Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 61: Ch.60/ Back To Normal

Alessandro's POV:-
I may have avenged my wife but still, one thing is not clear to me as to what reason those two women tormented her. I look
towards my father-in-law and decide to ask him about the reasons. But for now I need to look after my tesoro who is looking
extremely tired with everything going on around her. I can understand that so much stress is not good for her health because
now that she is carrying our little bean, she needs to be more careful. So without wasting any time I pick her up in my arms and
excuse ourselves to go upstairs.
Arriving at the room I put her in the bed while I sit beside her. With a gentle hand, I caress her back when she turns around to
hug me. She wraps her arm around my stomach while snuggling her face in my chest. Soon, I hear soft snores coming out of her
mouth so I pull the blanket to cover her body. I stand up from the bed before bending down to kiss the crown of her head and rub
her swollen belly with a smile.
"Sleep tight baby and don't disturb your momma because she needs a lot of rest. Papa will be here soon with your big sis. Till
then, take care of your momma." I whisper before kissing the middle of her belly. After that I walk out of the room while going
towards the living room.
Upon seeing me coming, my princess starts to whine so her uncle put her down making her run straight to me. I smile at her
before picking her in my arms. I nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck which results in her squealing loudly to get away from
me. I can hear the laughter of others around us so I show mercy to my baby and stop tickling her with my beard.
"Me lub you much, papa." My princess says while holding my face in her tiny palms.
"I love you too, my princess." I reply while kissing her nose with a smile.
"Let's go Advira, it's getting late so you need to eat your dinner." Anhuphama's aunt says making me nod my head.
"Me no wan." My princess replies stubbornly with a pout.
"Yes, baby you should eat now and then I will read a story to you before you sleep. Okay?" I pursue her.
"Pwomish?" She asks while showing me her pinky.
"Pinky promise baby girl." I let out before putting her down on the floor. After she leaves with her grandma I turn around to look at
everyone to see that they are all looking at me with a look of appreciation.

"You are really great with her." Anhuphama's uncle comments after I take a sit on the couch.
"She is my daughter so it's natural for me to show affection towards her." I reply softly.
"When she used to live here, she never got the chance to play as much as she wanted because Maa or Kamini would always
shout at her. But now looking at her, we can see that she is living her life like a real princess. All thanks to you, Mr. Bianchi.
Because without you neither Anupama nor Advira would be able to lead a happy life." Anhuphama's father says with a smile yet I
can hear the sadness in his tone.
"Mr. Sengupta, I can understand that you are feeling guilty for not being there with your daughter or granddaughter when they
needed you the most. But now that you know everything that was kept hidden from you, you can make up for the lost time." I
reply as gently as I can.
"I don't know if I will be able to show both of them how sorry I am for everything. However, I will not let anyone or anything come
between us anymore. I will shower them with so much love and care that they won't remember any bad thing from the past."
Anhuphama's father answers looking determined.
"I am sure you will be able to do it boro mama because our Anu is the most humble person I have seen in my life." Miss Ganguly
"If you guys don't mind me asking, I want to know why your mother and sister hate Anhuphama so much." I let out looking at Mr.
Sengupta for answers.
"I am not exactly sure what's the reason behind their hate but I think I have an idea about who is the main culprit." Mr. Sengupta
replies with a sigh.
"Whom you are talking about, boro mama?" Mr. Ganguly asks.
"Kamini, your mother. She is the main reason behind Maa's changing behavior." Mr. Sengupta answers.
"Hmmm, Borda is correct because Kamini has always been the favorite child out of us and she never let a chance go to use this
as her benefit." Anhuphama's uncle says.
"So you're saying that your sister is the one who manipulated your mother?" I ask.
"Maybe because Kamini never liked when Maa gave anyone attention besides her. But when I married Durga who was
Anupama's mother, Kamini's jealousy level shot up like a bullet train. Durga changed Maa's perspective towards people with her

