Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 63: Ch.62/ Little Moments

Alessandro's POV:-
Anhuphama is experiencing a very bad condition of morning sickness which is not unusual for a pregnant woman. But still, I can
not just undo the way she can not keep anything in her stomach because the minute she eats something, the next minute she is
rushing towards the washroom to throw up.
Mrs. Ganguly is also facing the same thing so it's getting very hard to take care of them both while trying to focus on work. That's
why Mama and Uncle Gabriel has decided to live with us till the pregnant ladies give birth. Marco is still in India and I don't know
when he will be back. But thankfully he can manage his company well despite being in a different country.
I am also getting extremely busy with all the work going on my company that I don't get to spend much time with Anhuphama or
our daughter. My boys are big enough to understand that their papa works hard because he wants to provide them with the best
things. But my little princess sometimes gets upset when she has to sleep without bidding me goodnight because I come home
That's why I have decided to bring my piccolo with me to the company and let her play in my cabin. I have asked Mama to get
my princess ready as Anhuphama is taking a nap after throwing up for the third time. After making sure that my wife is okay with
King and Tank beside her, I leave the room and walk towards the playroom. When I get inside the playroom I see that my
princess is playing with her fake vegetables and knife. I chuckle seeing that she is wearing a Minnie mouse printed dress. This
girl surely loves Minnie mouse very much.
"Princess, are you ready to go with me?" I ask making her head turn towards me.
"Yesh, me go wid papa." By saying this she gets down from her chair before running towards me with her arms stretched widely.
I don't wait for a minute and pick her up in my arms before attacking her chubby cheeks with kisses.
"Stoph no more. Me look pwetty. No make me look bad." She complaints while looking at me with a scowl but she is looking
more adorable with her angry face.
"Okay, I will not mess up with your pretty face. Now, let's go because your big brother Scout is waiting for us." I tell her in which
she nods her head rapidly.
Upon arriving downstairs I notice that Scout already has his harness on so I don't need to worry about him wandering around the
company. I whistle and he starts walking ahead of me before stopping in front of the car. First I put my princess on her car seat
before asking Scout to jump beside her which he does instantly. I am also not spending much time with the boys and they will be

coming too to the company on alternate days. It's not something new because earlier I didn't have anyone besides them so they
used to come to the company very often. But after getting their mum, they kind of forget about me which is quite heartbreaking.
Jokes aside, I am happy that they love Anhuphama more than because the way she takes care of them it's incredibly
"Papa me play wid Mia." My princess says when I put her on the playmat I have arranged for her in my cabin.
"Okay, I will ask Auntie Bianca to bring Mia the next time you come here." I reply after taking off the harness from Scout.
"Otay." My princess reply before getting back to play with the alphabetical legos.
She is a three old year old so Anhuphama is teaching her some pre-school things. We have decided to homeschool her for one
year and when she turns four years old, we will be enrolling her in a kindergarten school for further studies.
The head of the PR team and I am discussing something when my phone starts ringing so I excuse myself and receive the call
when I notice that Uncle Gabriel is calling me.
"Sorry to disturb you, son. But I need your help with a project." Uncle says over the phone.
"Don't be so formal with me, uncle. I am always ready to help you." I reply while singing the paper the head of the PR team has
brought with him.
"Actually, I need you to go to the LADID to check out the new factory that is being constructed there for our company. Usually,
Marco does these works so I don't need to worry about these. But now that he is not here, I can not help but ask your help."
Uncle lets out making me frown.
"Don't worry, uncle. I will go there and check how the construction going." I reply trying to ease his tension.
"Thank you so much, son." Uncle says while reply with a 'welcome' before disconnecting the call.
"I am going to LADID so I will talk to you later about the press conference on our new project. Also, inform Bianca that I want her
to come here." I order the head of the PR team who nods his head before heading out of my cabin.
"Scout, come here my boy." I call out to the dog who is chewing a bone. Upon hearing my voice, he abandons his bone snack
before scurrying towards me. I rub my hand on his furry head before getting up from his chair and kneel down in front of him.

"Papa is going somewhere so you are going to be a good boy which you are already and take care of your baby sister in my
absence." I tell him before kissing his big head making him bark at me in response.
"That's like my good boy. Now, go and enjoy the bone." I instruct and he licks my cheek before trotting towards his place.
"You asked me to come here, boss?" Bianca lets out after coming inside the cabin.
"Yes, I want you to look after my princess because I am going LADID." By saying this I explain to her about the cal I have gotten
from Uncle Gabriel. After that I go near my princess and kiss her on the forehead before getting out of the cabin to go to the
place mentioned by Uncle.
I have to say that I am very impressed with the quality of material used in making the factory and also the speed the workers are
working. It's not new for them to see me there as they also build factories and industries for me too. After interacting with them
and analyzing the construction I leave from there. But suddenly I get a call from Mama saying that Anhuphama's health is not
well so I need to come home asap. After hearing this, I ask the driver to drive fast to home. I shouldn't have left my Cara alone
knowing well that she is not feeling well nowadays. Still, I have paid more attention to my work and now she is suffering.
I hurriedly get out of the car when the car reaches the mansion. I get shocked when I notice that the doctor is already in my
bedroom doing a check-up on Anhuphama. Upon seeing me, Mama gets up from her place where she is sitting beside
Anhuphama. I nod in her direction before sitting beside my wife whose face is scrunched up as if she is in great pain.
"What's wrong with her, doctor?" I ask worriedly.
"I am not going to sugarcoat my words and say that Mrs. Bianchi is alright. Because that's definitely not the truth. Although she
has already crossed the most dangerous time of pregnancy, still she needs to be careful about her health. What I have observed
after coming here that she must have faced some stressful things which have left a deep impact on her mind. So, I will be
suggesting you and her loved ones spend time with her and try to keep her happy." The doctor explains to me.
"Okay, I understand what you are trying to say and I will be more careful around her from now on. But why is she looking like that
she is in pain?" I ask the question that is going on my mind.
"It's normal to feel pain during pregnancy and I have already given her medicine which will be curing her pain. I am also going to
prescribe some vitamins for her that will be helpful for her health." The doctor replies.
I thank the doctor and ask Samuel to see her off. When everyone leaves the room except Mama, I look at my wife who is now
sleeping peacefully making me realize that the medicine must have kicked in. I release a sigh before running my hands through

