Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 48: Ch.47/ Business Trip Or Trap

Anupama's POV:-
Life is good so far and if it's possible I want it to be the way it is now. After getting to know that my biological child is none other
than Advira, my heart felt like bursting with happiness but at the same time I felt like I have failed to protect her from the cruel
hands of my Thakurmaa and Pishimaa. However, I don't want to think about them anymore because that will only make me hate
them more than before. Right now I only want to concentrate on my family and my unborn child.
Of course, I have other important thing to do like my office work as well as my study. I want to forget every bad thing about my
past and live my present happily while surrounded by my loved ones. Advira is going to turn three years old in two months which
means I will be three months pregnant by then. I am extremely happy that this year we will be celebrating her birthday on the real
date of her birth. Yes, that's right. Jasmine di didn't want to reveal Advira's identity so she didn't tell me the real birth date of
Advira before because then I could have suspected something was wrong. But this year I am going to celebrate her birthday the
way my baby deserves. Till now I can only bake a little cake for her on her birthday because of the restrictions given by
Thakurmaa but not anymore.
"Mum-mum me go potty." Advira says while tugging my sleeve.
"Okay baby. You go to the bathroom and mum-mum will be there in a minute." I reply to her and she runs inside the bathroom
putting both of her hands in her bum making me laugh. I fetch some clothes for her to wear along with a diaper before going
inside the bathroom to bathe her afterward.
I come out of the bathroom with her in my arms after half an hour and take her to the playroom where her brothers are playing
already. Upon seeing their baby sister they stop whatever they are doing before running towards us. I put Advira down on the
floor and let the dogs sniff her as they always do it to detect any danger. After that, they come near me and push their snout one
by one to my tummy as if they are trying to sniff the little bean.
"You silly boys. You guys need to wait for some more months to sniff your sibling directly." I tell them with a giggle. Scout the
most dramatic one out of the dogs starts to whine.
"Scout don't whine baby. I know you love the little bean and want to meet him or her. But we have to wait for some time." I say
while petting the husky. King bark at Scout making him whimper and stop whining.
"King that's not how you treat your baby brother. Now, come on kiss him." I say sternly and King lick Scout's ear as if saying
sorry. I beam at them and tell them to play till the lunch get ready. After kissing all the kids I come out of the playroom and walk

down the stairs to go to the backyard. My phone starts ringing so I pick up the call when I notice that Riya is calling me. I receive
the call and sit down on the swing.
"So finally someone has found time to call me." I comment over the phone.
"I am so sorry Anu for not calling for some days. Actually, a lot of things are going around that I am not getting much time to
spend on the phone." Riya replies.
"Okay, I am not angry with you. I am just teasing you but may I know why are you so busy?" I ask while signing some important
"Please don't freak out when I tell you." She replies making me frown. I put the file beside me before giving her my full
"What are you going to say that you think I will freak out?" I ask curiously.
"I am getting married in three months." She replies making my eyes widen.
"Are you listening to yourself Riya? What is this rubbish?" I ask not believing her.
"I am saying the truth, Anu. Mom has fixed my marriage with her friend's son who has a lot of money and lives in London." She
replies with a fake pleased tone making me understand that she is not happy with the marriage.
"Riya I can tell by the tone of voice that you are not happy with the marriage then why have you agreed to get married?" I inquire.
"No one knows Mom better than you so you should also know that she never asks for anything, she only orders and that's what
she has done again. Also, after what happened in LA I don't think I have any right to defy her." She answers back with a sigh.
"Why don't you understand that whatever happened is not your fault so you don't have to guilty about anything. I am telling you
Riya, don't do anything stupid just to fulfill Pishimaa's demand. She doesn't have any say in who you are going to marry because
she only knows how to destroy others life." I let out in anger without thinking.
"Are you okay, Anu?" She asks and that's when I realize that I was going to say what Pishimaa had done in the past. I don't want
to tell anything to Riya about Advira's reality because that will only make the situation worse. That's why I have asked Kakai and
Dadabhai to don't disclose anything to Baba, Mamoni, and Riya.

