Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 31: Ch.30/ A Mother's Wrath

Anupama's POV:-
Advira's health is not well for the last two days. Although she has a mild fever but there is something wrong with her that is
making her panic from time to time. Mr. Bianchi has already assigned a group of child specialists for our daughter's recovery
however they are also not sure about what's wrong with my baby.
Everyone in the house is worried about Advira and I don't even want to start on the dogs. They haven't left their little sister's side
from the moment she has fallen ill. They even growled at the doctors at the start but then I assured them that the doctors would
only check on their sister, that's when they let the doctors treat Advira.
Mr. Bianchi is also not doing very well about controlling his anger. He is shouting at the poor maids without them doing anything
wrong, basically he is throwing tantrums like a baby. But I can understand what he is feeling because my situation is almost the
same as him. I have never seen my Advira so shaken up.
Currently, I am watching over the little angel who has finally fallen asleep after hearing a lot of stories from me. Neither I and Mr.
Bianchi can be separated from our daughter so we have decided to let her stay with us in our bedroom. The dogs are also
scattered around the room as they don't want to leave their sister alone.
"How is she doing, Anu?" Dadabhai asks coming into the room. I look at him to see that he has changed out of his work clothes.
"Her fever is in control now. However, her panic attacks are something that has us worried the most. I have never seen her so
scared Dadabhai and believe me, it's breaking my heart to see her crying in fear. Fear about something that we don't have any
idea about." I reply while caressing Advira's cheeks while she cuddles her bunny stuffie.
"Anu, do you think Mom has something to do with Advira's condition? I mean, we all know she hates Advira so she might have
done something to scare the poor child." Dadabhai suggests. Hmmm, he has a point but it's been two weeks since Pishimaa has
left, and Advira was doing totally okay afterward.
"I understand your point Dadabhai but Pishimaa has been gone for so long and Advira's health has deteriorated for the last two
days. So, I don't think Pishimaa has anything to do with her getting scared." I answer back. Just then Advira starts weeping in
her sleep and her tiny body starts to tremble. I gently take her in my arms before trying to calm her down. I can hear the dogs
whimpering in the background so I go near them before I sit down on the couch. I start to sing a lullaby to calm all the babies
down. Dadabhai leaves from there giving me some privacy.

When I am sure that Advira and the dogs are asleep, I put her on the couch before surrounding her with lots of pillows for safety.
I don't want to leave her alone so I tell Mama Melody to look after her for the time I do some work.
I haven't seen Mr. Bianchi for some time and I am getting worried about his temper because he doesn't have any control over his
anger when it comes to his family and hearing our daughter's cry of fear, he has become more furious with everyone. That's why
I am the only one who is interacting with him because I know whatever he is doing out of worry.
"What are you guys doing if you can't even find the reason behind my daughter's condition? Burn the fucking degrees you have
as a top-class doctor. Because in my eyes, you guys have been proven as garbage. Get the fuck out of my sight." I hear Mr.
Bianchi shouting at the team of doctors. I know that if I don't step up now then he will definitely do something unthinkable. So, I
get near him before putting my hand on his shoulder making him turn to look at me with fury in his eyes. But when his eyes fall
on me, his anger gets replaced by worry.
"What are you doing here Cara? Is our princess not okay? Wait a minute I will call another doctor and then our daughter will be
alright." He says while putting his palms on my cheeks but I stop him before he can call anyone.
"Our daughter is okay Mr. Bianchi but I think you're not okay. You are constantly shouting at everyone without any fault and that's
not doing any good." I tell him before turning towards the doctors who are fidgeting in their places.
"You guys have done a great job so thank you for that. But I think you guys should be get going now as you have stuck in here
for two days straight. Your families must be waiting for you all so you can go now." Mr. Bianchi tries to protest but I shot him a
look that makes him shut his mouth.
"It's alright Mrs. Bianchi, it's our job to look after your daughter. So we can stay here till your daughter is completely fine." One of
the doctors replies politely.
"I know well that you guys are scared of Mr. Bianchi but I can assure you that your jobs will not be taken away from you. So you
guys don't have anything to worry about." I say making them relieved. Soon after that, they depart from the mansion.
After that, I take a hold of Mr. Bianchi's hand before asking him to come with me. He is a little hesitant at first but then starts to
follow me. I take him in the backyard patio before we both sit down on one of the couches. I put my palms on his cheeks and
make him look at me.
"Advira's fever is now under control so stop worrying about her and taking your anger out on someone who hasn't done anything
wrong. I know you are extremely worried about our daughter's condition but your anger is not helping anyone. It is only creating
more tension around the house." I tell him while caressing his cheeks like I always do with Avira to calm her down.

