I am seriously loving that she has started to
wear bold clothes because they make her look like a diva. It's not like I don't love the way she used to dress, but now she looks
more beautiful as she has gained confidence in herself.
I have already gotten dressed and now waiting for my lovely wife to come out of the closet where she is getting ready.
I look up when I hear the clicking sound of heels and I feel like I have lost my breathing for a second seeing the angel walking
towards me. Anhuphama is wearing the off-shoulder red dress I have chosen for her while she has little makeup on her face.
She hasn't wear much jewelry but it doesn't stop her to look graceful.
"Are you trying to kill me, tesoro?" I ask while looking her up and down making her blush.
"You are the one who has selected this dress so don't blame me." She replies sassily.
"Okay, I accept my defeat. By the way, you are looking very beautiful as well as very sexy." I compliment before kissing her on
the forehead.
"Thank you. You are looking very handsome too." She lets out with a smile.

"Now let's go because it will take a few hours to reach the place." I tell her and lead her out of the house before getting inside the
car to go to the airport where my helicopter is waiting for us.
"Where are we going that it will take some hours to reach?" She asks looking confused.
"You will know everything soon." I reply making her pout.
We get into the helicopter and it takes four hours to reach Bari, a famous city in Italy. But this is not the place where we are
going. I am taking her to one of the most romantic places in Italy which can only be visited during the summer. I have already
booked a boat for us to go there because it's a cave where I am taking her.
"Alessandro, please tell me what are we doing in a boat. Why is it taking so many hours to reach the surprise?" Anhuphama
whines but I only smile at her before pointing at the view behind her.
"It's so gorgeous. Are we really going there?" She asks with excitement in her eyes.
"Yes, amore mio. We are going to have a dinner date in the most romantic restaurant in the world." I reply while wrapping my
arms around her waist from behind.
"Really? What's this place called?" She asks.
"This place is called Grotta Palazzese Cave Restaurant. This place is extremely famous in Italy and also in the whole world
because of its unique beauty. However, it only opens in the summer season so we are lucky to be able to come here." I inform
while the boat stops in front of the cave.
"Wow, it's more beautiful from near." She comments when we walk inside the restaurant.
The hostess comes near us before asking for the reservation which I tell her that we have a reservation under the name of Mr.
and Mrs. Bianchi. She takes us to our table before informing us that the waiter will be here in a minute.
We sit down on the chairs and order the things we want to have when the waiter comes to take our order. We talk about a lot of
things which includes Anhuphama's joining her company again as she is now completely healthy. I don't mind her working
because I don't want her potential to get waste. But I also don't want her to overwork as she also wants to take care of our
babies. So, I tell her to think properly before making any decision.
"You know cara, I was also a premature baby and maybe that's why my parents didn't want me." I let out while taking a sip of red

"I am sorry about your parents." She replies looking sad.
"Don't be sad because I am happy that they are not in my life because I believe if you can't take care of a child then you should
not bring them into this world just to abandon them." I answer before I feel her take my hand in her.
"You are very strong in and out Alessandro. I am proud to be your wife because you have become successful by your hard work.
It's your parents' loss that they didn't keep you with them as they don't have any idea about the gem you are." She replies with a
smile making me feel better.
"I have another thing to tell you." I tell her.
"What is it?" She asks.
"I may have seen you for the first time in the Sengupta mansion but that was not the first time I had hear your voice." I reply
making her look confused.
"I don't remember talking to you before you came to the Sengupta mansion." She lets out looking lost.
"You didn't talk to me but you talked to your brother when he had visited me in LA for the deal. He was talking to you on
loudspeaker so I got to hear your voice from afar. I was mesmerized by the gentle way you were talking and that's got my
attention. That's why I was eager to meet you because I wanted to see the face of the person who was so sweet and caring. You
can say that I have made my mind to get you in my life right after heating your voice." I tell her the last truth I was hiding from
"I really don't know what to say because I don't think it possible to get attracted to someone just hearing their voice. But thank
you for choosing me because of you I have so much joy and happiness in my life." She answers looking at me with love-filled
"I love you, amore mio." I let out before kissing her hand.
"I love you too, Alessandro." She replies smiling at me.

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