Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 36: Ch.35/ The Ball Night

Alessandro's POV:-
"Yes, Bianca we are going to be there soon. I am completely ready and my princess is too. But her mum is not ready yet." I reply
on the phone while tying my shoelaces.
"If Anupama is taking so much time then I am sure that you are going to have a hard time controlling yourself after seeing her."
Bianca answers back with a laugh.
"She can wear a paper bag and I will still find her the most beautiful." I reply.
"Oh my God Alessandro! You have become so cheesy. But jokes apart, please try to come soon." Bianca says and disconnects
the call after I assure her that we will be there in half an hour. I spray some cologne on both wrist and the neck area before
picking my princess from the bed where she is playing with her dolls. My daughter is looking cute as a button and I am damn
proud of myself for the dress I have chosen for her.
I have chosen a classic black three-piece suit with a white shirt underneath. Instead of wearing a long tie, I have decided to wear
a black bow tie to match my suit. Today's ball is extremely important for my company so I can not just go there without looking
"Why is it taking so long for your mother to get ready piccolo?" I ask my daughter who is playing with the bow tie.
"Me no know." She mumbles and squirms to get down as she likes to walk on her own. However, she also likes to hold my finger
while walking as if she is the one who is going to lead us to our destination. Soon we reach downstairs and see that everyone is
already there looking nice all dressed up for the party. But the one person who is missing is my lovely wife Anhuphama.
"Don't worry Alessandro. There was some issue with Anupama's dress so it's taking her some time to get ready." Melody
assures me when she notices the worried look on my face.
"But her dress was alright when we bought it the other day." I reply getting confused.
"Just wait for some minutes and you will know everything." Melody replies with a mischievous smile. There is sure something
going on that I am completely unaware of. I sit on the couch with Mr. Ganguly and starts to discuss some business-related
matters. Halfway through the discussion, I hear clicking sounds of heels so I look at the stairs to see who is coming. But my jaw
drop on the floor seeing the ethereal beauty standing on top of the stairs. I can not even form proper words to describe the
emotions I am feeling at this moment but one thing is for sure that I am the luckiest man in this entire world to have the
opportunity to call Anhuphama my wife.

She gives me a nervous smile and starts to walk down the stairs followed by Mrs. Ganguly and Olivia whom I don't even see in
the first place. The more she comes near me the more I notice how elegant she is looking. She doesn't even wear the dress I
have bought for her but I am not a bit offended because the one she is wearing now, is far better than the other one.
When she comes and stands in front of me I wrap my arm around her waist before pulling her towards me. She doesn't hesitate
to put her hand on my chest while her cheeks tint a rosy color which I am sure doesn't come from the makeup.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" I whisper in her ear making her chuckle.
"Nope." She replies while I kiss her on the cheek.
"I am sorry I couldn't wear the dress you have bought for me." She says after a few seconds looking upset. I shake my head and
give her waist an assuring squeeze.
"You don't have to apologize Cara. I am sure that you have your reason not to wear that dress." I reply with a smile.
"The zipper of the dress got broken and I didn't have much time to fix it so I chose to wear this dress at the last moment." She
informs me.
"I am happy that you didn't wear that dress because the one you are wearing now is much better than the one I have chosen. In
fact, you are looking like an angel in this dress." She giggles before hiding her face in my chest making me laugh at her adorable
gesture. I realize that we are the only ones in the living room so everyone might have left to give us privacy. I take this
opportunity and lean down to kiss her but she stops me by putting her hand over my mouth.
"We need to get going or we will be late." She says and runs away from there with bushing cheeks. I laugh at her shy nature
before following her out of the house. When I get outside I notice that everyone is giving me an annoyed look as if I have been
keeping them waiting. I roll my eyes and get inside my car with Anhuphama and our daughter who is looking out the window the
whole ride to the company. I like the sparkle in her eyes by seeing all the lights and decoration that has done for Christmas. I am
not a fan of Christmas but Melody likes to celebrate the festival every year with the maids because I have never participated in
her celebration. However, I think this year I want to change everything and I will do it by myself.
Upon arriving at the company building I get out of the car before helping Anhuphama to get out. I can feel the numerous camera
taking pictures of us but I don't care about them and I am happy to see that this time my wife isn't a bit scared of the paparazzi.
Both of us walk inside the ballroom while our daughter is being held in my arms. I have to say that I am very pleased with the

