Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 39: Ch.38/ Making Things Better

Alessandro's POV:-
"Papa wakey up. Me wan pwesent." My princess says trying to wake me up but I don't open my eyes just to tease her.
"Mum-mum say Papa wakey up. Nonna tell Santa come so me open pwesent with broders." I try to control my laugh hearing her
complaining to her mother.
"But baby Papa is sleeping so you should not wake him up. Let him sleep, you can open presents later." Anhuphama reply
playing along with me.
"Me angly now, me call broders." Our daughter mumble while I feel her climbing out of the bed before she leaves the room while
calling out for her brothers. I lift the blanket off my body and look at my wife who is giving me a disappointing look. I stand up
from the bed before hugging her from behind while she put the red powder between her hairline. I don't understand why she
needs to put this powder every day on her hairline but she once told me that it's good for my long life and she will be putting it
every day.
"How can you tease our daughter on Christmas Day?" Anhuphama asks while looking at me through the mirror. I kiss her neck
before turning her around to face me.
"I am just having fun, Cara. It's so cute to see her getting frustrated with me." I reply while she puts her arms around my neck.
"Everything aside, you need to talk to Uncle Gabriel because he still thinks that you are angry with him. Yesterday, we were all
supposed to celebrate Christmas Eve at their house but because of your stubbornness, we didn't get to do that. So, the first thing
you need to do today is that you are going to apologize to Mama Melody and Uncle Gabriel. Also, you are going to give your
permission for their marriage." I try to object but with the stern expression she is giving me, I can not say no to her. So, I nod my
head in response making her happy.
"Merry Christmas Alessandro." She wishes with a smile.
"Merry Christmas Cara." I reply before putting a kiss on her forehead. After that I go to freshen up as fast as I can because I
don't want my princess to get angrier with me. Upon arriving in the living room I notice that my princess is sitting on the floor by
the Christmas tree with a pouty look while her brothers are sitting around her with the same dull look.
"Merri Christmas my babies." I wish them but none of them give me a slight glance.
"They are angry with you Mr. Bianchi for making them wait." Miss Ganguly comments while coming out of the kitchen.

"Oh I see. So my babies are angry because they are not able to open their presents without me. But do you think they are good
enough to get presents from Santa Miss Ganguly?" I ask while making a thinking face.
"Hmm, that's an important question, Mr. Bianchi. What do you think guys? Are you being good all the year to get nice presents
from Santa?" Miss Ganguly asks.
"Me bery good Mashi. Broders good too. So now give pwesents." My princess demands and her brothers bark along with her to
show their support.
"Okay then first come to Papa and give him kisses so you will get to open your pwesents." I tell them and crouch down to their
level. They come running to my open arms before I get kisses and licks from my babies. Everyone laughs seeing their
excitement and sit down on the living room's couch where the presents will be distributed. I ask Anhuphama to bring our
daughter's gift first because she is being the most impatient one right now.
"Here is your present piccolo from me." I say and hand her the wrapped gift which she takes happily. Mr. Ganguly helps her in
opening the gift and when she does her eyes sparkle with bliss. I have given her a pair of custom made shoes and a brand new
collection of Barbie dolls.
"Thank Papa much. Me lub you." She lets out with a toothy smile. I put her on my lap and kiss her on the nose.
"I love you too my cute princess." I reply. It's my first time sharing gifts with others on Christmas because earlier I used to think
that these traditions are useless. But after marrying Anhuphama I have learned a lot of new things and started to believe them.
One by one I give everyone presents and by seeing their expressions I can guess that they have liked what I have given them.
My furry boys have gotten a bunch of toys and treats from everyone too. The last present I have is for my wife, my Cara who is
smiling ear to ear just by seeing the happy faces around her. That's the first thing I love about her, she feels happy just by
making others happy.
I ask her to come and sit beside me. She looks kind of confuse but does as I have asked her to do. I give her the gift I have been
preparing for her for some days. She takes the gift and open it carefully. I bit my lip in nervousness because I don't know if she
will like the gift or not. When finally she unwraps the gift she gasps in surprise before her eyes glisten with tears.
"Cara please don't cry. I know it is a horrible gift bu-" I can not complete my sentence before I feel her hug me tightly while
everyone gives me confusing looks.