"But my piccolo is scared, Cara. She doesn't sleep for five minutes and the next moment she wakes up crying while having a
panic attack. I don't want to see her in so much pain, she may not be my daughter by blood but I have never seen her as
anything less. She is the glow of my life Cara and I am not going to let anything happens to my precious daughter." He replies
while his eyes shows determination. I smile at him and put my forehead on him.
"I know you're not going to let anything happens to our daughter. But to do that you need to understand what our daughter wants
the most at this moment." He pulls away before giving me a curious look.
"She wants her Papa the most Mr. Bianchi. She wants her Papa to hold her when she feels scared. She wants her Papa to tell
her that no one will be able to harm her. She wants her Papa to make her feel safe. Because our daughter loves you the most."
A tear slip past my eye making him wipe the teardrop with his thumb. I am trying hard to not break down these days but it's
becoming unbearable to control my tears.
"I am so sorry Cara. I have been behaving like a fool these days instead of helping you with our daughter. You are right, she
needs me not my anger. She needs her Papa's strong arm to fight the monsters that are making her scared." He replies making
me nod my head.
While Mr. Bianchi is taking care of our daughter I have decided to look through the file he has given me some days back. He has
told me that this deal is very important for him and if he cancels the deal then he will lose a huge amount of money. Although he
has said that he doesn't care about the money but I don't want him to do something that he will regret in the future.
There is something wrong with the deal because if I am correct then the person with whom the deal is signed, can not sell the
company without informing Mr. Bianchi about it beforehand. But the shocking thing is that the real owner of the company who is
the wife of Mr. Wilson's has sold the company. But why? Why did she do something so suddenly? And why didn't Mr. Wilson
inform Mr. Bianchi about it?
Nothing is making any sense to me. I don't know why Mr. Bianchi thinks that I can help him with this complicated deal. But if he
has shown so much trust in me then I will definitely do something to prove my capability. First I need to know about the new
owner of the company and then the reason behind the selling of the company.
With that thought in mind, I start to search for information about the new owner of Wilson's company. I don't have any other
source than the internet so I take help from there. After reading several articles on the new owner I mean Sebastian White, I

have come to the conclusion that whatever this man is doing is for revenge against Mr. Bianchi. Because Sebastian White used
to be the most prominent businessman of LA but when Mr. Bianchi came into the picture, everything have changed drastically.
However, there is something suspicious about his sudden appearance. Because in one of the article, there has been mentioned
that he was nearly bankrupt a few years back. Then the question arises from where did he get so much money to buy a big
company like Wilson's? That's why I think he is not alone, someone is helping him to ruin Mr. Bianchi.
To know that I start to look at Mr. White's relationship status because many times people tend to marry to strengthen their
financial status. But it's shocked me to know that his wife is not even 30 years old. Her name is Samantha White and she is very
well balanced with money because of her parents. Hmm, I think I know from where does Mr. White is getting money. But the
main fact that I need to know why does his wife giving him so much money. I can be wrong in my assumption but something is
telling me that she has something to do with the selling of Wilson's company.
I get up from the couch in the library and go to see what Mr. Bianchi is doing. I find him sleeping in the bed while holding Advira
securely in his chest. The dogs are also sleeping beside them so I decide not to disturb them and leave them to rest.
Upon arriving in the kitchen doorway I notice that Linda is mixing something in a bowl of soup which I have prepared for dinner.
There is no one except her in the kitchen so I choose to confront her because her behavior is getting skeptical day by day.
"Are you done, Linda?" I ask her from behind making her drop the bottle in her hand. She swiftly turns around and looks at me
with a fearful expression as if she didn't think that I will catch her doing something she is not supposed to do.
"W-h-at are you tal-ki-ng about?" She asks with a scared tone but masks her expression with arrogance. I pick the bottle from the
floor and examine it.
"Give me back the bottle. You don't have any rights to look at my things." She tries to take the bottle from my hand but I glare at
"This is my house and I have every right to know what's going on in here. So, tell me what were you mixing in the soup bowl?" I
ask her sternly but the girl only shakes her head.
"I don't know what you are talking about. I wasn't doing anything." She is clearly lying because I have seen her mix something
from the small bottle. I know that it will be futile to ask her anything so I dial Samuel's number and ask him to come inside the