decorations and everything. Many of the business associates come to greet us and congratulate Anhuphama for the opening of
her company.
Bianca along with Liam and their two daughters come forward to meet us. By seeing Delilah and Mia our daughter squeals in joy
so I put her down to let her play with them. Anhuphama isn't in favor of leaving them alone but Bianca assures her that she has
set up a play area for the kids to play so they will not get bore.
"Come on Anupama let me introduce you to some of my friends." Bianca says and take Anhuphama with her. I look at the
retreating back of my wife before turning around to face Liam who looks a little tired for some reason.
"Are you feeling okay Liam?" I ask him.
"I am okay Alessandro, just a little tired because of the workload." He replies with a tired smile.
"Why don't you take some days off?" I ask while taking a glass of wine from the passing waiter.
"I am also thinking about the same. But first I need to talk to that hot-headed wife of mine who only cares about her beauty
sleep." He replies making both of us laugh.
"I can not deny that because your wife is a real pain in the ass." I tell him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Marco asks standing beside me.
"That you don't have time for me." I reply getting a huff in reply.
"Oh come on Alessandro we all know you are the one who don't spend time with your best friend anymore." Marco retorts while I
smirk at him.
"But I thought you have a new best friend with whom you are spending quality time." Marco's eyes widen comically as if he never
expected me to say anything about his growing friendship with Miss Ganguly.
"I don't have any new best friend." He replies sternly.
"Then what is your relationship with Miss Ganguly?" I ask while sipping the wine.
"That's none of your business." He answers getting angry but I don't back out because I don't want him to use Miss Ganguly like
he does with other girls.

"It's my business when it involves my wife's cousin and knowing your reputation between girls I don't think it will be nice to mess
with Miss Ganguly's feeling. I really don't know what's going on between you two but remember one thing Marco, don't do
anything stupid with her because then you have to face me." I tell him in a calm tone but I am sure that he can hear the
underlying threat in my voice.
"Whoa, calm down guys. I don't know what you two are talking about but I think you guys need to stop now. Everyone is looking
at you both weirdly." Liam says making me take a deep breath to calm myself down. I excuse them before going to look for my
daughter whom I find playing hide & seek with other kids. After seeing me she runs to me and hugs my legs with a big smile.
"Me play Papa." She says to me. I crouch down in front of her before kissing the top of her head.
"I can see it princess. But now you are going to be with me for some time then you can play again with your friends." I tell her in
which she eagerly nods her head. I smile at her and pick her up in my arms.
I ask one of the employees to bring the microphone to me because as the owner of the company I always give a speech. I stand
in the mini stage of the ballroom with my daughter in my arms.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It's my pleasure to have you all at the annual ball of The Bianchi Enterprise. After all the
hard work my employees do throughout the year I think they deserve this party to relax and enjoy among themselves. However,
two important persons have joined us this year at the party and I can not be happier to have them with me every year from now
on. As you can see that I already have my princess in my arms so now I would like to request my lovely wife to join us on the
stage." I say on the microphone and soon I see that Anhuphama is making her way to the stage with a smile. Everyone claps
their hands when she stands beside me making her blush. I give her the microphone to say something which she denies at first
but then takes it from me when she realizes that I am not going to listen to her.
"Hello, everyone. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the party. I am very happy to be able to come here and meet such
amazing people like you. I know you guys work very hard for the success of the company and I am proud to say that my
husband is very lucky to have you all by his side. I know it would have been impossible for this company to get successful
without you all. So thank you so much for the support you have been providing to this company." My heart swells with pride and
adoration hearing Anhuphama's simple yet kind words. She doesn't need to say anything exaggerate to impress anyone
because her simplicity is enough for everyone to see the good in her.
After her little speech, she hands me back the microphone and take our daughter from me. I announce that from this year the
employees are going to get a double bonus on the occasion of Christmas as well as New Year. I can feel the happiness emitting

