Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 42: Ch.41/ Angry Wifey

Alessandro's POV:-
Love is such a troublesome thing, one time it will make you feel like you are at the top of the world, and the next moment you will
start to think if it's real or not. I can take my own example because I am the same person who used to think that love is a waste
of time but now anyone can see the lovesick look I wear every time I glance at my beloved wife. Just like at this moment, like a
creepy person I am looking at my wife who is sleeping peacefully while laying her head on my bicep as if it's a pillow for her to
rest. Although I don't mind being her pillow but I want to squish her chubby cheeks so badly that my hands have started to itch.
I wanted to spend another day in the cabin but both of us have our companies to run so I didn't tell her about my feeling. It's
alright we can come here some other time. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing bringing my attention back from my sleeping wife. I
take out the phone from my pant's pocket with a little difficulty not wanting to wake up Anhuphama. I look at the caller ID to see
that Marco is calling me.
"Thank God finally you have picked up my call bro." That's the first thing I hear after picking Marco's call.
"Why are you sounding like a dying whale Marco? And if I remember correctly then I told you earlier that I would be unavailable
for some days then why the hell did you call me non-stop?" I ask while wrapping my arms around Anhuphama who has finally
decided to leave my biceps alone. Thankfully she doesn't wake up instead she snuggles close to my chest.
"I know that bro but I can not wait for you to come back here. Because I am in dying need to know about Riya's whereabouts."
He says while sounding really stressed. He doesn't know that Miss Ganguly has gone back to India and I am intending to keep it
from him till he realizes his mistakes. He thinks that he has the right to play with anyone's heart but not every girl is naive enough
to wait for him. That's why I didn't think twice before accepting Miss Ganguly's request when she asked for my help to go back to
her country.
"Why do need to know about her whereabouts? It's not like she is someone important to you otherwise you wouldn't have
rejected her like you do with other girls." I reply getting angry with my stupid best friend.
"Look, Alessandro I know what I have done is wrong and I am already regretting it. But please, tell me where she is now. I want
to make everything better between us, I want to tell her what I feel is real. Please bro just help me last time." He pleads however
Anhuphama takes my phone from me before I can reply to him.
"I knew it from the start that you are the reason why my sister is in so much pain and why she has left so suddenly. But I am still
going to give you a chance to make everything better between both of you. My sister is hurting badly but she will not say
anything from her mouth. That's why I want you to go to her and tell her about your feelings. She has gone back to India and she

is intending to stay there forever. So, do what you need to do to get her to forgive you because remember that Riya is a
determined girl who will not accept your apology so easily." Anhuphama tells Marco while giving me a glare making me gulp in
fear. She hands me back the phone and looks out of the window ignoring my pleading looks. I sigh before telling Marco that I will
call him later.
The rest of the ride home she gives me cold shoulder whenever I try to talk to her. I understand that I should have told her about
Miss Ganguly's sudden departure but I didn't want her to worry about anything other than her health. After the incident at the
annual ball, I have been having a hard time controlling my protective urges for her. Like whenever I don't see her for a few hours
I start to get worried that something has happened to her so I try to stay close to her as much as possible.
Upon arriving in front of the mansion, I get out of the car first and then open her side of the door. However, this time she doesn't
let me hold her hand and give me an angry look which promises a good amount of no talking from her.
So, I silently follow her inside the house and let her cool down for now. I notice that the house is quite silent than usual days so
that means my princess and her brothers must be taking naps.
"You guys come early." Mrs. Ganguly comments while walking towards us with a smile. Anhuphama goes forward and hugs her
before asking her where our daughter is.
"Advira is taking her afternoon nap in her room." Mrs. Ganguly replies.
"But where is Melody? And the boys?" I ask while taking the water glass from one of the maids.
"Melody has gone to meet Uncle Gabriel who is going to leave for Switzerland for a business trip. Though She will be back in a
few hours. About the boys, they are also napping with Advira in her room." Mrs. Ganguly answers back making me nod my head
in response.
"Jasmine di I am going to my room and get changed. I have something to tell you so can you come with me?" Anhuphama asks
Mrs. Ganguly who looks at me with a raised brow because of Anhuphama's blank expression. I signal her to go with Anhuphama
and when finally they get away from there I release a sigh of relief because angry Anhuphama is an intimidating Anhuphama for
I start walking upstairs and stops in front of my princess's room before opening the door to see that my daughter is sleeping on
her toddler bed while her brothers are sleeping on the rug on the floor.