"Yes, I am alright. It's just that I am not feeling well today so I am getting hyper for simple matters." I reply while trying to control
my anger.
"I shouldn't have told you about the marriage. You are pregnant and I have heard that the first three months are very risky so you
need to take very good care of yourself." I smile hearing her words because I still remember the way she treated me in the past.
But now everything is different between us and I am very happy with the way we have improved our relationship.
"Yes, I am taking good care of myself and you know Alessandro is not even letting me go to the company. So, I am doing my
work from home." I reply making her laugh.
"That's good to know. Also, I wish that you will be bringing a cute and healthy little one. By the way, you guys need to come here
to my wedding because I want you to be with me on that day." She lets out.
"We will definitely come. But are you sure that you want to marry the person chosen by Pishimaa?" I ask again.
"I am 100% sure that I want to get married. You just need to come here with everyone. I will talk to you later, bye." She replies.
"Hmm, bye." I answer and disconnect the call with a sigh. She is making a mistake and I can't let her do this without trying to
help her. I know she still has feelings for Marco but the stupid girl doesn't want to accept it. I think I need to tell Marco about
Riya's marriage because if he also has feelings for her then he will do anything to stop this marriage.
Alessandro's POV:-
"But why am I hearing about this meeting now when you have gotten so many days to inform me?" I ask angrily over the phone.
"I am sorry for my negligence Mr. Bianchi but you need to come here for the meeting asap." Come a timid reply from the other
"Fine, I will be there by tomorrow." I answer and cut the call without waiting for any response. I rub my forehead feeling a
headache growing because of the heavy workload. I want to complete my important works before Anhuphama's delivery date
because I don't want to miss anything. I know we still have a lot of time but time flies very quickly and I have some crucial deals
to make so that I can give my utmost time to my wife and baby after delivery.
But now I have to go to Bristol for three days because of a business deal. I don't want to leave Anhuphama alone but I can't take
her with me as she is in her first trimester. So, she can not travel because that can risk the pregnancy. I think it will be better if

Mama stays with her in the mansion. So, without wasting any time I call Mama to see if she can come or not.
"Of course I will come and take care of my daughter. Also, I have made some of my little princess's favorite cookies so I can give
that to her." Mama replies making me sigh in relief.
"Thank you so much, Mama. Now, I can go to Bristol without worrying about Anhuphama.' I tell her.
"No need to thank me, boy. Now, I am going to cut the call because I have to pack some clothes." By saying this she cuts the
call. I shake my head at her antics before going back to review some papers. I inform Bianca about our trip to Bristol and also tell
her to book hotel rooms for our stay.
I quickly finish my work in the company and then arrive at the mansion to get ready for the trip. When I get inside my bedroom I
don't see Anhuphama there making me worried about her because she is supposed to be resting at this time. So, I dial her
number and when she picks up the call she tells me that she is in our daughter's room. I ask her to come to our room because I
have something to tell her.
After that, I take off my blazer and cufflinks. I pull out luggage from the closet and start packing my clothes for three days. I hear
footsteps coming towards the closer so I turn around and see that Anhuphama is standing on the doorstep with confusion clear
on her face.
"Why are you packing your clothes, Alessandro?" She asks coming inside the closet.
"I am sorry tesoro but I need to leave for Bristol in two hours." I reply while wrapping my arms around her waist before pulling her
to my chest.
"But why so suddenly? You didn't say anything this morning when you have left this morning." She complains and gives me an
accusing look.
"I know I didn't tell you about this trip but I didn't even know myself about anything. I just get a phone call this afternoon saying
that I need to attend the meetings in Bristol or my company will lose a big project. You know, I don't care about money but I also
need to think about my employees too who has been working on this project for so many months. So, in the end I have decided
to go there to finalize the deal." I explain to her and she nods her head in understanding.
"Fine but please try to come soon. I don't like to sleep without holding you and this little bean is also going to miss your warmth."
She says making me smile at her adorable thoughts.

"Of course I will be coming back in three days. But till then you need to look after yourself. Also, I have called Mama and she is
going to stay with you." I reply while turning to fold my clothes but she takes the shirt from my hands before folding it correctly.
"Jasmine di and Dadabhai are here already then why did you tell Mama Melody to come here? Uncle Gabriel will miss having
her with him." She says while putting the clothes inside the luggage.
"I know that Mr. Ganguly and Mrs. Ganguly will be here but both of them have works so you will be alone with the kids. So, you
will feel better if Mama comes here." I tell her and put my hands on her stomach before rubbing it lightly. I turn her around and
crouch down in front of her stomach before kissing it gently.
"What are you doing?" She asks while running her hand through my hair.
"I am kissing the little bean because I won't be able to kiss him or her for three days." I reply before nuzzling her stomach making
her chuckle.
"The little bean will also miss you. But don't worry I will tell him or her that you will come soon." She says lovingly. I stand up and
pull her for a kiss. I want to ravish her so badly but Mrs. Ganguly has warned us not to do anything hectic because that can
cause some difficulties in the pregnancy. So, I kiss her for some more time before telling her that I am going to change my
I take a quick shower and put on black jeans along with a white t-shirt because it has been quite warm nowadays so I don't want
to wear formal clothes. After getting out of the bathroom I notice that Anhuphama is not in the room so I assume she must be in
the kitchen packing some snacks for me. She doesn't like it when I eat outside so she tries to give me homemade food whenever
she can.
My guess was right because I find her in the kitchen packing her famous mac & cheese for me. Mama has already arrived so
she is also helping her in the kitchen. Upon seeing me Mama comes towards me and gives me a big hug.
"Your wife is getting very strict Sandro. She is not letting me help her as she tells me to rest as if I am the pregnant one." Mama
whispers in my ear making me chuckle.
"I agree Mama. She is becoming a lot dangerous too." I whisper back making both of us laugh.
"Why are you guys laughing?" Anhuphama asks coming standing in front of us but we give her an innocent smile in which she
rolls her eyes at us.
"You are supposed to be resting tesoro." I tell her.

