Saving Kinsley

Chapter Missing Fragments

Kinsley's P.O.V

What in the actual crap is happening.

Looking down at my chest, I felt for any burns since I couldn't see a damn thing.

My skin wasn't singed, so where did it go-

Just as the thought crossed, a heated sensation gripped me. Slowly it crawled over my body, and gradually grew to a raging inferno inside of me. Collapsing to the dark ground, I panted out as my inside felt like I was being boiled.

Is this what dying feels like?

The darkness lit up around me, because of me. My veins coursed with the same fiery light. My left shoulder, above my heart, shook with pain as if a fire poker was just jabbed into it. My vision began to blur as my body shook from the shock of the intrusive foreign pain.

Next thing I knew, I was falling. I couldn't see before, but now I really could not see.

The moment my body hit the abyss, Ember broke the block down. Through our eyes, I could see us in a dark room. Everything became more clear in the matter of seconds, A cell. The scents wafting to me were damp and musty. Still a passenger in my own body 'Where are we Ember?' My brain was reeling with everything happening at once.

'Mate has locked us up.' Embers whimpers grew louder.

Goddess. Was this his plan? To keep me locked in some dungeon, for goddess knew how long. Why?

'Ember what happened? You blocked me out. Why are we here.'

Ember slid to the back of my mind, forcing me to the forefront. Instantly I shifted back to my human body. Fatigue hit me with such force I slumped into the cold cement wall. "Ugh, h-hello?" My voice came out extremely hoarse from not being used. How long was I blocked out for?

"Here, drink this." A petite, female held out a glass of what looked like water. The second my eyes landed on the liquid, my throat spasmed from unquenched thirst, dry like a desert. My limbs shook as I lifted them from my body to hold the glass.

As I gripped the glass, my hands shook involuntarily. "Open your mouth, I'll help." The small female said with a sad gaze.

Drinking in the fluid, I coughed as it coated my throat. My body soaking it up instantly. "Why am I here?" I asked as I took in deep breaths.

"Uh, you don't remember what happened?" Her eyebrows scrunched as she asked.

Meeting her questioning eyes, "No. My wolf blocked me out when I was forced to shift. "

I watched as her eyes widened, her features stretching in utter shock. Am I missing something? "What?" I asked. Not liking the silence, at all.

"Twelve full moons have passed since then." She whispered.

My jaw hit the floor, an entire year had passed. How? Was anyone looking for me? Goddess, Calum and Tate. Oh please be alive.

"How has an entire year passed? I was blocked out for minutes, maybe hours? I don't understand." The shock of reality, clear in my voice.

Her expression changed to a somber one "He forced you to shift, and you remained that way. Your wolf must have blocked you out so you didn't have to-" Her voice trailed off, hesitating. No, I didn't like this at all.

"Didn't have to what?" I choked out. A shiver of my own discomfort went up my spine.

"Endure the pain of your mate, marking and mating another." Her voice was void, but her features told another story. I couldn't tell if she was angry or sad for me. Maybe that was what I had felt before.. Had to be.

Anger flushed through me, but it was Ember's. How could I be mad, when I saw nothing? Ember was being selfless, putting my own protection above hers.

"He isn't my mate. He rejected me, and for what? To hold me as a prisoner?" I winced out as I tried to stand, falling back to where I sat before.

Her dirty blonde hair swayed as she shook her head with a sigh "I wish I had more answers for you Kinz."

My futile movements stilled at the nick name, tears brimming my eyes as I looked at her again. "Genevieve?" I said as my voice cracked. How could I not recognize her? She was the only kind soul to me when I lived in this pack. My only friend.

She gave me a small smile, and nodded her head slightly. "Goddess Vivi, what happened to you? I'm so sorry I-" My rambles cut off when she raised her hand. "Stop Kinz, I get it. You had to leave. They abused you for years, I would have done the same." She sighed before speaking again, "After you left, I took the brunt of things. Basically became the slave. I'm not mad at you Kinz, please understand that. I prayed to the moon Goddess every night to guide you to safety. I prayed you'd never return here." As she spoke, the light in her eyes dimmed. She was such a pure soul, one that deserved better than how she was treated.

I wanted to hug my old friend, but the fatigue made it hard to move. My limbs felt like heavy boulders, gravity yanking them earthbound. "We're going to get you out of here, and when we do, you run like hell. No matter what Kinz." Vivi said as she softly hugged me.

Leaning into her embrace, broke me. I started to sob as the tears streamed. "I won't leave you again Vivi, you have to come with me." I said as I stifled my tears.

A voice cleared somewhere behind Vivi, she turned slightly and nodded in his direction. I couldn't see who it was. Scenting the air, I knew it wasn't Dakota. But he smelled familiar.

The figure came into view, His brown hair styled at the top while the sides were shaved cleanly. But his eyes, a blue. I recognized this man.


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