I don't want to disturb their sleep so I lightly close the door and walk away from there. I go to my bedroom but find the bedroom
locked from inside making me realize that my angry wife must have locked the door. So, I get into a spare guestroom and decide
to relax there for some time.
Anupama's POV:-
"How can he hide something so big from me di? Am I not his wife whom he promised to tell every little thing? But now look he
has already broken his promise." I tell Jasmine di who is sitting on my bed crisscross. I have already changed my clothes and
started to rant in front of her.
"Anu I am not saying that what he has done is correct but I think you should talk to him first and hear what he wants to say." She
replies while petting the side of the bed for me to sit. I grumble under my breath before sitting down beside her. She looks at me
with an amused expression while trying hard to stop her from laughing at me.
"All of you are the same. You only know how to irritate me and anger me." I say making her laugh loudly.
"Oh my God Anu! What happened to you? You never behaved like this before ao what's going on? Don't tell me you are going to
give Mr. Bianchi the cold shoulder till he apologizes to you." She teases me while bumping her shoulder with me. I lightly shove
her and sit there crossing my hands in front of my chest with a pout.
"Okay, I will not tease you anymore, but still I think you should listen to him for once. Then again you are angry with your
husband so it's your decision what to do." She says making me realize that she is correct. I know that Alessandro must have
some reason for not telling me about Riya and Marco. But that still didn't give him the right to hide something from me.
"I understand your point di but I want him to realize that he doesn't need to hide something from me. I want him to share
everything with me so that we don't need to argue over such small things." I reply.
"Don't worry Anu, just tell him what you want him to do and I am sure that he will definitely agree with you." She says with a
genuine smile. I smile too but then a thought comes in my mind making the smile slip from my face. Jasmine di notices my
expression because she asks me what I am thinking.
"Di, I have another thing to tell you." I say to her.
"Yes, tell me Anu." She says with an encouraging smile.

"I want to tell everything to Alessandro. Everything about my past and most importantly about my infertility." I tell her and notice
the way she gets tensed suddenly.
"What do you mean you are going to tell him, Anu? I know you have to tell him about your infertility but don't you think it's quite
early for him to know everything?" She asks looking uneasy.
"No, di. I have already hidden such a big secret from him for so long that I am feeling guilty. I know he can regret marrying me
after knowing the truth but I don't want him to know anything from another person. I have already lost so much that I don't want
to take any more risk of losing him. Before he starts dreaming about having children with me, I need to tell him that I will never be
capable of giving him children." I tell her and wipe the fallen tears with my palms.
"Yeah, that will be a good idea. Look Anu, I have some important works to do so I need to go. I will talk to you later." She replies
and get out of my room in a daze. Why does she behaving like this? I have thought that she will give me some advice but she
just left as if my problem is not important enough to discuss. Maybe she really has some important work to do, I should not think
anything bad about her.
I walk out of the bedroom and go to look out for Advira who is still sleeping with the dogs surrounding her bed. I give all of them
kisses and leave the room. Then I start to look for Alessandro because I haven't seen him for some time. I ask one of the maids
if they have seen him and she replies that he is resting in the guest room. So, I go there and notice that he is smoking making
me shake my head in disappointment. I clear my throat from the doorway making his eyes widen comically before he throws the
cigarette away from the window.
"So, you lied that you don't smoke anymore." I accuse getting inside the room.
"I didn't lie Cara, I swear. It's just I am a little disturbed so I smoke. But I am promising you that I will not do it again." He replies
while coming towards me. He tries to hug me but I step away from him making him frown.
"First you are going to brush your teeth followed by shower. Then I will talk to you. I am going to cook something so get back
down as soon as you can." By saying this I leave him there before I come downstairs.
Upon arriving in the kitchen I notice that Mama Melody is already there talking with the maids. So, I run forward and hug her from
behind making her yelp in fright.
"Dear God dolcezza. I am not young like you so please don't frighten me." She says while looking at me with a stern expression
but I can see the happiness in her eyes by seeing me.