sweet and gentle nature that's lead to Maa's decision to marry Kamini with a simple person like Umesh. Kamini was not happy
with the marriage because Umesh didn't have money or luxury like us but he was the best person we could choose for our dear
sister. However, after his accident he became paralyzed so they started to live with us. Subho and Riya were very small at that
time so we didn't want them to suffer because of their father's condition. After Kamini returned to this house, she started to cause
problems for Durga but Maa never believed anything bad against Durga and I think that made Kamini angrier. When Durga
passed away after giving birth to Anupama, Kamini started to manipulate me saying that Anupama was the reason why my wife
died. Me being heartbroken at that time, I believed her and decided that I would never accept Anupama as my daughter." Mr.
Sengupta narrates while wiping the tears that have been falling non-stop.
"Kamini also made Maa hate Mausumi because apparently it's a crime to be infertile. So, when Borda refused to accept
Anupama both I and my wife decided to raise her as our own. But that also didn't go well with Kamini as she never let a chance
go to say horrible things to us and Maa started supporting her." Anhuphama's uncle lets out with a sigh.
"So I got treated badly just because my mother was a good person?" My head turns towards the voice of my wife who is now
standing behind us. She is looking so vulnerable that immediately I walk towards her with long strides before holding her face
with my palms.
"What are you doing here, Cara? You should be taking a rest." I let out gently but she shakes her head with teary eyes. She
removes my hands before going near her father who is looking shocked. I shouldn't have left her side because now she has to
hear the things that will hurt her.
"Baba, pishimaa hates me because she never liked my mother." Anuphama says while sitting down on the floor beside her
father's wheelchair.
"Don't think about the past because that will only going to make you feel lost Anupama. Just focus on the present and the
upcoming future as now you will always have your baba behind you to hold you whenever you need him." Mr. Sengupta says
softly while running his hand over Anhuphama's head.
"It's not easy to forget everything but I will try my best because I have finally got my baba back and I am not going to let you go
away from me anymore." Anhuphama says while laying her down on her father's lap.
Anupama's POV:-

It's been a few days since the police has arrested pishimaa and thakurmaa along with Romil's mother. Also, it's nearing for us to
go back to LA because Alessandro and Dadabhai need to attend some important meetings. I am also missing my fur babies and
my family in there. So, we are going back to LA in two days.
However, currently Jasmine di and I are not talking with our husbands as they are not letting us go out of the house to enjoy
some street food. Apparently, they think that street good is not healthy for us and refuse to listen to us. So, we have decided that
we will not be talking to them till they allow us to eat everything we crave.
"Come here you two. Let me put oil in your hair." Mamoni says coming into the porch and sit behind me on the stairs.
"But I don't like oily hair." Jasmine di whines making me chuckle.
"You are going to be a mother yet you still behave like a toddler yourself." Mamoni comments.
"I am not behaving like a toddler mami. I just hate the feeling of sticky things in my hair." Jasmine di replies with a pout.
"Okay, fine then I won't put oil in your hair. But you have to take care of your hair because during pregnancy there is a chance
that you will have to face a rapid hair fall. So, try to be as prepared as you can." Mamoni informs while putting my hair in a braid.
"Then I will get weekly scalp massage from Olivia after going back to LA." Jasmine di retorts which I give her thumbs up in
"By the way, when are you both going to talk to your husbands?" Mamoni di asks when we walk inside the house.
"I don't know about Anu. But I am not talking to Subho till he let me eat Jhalmuri." Jasmine di replies stubbornly.
"I am also not talking to Alessandro till he let me eat spicy and tangy Phuchka." I say with a determined look.
"Then I think you both are getting your wishes to fulfill right now." Someone says from behind so we turn around and notice that
Riya is standing there with a big smile.
"Haa, when did you come back?" Jasmine di asks with surprise because Riya told us that she is not going to come back till night
as she has a lot of meetings to attend.
"I come back as soon as I got a call from dadabhai that there is going to be a street food party." Riya exclaims with joy while
licking her lips.