from my employees and this makes me glad to know that I have done a good job by listening to my wife when she told me to do
what Bianca wants to do.
When we get down from the stage Bianca through her arms around my neck and starts to thank me repeatedly for listening to
her. I simply hold her for some time because I know why she wanted me to give them a bonus. Samuel and her were not from a
well-earned family so they had to suffer for simple things in their teen years. That's why Bianca always tries to help others who
need money to survive. After some time she pulls away from the hug with a beaming smile on her face. I chuckle at her and turn
to look at my Cara who is giving me a proud look.
"Papa me dance." My princess demands with a pout when she sees that many people are dancing.
"Then Papa will dance with you." I reply while taking her in my arms.
"How come you are abandoning your wife?" Liam asks but before I can reply Mr. Ganguly comes there.
"Because Anu is going to be my dancing partner." He replies while giving asking for Anhuphama's hand in dance who she gives
with a big smile.
My princess is laughing non-stop because of the funny faces I am making between our dance. However, after a few minutes, she
gets tired and asks me to put her down. I do as she asked and she runs to her Nonna who is talking to Uncle Gabriel. Just then I
notice that Miss Ganguly is also sitting with them while there is no sign of Marco at the party. A tap on my shoulder has me turn
around and I see that my beautiful wife is standing in front of me.
"Can I have a dance with you, Mr. Bianchi?" Anhuphama asks with a smile.
"Of course you can but what I will get in return?" I ask her back while snaking my hand around her slim waist. She puts her arms
around my neck and leans towards my ear.
"Maybe something special when we get home." She replies seductively making my eyes widen for a second before I clear my
throat to get the dirty images out of my mind. I squeeze her waist in warning making her laugh hard. I shake my head and start to
dance with her. The dress is a little low cut around her front so I am getting a nice glimpse of her cleavage which is not helping
me at all.

I want to take her away from here and have my way with her. But I know that this will be a stupid idea because as much as I
want to make her completely mine, I also respect her privacy. I am sure that she will come to me when she feels like she is ready
for the next step of our relationship.
Suddenly, Anhuphama's eyes widen in fear looking up at something and she pushes me away from her making me fall on the
floor with a thud. A loud noise of something breaking can be heard so I look forward to see that the big chandelier has broken
"ANHUPHAMA!" I yell and stand up before running to Anhuphama's side to see that she is laying on the floor unconscious. I take
her in my arms before checking for any injury but find none.
"Please wake up Cara. Don't scare me like that." I tell her but she doesn't respond to anything.
"Let me check her." Mrs. Ganguly says coming towards us. By now, there is a huge chaos going around the ballroom. But I don't
care about anything besides my wife who is laying unconscious in my arms.
"What happened to her Mrs. Ganguly?" I ask worriedly.
"She has fainted out of shock so don't worry. It will be better if we take her home and after going there I will give her some
medicine that will help her in getting consciousness." She explains calmly and I nod my head in response. I pick up Anhuphama
in my arms and start walking out of the ballroom followed by Mr. & Mrs. Ganguly. I put her inside the car and sit beside her
before putting her head on my lap. I run my hand through her hair trying to calm my hard-beating heart. I dial Samuel's number
and after a few rings, he receives the call.
"I want you to find out how did the chandelier break down." I order him.
"I am already searching about the matter and I will let you know as soon as I can find something. Is Anupama alright?" He asks.
"She is still unconscious but Mrs. Ganguly has assured me that she will get better after some rest. Oh, I forgot to take my
princess with me. She must be scared not to see me there. Can you please bring her home?" I ask.
"Don't worry boss Mama Melody has already on her way home with Advira. Uncle Gabriel and Bianca are also coming with her.
By the way, I will call you later when I find something about the mishap." He replies and disconnects the call. My fist clench in
rage because I am sure that someone has purposely tried to harm us. I don't know who can be so crazy to harm my wife and
think that they can get away from my clutch. I will kill the person with my bare hands because of them my Cara is now lying

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