"What are you saying, Mama Melody? Haven't you seen yourself in the mirror? You look way beautiful than any supermodels
nowadays." I compliment making her blush. I giggle in response because it's so cute to see her getting all shy.
"Okay, now stop with your teasing. Come here and let me hug you. It's been three days since I have seen you. You don't know
how much I have missed you." She says while opening her arms so without wasting any time I give her a bear hug.
"I have missed you too Mama. But now I have come back so you don't need to be away from me anymore. By the way, how is
everything going with your wedding planning?" I ask before opening two packets of noodles. I put the noodles in the boiling water
and turn around to look at her.
"Both Gabriel and I want to have a simple wedding so we have decided to get married in the backyard of this mansion with you
all by our side. But I need to ask for Alessandro's permission first because I don't know if he will accept our decision or not." She
says looking sad. I know she still feels bad for what happened at the Christmas dinner and only one person can make her happy.
But my dumb husband is so stubborn to realize that.
"Who says that you need to ask for my permission to get married in the backyard?" Suddenly Alessandro comes into the kitchen
and asks Mama Melody who looks hesitant for some reason.
"This is your house Alessandro so without taking your permission how can I just do anything?" She replies not making eye
contact with him.
"So now this is my house, not yours. Wow Melody, I didn't know that you still don't think this house as yours." He replies
sarcastically making me want to hit him.
"It's not like that Alessandro, I am just want to confirm if you are okay with our thoughts or not. Please don't get angry with me, I
didn't mean to upset you." She pleads while her eyes become watery.
"Come on, Melody don't cry. I don't want Uncle Gabriel to beat me for making you cry before the wedding." He says while
hugging her making me smile. Okay, not so dumb husband.
"Also, you look ugly whenever you cry and I don't want my princess to get scared seeing a zombie walking around the house."
He jokes making me chuckle while Mama Melody hit him in the arm.
"You are the one who is making me cry. Just wait till I tell my granddaughter what you have done, she will scold you for sure."
Mama Melody replies and as if in cue Advira comes trotting into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes. However, when her eyes fall
on me and her Papa she squeals before running towards me. I pick her in my arms while kissing her on the cheeks.

"Me good mum-mum. Me no cry you go. Me good for Nonna and evelyone." She says while looking at me with a toothy smile.
"I know that baby. You are such a good girl so mum-mum is very proud of you." I tell her which she giggles.
"Didn't you miss me, princess?" Alessandro asks coming in front of us.
"Me no miss you. You go, me no go." Advira replies while folding her little hands in front of her chest with an angry look.
"What? That's unfair princess, your mum also went with me so you can not just get angry with me only." Alessandro whines like a
baby but our daughter seems not in the mood to listen to her Papa.
"Me pwincess so me do me wan." Advira replies sassily making me and Mama Melody laugh at the diva.
"Okay, then I think I will go and play with the boys." Alessandro says and walk out of the kitchen while Advira squirms in my arms
to get down. So, I put her down and she runs out of the kitchen while yelling out for her Papa.
"These two are crazy for each other's attention." Mama Melody comments with a smile making me nod my head in response.
Unknown's POV:-
"Do you think we should reveal the truth?" I ask over the phone.
"I don't think we need to say anything, what if something goes wrong with the situation?" Comes a reply from the other side.
"But how long will I hide the truth? Everyone has the right to know everything. So, you support me or not I will tell the truth." I
reply before cutting the call. I have hidden such a big truth for so many years and I am not going to hide anything any longer.
Because the sooner I reveal the truth the sooner every problem will solve.

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