"I will be resting after you leave. I just want to make something for you and the maids helped me too." She replies with a pout.
"There is every type of food available in the jet so you didn't need to make anything for me." I tell her but she gives me a glare
making me shut up.
"When I am fully capable of cooking your favorite things then why do you insist on eating outside?" She asks while putting her
hands on her hips making me gulp in fear. I have seen how pregnant women behaved so I should have kept quiet.
"Okay, fine then don't take anything with you and from now on I won't be making anything for you." She replies before walking
out of there.
"Boy, why did you open your mouth? You have seen Bianca during her pregnancy two times then you should have known better
than saying anything to your pregnant wife." Mama says with a laugh.
"I was just trying to make her understand that she doesn't need to work. But I think now I have to say sorry to her." I reply with a
sigh. I call out Anhuphama's name but don't get any reply. So, I dial her number but she cuts my call.
"Boss the car is ready. We need to leave now or we will be late." Samuel informs while coming into the mansion.
"Just wait for five minutes and I will come outside," I reply to him. He nods his head in response and take my luggage with him. I
look at the stairs to see that my angry wife is walking down holding the hand of our daughter and the dogs are following behind
"Where go Papa?" My princess asks with a frown.
"I am going on a business trip baby girl." I reply after picking her up in my arms.
"Okay but come soon. No do late." She orders while folding her hands in front of her chest. I kiss her on the forehead and
"I will be back in three days princess and I will bring a gift for you." I tell her. She nods her head in excitement before hugging me
tightly. I chuckle at her excitement before putting her down on the floor. Then I crouch down to my big boys' level and pet them
on their heads.
"You guys need to look after your mum and your siblings. Papa will be back in a few days so till then you guys are going to guard
the house." I tell them and they bark in return. I smile at them and stand up before going towards my angry wife who is looking

quite upset. I put my finger under her chin before raising her face to make her look at me.
"Please don't be angry with me, Cara. I was only looking out for you." I tell her.
"I am neither angry nor upset. I just don't know how to tell what I am feeling." She mumbles making me smile.
"It's natural to feel like this, Cara. I am sure that you have felt the same when you were pregnant with our princess so I am not
surprised with your mood swings." I let out and hug her gently. She wraps her arms around my torso before burying her face in
my chest. I am really bad about leaving her alone but seriously I don't have any other choice left.
"Okay, now I have to go or I won't be able to leave in time." I tell her before pulling away from the hug.
"I love you." She says with a small smile.
"I love you too." I reply and kiss her on the lips making her blush. I smile at her before getting inside the car. I look at her
worriedly but she smiles at me as if letting me know that she will be okay.
But I can not get off the feeling of losing her from my chest. This feels like I am saying goodbye to her for not three days, but for
a long time. I shake my head to clear my head because with all the security around her nothing can be happened to her. I look at
her and our kids for one more time before waving my hand at them. The car starts moving and soon we are on our way to the
airport for the trip.
Anupama's POV:-
I try to give an assuring smile at Alessandro not wanting him to see my upset face. He looks at me worriedly as if he knows that
something is wrong.
However, he looks relieved after seeing my smiling face. He waves his hand with a smile and I along with Advira wave our hand
in response while the boys bark. Soon, the car starts moving and in no time I lost sight of the car making me sad. I don't know
why I am feeling so sad when I know that he will be back in three days. Still, my heart is beating so fast that it feels like it can
burst any moment.
"Are you okay dolcezza?" Mama Melody asks while checking my temperature to see if I am alright or not.

"I am fine, Mama. I think I just need some rest then I will feel better." I reply with a forced smile. She doesn't ask any more
questions which is good because I don't want to talk about anything. I am getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen
and this time no one will be able to make things better. Please God, keep my husband safe and healthy.

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