"It's not a horrible gift Alessandro. It's a very thoughtful gift so thank you so much." She says after pulling away from the sudden
hug. She wipes her tears and gives me a big smile before she shows everyone the gift I have given her. It's a painting of her from
our reception party. She was looking so gorgeous that day that I thought to paint her and present it to her for Christmas day. I
know she likes simple things so I haven't bought anything expensive for her, instead I have chosen to give her something I used
to love doing during my college days.
It's now the next day after Christmas and I am now in the park with my princess and the dogs. Anhuphama also wanted to tag
along with us but I told her that I want to have a father-kids day. So, here I am playing with my babies who are having so much
"Papa me high." My princess shrieks and giggles in happiness while clutching her rabbit stuffed toy close to her chest. I laugh
along with her before I put pressure on the other hand of the seesaw.
"Princess do you want to play in the swing?" I ask her after I pick her up in my arms.
"Yes, please." She replies with a big smile. I walk towards the swings before putting her on an available swing in the park. I pull
the swing back a little before letting it swing by itself. My princess is laughing and clapping her hands in delight all the time I pull
back the swing. I take out a ball from my track pant and throw it towards the dogs who starts to chase it. Fonsie gets the ball first
so he comes running to me with the ball in his mouth.
"Good boy Fonsie. Here is a treat for winning." I tell him and feed him a small biscuit which is baked by Melody. Speaking of
Melody, I haven't talked to her about what happened at the Christmas dinner party and I know that she is dying to know about my
decision regarding her marriage to Uncle Gabriel.
It's funny to just think about how much they care about my decision as if I am someone older than them. But it also shows how
much respect they have for me and that's why I have asked Marco to come here with me to the park. Because I have also
mistreated him for no reason.
"Hey sweetie how are you doing?" Marco asks my princess after standing beside me.
"Me play swing Uncle Malco." My princess replies. I slow down the swing and take her out of the swing before putting her on the

"Baby, Papa has to talk with Uncle Marco so be a good girl and go play with your brothers," I tell her and she nods her head in
response. She runs straight to her brothers and starts to play.
"Why did you ask me to come here?" Marco asks.
"Can't I just spent some time with my best friend?" I ask in return but only get a huff in return.
"Both of us know that you hate to spend a single minute with me nowadays. So, tell me the truth already." He says making me
"I don't hate to spend time with you, Marco. It's just that you annoy the hell out of me some time so it's better to stay away from
you." I reply.
"That's what best friends are for, don't you think?" He asks with a smirk.
"Look I didn't ask you to come here to irritate me. I ask you to come here because I want to talk about Melody and Uncle
Gabriel's wedding." I tell him.
"Are you not happy with their decision?" He asks nervously. I look at him with a genuine smile and put my hand on his shoulder.
"I am the most happy out of everyone Marco. Yes, I agree that I was a little upset at the start because it will be quite lonely
without having Melody around but then I realized that they deserve happiness like any other person. So, I want them to have the
best in everything." I explain.
"I am sorry to bother you, Alessandro. I was just pulling your leg the other day and you just stormed away from there. I know how
much Mama means to you and how much you mean to Mama. You may not call her your mother but that can not erase the fact
that you see her as your mother. So, I can understand how upset you felt when you got to know that she will be going away from
you. But just know one thing that no one can take your place in her heart. She will always be your mother before anyone else."
He answers back while smiling at me.
"Take care of her, will you?" I ask.
"With my life Alessandro. Mama Melody is the only one I have known as my mother. My biological mother left me at my father's
doorstep when I was just a newborn baby. She didn't even look back or try to contact Dad to let her know if she wanted to meet
me in the future or not. I was just a result of one night stand between her and Dad, but she never told him about me beforehand.
So, I am extremely grateful that my Dad is not like her. He took care of me and raised me as best as could while looking after his

business." He confesses making me realize how much wrong I was to get angry with him. He is just like me, wanting to get love
from a mother and Melody is the one for both of us.
"How about we plan a surprise wedding for our mother?" I ask after wrapping my arm around his shoulder. He looks at me with a
surprising look before he bursts into laughter.
"You are an unpredictable asshole Alessandro. Come on let's go, we have a surprise wedding to play for our mother." He replies
and runs to my princess who is calling out for him.
Anupama's POV:-
"Why are you insisting on going back to India?" I ask Riya who is packing her bag. Earlier in the morning, she told me that she
will be going back to India today. She has already asked Alessandro to let her take his private jet as it will be hard to get a flight
ticket because of the holiday season.
"I have already told you Anu that Boro Mama is having trouble while managing the company alone. So, I am going back to India
to help him with the company." She replies with a smile but I can see the pain behind her smile.
"You are hiding something from me and I can tell that by looking at your eyes. I am your sister Riya so you shouldn't be hiding
anything from me." I tell making her stop in her movement. She doesn't reply and turn around before starting to fold her clothes.
"You are going back because of Marco, am I right?" I ask while standing behind her. When she still doesn't reply, I turn her
around to see that she is crying. I take the clothes out of her hand and make her sit down on the bed.
"Please Riya tell me what's going on between you two. If you don't tell me and go away from here then I will going to worry about
you all the time. Besides, I don't want you to go away from here because of Marco, and if there is something else that is
bothering you then tell me Riya." I plead with her but she only cries harder as if she is hurting very badly.
"I am not lucky enough to be loved by someone Anu and my mind have accepted it very long time ago. But still, my heart is not
believing it. My heart wants to be loved by someone, my heart wants to be cherished by someone. But I know no one will want to
love a girl like me. I am a spoiled girl who only knows how to ruin anyone's life so I have accepted that I will be all alone in my
life." She says looking helplessly at me. I hug her while rubbing her back trying to console her.
"Shh, stop thinking so low about yourself Riya. I know you are not saying the real thing that is going on in your mind. But believe
me, Riya you are not a bad person. Whatever you have done in the past is because of your own reasons but I am sure that