her hair in a soothing manner.
"I know your work is important, Sandro. But right now, your wife's health is the most important thing for you so I think you should
think about her before your work." Mama says before leaving me alone with Anhuphama.
"I am so sorry my love. I didn't know that you are stressing so much that is making you so unhealthy. But don't worry, from now
on I will be more careful with you. I won't let you feel a little bit of stress and will keep you happy always." I whisper before kissing
the top of my Cara's head.
Anhuphama's POV:-
Being a six-month pregnant woman is not an easy thing because my body has become bigger which always gets in my way
whenever I try to bend or to get up from the bed. After the sudden trouble in my health two months ago, Alessandro has been
taking extra care of me. It's not like he wasn't before but now he has reached another level. He has installed an elevator inside
the mansion so that neither I nor Jasmine di doesn't need to climb so many stairs.
I was very irritated at first, but then I understand his point of view and appreciate his effort. He is also doing most of his work from
his home office as he doesn't want to leave me alone for many hours.
The dogs have also become more protective towards me. Sometimes they don't even let their papa touch my baby bump. They
love to snuggle around me while putting their head on my swollen belly. But still, they do this very carefully not wanting too much
weight on me.
Currently, I am searching for my beloved husband whom I haven't seen for some hours. I ask one of the maids about their boss
and she informs me that Alessandro is in the backyard. So, I walk towards the backyard and find my hubby dearest sitting in a
chair while reading something.
"What are you doing out here, Alessandro?" I ask when I reach near him. Upon hearing my voice he looks at me with a smile
that lip up my world and puts the paper down before extending his hand for me to take. I take his hand and let him pull me
towards him.
"I am just looking at some designs for our little bean's nursery." He replies after I sit down across from him.
"Nursery? But why is that?" I ask confusingly.

"For her or him to sleep." He lets out making me frown.
"But our little bean will be very small so I am not going to let him or her sleep in another room." I retort with a pout.
"Cara, I am not saying that our baby will be staying there all the time. I just want our baby to have them their own room." He
replies making me understand.
"Okay, fine but I want to choose the design." I let out while holding my palm for him to show me the designs which he does
without any complaints.
"Whatever my queen wants, I will do." He says smiling at me.
"Mum-mum me finish." Advira says while showing me her copy where she has been writing the English alphabet. I take the copy
from her before marking the mistakes and ask her to re-write them.
"Anu, why don't we go out and have some ice cream?" Jasmine di asks coming inside Advira's room.
"I am also craving ice cream but I don't think Alessandro will let us go out at this time." I let out with a sigh.
"That's unfair. We are pregnant and craving ice cream so it's our right to eat ice cream as much as we want." Jasmine di
complaints with a pout.
"I know that but my stubborn husband is not going to permit our wish as he thinks ice cream is bad for our health." I whine while
Advira looks at me with a bored look. She has gotten used to seeing my mood swings in these few months so it's nothing new for
"Baby, will you help mum-mum to get ice cream?" I ask while trying to appear helpless in front of her. I know it's bad that I am
using my three-year-old daughter, but what to do when her stubborn father doesn't listen to me.
"Otay mum-mum. Me go and ask papa to bwing ice cweam for yous and mami." Advira replies cutely before going out of the
room while calling out to her papa.
"You are so naughty, Anu." Jasmine di says while I giggle.
"Let's go and have ice cream." I tell her and both of us leave the room with happy smiles on our faces.

When we come downstairs, with the help of the elevator we directly go to the dining room where we hear Alessandro and
Advira's voices talking to each other. Upon seeing me and Jasmine di, Alessandro shakes his head but still gives us two tubs of
ice cream which makes us squeal like toddlers. We start to devour the cold dessert in no minutes.
"Cara, this is the second time that you are having ice cream in a day so don't think that I will let you have ice cream for another
two days." Alessandro says sternly making me stop eating and look at him in betrayal. Before I know it I burst into tears while
shoving the tub of ice cream to the side.
"What's wrong, tesoro? Are you feeling pain anywhere? Do you need me to call the doctor?" He asks rapidly coming near me but
that only make my cry harder.
"You don't love me anymore." I let out while tears with the back of my hand.
"What? Who told you that?" He asks looking confused.
"No one told me this but I know this because if you love me then you won't try to take away my rights to eat ice cream." I reply
while pointing a finger at him.
"Okay, okay you can eat as much as you want the ice cream but don't cry anymore. Because I don't like to see tears in your
beautiful eyes." He says while kissing the top of my head.
"You promise?" I ask in suspicion.
"Promise my love." He replies before putting a spoonful of ice cream in front of my lips making me smile brightly at him. I open
my mouth and he feeds me the yummy ice cream which makes me very happy.

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