"You can not do this, I haven't done anything to get thrown out of this house. You are in no position to do something like this." By
now, Linda has started yelling. So, to make her shut up I threaten to put the hot soup in her mouth.
"I can and will do what I know good for my family. This is my house and I don't need to know from an outsider what rights I have
to throw you out of my house. So, keep your voice low or I will make it happen by myself." I take hold of her wrist before starts to
drag her out of the kitchen. Samuel and three other guards have already come inside the mansion after getting my order.
"What's going on Dolcezza? What has she done to make you so angry?" Mama Melody asks coming into the living room along
with Dadabhai and Jasmine di.
"Linda was mixing some medicine in the soup that I have prepared for dinner. Not only this, but when I confronted her she has
lied to me about it." I tell them.
"Can I see the medicine Anu?" Jasmine di asks so I hand her the small bottle of medicine. Her eyes widen after looking at the
bottle for a few seconds making me scared.
"What's this medicine for Di?" I ask her.
"This is a bottle of Triazolam which is used for making people unconscious. Sometimes a person can take these pills to fall
asleep but if it is taken in heavy doses then it can be very harmful." Jasmine di explains making me clench my fist in anger. I look
at the girl who has tears streaming down her face but I am not feeling a little bit bad for her.
"Answer me, Linda. Why did you mix this medicine in the soup? What is your intention?" I ask her but when she doesn't answer I
decided to call the police.
"No, please don't call the police. I will tell you everything but please no police." She begs while folding her palms in front of me so
I instruct her to narrate everything.
"I have tried to seduce Mr. Bianchi many times but he never looked at me for one second. Then out of nowhere, he married you
and bring you here with him. I have thought that you will be going away in a few days because you are not the type of girl Mr.
Bianchi likes but surprisingly he started to change completely. I got jealous because I wanted to have all the money and fame.
So, I decided to harm your reputation to make you look like the bad person." She elaborates.
"What did you just say?" Suddenly, Mr. Bianchi's voice startles all of us. He stands beside me before looking at Linda who looks
close to faint in fear.

"I have asked you something and I don't like lazy people so speak up." His voice booms in the house.
"I was the one who has given the news of your sudden marriage to the media and also about her being a gold digger." She blurts
out in fear.
"And?" Mr. Bianchi asks with an impatient expression. She gulps and starts to look at anywhere except us.
"You need to tell us or the consequence will be very terrible for you." Dadabhai threatens.
"I am the one who has been scaring your daughter by scolding her a-n-d..." She stops in mid-sentence.
"And what Linda? Tell me what have you done to my baby?" I shout at her.
"I have hit her sometimes and was going to sell her tonight when everyone falls asleep after drinking the soup." She whispers but
I am sure that everyone has heard her. There is pin-drop silence around the house for a few seconds before the sound of a hard
slap echoes all over the place.
I am not someone who raises their hands on others but not now anymore. How dare she hit my daughter who is so small and
vulnerable? She has suffered so much in other people's hands and I couldn't save her. However, I will not let anyone harm her
and get away again without being punished for the cruel thing they have done to my baby.
"You have mess with a mother Linda and this mother will not spare you this time. You will face the wrath of a mother who can kill
anyone who will try to harm her baby." I tell Linda and orders Samuel to hand her over to the police. By now, I have completely
forgotten about my morality to not behave so badly with someone. I have kept quiet for so long but not now, because my
daughter is my main priority so if needed I will not back out without a fight.
"She is gone, Cara." Mr. Bianchi says making me look at him. I throw my arms around his neck and burst into tears of agony.
Someone was hurting my baby under my nose and I didn't have any idea about it. I have been nothing but an awful mother to
Advira. When she will get to know this, she will hate me for sure.
"Mum-mum no cry." I lift my face from Mr. Bianchi's chest to see that Riya is standing in front of us with Advira in her arms. I want
to hold my baby but the guilt I have been feeling is not letting me get near her.
"Me lub you." She stretches her arms towards me with a pout while little tears left her eyes. I don't think twice before taking her in
my arms and cradling her gently while Mr. Bianchi wipes her tears.

"I love you too baby." I mumble while holding her close to my chest. I feel Mr. Bianchi puts his hands around me and Advira
making me snuggle closer to his warmth.

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