"What are you talking about?" I let out in confusion but she doesn't reply. She takes my and Jasmine di's hands in her and leads
us towards the dining room where we find something we don't expect to see at all.
"Jhalmuri!" Jasmine di says aloud.
"Phuchka!" I say at the same time with wonder.
"Tada, here is the surprise for our lovely pregnant ladies." Marco says while coming there along with Dadabhai and Alessandro
who are grinning from ear to ear.
"I hope now you're not going to give me any more silent treatment." Alessandro says after standing beside me.
"Nope, but I want to know what made you change your mind to let me eat this." I tell him while pointing to the yummy looking
"I was thinking from my mind and which led me to believe that street food is not healthy for you. But then I thought from my heart
and decided to let you eat whatever you want because my wife deserves everything she wants." Alessandro replies before
kissing me on the forehead making me smile.
"And don't worry I have asked my friend who is a chef to make these for you both." Riya informs winking at me. I send her a
flying kiss making her laugh at me. I take a phuchka before breaking the middle part of it with my thumb and put masala
aloo(spicy potato) inside. Then I dip the potato stuffed phuchka in the sour tamarind juice before eating the phuchka. Instantly
my taste buds feel like they are dancing with joy by the taste of phuchka.
"It's so amazing Riya." Jasmine di comments while putting a spoonful of jhalmuri in her mouth.
"I am happy to know that. You guys just need to tell me what you want I will send it to LA." Riya replies with a smile.
"Why don't you try one, Mr. Bianchi?" Dadabhai asks making me nod my head while Alessandro shakes his head.
"No way I am going to eat this because I don't like sour things." Alessandro replies making me pout.
"Please try only one for me and our little bean." I let out while giving him a puppy eye knowing that he won't be able to resist this
"Ugghh you are being mischievous, Cara." Alessandro says making everyone laugh while I smile in triumph. Reluctantly he
opens his mouth in which I feed him a phuchka. We all wait for his review with holding our breath.

"It's not bad." Alessandro says making us sigh in relief.
I am searching for Advira a few minutes yet I haven't found her which is making me worried. Suddenly, I hear her voice which is
coming from baba's room so I open the door of the room and I find her sitting on the bed while baba is sitting in his wheelchair.
"Are you disturbing your boro dadu?" I ask my baby after walking inside the room.
"Nope." Advira replies while licking her fingers which are completely coated with chocolate making my eyes widen.
"Baba, why did you give her chocolate? Look she is dirtying the bedsheet." I let out with worry but baba shakes his head with a
fond smile.
"Let her do whatever she is doing, Anupama. She is the first grandchild of mine and I haven't gotten my chance to spoil her. So
hush and let me do my duty as her dadu." Baba replies.
"You and Alessandro are going to make her a spoilt brat if you both don't stop letting her do anything she wants." I retort before
sitting beside my messy daughter. I take a wet wipe from the nightstand and cleans her hands with it.
"Alessandro loves her like his own, right?" Baba asks gesturing to Advira.
"He doesn't love her like his own because for him she is his own daughter and I am not a bit ashamed to admit that he adores
her more than I do." I reply with a smile.
"I have to agree with you in this because I have seen by myself how protective he is towards Advira. I feel ashamed. I always
consider myself as a perfect man because I have a good family background as well as a fine reputation in society. But after
seeing the way Alessandro behaves around you all, I am happy to say that no one can be perfect than him whom I would like to
see as your husband and Advira's father." Baba lets out with a satisfied look.
"Baba, why don't you come with us to LA? You will be able to spend time with us and relax without having to deal with people
who are constantly asking about pishimaa and thakurmaa." I suggest.
"I can't be a selfish person and run away from the situation. I am going to answer the questions truthfully because I don't want to
keep any more secrets. Also, I have a company to run so first I need to get better and then help Riya to build the company like
before." Baba replies with a sigh. I don't pressure him because what he is saying is not wrong.

"Aww look she is sleeping." Baba says aloud making me look at the bed where Advira is sleeping while hugging the mini mouse
plushie which has become her new favorite toy.
"I will take her to our room." I let out but baba holds my hand while shaking his head.
"Let her sleep here." Baba says with a smile.
"But baba-" I try to say but baba gives me a stern look making me shut up.
"You go to your room and sleep. Good night." Baba lets out so I help him get into the bed from his wheelchair. After I am done
with helping him, I bid him goodnight before leaving the room to go to my room. However, when I open the door of my room my
breath hitch seeing a shirtless Alessandro who has just turned around to look at me.
"Are you going to come inside or do I need to carry you?" Alessandro asks playfully making me scowl at him.
"I am fully capable of walking so no thank you very much, you don't need to carry me inside." I reply sarcastically while getting
into the bed. I feel the bed dip beside me but I don't turn around knowing he is going to tease me.
"Aww is my tesoro angry with me?" Alessandro whispers in my ear making me shiver but I don't give any expression. A muscular
arm wrap around my belly before I feel feathery kisses being placed on my neck. I try to control but eventually a moan escapes
from my mouth.
Alessandro turns me so it's easier for him to hover over me. I look into his eyes and notice that his eyes are filled with lust. I bit
my lip unconsciously making his eyes snap towards my lips and before I know it he is kissing me like there is no tomorrow. Let's
just say that I am not getting to sleep very soon because the horny beast inside him has woken up.

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