Saving Kinsley

Chapter Till Death I Will Fight

Kinsley's P.O.V

Noah's unwavering gaze held me rooted like a bear trap was around my ankle. Please say yes. He let out a sigh as I eagerly waited for his answer, " You can train and then we'll see how you do."

I cock my head to the side "That's it? You don't have to like, OK it by the almighty Alpha?" That last part was emphasized with sarcasm. On the inside I was reeling with complete and utter excitement. He's actually going to let me train, holy shit.

A slow grin creeped on his face, "Fortunately for both of us no, that's the Beta's job. I handle all the enforcers directly."

"Hell yeah, won't disappoint ya boss." I flashed my biggest smile at him.

"Not your Boss, and don't smile like that. You look all serial killer-y" Noah actually shivered. Why does everyone say that when I smile?

Noah walked off before he shouted over his shoulder "Training starts at 5 a.m. Don't be late."

Yes! I can't believe that actually worked. Excitement for tomorrow was pumping through me, making me all jittery. God's I need to chill out.

Get your head in the game Kinz, this is the same pack that abused you. Don't get comfortable. That cruel thought instantly sobered my excitement.

On my way back through the pack house I didn't come across Vivi, I'll have to find her tomorrow and let her in on the plan. Maybe she had some more ideas.

Unsurprisingly, I ran into Danielle in the hall. She shoulder checked me as she passed " He'll never love you like he does me." her voice was harsh, speaking over her shoulder with a pinned glare. Directed at me. Ha! Did she really think I cared? Someone was a little shaken with my being here. I let out a small laugh. "What the hell is so funny?" She sneered.

The pinched look on her face, tight lipped, sent me into a fit of laughter. "You actually think I give a shit? I didn't come here on my own free will. Trust me I want nothing to do with him. This pack will never be home to me."

"Enough Danielle." Dakota's voice snapped from behind me. I hadn't even noticed when he came into the hall, but his voice sent an unwanted shiver throughout my body. Clenching my teeth, I waited for the feeling to ebb. Goddess, why are you torturing me? My silent plea was sent to the Moon Goddess above, hopefully she could hear me.

"All you'll ever be is the weak and worthless side bitch." She spat, heavily emphasizing the weak part. My hackles raised at that as I clenched my fists. Dakota instantly came between the two of us.

Narrowing my eyes "Funny, here I thought I was his mate? You're just his chosen fuck. You'll never feel the mate bond to him, I kind of feel sorry for you." I shrugged my shoulders. Danielle was fuming after I finished, guess I struck a nerve. Her eyes blazed brighter as she screamed like a fucking banshee, diving for me. Little to her knowledge, I had zero intentions of being his Mate.

Dakota caught her quickly as I laughed at her crazy outburst.

Without any further conversation I walked to my room. Not going to lie, that was entertaining. I made a mental note to stir the pot more often. Serves them right for dragging me back here.

Closing my eyes I drifted off to a not so easy sleep.

All night I tossed and turned, nightmares came in spurts. Mostly from the night I was attacked and almost killed by that Rogue wolf. The other ones though? Those reflected my fears of running from here again. Because this time, I had people I cared for. In those nightmares Dakota found me every damn time, and each time I was forced to watch him slaughter everyone. Forced to watch them take their final breaths, empty eyes begging for my help.

The fight was quickly draining from me. What if I stayed? Would they all be spared? What would I have to endure to ensure the safety of the ones I cared the most for?

'Fight' Ember growled in my head ferociously.

Ember was right though, I had no other choice than to fight. It wasn't me anymore to be pushed aside, I deserve more, and I was going to fight like hell to get it.

I yearned for a mate to love. To love me back fiercely. Someone I could bare my soul too, my dreams and fears. I know how rare second chance mates are, But maybe. A broken girl could only hope. Rolling over to my side, I sighed heavily at the time: 3:45 a.m.

I didn't need to be there till 5. Wait I never asked where! Shit! I was going to drop the ball on my first day of training already.

The sudden realization had me scrambling to my feet, and dashing into the bathroom.

My mental check list was: Shower, clothes, coffee, outside. I mean, logically it made sense that training would be held outside, at least that's what I was banking on.

Finishing my shower I walked back into the room to grab the clothes from yesterday. Except they were no longer where I left them. What the hell?

My hands stopped moving as I was drying my hair. There on the bed, again, were a fresh set of clean clothes.

'Kick ass today, I believe in you.' The note was laid atop like last time, no name. Honestly, this was just getting weird now.

Whatever, don't entirely have a choice to wear them or not. It's that or walk around completely exposed. Nope, not happening.

Throwing the clothes on, the bottoms were leggings that reached to my calves. The top was a simple black racer back tank. I twisted my Auburn hair up into a messy bun.

By the time I was finished, it was already 4:30 am. Okay, coffee and then find Noah.

Oddly enough, I didn't even have to brew my own cup. A fresh pot was already waiting to be tapped into. I was the only one in the kitchen, from here it sounded as if I was the only one awake at this time.

I couldn't pass up a fresh cup of coffee, the steam of the freshly brewed heaven wafted to me, taunting me. Caving, I rummaged through the cupboards finally finding the coffee cups. I opted for a thermos, to take outside with me.

Honestly, I didn't want to wait around to find out who the weirdo was that was doing all of this for me. Why be so hidden about it? Like I don't get it.

I guess I had to be the slightest bit of thankful, If it weren't for the unknown gift-er, I wouldn't be walking around in clean clothes. I would still be wearing the set I was dragged here in. Also I wouldn't have coffee.

Coffee was a positive.

Sipping at the beverage as I stepped outside, a crisp chill ran over my skin instantly raising my skin into annoying tiny little goose bumps.

Crunch time, Gotta find Noah.

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