someone will definitely see the good in you and love you wholeheartedly." I tell her but she shakes her head in denial.
"I don't care if anyone loves me or not because I am going back to my country and I am sure that after joining the company I will
forget about every wrong thing." She replies and wipe her tears before giving me a smile which is clearly fake. Soon, she
completes packing her bags and ask me to call Alessandro. I know it will be futile to ask her anything else because it seems she
doesn't want to share any of her problems with anyone. So, I call Alessandro and tell him to come home soon with Advira and
the dogs.
After one hour Alessandro comes back with our daughter and the furry babies who look worn out by playing so much. So, I tell
them to go to their room and take a nap to feel better. While they get inside their room I take Advira in her room and change her
clothes. I let her drink some warm milk and starts singing a lullaby which helps her in falling asleep in a few minutes. I put her in
her toddler bed before I close the door a little.
When I come back into the living room I don't find Alessandro so I ask Mama Melody if she has seen him or not. She replies that
she has seen him going into the game room so I get there and find him playing chess all alone but what surprise me is that he is
looking quite angry. I want to ask him about Marco and Riya but I think I shouldn't bother him about it. So, I decide to leave him
alone for some time.
"Where are you going, Cara?" He asks making me turn around to look at him.
"I thought that you are busy so I am going to help Jasmine Di in the kitchen." I reply.
"I am not busy so come here. I have something to tell you." He replies and motion for me to go towards him. I sit beside him and
while he takes my hand in his hand.
"You are looking angry Alessandro." I tell him.
"You are correct Cara. I am extremely angry at myself." He replies.
"But why? What did you do to think like that?" I ask worriedly.
"Samuel has called me sometime back and informed me that the police have caught the culprit who is behind the accident in the
party. He is a very trusted employee of my company so I don't understand why he would do something so dangerous. The police
have been trying to get him to tell them the reason but for some reason, he is not opening his mouth. So I have decided to
interrogate him by myself." He explains making me clutch his hand tightly.

"But I don't get it why are you angry at yourself?" I ask confusingly.
"Cara your safety is my responsibility but I think I am not doing it properly, or how can someone from my company would try to
harm you? I know you might think that I am talking rubbish but believe me, I know what I am saying. I also have an idea of who is
the real mastermind behind the accident." He replies.
"Who do you think that person is?" I ask.
"Samantha White." He replies in anger.
"She is the only one who can try to harm you because she still thinks that she has a chance to be with me. What she doesn't
know that trying to even harm a hair of you will only bring her close to her end. I am not going to let her play her so-called dirty
games this time and her first punishment is already on the way." He explains while looking at me with a smirk. He has a crazy
glint in his eyes, something I haven't seen before. He is looking like a completely different Alessandro which makes me feel a
little scared for Samantha. I know whatever he is planning to do with her is not something good but I can not tell him no because
he won't listen to anything when it comes to the safety of his family. I just hope that nothing will happen to him in the process of
keeping us safe from danger.
Finally, the time comes when we have to say goodbye to Riya. I wanted to accompany her to the airport but she is not letting me
go with her. Advira is crying not wanting her Mashi to leave, it kind of funny to see them so close because a few months ago Riya
used to hate my daughter. But now they are inseparable from each other. The same thing happened with the dogs, in the start
they used to loathe Riya but now they seem to like her company.
"I am going to come back soon baby or you can come to meet me in India." Riya tells Advira who only shakes her head.
"You no go mashi. Me cry lot. No mashi no go." Advira says with little hiccups.
"Aww don't cry Advira. Look if you cry then mashi will cry too. Do you want me to cry?" Riya asks with a pout.
"Me no wan mashi cry." Advira answers immediately.
"Then you are going to let mashi go because mashi has some important works to do. But after completing the works mashi will
come back to you." Riya says making Advira nods her head repeatedly. I wipe my tears before looking at Riya who comes
towards me. I open my arms and feel her hugs me tightly. I rub her back gently trying to feel her better. I know Marco is

somehow the reason behind her sudden departure. But I am not going to force her to stay here because maybe a little time of
separation can make things better for both of them.
"I will be waiting for you to come to Kolkata and this time I am not going to bother you." Riya says after pulling away from the
"I am going to miss you Riya." I tell her.
"Me too Anu. Now, I have to go or I will be late." She replies with a small smile and walks out of the mansion leaving us behind. I
feel a hand snake around my waist making me look at Alessandro who gives me an assuring smile.

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